Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 60: Take the opportunity to stir up trouble


Feng Yu told everyone not to go out and run around recently, and try to stay at the company or go home if nothing happens. These people all live in the family building of the electrical machine factory. Give Mr. Song 40 courages, and they don’t dare to go to the family building of the electrical machine factory to cause trouble. There is a factory security office there, and there are hundreds of idle young men. , one by one, even if they fight, they are willing to risk their lives. Moreover, military products were produced there, and Song Laosi did not dare to stroke the tiger's beard.

Feng Yu also returned to live in a house in the city center to prevent Song Xiaofeng from turning into a mad dog and seeking revenge. He believed that within a few days, it would be time for Wang Laizi to take action.

When the time comes, he will find a way to make this matter bigger in the newspapers, so that the higher authorities have to pay attention to it, and see how many days these people can stay around.

After Wang Laizi took away the toad, he was still upset. After waiting for a day, Song Laosi didn't send anyone to deliver the message. What do you mean, you want to just let it go

In fact, Song Laosi didn't know about this at all, Song Xiaofeng kept it a secret. Toad has been following Song Xiaofeng. Song Xiaofeng didn't say anything, but Song Laosi didn't bother to care.

Song Laosi is not a low-key person. Last year, he built a large villa of more than 1,000 square meters in Jiangbei. The construction cost alone exceeded 5 million. There are dance halls, bars, chess and card rooms, saunas, gyms, etc. It is very luxurious. Including decoration, etc., in this year and age, it is simply astronomical.

Song Laosi was playing mahjong with his friends today. Several bosses from other cities in the north were enjoying the game when they saw someone pushing open the door and coming in.

Song Laosi raised his head and glanced. He was the only nephew who dared to come in without saying a word.

"Xiaofeng, come here, I've met some of your uncles." Song Laosi waved to Song Xiaofeng.

Song Xiaofeng came over to say hello obediently, and then stood behind Song Laosi. Song Laosi knew at a glance that his nephew had something to say.

"Guangzheng, come here and play for me while I go to the toilet."

Sitting on Song Laosi's seat and continuing to play with the others, Song Laosi took Song Xiaofeng out of the chess and card room.

"Xiaofeng, what's wrong? You should be happy that so many uncles came to see me today."

Song Laosi was very proud. These people came here just to admit that he was the boss of Longjiang. He would soon secure this position. After a while, whoever dared to refuse to accept it would be like a lame king or a brother!

"Uncle Fourth, someone broke Toad's legs today."

"Toad? Is that the boy who has been following you? Who did it?" Song Laosi's expression changed. When beating a dog, it depends on the owner. Breaking the legs of a toad, no matter who is right or wrong, is not giving him Song Laosi face!

Those who don't give face must be severely punished, otherwise there is no guarantee that anyone will dare to stroke the tiger's beard in the future!

"It's Wang Laizi."

"Wang Laizi?" Song Laosi lit a cigarette. This Wang Laizi was also a very ruthless person. Moreover, the two of them had agreed at their last meeting that in the future, they would not interfere with the river, and Wang Laizi would not come to compete with him for the boss. Wang Laizi How to break the toad's legs

Song Xiaofeng exaggerated and said that the toad just came to Wang Zizi's territory to help him buy a car, but Wang Zizi thought that Song Laosi had crossed the line and broke his legs indiscriminately. Toad told him that it was a misunderstanding and that he was from Fourth Master Song, but Wang Laizi didn't care at all.

Song Laosi narrowed his eyes and put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray: "So Wang Laizi wants to start a war? Huh, he must know that these people came to visit me today and regard me as their boss, and he is unhappy. ”

The timing was also very coincidental, and Song Laosi had to be misunderstood.

In fact, Wang Laizi did know that these people came to visit Song Laosi, but he didn't care. Wang Laizi's main industries are in Bingcheng. Other cities cannot reach out, and he has no intention of reaching out.

