Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 8: Foreign exchange


Before Feng Yu could explain clearly, the food and wine were already on the table. Because he had to drive three or four hours back in the afternoon, Feng Xingtai only drank one bottle of beer, and Feng Yu could only drink soda.

However, the two families had a pleasant chat. If Feng Yu hadn't reminded him, Feng Xingtai would have already planned to finalize the marriage with his prospective in-laws.

Please, my sister is only nineteen years old and still in school. If she wants to get married, she has to wait for her to graduate from nursing school.

Feng Yu continued to pester Li Shiqiang at the table, but this time he did not talk about treasury bonds. He had to convince Li Shiqiang that Feng Yu must have a way to make money.

"What are you talking about? Uncle Feng has twenty thousand rubles in his bag now? Are you kidding me?"

Li Shiqiang almost jumped up when he heard the news. This is a huge sum of twenty thousand rubles, enough to buy several houses as big as his family in Bingcheng.

Didn't Danying say that her family is just a household worth ten thousand yuan? How come she has so much money and still carries it with her

"No kidding. Brother Li, you work at the post and telecommunications office. There must be a lot of people who want to exchange rubles, right? But you have to apply for bank exchange and you need foreign exchange coupons. It's very troublesome, and you can't exchange much. I heard that you can exchange it privately. , the price will be much higher than that of the bank.”

Li Shiqiang looked at Feng Yu blankly: "You want me to find a private person to exchange it for RMB at a high price?"

"Of course. Can you do it? This is what my father meant. He was embarrassed to say it." Comrade Lao Feng didn't know yet that he had been betrayed by his son.

When Li Shiqiang heard this, he felt that since it was Danying's father's wish, he had to do it. Anyway, he worked at the post and telecommunications office, and more than one person asked him if he could get foreign exchange coupons. Although twenty thousand rubles was a lot, within three to five days, he could guarantee to exchange them all at a high price.

"Okay, leave it to me, and I'll guarantee you a high price and exchange it for RMB."

"Okay, my dad will give you all the money later. This will be a test for you."

Danying's father believed in him so much, how could he disappoint his future father-in-law. He immediately patted his chest and promised Feng Yu that they could all be replaced in three days!

Half an hour later, Feng Xingtai was going out to bake the car. In this day and age, there was no antifreeze, and the car wouldn't start unless it was toasted.

Li Shiqiang diligently went to help, and Feng Yu volunteered to follow him downstairs.

"Dad, let me discuss something with you? Can you give me the money to use first?" Feng Yu asked cautiously.

Feng Xingtai covered his satchel with both hands and looked at Feng Yu warily: "What did you say? You little brat, do you know how to use money? Besides, what do you want the money for?"

"Dad, I heard from the school teacher that people in this city want foreign currency when they go abroad, but the bank can't exchange much, so they will find private individuals to exchange it at a high price. Brother Li works at the post and telecommunications office and has connections. He exchanged the 20,000 rubles with him. , I’m sure you can exchange it for a lot more than the bank.” Feng Yu once again used the big weapon of making money.

The scene of the morning negotiation shocked Feng Xingtai very much. Unknowingly, he discovered that his son had become so capable after going to school. If he could earn more, of course he would like to earn more.

"The post and telecommunications office also handles foreign exchange exchange? How much more can be exchanged?"

"It's thousands of dollars more, it's thousands of dollars more!" Feng Yu felt that his current tone and expression were very similar to the way he deceived customers into investing in his previous life when he first entered the industry.

"Thousands? Is it really that much? This ruble is good, much more valuable than RMB. Can Xiao Li change it for us? If his family knows about it, will they think we are greedy for money and have a bad impression of your sister? ?" Feng Xingtai hesitated. Money is important, but his daughter's happiness is even more important.

