Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 39: Hot sales


Please bookmark and recommend. In the past few days, many people in Bingcheng have discovered a strange phenomenon. A page of Longjiang Daily now only has a few sentences every day.

Today we talked about the scorching summer and the gentle breeze blowing in. Yesterday we talked about the scorching sun in the sky and good gifts were given to each other. The day before yesterday we talked about...

But every time there is an advertisement at the bottom of the page: Fengyu brand electric fan, your good partner in summer!

For five days in a row, everyone will see this unique page every time they read the newspaper, and this page has quickly become a topic of conversation for everyone after dinner, even more than the news that the Legal Daily solved a murder case. In the past, this kind of news was The focus of everyone's talk.

When Feng Yu heard people talking about Fengyu brand electric fans on the street, he knew that his advertisement was successful. Now when asked about electric fans, these people will instinctively think of Feng Yu Pai!

On the fifth day, 20,000 electric fans had been completed by the motor factory working overtime, and 80% of the payment had been paid. However, Feng Yu did not take away all the goods, only 2,000. tower.

The people at the electrical machine factory also found it strange that even if it was 80%, they were still making money. Boss Feng paid the money but didn't take the things away. Did he want to return the goods

Factory Director Li and Director Zhao also discussed that if Feng Yu asked for a return, they would definitely not agree. And they also specifically informed Feng Yu that the balance must be settled before the end of the month, otherwise their factory will withhold all the goods!

These defective products cannot be sold, but they can still be distributed to employees to use as wages. Anyway, the capital has been earned back!

Feng Yu ignored the notice from the motor factory. He had no room in the warehouse. After shipping to various shopping malls and supply and marketing cooperatives, there were still 600 units left in the warehouse. If all 20,000 units were proposed, his warehouse would have to be expanded at least ten times. There is a free warehouse from the motor factory, so don’t use it for free!

On the sixth day, a real advertisement finally appeared in the newspaper. A picture, a picture of a table fan, with the words in big red letters: Fengyu brand table fan, a shocking price of 59 yuan!

In the evening, Feng Yu was in the warehouse, holding a meeting with people from the company.

"How are your statistics today? Which mall is selling well and which one is not selling well? Are there any malls that deliberately don't display our electric fans? Have they adjusted their prices?"

The most feared thing about this consignment sales model is that the agents will do something wrong. Either they deliberately say that the product is not easy to sell, so that you can give them a bigger discount; or they raise the price because your product sells too well; or they use your product as a foil to promote similar products with higher profits.

Feng Yu wrote these terms clearly in the contract. Once he breaks the contract, not only will he not be paid a dime of the agreed agency fee, but the deposit will not be refunded, and the other party will also compensate him at least 10,000 yuan.

Feng Yu originally thought they would say that someone had breached the contract, or that all of them had breached the contract. In these days, one public unit is more inferior than the other, and there is a blind sense of superiority. Which private company dares to sue a public unit

But things were not quite what Feng Yu thought. No one broke the contract, but the electric fans couldn't be sold at all!

"Mr. Feng, the supply and marketing cooperative sold three units today. I can clearly see that the supply and marketing cooperative is working hard to sell it, but no one buys it at all!"

"The same goes for the First Department Store. It is placed in a very conspicuous position on the electronics counter. Not many people can buy it. Only five units were sold today."

"Yours is pretty good. Power Department Store only has one."

"You are still open for business, and Taiping Department Store has not sold a single unit!"

"Mr. Feng, did these electric fans fall into your hands?"

Everyone was chattering away. Feng Yu listened carefully and nodded. They all investigated carefully and no one was lazy.

"Mr. Feng, this electric fan can't be sold at all. What should we do?"

Feng Yu smiled: "Wait, you will see the result in three days! You will do this tomorrow..."

On the seventh day, the last advertisement in the daily newspaper. This time it published a 49 electric fan, and it was accompanied by two pictures. One was a picture of the electric fan clamped on the table, and the other was a picture of a truck coming out of the motor factory. .

In the afternoon, Manager Su from the supply and marketing cooperative frowned. This electric fan was not as easy to sell as he thought. The price was more than half cheaper, but it was not well-known. Didn't Feng Yu say it was advertising? Just two pictures and a few sentences in a newspaper. Is this called an advertisement

"Hello, what do you want to buy?"

"Do you have a Fengyu brand electric fan?"

"Yes, there are two styles in total. Each style has multiple colors. Which one do you want?" the salesperson said listlessly.

"The one in this newspaper is really 49 yuan?"

The salesperson looked at the newspaper and pulled out an electric fan with the same color and style from under the counter, "Yes, 49 yuan."

"Okay, I want one, no, two, and I want to buy one for my father-in-law."

"Okay, what color do you want?" The salesperson was happy, but Manager Su said that if she sells one of these electric fans, she will get a one-dollar commission!

"Whatever, hurry up, change!" Ten large photos were taken together on the counter. The salesperson quickly collected the change and handed two electric fan boxes to the customer.

"No, why is the box so small? The fan blades can't even fit in!" The customer looked at the salesperson suspiciously, as if the salesperson was deceiving him.

"Look, this fan blade is separate. When you get home, you can open it yourself and tighten the screws. Even children can do this kind of work."

"Hey, it's quite interesting. I can just take it back as a toy for my son."

Manager Su finally smiled when he saw a man buying two units at once. But he was curious, why did this person buy two

He thought of something and quickly flipped through today's Longjiang Daily. There was a photo of him coming out of the electrical machine factory. It turns out that everyone knows that it is a product of an electric motor factory, so they feel relieved about the quality.

Manager Su didn't know that there was more to it.

Feng Yu asked the people in the company to spread the news in crowded places today. Let everyone believe that this Fengyu brand electric fan is produced by the motor factory.

What happened to the plastic ones? Just as strong as plastic! And it's just for blowing air, the plastic one is no less windy than the iron one. Besides, how much do those electric fans cost, and how much does this one cost? For the price of one unit in the past, you can now buy several units!

And there’s another advantage, it’s made of plastic and doesn’t rust! The color is nice and can be wiped clean with a rag dipped in water. Also, this little thing is easy to put away when not in use in winter, unlike the big one that takes up a lot of space.

Another advantage is that it is safe. If you put your finger in it, it will only hurt a bit and there will be no injury at all!

It's been in the newspaper for a week, how can this be considered a low-quality product? Besides, can a motor factory produce inferior products? Listen, the boy from Lao Wu's family in the community bought one for Lao Wu. Lao Wu showed it off to us for more than an hour yesterday, and he is currently enjoying it at home!

After such instigation, some people were tempted and went to shopping malls or supply and marketing cooperatives to ask, is this electric fan really so cheap? After seeing the samples, some people bought them on the spot, and some people decided to buy them tomorrow after thinking about them at home.

That afternoon, more than 100 electric fans were sold in major shopping malls and supply and marketing cooperatives in the city, of which only three were from other brands, and the rest were all Fengyu brand!

I had no choice but to read the newspaper for a week. When everyone mentioned electric fans, for some reason, the first thing I thought of was the Fengyu brand. I didn’t want to buy the Fengyu brand at first, but I changed my mind temporarily.

Fengyu brand electric fan is popular!
