Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 38: Consignment model


"Manager Su, long time no see."

"Hey, Boss Feng, what brought you here?" When Manager Su saw Feng Yu, he suddenly smiled. As soon as this guy brings the big boss Lao Maozi here, he will clear out most of the goods he has in stock that cannot be sold!

"I'm here in a hurry to send money to Manager Su again."

Hearing Feng Yu say this, Manager Su smiled. Sure enough, the money came, and this was a big benefactor.

"What do you want to buy this time and how much do you want to buy? Don't worry, I guarantee you the highest loss."

"I don't want to buy anything this time, but I want Manager Su to help me sell things!"

The smile on Manager Su's face disappeared instantly. Selling something? There are still a lot of products in his store that are unsold. Since individuals were allowed to open shops, some small shops have sprouted everywhere, seriously affecting the business of supply and marketing cooperatives.

Besides, what good things can Feng Yu have? The supply and marketing cooperative has nothing. Moreover, they are all old relationships that have been cooperated for many years. They give him gifts every year and festival. Can he break up with those old relationships

"Selling something? What kind of thing are you selling? Xiao Feng, our supply and marketing cooperative has whatever it wants, and there really is no counter to put other things here." Manager Su changed Feng Yu's title from Boss Feng to Xiao Feng, and his attitude changed. , it can be seen.

"Electric fan!"

"Electric fan? Then you'd better find someone else. Not to mention that there are electric fans sold in shopping malls now. Even if they weren't, there wouldn't be many people coming to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy electric fans." Manager Su refused immediately. Electric fans, not to mention that the weather is just beginning to get hot, even at the hottest time, electric fans are not easy to sell. People who are getting married only buy them as big items.

"Don't worry, Manager Su. Listen to what I have to say first. The sales model of my electric fan is different from other people's. I put the electric fan here with you at a fixed price. For every unit sold, I will give you three to five dollars." A profit of 1 yuan. If you can’t sell it, I’ll take it all away!”

Um? Don’t need money to buy goods? Just sell it here? Give us money if you sell it? If he can't sell it, he'll take it all away? This is not bad, you won’t lose money in any way, and it doesn’t take up any funds. It’s summer anyway, why not let him keep a few

"No, it's only three to five yuan. Do you think it's so easy to get in through the door of our supply and marketing cooperative? The things our supply and marketing cooperative sells are all high-quality products. Each one costs us at least ten yuan!"

Manager Su thought it through very clearly. The cheapest electric fan costs more than 100 yuan. Why is the profit still less than 30 or 40 yuan? He only needs 10 yuan. He only said this because Feng Yu did not want him to pay for the purchase. of.

"Manager Su, our electric fans are not that expensive, let alone such high profits. One of our electric fans only costs fifty or sixty yuan, and the profit is less than ten yuan. If the sales are good, we can give you five yuan. Yuan, otherwise we won’t be able to get even three yuan.”

Manager Su looked at Feng Yu in disbelief. The electric fan only costs fifty or sixty yuan? How is it possible? The cost can’t even be matched! Such a big motor, so much steel, and the switch circuit board below, how come the cost is not more than 10 yuan? The quality is very good, and the cost is more than 200 yuan. How come the cost is so low? It’s only 50 or 60 yuan. Is there a profit

"What brand is your electric fan? Could it be a defective product?" Manager Su asked alertly. In supply and marketing cooperatives, there must be no fake or shoddy goods!

"Fengyu brand is definitely not a fake product. It is the latest design and production of our motor factory. You see, it has been reported in the daily newspapers."

Feng Yu took out today's newspaper and pointed it out to Manager Su. Manager Su then remembered that he was reading the newspaper this morning and actually saw this page. He was still puzzled. He had never heard of this Fengyu brand electric fan. It turned out that it wasn't on the market yet.

"Is this from the electrical machine factory?"

"Absolutely, you can ask. If I lied to you and left this electric fan here for you, I would have given it to you for free!"

Feng Yu said half-heartedly, of course it was from the motor factory, but they were OEM and not the brand of the motor factory that Manager Su thought.

"If that's the case, give me at least five yuan for that one. The electric fan takes up so much space and takes up a warehouse. If there are too few, we won't do it!" Manager Su believed Feng Yu's words, but the profit still had to be fought for.

"Our electric fans are not big. Let's put it this way, we have two models of electric fans. The big one sells for fifty-nine yuan, and we give you four yuan for each one; the small one sells for forty-nine yuan, and we give you four yuan for each one. Three yuan. For every 100 units sold, I’ll give you an extra fifty yuan. This is already the highest price I can give. I can’t let you earn more than us, and you can’t contribute the capital!”

When Manager Su thought about it, it seemed that it was about the same. On average, one machine could make a profit of four yuan. This electric fan is so cheap, one hundred units should be sold in one summer, right? Then he can earn 400 yuan, and all the money will fall into his pocket without using any capital!

"Okay, but next time Lao Maozi comes to buy something, you still have to bring us here, and you have to let him buy more."

"No problem. Maybe he will come this month. I am also looking forward to it. Let's make a fortune together."

Feng Yu took out the prepared contract from his bag and handed it to Manager Su.

"Eh? That's not right, Boss Feng, why do you still need us to pay a deposit?"

"Manager Su, the deposit is clearly written. It is only for one month. When we settle the settlement one month later, I will return it all to you. I can't leave all the goods with you and you don't deposit a penny. If it’s broken or lost, who should I call?”

"Then you have too many. According to the original price, it is at least a hundred units. It is too expensive. It is too expensive. What is the difference between me buying it myself?"

"Of course there is a difference, and it's a big difference! How much does an electric fan cost if you buy it from someone else? If you can't sell it, will they give you a refund? I have so much goods on hand, and the risk is all It's my responsibility. No matter how much you sell, you will definitely make a profit. Do you think this is true?"

Manager Su was bypassed, and thinking about the profit of four hundred yuan, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I want one hundred units! But the deposit must be cheaper."

"Those two styles are worth 100 units each. I'll give you a deposit of 50 yuan for each one, making a total of 10,000 yuan. Is that okay?"

"Wait a minute, why isn't this the seal of the Electrical Machinery Factory? I've never heard of Taihua Company."

"This is a sales company for Fengyu brand electric fans. The boss and the director of the motor factory are...otherwise how could it be so cheap." Feng Yu continued half of the sentence. As for how Manager Su understood it, Feng Yu is not responsible!

Manager Su looked like he had suddenly realized something. No wonder it was like this, but who cares about him? It was not his turn as a manager of a supply and marketing cooperative to take care of the electrical machinery factory.

After signing the contract here, Feng Yu went to the First Department Store to lobby the manager of the mall. When the shopping mall saw that the supply and marketing cooperative had signed a contract, it also used the same conditions and ordered two hundred units each.

Then came the small department stores in each district. After seeing the contract with First Department Store, they all ordered at least 200 units.

At the end of the day, Feng Yu got a total of 1,400 orders, and starting tomorrow, Feng Yu will receive a deposit of 70,000, which is enough money to pick up the goods!

~~Thanks to Brother Da Sheng for the two rewards. On the classified new book list, the position of No. 4 is in jeopardy. If you still have recommendation votes, please vote for No. 4. If you have any comments or suggestions about this book, please leave a message in the book review area. I will read it carefully.