Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 64: The war has begun


Wang Laizi asked Feng Yu to go back first. He would investigate thoroughly and give Feng Yu an explanation. He couldn't just rely on Feng Yu's words, this matter needed to be investigated.

He asked people to call the spectators at the Autumn Song and Dance Hall, and it turned out that things were exactly as Feng Yu said. As soon as Feng Yu and his friends entered, they were beaten by Song Xiaofeng, and Song Xiaofeng did ask Feng Yu to pay one million in compensation. The excuse was that Toad was injured in Feng Yu's company.

As for the injury of Feng Yu's friend, there is no need to investigate at all. He must have been seriously injured after being kicked by four people for five minutes. Moreover, Song Xiaofeng did not pay compensation for the things he broke that night. The girl he took away was the one who liked the show first, so when he said it, he also added some spice to it.

For example, Feng Yu had already mentioned the title of Master Guai, but Song Xiaofeng still ignored him and instead let his men beat him even harder and so on.

Wang Laizi really couldn't bear it this time. Even Song Xiaofeng dared to be arrogant and domineering in his place. This shows how much Song Laosi has grown into now. If he still chooses to endure it, in less than a year, Bingcheng will no longer be known as the kidnapper!

"Trash! What did I tell you? In our venue, there must be no fights or troubles. If there are fights every day, who will come to play in the future? Where are we going to make money? If we don't have money, what will you eat and what will you spend?" Wang Laizi scolded Looking at the little brother watching the scene.

The younger brother was also very discerning and asked tentatively: "What do you mean, Mr. Guai, we have to hold Song Xiaofeng responsible for this matter?"

"Nonsense! Just smash him up in my place, but you won't give me face. Go and bring him over, and let Song Laosi come and pick him up in person!"

Feng Yu spent the whole night taking care of Wu Zhigang in the hospital. According to Wu Zhigang's wishes, his family would not be notified for the time being.

And early the next morning, Feng Yu, who was guarding the hospital, saw a familiar face appearing in front of him. It was the person next to Wang Laizi.

"Mr. Feng, I'm here to see my injured friend on behalf of Mr. Guai. By the way, I want to inform you that Song Xiaofeng has been captured by Mr. Gai. He is waiting for Mr. Song to come and collect him."

This young man glanced at the sick Wu Zhigang and saw that Wu Zhigang's whole body was wrapped in bandages. He thought that Song Xiaofeng and his gang were very cruel. But he didn't know that Feng Yu asked the hospital to do this. In fact, there was no need to do this.

But Feng Yu gave him a lot of money and kept saying that the bandaging was meticulous and that it would be done quickly. The doctor was not happy to receive a red envelope and prescribe more bandages. He hoped that the more brain-dead patients like this, the better.

"Thank you, Mr. Guai, for me. Let me use this little money to drink."

After seeing off Wang Laizi's men, Feng Yu quickly came back and woke up Wu Zhigang, who was pretending to be unconscious. He took out two electric fans under the bed and started blowing on Wu Zhigang. It's such a hot summer, and it's so densely packed, it's still not possible to get prickly heat.

"Mr. Feng, please go back, I'm fine."

Not only did Feng Yu personally take care of him for the night, but he also asked for a single room with a bathroom. This was a treatment only a leader could have. For this, Feng Yu spent a lot of money.

"I'd better stay and take care of you. It's difficult for you to go to the toilet like this." Feng Yu glanced at the mummy-like Wu Zhigang.

"You've got the injection. Turn around and expose your buttocks. After the muscle injection, just hang up the sling bottle twice. Are you his brother? If you don't understand, don't interfere with the doctor's treatment. It's obviously nothing serious, and you're still wearing bandages all over your body. Fans, if you have money to burn them."

The little nurse came in, getting medicines and criticizing at the same time. Feng Yu suddenly saw Wu Zhigang's eyes brightening and he was twisting his body to expose his butt.

Feng Yu shook his head and finally understood why Wu Zhigang wanted him to leave.

After the muscle injection was completed and the hanging bottle was hung up, Feng Yu approached the nurse and said, "Sister, my brother would like you to take care of her for the next two days."

"Our hospital treats all patients the same, there is no special care."

Feng Yu whispered: "Let me tell you the truth, this buddy of mine is here just for you. I don't know if he is not that serious? Should you cover him up so tightly in the summer? Isn't it just to stay in the hospital for a few more days so that he can Stay with you for a while."

The little nurse's face turned red. She glanced at Wu Zhigang secretly and said that this person was a fool. It turned out that he liked her. I can afford to live in a single ward, with two fans blowing at a time. I heard that I drove here, so the conditions at home must be very good. I heard from other nurses that he looks good, about 1.8 meters tall.

Feng Yu took out another few hundred yuan and stuffed it into the little nurse's hand.

"What do you mean?" The little nurse was unhappy.

"It's nothing, just in case my brother wants to eat something, I want you to help me."

Feng Yu returned to the ward and smiled ambiguously at Wu Zhigang: "Okay, let me find out clearly. This little nurse is single and will work the day shift this week. I asked her to take good care of you. Can you catch up? It depends on your own efforts. I'll go back and see you again in the evening."

Song Xiaofeng was kidnapped by Wang Laizi. Wang Laizi also asked someone to bring him there and asked Song Laosi to pick him up in person. This made Song Laosi very surprised. He wanted to find someone to ask questions, but found that Song Xiaofeng and several of his followers were caught by Wang Laizi.

I already gave him 100,000 yuan last time, but Wang Laizi took it all and still refused to give up. What is he going to do? Song Laosi is also angry. He is just a nephew now, and his nephew is his enemy. He will never forgive anyone who dares to touch him!

He called dozens of his men to sit in his Mercedes-Benz and went to find Wang Laizi to talk.

Wang Laizi knew that Song Laosi was coming and had already prepared for it. In the Autumn Song and Dance Hall, there were more than thirty people sitting inside, with steel pipes, machetes, shotguns, and short blunderbuss all ready. If Song Laosi wants to be tough, then let's see whose fate is tougher!

Several vans parked at the door, and dozens of people got out of them. On this hot day, everyone was wearing long-sleeved clothes with bulging bags inside.

Then a Mercedes-Benz drove up, the passenger door opened, and Song Laosi's leader, Li Guangzheng, came out, opened the back door, and held up a parasol. Song Laosi got out of the car and looked at the brothers around him. He was very satisfied.

What can you do if you come to Wang Laizi's territory? I have brought so many brothers with me. If you don't let them go today, then your Autumn Dance Hall will be bloodbathed!

At Li Guangzheng's signal, some younger brothers entered the song and dance hall first, and then Song Laosi slowly walked in accompanied by Li Guangzheng.

Wang Laizi was sitting at a table in the middle of the ballroom, drinking cold beer comfortably. Seeing Mr. Song come in, he raised his head and sneered: "Song, you are so arrogant. I have invited you several times and you are finally willing to show up?"

Song Laosi sat down across from Wang Laizi in a dignified manner, took the beer on the table and took a sip, "Wang Laizi, you arrested my nephew just because I didn't come. You have to do this to me." An explanation!"

Hearing Song Laosi's name, Wang Laizi slammed the beer bottle on the table: "Shall I give you an explanation? Your nephew has made trouble in my dance hall many times, and I still want you to give me an explanation!" ~ ~Tomorrow, at the request of Zhizunbao, the fourth update will be released. Lao Si is working hard. I just ask everyone to click on the collection recommendation to help Lao Si rush to the new book list on the homepage!