Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 67: Change history?


After being locked up in his fourth uncle's villa for a few more days, Song Xiaofeng couldn't hold it any longer. But the fourth uncle said that he needed to recover from his injuries, and Li Guangzheng was also injured and had just had a tough battle with Wang Laizi. It was very dangerous outside recently.

Song Xiaofeng felt that his fourth uncle was right at first, but after two days, he found that nothing happened. Wang Zizi did not take advantage of Li Guangzheng's injury to trouble his fourth uncle, nor did his fourth uncle seek revenge on Wang Zizi in the past few days.

He thought things were the same as before, that the two parties had reached an agreement, took a step back from each other, and maintained the status quo in Bingcheng.

After all, the two sides fought fiercely in the past two days, and I heard that the provincial government has paid attention to it. But who allowed the fourth uncle to have a relationship with the director, just saying it was a fight. It didn't affect other citizens, and no one came to complain, so the matter was settled.

The police are paying attention, and according to past routines, they will naturally have to stay quiet for a while. Song Xiaofeng had been holding it in for several days, and while his fourth uncle was out today, he decided to sneak out to hunt for Yan.

The little brother who "taken care of" him had to go out with him under his threat, which at least ensured that Young Master Song was thorough.

The younger brother drove Mr. Song to the city in his Land Rover. Song Laosi's villa is in Jiangbei, while Jiangnan is the city center. On the way, Song Xiaofeng began to think, he must find a hotter girl today, he will score three times today!

But what neither he nor the driver noticed was that not long after they left the villa, a jeep followed them. From Jiangbei to Jiangnan.

Arriving at a dance hall not owned by Wang Laizi, Song Xiaofeng sat on the sofa in the corner as usual. There are only two or three doormen in this dance hall. Although they are also members of Wang Laizi, he does not believe that these two or three people dare to touch him.

Soon he found a girl, a hot social butterfly. This social butterfly was in her early twenties and was wearing a cheongsam. Song Xiaofeng only took one look at her and felt herself hard.

The younger brother went over and said that Mr. Song was interested in her, so the social butterfly was brought over. Song Xiaofeng didn't even play in the ballroom for a while this time. He just dragged the socialite into the car and asked the driver to drive to the hotel.

While they were still in the car, Song Xiaofeng moved his hands up and down. Seeing that they were almost reaching the hotel, when the Land Rover passed the last intersection, a large car carrying garbage suddenly rushed past.


The Land Rover was hit in the middle and hit an iron fence on the side of the road. The dump truck continued its momentum and hit the Land Rover again. While Song Xiaofeng and the others were still confused in the car, the garbage truck turned in one direction and dumped a load of garbage directly onto the Land Rover, burying the entire Land Rover.

The driver of the garbage truck quickly jumped out of the car and ran away into a dark alley. On the other side of the alley, his brothers were waiting for him.

Song Xiaofeng felt pain all over his body. Just when he was about to scold the driver, he felt that it suddenly became dark outside and no light could be seen at all.

What's going on? Why is it suddenly dark outside

It wasn't until dirt poured into the car through the half-open window that Song Xiaofeng realized that his car had been buried!

Someone wants to bury him alive!

Song Xiaofeng almost peed with fear. This was Ice City. Who dared to attack him? Could it be Wang Laizi? Is he really going to fight to the death with his fourth uncle? He desperately scraped the soil with his hands, he wanted to get out, he wanted to live!

Song Laosi had a drink with his friends and planned to go home. When passing an intersection, I saw what seemed to be a car accident ahead.

Just when he was about to tell the driver to take a detour, the driver suddenly shouted: "Fourth Master, that seems to be Young Master Song's car!"

Song Laosi was shocked, was it Xiaofeng's car

The Land Rover that Song Xiaofeng is currently riding in is especially fiery red. It is said that it is the only one in Bingcheng. The front of the car is half exposed, and the driver can recognize it at a glance.

"Stop the car and go down and take a look!"

The driver got out of the car, ran over, and started picking up the dirt with his hands. Song Laosi and another follower also got out of the car and helped to dig up the soil.

Although there was a carload of dirt, it was not too thick when it was dumped on the Land Rover. In less than a minute, the driver touched a hand that was still moving.

There was a sapphire ring on his finger, and the driver recognized it as the ring that Mr. Song wore every day.

The three of them worked together to dig out Song Xiaofeng's head. At this time, Song Xiaofeng was already confused.

When they dug open the car door and carried Song Xiaofeng out, Song Xiaofeng had fallen into a coma. Even more unfortunate than Song Xiaofeng were the driver and the socialite, both of whom had been suffocated to death!

Yangbaozi drove away with the third child, and the third child hit Song Xiaofeng's car three times and poured dirt on it. In just ten minutes, Song Xiaofeng would be dead.

And this car was stolen, and no matter how much I checked, I couldn't find it in the possession of his foreign brother. Even Song Laosi might think it was an accident. Wang Laizi easily made half a million yuan without even leaving Bingcheng. This business was such a bargain.

Thanks to Lao Wu who came up with this great idea, he was able to kill Song Xiaofeng without having to carry the reputation of killing people. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

He called Wang Laizi and told him that the matter was settled and asked Wang Laizi to send someone to take a look. This was also a shock to Wang Laizi. If Wang Laizi wanted to turn against them and sell them to Song Laosi, he would have to think carefully about it. They could kill Song Xiaofeng silently, and they could also kill Wang Laizi!

The news Feng Yu received was that Song Xiaofeng had a car accident and was lying in the hospital in a deep coma.

Feng Yu kept praying that it would be best never to wake up, or simply die without being able to breathe. He felt very sorry. Why was there a car accident, the driver and the socialite died, but Song Xiaofeng was still alive

Later, after asking around, I found out that there were several reasons why Song Xiaofeng was not dead.

First, the Land Rover was hit, but because Feng Yu kept this Land Rover for himself, it was very well maintained and even slightly modified to make it very strong. If it were the Mercedes-Benz that Song Xiaofeng rode in before, I'm afraid it would have been a cakewalk long ago.

Second, when Song Xiaofeng was hit, he was burying his head in the social butterfly's chest. I have to say that the social butterfly's figure is very hot, especially the pair of big white rabbits, which are ready to come out. It is these pair of white rabbits that prevented Song Xiaofeng's head from being too shocked.

Third, after the car was buried, Song Xiaofeng was still very conscious and was digging dirt along the window. But Song Laosi happened to be passing by and dug out Song Xiaofeng in time, preventing him from suffocating to death. But it was also because he blocked the only opening that the driver and the courtesan were suffocated.

When Feng Yu learned that Song Xiaofeng's survival was related to the safety of the Land Rover, he felt like crying. I wish I had known that this Land Rover wouldn't be so strong and would fall apart upon impact.

He remembered that all of Song Laosi's family members were killed in history, but now Song Xiaofeng was not shot, but was in a car accident. Song Xiaofeng wasn't dead either, just comatose.

It seems... history has been changed? !

PS: This is the first update. There are four updates today. The second update is at 9 am, the third update is at 3 pm, and the fourth update is at 8 pm. Dear brothers, this week we will be on the new book list on the home page. Please vote for recommendations and click on comments. The fourth child is going to explode on the list above. Let’s work together! ! !

PS2: The stories in this book are all fabricated, please do not take them literally.