Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 80: The company is closed


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"Feng Yu, please go out for a while, your family is looking for you."

Feng Yu was still in class. Someone knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door and said a few words, then called Feng Yu out.

"Brother Li, what happened?" Feng Yu had a bad feeling. Brother Li wouldn't call him out during class if nothing happened. What he was most worried about was that something happened to his family!

"Xiaoyu, the company has been closed!"

"What? The company has been closed! Who closed it and why?" Feng Yu was shocked. The company does not need to be opened, but closing the company will also freeze the company's accounts. If there is no money, won't the great opportunity to make money next year be missed? That’s an opportunity to make money many times faster than starting a company!

"The police, from the anti-smuggling team of the city bureau, said we were smuggling!"

"First help me ask for leave from the class teacher, and then go to the anti-smuggling team!"

"You are from Taihua Company. Why didn't the legal representative come? Why did you bring a student here?"

Because he arrived in a hurry, Feng Yu was still wearing the uniform of No. 3 Middle School.

"The legal representative is my father, and he has given me full authority to handle all matters of the company."

The clerk glanced at Feng Yu curiously. Is there something wrong with the boss of this company? He sent a child here, thinking he could escape punishment? Now we are just understanding the situation. After being convicted, won’t we have to go to jail? Can a child take the blame

"You handle it? What do you know? Hey, what about you, let your legal representative come quickly, otherwise the situation will be serious!" The clerk pointed at Li Shiqiang with a very arrogant attitude!

"You said we were smuggling, where is the evidence? Our products all have legal documents to pass customs, how can they be smuggled?" Feng Yu asked loudly.

"What are you shouting for? What are you shouting for? Where are you? Anti-smuggling team! If you dare to mess around again, I'll arrest you! I'll have you expelled from the school!"

Feng Yu's loud shouting indeed attracted the leader.

"What are you doing? Xiao Su, what do these two people do?"

"Captain Zeng, these two people are from Taihua Company and want to cause trouble!" The clerk directly slapped Feng Yu and Li Shiqiang on the label.

"We are not making trouble, we are here to understand the situation. You said that our company is smuggling goods, don't we even have the right to understand it? You are the leader, you are here to explain this." Feng Yu turned to Captain Zeng said.

"Your company has so many agricultural machinery produced in the Soviet Union. Where do they come from?"

"We bought it."

"Buy it? How can it be so cheap if you buy it normally? Where is the contract? Where is the contract? Where are the documents for customs clearance?" Captain Zeng sneered.

The imported agricultural machinery is of better quality and actually cheaper than the agricultural machinery produced in the city. It must not come from normal channels! Besides, Deputy Mayor Xu’s secretary called him and asked him to pay attention to the Taihua Company. How could he handle this matter in a flash

"We have the contract and the customs clearance documents. They are in the company. Send someone to get them from us." There is a seal on the company's door. It would be illegal for Feng Yu and the others to remove it themselves.

"You're still commanding me, you can do it! Without a contract, without clearance documents, it's just smuggling!"

No matter what Feng Yu said, Captain Zeng just didn't buy it, and later even kicked Feng Yu and the others out.

"Xiaoyu, what should we do? How about I find a way to get Captain Zeng to come out and we can give him some gifts?" Li Shiqiang had a sad look on his face. Smuggling is a serious crime.

Feng Yu waved his hand: "No, from his attitude just now, it doesn't look like he wants money. If he really wants money, just take him to the company for a chat. There is no need to block it directly. Someone must be stabbing him in the back. Drive, Let’s go to the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.”

During this period, Feng Yu did not forget his contact with the future president of Ice City. I often come to "report on work" whenever I have nothing to do, and thank the office for its support.

It seems that Zhang Ruiqiang is needed to help this time. As long as Feng Yu and others are allowed to go in and take out the relevant documents, they can prove their company's innocence.

Zhang Ruiqiang sat on the sofa. After listening to Feng Yu's words, he asked: "Then can you tell me why the agricultural machinery imported by your company is so cheap?"

"The economy of the Soviet Union is very bad now, and agricultural development is seriously lagging behind. The agricultural machinery produced will naturally be unsalable. Our company's Soviet partners themselves sell to us at extremely low prices. Of course, it is cheaper for us to sell to dealers. , following the path of small profits but quick turnover.”

"What did you say? The Soviet Union's economy is not good? Who did you listen to? Even if their agricultural development lags behind, won't those agricultural machinery be exported to other countries? Why should they be sold to you at such a low price?" Zhang Ruiqiang looked disbelieving. .

"The Soviet economy is in decline because they have invested all their money in the military. My partner, his father is a Soviet military general. We have cooperated for a long time, and the goods our company exports are for If he wants to sell agricultural machinery from his company, of course his first choice is me. The price is cheap because his purchase price is cheap."

Zhang Ruiqiang didn't pay much attention to what Feng Yu said next. He thought about what Feng Yu said about the Soviet Union's economic recession, which seemed to make sense. He was just curious about why other people's imported goods were cheaper. In fact, whether Feng Yu said it or not, he would help Feng Yu say hello. The Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation had just issued a sign to Taihua Company some time ago. This company transferred If the head is said to be smuggling, the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation will be disgraced!

Zhang Ruiqiang actually has a good impression of Feng Yu. Even though Feng Yu is young and still in school, he is very experienced in doing things. For example, during the Mid-Autumn Festival two days ago, Taihua Company sent many holiday gifts to the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, so that the people of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation finally did not have to spend a shabby holiday this time.

He sometimes feels that Feng Yu has a maturity that he should not have at this age, as if there is a decades-old soul living in the body of a teenager.

Zhang Ruiqiang grabbed the phone and called a friend of the city bureau's director in front of Feng Yu to ask what was going on at Taihua Company.

After a while, the other party called back and said that the anti-smuggling team had made inquiries and that it was the deputy mayor of the city, Xu, and that he could not help.

He and Deputy Mayor Xu were considered acquaintances, but they were just acquaintances and not friends. I called Deputy Mayor Xu and the other party said that the agricultural machinery sold by Taihua Company was too cheap and there must be something wrong with the channel. It was his duty to have someone check it out.

Deputy Mayor Xu was in charge of industry. Zhang Ruiqiang thought about it for a while and guessed it right. Local protectionism must be reported to the city's machinery factory.

Although Deputy Mayor Xu would not let anyone directly remove the seal from Taihua Company, he still gave Zhang Ruiqiang a face and agreed to have people from Taihua Company go to get documents to prove that Taihua Company was not smuggling.

But in the end, Deputy Mayor Xu also said that even if the agricultural machinery of Taihua Company is legally imported, it will no longer be sold so cheaply in the future!