Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 82: Grind the corn


The day before the National Day, the school organized all students to go harvesting in the autumn. This is the school's tradition. It is said that it is to let the students understand the hard work of the farmer uncles and remember not to waste food.

Among the poems hanging on the wall in every class, there are two poems about compassion for farmers.

It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil. Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey.

Plant one grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand grains in autumn. There is no idle land all over the world, and farmers are still starving to death.

This is a famous poem by Li Shen, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. However, Feng Yu, who likes history, knows that Li Shen wrote these two poems just to gain the favor of Emperor Bo and gain promotion. After being promoted, Li Shen returned to his true nature and became extremely enjoying himself, never paying attention to the suffering of the farmers.

Although Feng Yu didn't have much affection for Li Shen, these two poems were indeed known to women and children and have been passed down through the ages.

It took more than two hours to get to a farm in the north of Bingcheng in a bus borrowed from the school. It was less than an hour away from the farm where Feng Yu's family was located.

There is a corn field here, and Feng Yu and his school are responsible for cutting down the corn, stripping the corn cobs, and gathering them into a pile, waiting for the tractor to collect them.

Now the main crops grown in Longjiang are wheat, then soybeans, and very little corn. Otherwise, they would not have been allowed to come so far. This is the nearest corn field that the school can contact.

There are three grades, with a total of more than 500 people. Taking classes as units, the school has assigned everyone a sharing area for each class.

There are more than 40 people in a class, and they only produce this small amount of corn. If it were placed on the farm, five people could finish it in less than a day. From Feng Yu's point of view, the students were in high spirits and seemed to treat it as an autumn outing.

However, some students complained that their families were originally from farms or rural areas, and they did not work on their own land, but they were forced to pick corn by the school.

Feng Yu, Wen Dongjun and other students came from the farm and were obviously more skilled in farm work than the children in the city. The teacher also arranged for them to cut down the corn with sickles, while the remaining classmates gathered in the back to pick the corn.

Wendongjun, this bully, was so fast that he was far ahead in a short while.

"Look, how fast you guys can do it, unlike you guys, who are as slow as a snail." Wendong Jun put the sickle on his shoulder with a proud look on his face.

Feng Yu shook his head, what an idiot.

"Dongjun, didn't you realize that you are the fastest among all the people in cutting corn stalks? Even high school seniors are not as fast as you, why don't you think about it?"

Wendong Jun scratched his head: "Why?"

"Because there is only so much land, after you have finished cutting the corn, why don't you watch other students picking up the corn in the afternoon? In other words, the faster you work, the more you work! Do you think the teacher will praise you, or will the classmates praise you? I admire you?"

Wen Dongjun was dumbfounded. It turned out that it was not that others were working slowly, but that others were deliberately lazy. He looked back and saw that those classmates who were sitting on the corn stalks picking corn were all chatting more than working. After spending a long time, he was the only stupid boy!

"Here, learn from us, work for a while, stand for a while and rest, or you can sit on the corn stalks and rest. If you really continue to do this, it will highlight that we are lazy. Do you think this is good?" Feng Yu patiently taught Wen Dongjun the essence of laziness. Where had this kid's usual cleverness gone

Without saying a word, Wen Dongjun sat down on the corn stalk and began to rest. But after a while, he couldn't sit still. He had nothing to do, not even anyone to chat with, and it was too boring to just sit there.

Seeing the corn stalks, Wendongjun came up with a good idea.

Feng Yu saw two thin corn stalks that were still obviously green. He chopped them off with a sickle and peeled off a piece of skin, leaving the juicey part in the middle. He took a bite and his mouth was filled with sweet water.

There is sugar cane in the south, and something similar to corn and sorghum in the north is called sweet stalk. It's as thick as a finger and tastes like sugar cane. If the corn stalks grow slowly, receive enough rain, and receive less sunlight, there will be some sweet knots left on the lower part.

Feng Yu used a sickle to cut off the place he bitten, then peeled two sections of corn stalks, held them in his hand, and walked towards Li Na.

"You are thirsty, eat some sweet pole."

Feng Yu handed the one he had tasted to Li Na, but the other one was taken away by Li Na's fat girl at the same table. There are only two people in this pile of corn, Li Na and Fat Niu. Now other students don't dare to play with Li Na. It's not because Fat Niu said that Feng Yu's family is a gangster, and Li Na was implicated by Feng Yu.

Li Na had hesitated before, but how could a young mind at this age compete with Feng Yu's forty-year-old mind. A few words allowed Li Na to dispel her doubts. The two of them were still as good as before, and their feelings for each other continued to accumulate.

Li Na took a small bite and chewed slowly in her mouth, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and she smiled happily.

"So sweet."

"Bah, bah, bah, what a sweet stick, it just smells like sour water and a bit astringent." The fat girl complained dissatisfiedly while spitting out the dregs.

Feng Yu said calmly: "Maybe you are unlucky. After all, these are just corn stalks, not sweet ones. It is normal to have some that are not sweet."

Li Na looked at it, broke off the sweet pole in her hand, and gave a section to the fat girl. The fat girl took a bite carefully, her eyes suddenly lit up, it was so sweet!

"Break this in half for each person." Li Na handed the remaining corn stalk to Feng Yu. She saw that Feng Yu's lips seemed a little dry.

"I can't break it off either. You can eat it. I'm cutting corn in front. I'm sure I can still find it."

Li Na persistently handed the corn stalk to Feng Yu, at least taking a bite. Feng Yu was about to go over and take a bite, especially the place where Li Na had bitten.

"Who? Who hit me?" Feng Yu turned around to look for him angrily. Just when he was about to bite, he felt something hit him on the back of his head.

"Hahaha, how are you? How about my homemade corn crossbow? From so far away, I hit you in the back of the head!" A few meters away, Wendong Jun was proudly holding a crossbow made of corn stalks in both hands. looked at Feng Yu. What hit Feng Yu on the back of the head just now was a small piece of corn stalk.

Your sister, you're a bastard, you're disturbing me again!

"Baomi crossbow, right? Let me see if yours is more accurate or the corn stalk I throw is more accurate!"

Feng Yu lowered his head to pick up the section of corn stalks that Fat Girl had thrown just now, broke off a piece of it, and threw it at Wendong Army. The Wendong Army retreated while fighting back. Feng Yu broke the corn stalks into small pieces and smashed them over one by one. He had to teach this idiot a lesson today!

Li Na saw Feng Yu casually breaking a corn stalk into small pieces. Thinking about Feng Yu just now saying that he couldn't break it off and planning to take a bite, her face turned red.

PS1: Li Shen is really not a good person, and his official reputation is not very good, but his poems are still very powerful. It is said that this guy likes to eat chicken tongue. A plate of chicken tongue has dozens of chickens, and people can afford it! PS2: Thank you to Zhang NB, thank you to Youying Mengyue, thank you to the escaped rat, and thank you to Snake~ for the two generous rewards. Currently, the new book list is still thirteen, and we urgently need recommendation votes. The book above has been neglecting us for two weeks, Damn , how could he be willing to not explode