"Dad, Brother Li took the initiative to help. I just casually mentioned to him about going to the bank to exchange money. He offered to go to the bank to exchange money, and he got a good deal for us. Let's talk about him and my sister. Isn’t it considered a reservation? Uncle Li also said he would visit our house in two days, and he would bring the money by then."

Feng Yu was fooling both sides, and Feng Xingtai hesitated for a long time. He gritted his teeth and took out the two piles of rubles wrapped tightly in oil paper from his satchel and asked Feng Yu to give them to Li Shiqiang. He couldn't hold back his face.

Feng Yu handed the ruble to Li Shiqiang: "Brother Li, once this matter is settled, the matter between you and my sister is settled."

Li Shiqiang's face flushed with excitement, he stuffed the oil paper into his arms and nodded vigorously. He was also afraid that Danying's father would regret it. Where could he find such a beautiful and gentle person again

When the car was almost cooked, Feng Xingtai took out the rope again and pulled the car on fire. Feng Yu followed Li Shiqiang upstairs to call his sister.

The Li family went downstairs to see each other off again, and also took a leg of lamb distributed by the work unit and placed it in the car compartment. Especially Li's father, who forced Feng Yu to receive ten yuan as a new year's gift, even if he didn't want it.

When the Feng family walked away, Li's father saw the oil paper in his son's hand.

"What did you get?"

"This is the money Uncle Feng paid for selling blind bears in the market this time. Rubles are foreign currencies. Let me help find someone to exchange them for RMB. It's more suitable than exchanging them with a bank."

"Uncle Feng believes in you very much. He hurriedly changed it in the past two days. When we went to visit, he happened to take him there. By the way, how much does it cost." Father Li was very happy. The prospective in-laws believed in their son very much. This is Good thing.

"Twenty thousand!"

"How much?" Father Li asked in disbelief.

"Twenty thousand."

"Twenty thousand yuan, what a big bear he hunted. Twenty thousand yuan, there is still enough left to buy our house. People on the farm make more money than us people in the city." Father Li sighed.

"So what? Our son has a city registered permanent residence and works at the post and telecommunications office. He has an iron job." Although Mother Li did not look down on the Feng family, she still had a sense of superiority as a city person.

"It's 20,000 rubles. According to the exchange rate, it's about more than 80,000 RMB." Li Shiqiang added.

This time Mother Li was no longer calm, and asked with trembling lips: "More than 80,000 RMB? How many bears did he kill this time?"

"Mom and Dad, take this home, and I'll go out for a walk. A few people asked about exchanging rubles for rubles a few years ago, and I happened to go ask them how much they wanted." Li Shiqiang handed the oil paper wrapped with money to his mother. Be very proactive in contacting people you want to exchange.

Mother Li hugged the oil paper tightly and pulled her husband upstairs quickly, for fear of something unexpected happening downstairs. This was a huge sum of more than 80,000 yuan. She had never seen so much money in her life!

Li Shiqiang's status as a post and telecommunications office gave him great convenience. In this era, the post and telecommunications office had many functions. At least many people who come to Li Shiqiang think that Li Shiqiang is very capable and can do things that many people cannot.

For example, the vice president of a certain company who is going to the Soviet Union for study and study next month wants to bring some Soviet specialties to his wife and children, but only a little foreign currency is allocated to him. His wife's nephew, who is also Li Shiqiang's classmate, once approached Li Shiqiang. , I want to help exchange some foreign exchange coupons.

After an afternoon of busy work, Li Shiqiang exchanged 1 ruble for 4.5 yuan RMB and made a contact for 8,000 rubles. He will bring the money to the door to exchange it tomorrow, and he can continue to contact him by the way.

Three days later, Li Shiqiang exchanged all 20,000 rubles for a total of RMB 91,200. The exchange price was slightly higher on two occasions.

After the task was completed, Li Shiqiang was very excited. Not only did he help the target's family make money, but others also thought he was capable. But the only thing that bothered him was that there were still people asking him to exchange rubles, but he no longer had any. It would be great if he had some more rubles.