Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 75: Fu Guangzheng


Rumors are like this, the more you try to suppress them, the faster they evolve. Although the head teacher forbade rumors to spread among classmates, the news quickly spread throughout the grade, and even the whole school, and eventually even the teachers believed it.

The head teacher talked to Feng Yu and wanted him to clarify, but Feng Yu shook his head. Rumors only stop with the wise, and he is too lazy to defend himself.

Anyway, it didn't cause him much trouble. He just had more time to think about his money-making plans.

Advertisements from neighboring provinces have been advertised, but they are poor provinces, their economy is not as good as Longjiang, and the development level of the provincial capital city is also at the bottom of the country.

Although some people came to take a look, there were still not many people buying cars. Just when Feng Yu couldn't hold it any longer and was about to go to Shencheng to advertise again, a big boss who spoke Cantonese came to the company.

"Thunder Monkey, Mr. Feng is really young and promising."

"Leihou, Leihou, is Boss Fu from Xiangjiang?"

"Tie it, tie it."

"Does Boss Fu know English?" Feng Yu asked again.

"Of course."

Feng Yu nodded, and then said in fluent English: "I heard that Boss Fu is interested in my second-hand luxury car business and wants to purchase more and sell them to the south?"

Feng Yu really can't stand this kind of Cantonese Mandarin.

Fu Guangzheng was stunned for a moment. Boss Feng actually spoke English so well? He asked that Boss Feng didn't need a translator when doing business with the Soviets. He said he knew Russian. How old is he that he is proficient in two foreign languages? !

"Boss Fu, Boss Fu?" Feng Yu raised his voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I plan to buy some second-hand British luxury cars and sell them to the south. How many does Boss Feng have?"

"Sixty or seventy cars, all of them 70% to 80% new. How many do you plan to buy, Boss Fu?"

"If they are all 70 to 80% new and the price is right, I will take them all!" Fu Guangzheng said with a smile on his face. There are sixty or seventy cars. Even if he only earns 30,000 to 50,000 for one, that's two to three million. Profit. What's more, he estimates that the profit of a car is far more than 30,000 to 50,000 yuan.

Feng Yu raised his eyebrows, he was actually a rich man. However, he still had some doubts. In this day and age, were there not enough news about Lingnan people pretending to be Xiangjiang businessmen to cheat money

First, I will draw a big pie for you, then defraud you of goods or money, and then disappear without a trace.

But Fu Guangzheng’s English was good, and he seemed to have received higher education in Xiangjiang. Moreover, his conversation and behavior also show that he has a good upbringing, which is at least 80% credible.

"It's a big deal to pay the boss, but my car is not cheap. Even at the wholesale price, the average car costs this much." Feng Yu made a four sign.

Fu Guangzheng didn't say yes or no, and asked again: "When can you give me the car? It must be refurbished."

"Of course, but I am not responsible for the loading and transportation. And there are no formalities for this car. You can handle this yourself." Local sales are very easy, and you can get a license plate if you have money.

But it's not just that simple in other places. It's not difficult to get a license, and transportation has to go through many checkpoints. If there are no procedures along the way, and someone gets detained somewhere, who can you talk to

Feng Yu's words were very clear. Fu Guangzheng hesitated and nodded: "I understand. When can you give me the car?"

"It will be two months from now at the earliest, and now there are only a dozen cars left at home, most of which are sports cars. If you want these, they can be given to you now."

Feng Yu took Fu Guangzheng to the factory to look at the cars. Fu Guangzheng looked at each car inside and out. Although he couldn't understand it at all, he had been observing other people's expressions. They are all very calm. It seems that these cars are indeed in good condition and are not problematic vehicles that cannot be sold.

But for the sake of safety, Fu Guangzheng decided to find a few professionals to check it out. What if it's just a shiny car on the outside but actually full of faults inside, and it's scrapped after only one year of use? Wouldn't it mean that he would offend a lot of people

"Boss Feng, I'll bring someone over to take a look at this car in two days before making a decision, right?"

"Of course, even if you don't tell me, I will tell you this so that it won't be unclear in the future."

The cars Kirilenko found for Feng Yu were all driven for a few years and were at least 50% new. Feng Yu replaced the seats, tires, etc. with new ones, repainted the exterior, and hired two masters at a high salary to test the performance of the vehicle to ensure that car buyers would not come back to him, which would affect the reputation.

Although the cost is a little higher, the profit is also high. A car can earn at least hundreds of thousands, and as many as 300,000.

The two agreed to bring someone on-site to inspect the car next Sunday. If there are no problems, the dozen or so cars will be shipped away after paying for them.

Back at the hotel, Fu Guangzheng sent people to find the master car repairman, while he continued to inquire about old houses where he could find antiques.

Fu Guangzheng originally came here to hunt for antiques. The Northeast was also the base of the Qing Dynasty, so there must be a lot of good things left. He would randomly collect ten or eight pieces and return to Xiangjiang, and he would be able to make ten or even dozens of times the profit by changing hands.

Originally, he heard that the Northeast was very closed and the people were very poor, so poor that they couldn't afford clothes or food, especially the farthest Ice City. But after arriving, I found that it was not as legendary.

There are many factories here and it has a strong industrial atmosphere. Although the living standards of residents are not high, they are not too poor to afford food. He even saw a lot of cars on the street. Although not as many as coastal cities, the development should be faster than that of inland cities.

What surprised him most was that he saw a red Lotus sports car on the streets of Bingcheng!

The price of this kind of sports car is not low. Even in Xiangjiang, it would only be bought by a very rich young man, and he only drives a Crown.

Fu Guangzheng's family is a big family in Xiangjiang. His father has a net worth of more than one billion, and his uncle has a net worth of several billion. It's a pity that he is not the eldest son, and the eldest brother is more promising. I am afraid that he will receive tens of millions at most in the future.

Let’s just say that his eldest brother’s current company is worth hundreds of millions, and it’s not even his father’s investment. As for his company, it only has a few million, and it took his mother a long time to get it for him.

It is said that the people who are getting rich now in the Mainland are all very capable people and have great connections. Xiangjiang is due to return in a few years, and the family is afraid that there will be any changes in policies. My father has been seeking contact with senior officials in the mainland to ensure that the family's business will not be affected after returning to China.

His mother has taught him since he was a child that when making friends, he must make friends who can help him in the future. Isn't this the kind of friend who drives a sports car? If he can make friends with the owner of this sports car, his status in the family will definitely improve a lot.

As a result, when he went over and asked, the driver of the sports car turned out to be a man in his late forties. And this man was not as powerful as he thought, he was just a businessman selling feed. His car is not a new car, it is a second-hand car, and the price is less than 500,000 yuan.

Fu Guangzheng keenly discovered another way to make a fortune. There were people in Bingcheng who could get a lot of second-hand luxury cars. He had stayed in Yangcheng and Pengcheng for a long time. One car worth five hundred thousand, even if there were one hundred. , and once they are shipped there, he can guarantee that they will all be sold out within a month.

If he can get a stable supply of goods, he can make a lot of money every day. He also wanted to show his father that his ability was no worse than that of his elder brother! ~~~ The second update has arrived. Where are the recommendation tickets? Are there any rewards? If you haven’t collected it yet, please collect it. It’s very important for new books! ! !
