Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 78: On hot farm machinery


Taihua Company has nearly 10 million RMB on its books, not counting the more than 1 million rubles that Kirilenko did not pay for this month. The next batch of second-hand luxury cars will not arrive until November, so Feng Yu decided to purchase a batch of agricultural machinery from the Soviet Union first.

The autumn harvest has begun, which is when farm machinery is seriously damaged. At this time, I have obtained a batch of agricultural machinery, even if it is just spare parts, there will definitely be no worries about sales.

On the farm, around spring plowing and autumn harvest, agricultural machinery and its spare parts are sold best.

Feng Yu tallied up the varieties of agricultural machinery that were in short supply on the market, and sent a telegram asking Kirilenko to give him a quotation.

The next day, Li Shiqiang got back a fax from the post office, which contained Kirilenko's detailed quotations for various agricultural machinery and accessories.

Feng Yu calculated it, and after taking into account the freight, taxes, sales costs, etc. to Kirilenko and the others, the profit was not too high, and some even had no profit at all.

When others do this, even if there is no profit, in order to complete the variety, they will buy a batch of goods that lose money. But Feng Yu is different. He doesn't plan to do it for a long time. He just wants to make sure he can make some money in this year or so.

"Brother Li, send these to Brother Ji and ask him to deliver them as soon as possible. We also need to ask Gangzi and the others to find sales. We also need to find out the prices of tractors and harvesters. We will sell a batch of tractors early next year. "

"Okay, leave these to me. It's getting late, shouldn't you go back to bed?"

Feng Yu looked at Li Shiqiang and then at his sister. They have decided to get married during the Chinese New Year, and now they are living together.

When he first bought a house, Feng Yu said he wanted to buy a few more units, but his parents disagreed. Now it's okay. There are not enough rooms, so his sister can only live in Li Shiqiang's house.

How could a young man and woman who were originally lovers not have something happen while living under the same roof? If Feng Yu was not sure before, but today Li Shiqiang asked him to go to bed, does this still need an explanation

Feng Yu looked at Li Shiqiang seriously: "Brother Li, if you get pregnant out of wedlock, my dad may not beat my sister, but he will definitely come to you with a shotgun to talk!"

"Ahem~~What did you say? Go to bed quickly!"

Kirilenko shipped the goods quickly. These agricultural machinery, especially spare parts, were seriously overstocked in the Soviet Union and could not be sold at all. Kirilenko easily purchased the items on the order and quickly shipped them to Feng Yu.

During this period, Kirilenko lived a very comfortable life, drinking wine and beauties every day, and could see his wealth growing every day. Because he has a large number of hot-selling Chinese products in his hands, Kirilenko's reputation in the second-generation circle and business circle is growing day by day.

It's just that this business is a partnership, and he is only one of the bosses, which is a bit regretful. It would be great if this business was entirely his own, but unfortunately the other second-generation people had tougher backgrounds than his, and he couldn't get rid of them even if he wanted to.

"I came first, I pretended first."

"Fart! I was guarding here last night. I should load the car first."

"Go away, you two don't matter. I was the first to sign the contract and pay the money. According to the rules, I should go first."

Some dealers of agricultural machinery gathered around the freight station, wanting to load their trucks and transport them away first. The sooner you load your truck, the sooner you take over the market. They don't have any idea of segmentation. They all want to sell their goods to other people's territories. Some people even belong to the same market. Whoever is faster can make more money.

"What are you arguing about? What did I tell you when I signed the contract? Those who pay first will load the truck first, and those who pay later will load the truck last. Boss Yu, what are you in a hurry? Your truck hasn't even arrived yet!"

Seeing these people noisy, Li Shiqiang had to stand up and maintain order. Fortunately, Taihua Company has a bad reputation. Going to Taihua Company is different from other companies. From the boss to the employees, everyone is better than the other.

Who makes other people's products easy to sell? Everyone rushes to buy them. Soviet agricultural machinery and equipment are of excellent quality! Even the spare parts are more durable than domestic products.

After Li Shiqiang's voice, those people lined up according to the payment time. The most depressing thing was Boss Yu. He was the second to pay, but he couldn't find the truck.

When not in use, trucks can be seen parked there in many places. But when I wanted to use it, I couldn't find it.

The third person has started to pretend, and the car he hired has not arrived yet. There was nothing he could do. The car he hired had just returned from overseas today and the goods hadn't been unloaded yet.

After school at noon, Feng Yu came to the train freight station and saw that it was almost finished loading.

"Brother Li, how are you?"

Li Shiqiang looked excited: "Xiaoyu, this batch of goods has been sold out, it's a good sale. The money has been deposited into our company's account, there are more than four million."

Li Shiqiang covered his mouth with his hand and whispered the last sentence to Feng Yu and Feng Yu.

Feng Yu set the price for this batch of goods, but Li Shiqiang was busy signing the contract and collecting the payment. Feng Yu only knew that Li Shiqiang was so busy that he came home very late yesterday and didn't even have time to ask. Today he came to take a look, but he didn't expect that everything was sold out.

Those guys are good, they didn't even slack off when they were on a business trip, so I need to give them more bonuses this month. Let them see the benefits and they will work harder for the company.

Feng Yu later found out that these guys got a list of dealers from the motor factory, and also bought a list from the city's machinery factory, ice machine factory, boiler factory, etc., all of which were powerful in each region. Machinery dealers. Just following the list will save you a lot of time.

They still haven't contacted the dealers. If they had contacted them all, these goods wouldn't be enough to sell!

These days, when customers hear that the goods are imported, they first think they are good stuff. Secondly, I heard it was imported from the Soviet Union, which is a big country in machinery. Didn’t some domestic tractors, agricultural machinery, etc. all start by imitating Soviet products? Products from the Soviet Union are definitely better than those made in China, and the prices are even cheaper. Can these dealers still rush to buy them

Feng Yu didn't expect that these things would be so easy to sell. It seems that he was too conservative at first. He only paid 3 million RMB for the first purchase. He immediately called Brother Ji and asked him to send a batch of goods quickly. The profit could be more than 30%!

When Kirilenko received Feng Yu's call, he smiled proudly: "I knew you couldn't sell those things, and you didn't even look at the price I gave you. There is nothing so cheap in the Soviet Union! I would have given it to you long ago. You have prepared an extra million rubles of goods, don’t worry, we are guaranteed to arrive in Ice City within a week.”

These goods are actually overstocked by some factories and cannot be sold, and the factory leaders are still worried. Kirilenko was also thick-skinned. He was stunned to say that the military was assisting the Chinese allies, and he even got a military document stamped with a red seal. As a result, they purchased it at a very low price and also gave some Chinese specialties as gifts. The total cost was less than 300,000 rubles.

And all this money belongs to Kirilenko. Leaving aside the other second generations, he is the one who leads the business route. He does the most work, so he should make more money! ~~~Brothers, go ahead and beat the guy above, vote for recommendation, vote for recommendation! ! !