Unlike Song Laosi, who is engaged in demolition and construction and wants to gradually expand to the whole province, even to Lin Province, he needs a resounding name. Longjiang Boss is the most resounding name.

Song Laosi knew that Wang Laizi had always been dissatisfied with him. Although his power is larger, he does not have an overwhelming advantage. Officially, of course he is stronger, but this matter cannot be allowed to be dealt with officially. Otherwise, if word spreads, how can anyone obey him

I just had a good deal with Brother Ke, and I thought Boss Longjiang would sit down quietly, but I didn't expect that Wang Laizi would start causing trouble again. Especially when other city bosses come, isn't this giving Song Laosi eye drops

If the other city bosses knew that Song Laosi could not dominate the world with one hand in Bingcheng, why would they still recognize him as the boss of Longjiang

He calls himself Bingcheng Huanghuangrong and Du Yuesheng, and he wants to be feared and convinced by others, and even get an official position in the end.

But now Wang Laizi actually came to slap him in the face. He couldn't let this matter go. He had to let Wang Laizi give him an explanation!

"I know about this. You should go back first. I won't let the toad matter go by this way. Fourth uncle will give it to you in this tone."

Song Xiaofeng was overjoyed: "Thank you, Fourth Uncle."

"Okay, how about thanking me to my fourth uncle? I'll have a nice drink with your uncles later, and you'll be able to talk when I ask them for help."

That night, after Song Xiaofeng got drunk, he ordered a few of his younger brothers to destroy Taihua Company. He didn't dare to interfere in the matter between his fourth uncle and Wang Laizi, but a small trading company was a good place to vent his anger.

"What? Got smashed? Don't worry, let's divide our troops into three groups. Brother Li, go call the police. Didn't the police station deal with it? If something goes wrong, they have to come out. I don't ask them to catch the person who smashed them, but We must ensure that our place will never be smashed in the future. We can sponsor them with more money and materials, and they must really contribute without being vague.

He asked Wu Zhigang to go to Director Li of the Electrical Machinery Factory and tell him that the future cooperation with the Electrical Machinery Factory would be ruined because our company was ruined and he would not work in the future. The electrical machine factory still has some say in the city. If the city leaders can pay attention to it, Song Laosi will not dare to be too presumptuous.

Ask Sun Liang to come to my house to find me, and I will go with him to find Wang Laizi, who will deal with Song Laosi. Let’s take a three-pronged approach to see if Song Laosi can cover the sky with one hand! By the way, we need to decorate the warehouse. Throw those empty bottles on the ground and smash them. No matter how miserable it is, it will be miserable. "

Feng Yu took Sun Liang to seven or eight places before finding Wang Laizi in a bathing center. At this point, Wang Laizi just got up.

"Master Guai, I'm here today to ask for help from Master Guai." Feng Yu looked sad.

Wang Zizi thought for a long time before he remembered who it was, "You are the Xiao Feng who runs a company in the warehouse, right? What's wrong, someone really came to your company to cause trouble?"

Wang Laizi was a little surprised. He was just ordered to go down yesterday and keep a low profile recently and don't make trouble. Who is not open-minded

"Master Guai, I have prepared a red envelope of 100,000 yuan for you. Please help me and say hello to Mr. Song. That Brother Toad was really not our fault. There is no reason to destroy our company."

"What are you talking about? That little bastard Song Xiaofeng led his people to destroy your company?" Wang Laizi paused while smoking. This Song Xiaofeng didn't come to apologize, but he dared to go to his property and destroy the store. This is all about breaking up. !

"No, it was so bad. All the goods in the warehouse were smashed. Master Guai, I can't continue my business." Feng Yu said as he put a bag on the table and pushed it to Wang Lame, inside is the 100,000 yuan he just withdrawn.

Wang Laizi pushed the money back. If he took all the money, he would not have broken the rules he had set. How would the brothers view him in the future

"Take this money back, and I will give you an explanation for Song Xiaofeng's matter!"

PS: Whether you regard this plot as a true story or a story, don’t forget to give a recommendation vote after reading it.
