Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 87: Selected oils



After the grain processing plant was built, when Feng Xingtai went to collect money, many people in the company suddenly felt that Feng Xingtai was not a liar, and they also wanted to buy shares. @,

Feng Xingtai followed what Feng Yu said, except for the seven remaining families, plus the Wendong Jun family, each other family could only invest 1,000 yuan in shares, no more. Moreover, there are risks in taking shares, and you will be responsible for losing money. Anyone who has an opinion does not have to take shares. This is a private company, and the big boss has the final say!

Three production lines have been sent to Bingcheng, and three engineers have been hired to work here for one year. They were all people who came to work in China thirty years ago, but they were not experts at that time.

Brother Ji told Feng Yu that there were more than a dozen people interested, but they were all worried. The three people who came first are the poorest in the family. If the three of them are willing to stay, maybe someone else will be willing to come next year.

The three are experts in mechanical equipment, guiding the assembly of production lines, debugging mechanical equipment, and helping to improve the original old equipment of the machinery factory.

The mechanical equipment ordered by the machinery factory is very cheap, but it is more than ten years more advanced than the original equipment of the machinery factory. When Li Mingde heard that the equipment had been ordered, but it would not come until next month, he was somewhat anxious.

If he comes one day earlier, the machinery factory's equipment can be updated one day earlier. The equipment they have eliminated can also be sold to small local factories, and he can get some benefits from it. Moreover, he has reported this batch of equipment to the city, and the city has agreed to allocate funds. Why is Lao Maozi moving so slowly

Of course, Feng Yu asked Brother Ji to send over the equipment from the grain processing plant first, and the three experts also had to complete the debugging of the equipment there first.

The grain processing factory has begun to use the funds raised to collect soybeans and sugar beets, and the formula for making feed using the residue left from oil extraction and sugar production has also been purchased from the Provincial Animal Husbandry Department, which is fully suitable for Soviet equipment.

Large trucks drove into the factory one after another, and the equipment was installed under the command of three experts. Each expert was accompanied by a full-time translator with a daily salary of 10 yuan.

Feng Yu also came back from Bingcheng specially, fearing that the people on the farm would neglect the three Soviet experts. This is a treasure. Feng Yu will be of great use later. Besides, it is related to the issue of being able to hook up with other experts, so it is not easy to offend.

"Ready, three, two, one, start!"


The machine started to buzz, and the clean soybeans fell into the cylinder. After a while, yellow soybean oil began to flow out of the oil outlet.


Everyone was cheering. It took a long time just to install the machine. The first test was successful. They were all full of joy.

However, the Soviet expert looked at the oil quality and frowned slightly. The filter plug must have leaked and there were impurities in it, but everything else was fine.

The director of the farm's grain and oil factory was also there. He said he was visiting and studying, but in fact he was just to see what the Taihua Grain Processing Factory could do with advanced equipment from the Soviet Union. He watched for a while, discussed it with the people next to him, sneered a few times with disdain, turned and left.

If their grain and oil factory still used the ordinary pressing method last year, it would indeed be inferior to this Soviet machine. But now the government is beginning to promote the leaching method, and the oil yield is no worse than this, and may even be higher in the future. The grain and oil factory has a grain depot as its backing, and it’s good that there are plenty of raw materials. This Taihua factory is not a big threat to them. I really don’t know what the director is thinking. Not only did he agree to help them run various procedures and documents in person, but he also promised to give priority to them. Electricity supply for this privately owned factory.

The power supply was specially proposed by Feng Yu. The investment in the factory exceeded 2 million, and more workers were needed. Feng Yu only mentioned the power supply, and the field director agreed without saying a word. Even if there is a power outage in his office, the Taihua Factory will not lose power!

There is a widespread power shortage across the country, especially on farms. During the peak periods of industrial production in some cities, power supply in these places will be limited during the day and night.

Limited-time power supply for farming has little impact, but if a factory cannot guarantee sufficient power supply and has to work intermittently every day, where will it make money

The machinery and equipment for oil extraction and sugar refining have been tested and all are functional, and debugging has been completed. The efficiency is indeed much higher than that in China, and it also saves electricity.

After testing the feed processing equipment tomorrow, Feng Yu plans to return to Bingcheng. At night, Feng Xingtai suddenly told Feng Yu that the factory might not make much money.

"Dad, how could it be? The bean dregs and beet pulp left over from our oil extraction and sugar production can be mixed with corn, wheat, etc. to make feed, which is equivalent to reducing costs. The oil and sugar yield rates are higher, especially for us What we produce is soft white sugar, which tastes sweeter. I’m responsible for the sales, so what do you have to worry about?”

"I heard that grain and oil mills are now starting to innovate technology. The pressing method is changed to the leaching method. The oil is soaked. The oil yield rate is not lower than ours. How can we make money?"

Feng Yu smiled and shook his head: "Dad, just wait. Brother Li will bring two people over in two days. Just do as they say. I guarantee that we can make a lot of money."



Two days later, Li Shiqiang brought a truck to the Taihua factory and unloaded a large number of customized transparent plastic bottles from the truck.

"Xiao Li, is this used to hold oil? Don't you need to put it in a big barrel?" Nowadays, most people buy oil by going to a grain and oil store or grain and oil factory. They take an oil can from their home and buy oil in bulk. I have never seen such a small plastic pot before.

People in the city are even worse off than those on the farm. To buy these things, city people need grain and oil coupons. Without coupons, the price will be a little more expensive, or they must have someone they know.

"Uncle Feng, this is the pot we use to hold oil. This pot can hold three kilograms of oil (about 1.6 liters)."

"Isn't this too small? How long can one pot last? Plastic pots cost a lot of money, right?" Feng Xingtai knew at a glance that it was the idea of the prodigal son again. Why, sell oil and build a pot

"Xiaoyu said, what I want is small, but there is also a big pot that weighs ten pounds. I will deliver it in two days when it is ready. All these soybean oils will be underwritten by our Taihua Trading Company in Bingcheng. A pound of oil, a high price of 15 cents."

"What? One pound of oil? Fifty cents? That's too expensive. Where can anyone buy it?" Feng Xingtai shouted. A pound of bulk oil in the grain and oil factory is only ten cents.

"Uncle Feng, you didn't understand. This fifty cents is for Taihua Grain Processing Factory. Taihua Company sells takeaways for at least two cents!"

"Two cents per catty? How can it be so expensive? How much does pork cost per catty?"

"Uncle Feng, just believe Xiaoyu. He said that this is a high-quality, high-end product that is exclusively for city dwellers. We will supply it to Bingcheng for the time being, and then spread it to all regions in the province. Next year, our food will be available in Lin Province. Taihua brand selected oil.”

"What? Selected oil? Isn't this just ordinary soybean oil?" Feng Xingtai became more and more confused as he listened.

"Uncle Feng, are our soybeans well-selected? The technology is more advanced and the oil has been filtered several times. Is it better than the oil bought at our farm's grain and oil factory? This is the best choice! You can also buy it in the city You see, there are a lot of people in the city who are getting rich first. If this oil is more expensive, they will definitely buy it. Don’t worry, we are not lying. Xiaoyu said, we will definitely make money!" ps1: **10s Oil is still sold by the pound, not the liter. ps2: The new book list was removed from the list because it exceeded the word count, but we finally got it on the list. Thank you brothers for your support. ps3: There is a book club group below the introduction. You are welcome to join the group to chat. ps4: Thanks to Snake~ for the two rewards, and thanks to Fan Zhan and Ranger Rogers for their rewards.



