Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 48: Imported used luxury cars


The next day, the stunned old guys came to Taihua Company and watched Kirilenko and Feng Yu sign a trade agreement. The above are some rights and responsibilities of both parties. For example, the Soviet side is responsible for the round-trip transportation from Moscow to Ice City, the delivery and collection time of both parties, etc., but there is no mention at all about the purchased goods.

"Brother Ji, what do you want this time?"

"Do you have any recommendations?" Kirilenko asked casually.

Feng Yu snapped his fingers, and Wu Zhigang placed two electric fans on the table.

"Everyone, please take a look. This is the Fengyu brand electric fan that is currently popular in China. It is safe, lightweight, beautiful and economical. I have specially reserved some for you."

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw that the electric fan can be clamped on the table, chair, cabinet or any other place that can be clamped. When these old men saw that Feng Yu's fingers reached into the fan blades but were not injured at all, they even screamed in surprise.

As Feng Yu guessed, their country does not have electric fans, but they are the same as those popular in China last year. All-metal electric fans are expensive, bulky, noisy, and poor safety.

Fourteen to fifteen rubles per unit? It's so cheap! Kirilenko decided at that time that he wanted 20,000 units first! If they didn't have enough money, they would really want to ask for more.

For the rest, they mainly asked for food, such as ham sausages, cans, candies, Jianlibao, etc. The rest were all textiles.

The Soviet Union leads the world in heavy industry, but its light industry has now been distanced by China.

In the end, Feng Yu calculated the price and only increased the price of the goods he received from those sales representatives by 5%. Including the electric fan, it cost nearly 600,000 rubles. These people simply did not have enough money.

But Feng Yu waved his hand. Isn’t it just a difference of 100,000 rubles? I believe you. If you have enough trucks, I can send you an extra batch of goods!

And this trade doesn’t even require that much money. You can ship it to me at the same time, and we can barter!


They looked at each other.

In their minds, they should have paid and Feng Yu would load the truck and deliver it. Then they received it and loaded the truck with the goods Feng Yu wanted. At the same time, Feng Yu had to pay them by phone.

Now Feng Yu means to deliver the goods directly, and the difference in price will be directly mortgaged with the goods. But they are responsible for the logistics. If Feng Yu pays for the one-way trip, isn't he afraid that they will do something wrong

Others, Feng Yu, didn't quite believe it, but Kirilenko and Feng Yu still believed it. As long as Kirilenko wants to make more money, he can't get rid of Feng Yu, a good partner.

Sure enough, Kirilenko agreed on their behalf. With their capabilities, in the Soviet Union, they could definitely take delivery of the goods at a price of 20% to 30% and pay the balance after two or three months. Immediately they started researching again and wanted some more goods.

When they collected one million rubles of goods, Kirilenko asked Feng Yu, what do you want

"Second-hand cars, second-hand cars made in Europe, as long as the performance of the vehicle is good and the price is reasonable, I want as much as I want!"

In this day and age, the tariffs on imported cars are very heavy, but the tariffs on second-hand cars are the same as on ordinary goods, which is very low. In China, there are many people who like imported cars but cannot afford them. They can only settle for the next best thing and buy some domestically produced cars.

Feng Yu remembered that there was a legendary rich woman in Shanghai. She was the first person in China to import second-hand luxury cars. In less than ten years, she made hundreds of millions of net profits. Of course, she used some small tricks, which Feng Yu was prepared to use.

It would take a long time to ship by sea over there, but Feng Yu would use railway here, which is close and has fast transportation. Feng Yu is confident that he can quickly occupy the Northeast market and gradually expand to the entire north.

Kirilenko and the others had complicated expressions on their faces. They had thought that Feng Yu would want a lot of things, and with their family backgrounds, even some contraband could be obtained. But unexpectedly, Feng Yu wanted a second-hand car.

They don't have the resources at all to do this, so it would be very troublesome to do it in large quantities. It's a pity that the bull has been blown out and they can't slap themselves in the face.

"Feng, we can get used cars, but the quantity won't be large." Kirilenko said awkwardly.

Feng Yu raised his eyebrows: "It doesn't matter, just pick a luxury car. Whether it's a Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volga, or a sports car like Ferrari or Lamborghini, I only want expensive ones!"

If Kirilenko gets some Ladas or something like that, where will there be any profit

European countries have lower tariffs with each other. The price of a similar BMW in the Soviet Union and China can be more than doubled. Feng Yu transported second-hand luxury cars from the Soviet Union. They were overhauled and refurbished here and doubled for takeout. There is no need to worry about sales!

"Feng, besides these, don't you want something else? Many of the machines in our country are good, don't you need them?"

Feng Yu held his chin and thought for a while: "Then just some spare parts. For example, spare parts for farm tools, tractor spare parts, etc. I am still doing market research here and will notify you when needed."

"No problem, we can easily get these things." Kirilenko and the others breathed a sigh of relief. With their access, they can get as many of these things as they want.

This time they had half a million rubles and wanted goods worth one million rubles, but Feng Yu had one million rubles and wanted goods worth 1.5 million rubles.

Feng Yu's method of bartering allows both parties to purchase more goods each time. The currencies held by both parties can be used in their own countries, which saves a lot of trouble. There are only accounts on the books, no money required!

After the negotiation, Feng Yu asked curiously: "How do you pay taxes every time you transport so many goods back?"

Every time Kirilenko bought a lot of miscellaneous things, but they were piled together. Feng Yu was very curious about how he passed customs and paid taxes.

Kirilenko blinked: "Those goods are military supplies, we don't need to pay taxes!"

Damn, these people are thicker-skinned than he thought. In the name of military supplies, he put a lot of money into his pocket.

But they can do it, what should Feng Yu do? The name of his company is a private enterprise and must pay taxes. Although the tariffs on used cars are much cheaper than new cars, they are still very expensive. Feng Yu inquired about those metal spare parts, and the tax rate is not low. How can they reasonably avoid tax

Feng Yu thought of this issue when he thought about doing business in second-hand luxury cars. I also discussed with a lawyer that I can import under other names. Although I still have to pay tax, the amount I pay will be more than 90% less, and it is reasonable and legal.

Imported cars have to pay taxes, but what about imported parts? What about imported scrap iron? As long as the four wheels and seats are removed from each car, it will be completely turned into scrap metal! Tires, seats, etc. become imported parts and can be reassembled into a car in China.

The original tax rate of 50% or 60% will be reduced to less than 20%. This is a loophole.

As long as he can do it three or five times, the one million rubles in Feng Yu's hands can turn into millions, or even tens of millions! At that time, he was considered a top figure in China's financial market!

PS1: This story is not fabricated, it is absolutely true! ! PS2: Today is the third update. Do you have any recommendation votes? Let’s move up the new book list, shall we
