Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 88: Soft advertising


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Feng Yu attended school faithfully for several days and was not allowed to take leave for the midterm exam. ← Baidu search → [ㄨ书?月ぁ屋] He fell behind a lot during this period. Fortunately, Li Na helped him make up for it for a few days before Feng Yu could get it back.

The first year of high school is not difficult, but the second year of high school is difficult. Moreover, now there are more things memorized by rote, but Feng Yu has a very good memory in his life. He even ranked tenth in a class in the mid-term exam, which shocked the teachers and classmates. After missing so many classes, he was still able to score tenth in the exam. Everyone behind Feng Yu wanted to die, except Wen Dongjun.

In his words, it’s not a countdown anyway, there are several more to come. When my friend entered school, he was ranked last in the class, but now he is ahead of several others. This is a huge improvement!

If you advance a few points in one exam, you will be among the top three in the class when it comes to the college entrance examination!

Feng Yu was simply stunned after listening to Wen Dongjun's "high talk". Where does he get this confidence? How many points can he advance every time? Those people you stepped on all attended No. 3 Middle School because of the school district. Their grades were low when they entered school. If you exclude these people, you are still the last one!

Forget it, let's not hit him. Anyway, Feng Yu already has a way to ensure that they can get into a good university, so let him enjoy his ignorance.

The head teacher thought that Feng Yu would stop skipping classes, but he didn't know that Feng Yu had just taken another week off after the midterm results came out. Forget it, I can’t control this kind of student!

"President Zhang, we have an old relationship, and your advertising fees have increased too fast."

In the summer, one page cost Feng Yu 10,000 yuan a week. Last time, it cost 40,000 yuan a week. Now President Zhang is asking for 20,000 yuan a week!

"I can't help it. Last time I advertised for you, the leader criticized me by name. This time I don't have 20,000 yuan. It's absolutely impossible!"

President Zhang was jealous when he saw that the sales of Fengyu brand electric fans were so hot during the summer. Just selling a plastic electric fan, I actually made so much money. Feng Yu didn't agree to the price increase last time without hesitation, and there will definitely be no problem this time.

Damn, which leader would criticize you? I've raised it to 15,000 for seven days, and it's just one page. Now it actually costs 20,000! If it weren't for the fact that provincial daily newspapers are not only sold throughout the province, but also in Linzhou, Feng Yu would have turned around and left. There are so many newspapers!

"President Zhang, 20,000 yuan is not that high in the country. And our daily newspaper has added four pages. The original content has not been compressed, so it should be cheaper."

The daily newspaper has now added four pages to its daily newspaper, which is a large piece of paper, and advertising revenue has increased significantly. They also compared the miracles of Fengyu brand electric fans and drove up the price of advertisements again and again.

Unfortunately, no one who advertises in daily newspapers has replicated the miracle of Fengyu brand electric fans. President Zhang hopes that Feng Yu will show another miracle so that he can also give an explanation to those who buy advertisements.

It’s not that our daily newspaper is not good, it’s that your products are not good. Just look at others and make a lot of money with just one advertisement!

"It's the same price now. If you don't believe me, go and find out. Besides, Mr. Feng's family has a big business, so it's not a difference of ten thousand or twenty thousand yuan, right?"

What a loud tone. At the level of President Zhang, the annual salary is only more than a thousand yuan. Ten to twenty thousand yuan, in his mouth, it sounds like one or two cents.

"It's not impossible for President Zhang to make more money, but the time will have to be extended. Let's do this, starting from tomorrow until New Year's Day, I will give you 50,000 yuan, which is more than 1,000 yuan a day."

"No, one page, more than forty days, only 50,000 yuan? One hundred thousand, I can give you the entire page for two months." Although the advertising price has increased, there are not many people coming to place it, and there are no For a company that takes more than a week to launch, President Zhang is also under a lot of pressure.

"Two months, one hundred thousand? So, four months, two hundred thousand. I must be given two pages on New Year's Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, and Lantern Festival. If President Zhang can't agree to this, I think I really have to consider changing A newspaper cooperated.”

"Deal! Mr. Feng is very happy, and I can't be pretentious. I just want an extra page during the holidays, absolutely no problem. Mr. Feng, should we sign the contract now?" President Zhang was overjoyed. He didn't expect this little Mr. Feng to be so happy. , two hundred thousand, the newspaper is going to have a good year this year!

"No problem, old rules, as long as the advertising words are not illegal, I can do whatever I want, and you can't make any changes. As long as the advertised products are sold by our company, I can change them at any time. If there is a breach of contract, you have to compensate me twice. Double the advertising fee of 400,000 yuan!"

It's better to say the ugly things up front, lest President Zhang get jealous and do something evil again later. Feng Yu does not trust today's bureaucrats. They have no contractual spirit, but are official-oriented.

"No problem, haven't we always had a great time cooperating? You change advertising words and pictures every day. Did I object once? Come on, Mr. Feng, try my Pu'er. I got this from the leader. of."

In mid-October, people in Longjiang went to work as usual. Many people still habitually buy a newspaper to see what big events are happening in Longjiang.

Hey, today’s page is a bit interesting, it’s actually some common sense in daily life. Some food conflicts are listed above. Mixed consumption can easily lead to food poisoning. Oh, this is even more interesting. It actually talks about the production method of soybean oil, the ancient pressing process and the now popular oil soaking process.

Oh, this is incredible. The oil immersion process is a chemical product, soaked in light gasoline. Light gasoline is actually extracted from petroleum. Is this thing edible

No wonder the price of meat has increased in the past two years, but the price of soybean oil has not changed. This new technology is obviously harmful to people!

Feng Yu used the soft-text advertising method. The most famous one in later generations was the brain x gold. The overwhelming soft-text propaganda on the Internet, newspapers, etc., had extraordinary effects.

Feng Yu did not write that this oil cannot be eaten, nor did he write that it is harmful to eat. That is a rumor. Anyway, after decades of eating it, the oil was leached out, and there was nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, his resistance was strengthened. , I’m not even afraid of ditch oil anymore!

Although he did not write it, he pointed out that light gasoline is extracted from petroleum. Can oil be eaten? This is something a person knows.

The next day, President Zhang of the daily newspaper was called over and reprimanded by his boss. He dared to publish anything in the newspaper. The leaching method is the most advanced method in the world. Everyone in the grain and oil factory eats this oil. If it is harmful, can others eat it themselves? Hurry up and clarify, it's almost starting to become a rumor!

Before President Zhang could find Feng Yu, Feng Yu took the initiative and sent him the soft article for the next day.

This article mentioned that the extraction method of oil extraction involves high-tech extraction and should leave no harmful substances, otherwise the country would not promote it.

This can be regarded as clarifying the rumors, but people's doubts are that no harmful substances should be left behind, so it is not necessarily true

ps: Naoxjin became popular not only through advertisements on TV, but also through soft articles in newspapers and on the Internet. Even professional advertisers later said that soft articles are a force that cannot be ignored. In front of everyone, I took advantage of it. Also, please recommend, please recommend! Mobile phone users please visit m.read for a better reading experience.