Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 70: Rich face


On the first day of military training, after the mobilization meeting, Feng Yu handed in his sick leave note. In his opinion, instead of learning how to turn left or right here, he might as well play basketball for a while.

But the instructor is not that easy to fool, you can't do military training? It doesn't matter, just help the classmates look after the kettle and other things here. Want to go home and rest? no way!

On the other hand, that boy Wen Dongjun was playing the red and white machine at home. He was sick, so Feng Yu sent him a note on his behalf, and he didn't show up on campus at all today.

Liu Kun and Feng Yu were sitting together chatting, but he was not allowed to leave. Feng Yu's mentality didn't have much in common with a top student like Liu Kun. After chatting for a while, the two ran out of things to say.

Moreover, hundreds of freshmen in other military training were looking at them intentionally or unintentionally, making them always feel uncomfortable. What makes Feng Yu even more depressed is that the military training instructors are not too strict and always let everyone take a rest. Others can play basketball for a while, but they can't go if they want to.

"Humph, in this kind of venue, the cement is cracked and the basketball stand is a little crooked. What's so fun about it?" Feng Yu said sourly.

"I guess we are just unlucky. We have graduated from elementary school, and a new building has been built in the elementary school. We have graduated from junior high school, and a new building has been built in the junior high school, and all the sports facilities have been renovated. If we want to use a new basketball court, I think we have to wait until our high school Graduation!" Liu Kun said depressedly.

If it was a previous life, it was exactly what Liu Kun said. It seemed that Bingcheng’s education funding was just like theirs this time. But things are different now. Feng Yu is a rich man, so why can’t he get a new basketball court

That afternoon, a distinguished guest came to the office of the vice principal of No. 3 Middle School.

"Xiao Li, no, I should call you Boss Li. Is what you just said on the phone true?" the vice-principal asked expectantly.

"Principal Sun, can I lie to you about this kind of thing? I really plan to donate and build a new basketball court for the school, renovate the original site, replace the basketball hoops with new ones, and I have started to contact the engineering team." Li Shiqiang He sat down and said.

At noon today, he received a call from Feng Yu, saying that he wanted to renovate the basketball court of No. 3 Middle School, and that money was not an issue. He knows that money is not an issue, but the reason for your donation can be to give back to your alma mater, or to support education, but it cannot be because you like playing basketball!

Li Shiqiang inquired about it and found that the basketball court in No. 3 Middle School, from demolition to new construction, including the basketball stand and building materials, plus the engineering team's money, cost almost 100,000 yuan. This brother-in-law, in one sentence, spent 100,000 yuan like this. But Feng Yu earned all the money, so just spend it.

Vice-Principal Sun kept saying thank you and told Li Shiqiang that he would notify the class teacher to take care of the three students he handed the note to, and it would be absolutely no problem to get into college in the future.

There is just one thing that makes Vice Principal Sun a little regretful. Has the engineering team been contacted? It would be nice if there was no contact...

In the evening, Li Shiqiang went back and told Feng Yu that he had negotiated with Vice President Sun and that construction would start next week, with a total price of about 100,000 yuan.

so cheap

"Brother Li, how did you calculate that one hundred thousand yuan is enough?"

"One hundred thousand yuan is still cheap? I still think it's expensive! Just cut off a layer of cement, build a new asphalt cement floor, replace the basketball hoop with a new one, and sell the old one..."

"Wait a minute, Brother Li, why should we sell the old one? Isn't it enough to give it to the school? We still need this little money? Also, the basketball stand needs to be the best outdoor one, and if necessary, donate some basketballs to the school. Football and everything else have to be the best. By the way, the volleyball court has also been renovated, and we still need this little money?"

Li Shiqiang looked at Feng Yu's face as a nouveau riche and couldn't help but said: "It won't cost much to repave the playground track. It only costs a few hundred thousand. The football field will be covered with turf. It’s like a playing field. Adding all the things you mentioned together, I don’t think it will cost even one million.”

Feng Yu was stunned: "What? Just this little thing, one million?"

"What do you think! How expensive is asphalt and cement? And that basketball stand, the ordinary one is several times different from the most expensive one. You said you only need to study in school for three years, it will be enough for three years. With this money It is better to donate and build some schools in rural areas, as there are still many children who receive less than nine years of compulsory education."

Feng Yu nodded, deeply convinced. Until he was reborn, there were still many children in mountainous areas who were unable to receive compulsory education.

"What you said makes sense, so let's follow your plan. Wait two years before renovating the runway for the school. As for donating and building schools in rural areas, we can start this year. A rural primary school costs half a million That's enough. Donate to two schools this year, three or four schools next year, and expand to ten schools every year. In the future, we can surpass Shaw House and become the number one education donor in China."

The more Feng Yu talked, the more excited he became, as if he had seen a new direction for his efforts. Although you may not be able to retire at the age of thirty, there is no doubt that your life will be more colorful!

Li Shiqiang stretched out his hand and touched Feng Yu's head: "You don't have a fever, what nonsense are you talking about? It's okay to donate to one or two schools, and you can donate to ten schools every year. According to your calculation, you donate five million every year. As a company like ours, we can Can you survive five years?"

After all, Feng Yu is still a child in school. He may have a way of making money, but he doesn't know how to save money at all. According to his temperament, he can spend all the money that others cannot spend in a few lifetimes in a few days!

Feng Yu looked at Li Shiqiang with disdain: "During the Chinese New Year, I said that treasury bonds can bring us a lot of profits. You thought I was talking nonsense. A few months ago, I said that starting a company could make money, but you were still dubious. Two months ago, I said you could make a lot of money by producing plastic electric fans, but you thought it was a waste of money. Last month, I said you could make money using second-hand luxury cars, but you thought second-hand cars were still so expensive that no one would buy them... "

"Okay, stop it, stop it. You are all right, you are all right, okay." Li Shiqiang quickly stopped Feng Yu's words, and at the same time his eyes lit up, "Didn't you say that there will be no supply of second-hand luxury cars after two more times? Really? You think ordinary second-hand cars have low profits, so what other good business have you thought of to make money?"

"Not yet, but don't worry, starting from this time next year will be a good opportunity for us to make a lot of money."

After these two batches of luxury cars arrive, Feng Yu estimates that they will not be sold out until the end of the year, but they will at least bring him a profit of more than 10 million. Including the profits from the first batch of about 5 million, the money from electric fans, and the money from exporting with Kirilenko, he will be able to raise at least 20 million by this time next year.

With 20 million, he is guaranteed to turn it into 200 million in one year! By then, not to mention donating and building a few schools, he would also fulfill his promise to his sister and open a large hospital.

Feng Yu didn't tell Li Shiqiang about stocks. There is not even a stock exchange in China now. Stocks, like treasury bills, are issued on behalf of banks or trust companies affiliated with banks. Stock transactions also require finding new buyers through the issuer, which is more troublesome than treasury bills.

It's better to wait. It's enough to buy stocks before the policy comes out next year. During this period, you should think about how to kill Song Xiaofeng! ~~The new book list has already reached two places. Let’s see if there are any recommendation votes. Let the fourth one continue to rush forward. Thanks also to mr Wu Yu for his many rewards. The next important plot is the trade with the Soviet Union that everyone is looking forward to.