Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 89: Designed for


readx(); On the third day, the newspaper wrote about the benefits of pressed oil. It has original flavor, mellow fragrance, rich in vitamin E, long shelf life, no additives, and absolutely no solvent residue.

As for the benefits of leaching oil, you can ask the grain and oil factory.

In this year and month, edible oil standards are still only divided into first-class, second-class, and third-class products. This is newly introduced this year. Feng Yu remembers that in later generations, edible oils must be strictly labeled whether it is pressed oil or extracted oil, and whether it is genetically modified soybeans, allowing consumers to make their own choices.

For several days in a row, newspapers were filled with articles about these two techniques for oil extraction. Feng Yu also quoted the titles of some experts and professors' books to indicate that his article was authentic and credible.

Starting from Bingcheng and spreading throughout the province, many people have doubts about this leached oil. Is this oil safe to eat

While everyone was discussing, Feng Yu asked people to pull a car of ten kilograms of oil to the Foreign Economic and Trade Office. Today he will start giving gifts openly!

"Director Zhang, are you busy?"

"It's not busy. Are you busy?"

"Hey, it's not a big deal. It's just that our company recently got some particularly good soybean oil, and we don't want to give it to the hall to taste for free. This is not a bribe, but asking the leaders to help taste it. Let’s give our opinion.”

"Hey, this is a fresh idea. It's free to taste. Can we give you some opinions? Okay, let's send it to our cafeteria." Zhang Ruiqiang smiled and shook his head. He would not refuse this kind of kindness that benefits everyone in the hall. Anyway, just a little soybean oil, how much is it worth

After a while, Master Li from the cafeteria came and said that there was too much oil. The hall was only making lunch anyway, so he would probably be able to eat it until the Chinese New Year!

This is not a small amount. Feng Yu came over after unloading the truck. Zhang Ruiqiang asked Feng Yu what he meant and why he gave so much.

"I really just want to give you a taste and give you some advice. Our oil is pressed with advanced equipment imported from the Soviet Union. It has absolutely no additives and is healthy to eat. If Director Zhang~Chang Fei says that I have any requirements, then I will tell you something. , I hope to have the words "Exclusively Available" printed on the packaging."

"Dedicated to foreign trade and economic cooperation? This is absolutely not possible!" Zhang Ruiqiang's expression changed. When this reached the ears of the leader, what happened to the hall

"No, no, no, Director Zhang misunderstood. It's not for the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, or it means "for the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation." Not only the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, we also contacted the International Hotel, the Municipal Government Guest House, the Power Police Bureau, the Motor Factory guesthouses, machinery factory guesthouses, etc., all provide free tastings to everyone.”

Feng Yu smiled slyly. Zhang Ruiqiang pointed at Feng Yu's face and said nothing for a long time. I didn't expect that this guy would contact so many units without knowing it, and they were all units that people believed in when they heard their names. Isn't this just advertising

"Have they allowed you to write specifically for their unit?"

"No, but in fact, they only eat our Taihua brand selected oil now. Director Zhang, don't worry, I won't do it under the banner of the department."

"Speak clearly!" Zhang Ruiqiang still felt something was wrong, although he had no idea what Feng Yu was going to do.

Feng Yu placed a photo in front of Zhang Ruiqiang. It was a car pulling Taihua brand selected oil, unloading at the entrance of the guest house of the electrical machine factory.

"Did you take photos just now?" Zhang Ruiqiang was a little unhappy.

"Director Zhang, the text accompanying this photo is as follows: The guest house of the Electrical Machinery Factory tried the Taihua brand selected oil. Everything I have here is the truth, and there is no fraud at all."

"What you wrote is true, but others may not understand it that way. Forget it, I won't argue with you. Are the procedures for your oil complete? Is it really Soviet technology and equipment?"

"It's absolutely true. This equipment is definitely at the leading level in the country. The procedures are of course complete, otherwise how could you dare to deliver it to the canteen in the hall?"

Zhang Ruiqiang hesitated and asked: "Is the extracted oil really soaked in light gasoline? Why can't you eat it at all?"

"It's absolutely true. If you go to the Grain Bureau or grain and oil factory and ask, it's all about this process. This process has a high oil yield. Our country started to promote it the year before last, and this year it has basically been promoted to the whole country. Let's talk about my little one. Farms have started to use the leaching method to extract oil this year. No, it should be said to be oil refining! Chemical methods, it is normal for people to not be able to eat it. "

Refining oil! This word shocked Zhang Ruiqiang. He suddenly felt nauseous. Is this oil really edible? But if you can’t eat it, how can the country promote it

But no matter what, he still had some grudges in his heart. In the future, I will also buy this kind of pressed oil at home. The oil is chemically extracted and he will not dare to eat it.

After leaving the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Feng Yu took the car to other units that he and Zhang Ruiqiang had boasted about. In fact, except for the motor factory guest house, other units had not delivered it yet.

Feng Yu used the photo of the guest house of the Electrical Machinery Factory to deceive Zhang Ruiqiang, and later used these two photos to deceive other units. As long as you can get one or two special signs, you don't need to take them out and hang them at the door of the company. This will be more effective than any advertising slogan!

In the next few days, the newspaper, the section that published cooking oil knowledge every day, appeared in a row with many pictures, all of which showed a truck filled with Taihua brand selected oil being unloaded in front of the XX guest house or XX canteen.

The truck is spray-painted with the words "Taihua Brand Selected Oil, Pressed Conscientious Oil, Exclusively Available", which makes people unable to see it.

Now the people are more sure. Look, these big factories, canteens, and guesthouses of large units all buy this. It must be right. There must be something wrong with the oil leached from that one!

But they all found that the words "Specially for Special Purpose" were blocked behind them and they couldn't see clearly. They didn't know what unit it was for "Specially for Special Purpose". Everyone speculated that the final version reached the same goal through different routes, and they all said that it was specially designed for leaders.

In fact, there is nothing written after the two words "Specially Available", it is just left for everyone to guess. You can think whatever you want, the imagination of the people is also very rich.

Alas~~ As expected, only leaders can eat this kind of oil. We ordinary people should just eat the soybean oil soaked in light gasoline.

Then, a piece of "good news" was suddenly published in the newspaper: Taihua brand selected oil is now on the market in Bingcheng, and is available in all supply and marketing cooperatives.

It must be that the city leaders couldn't bear the pressure and were willing to sell the oil they eat to us ordinary people. Some people ran to the supply and marketing cooperative before getting off work, but they didn't expect to queue up. Look, everyone should buy this oil. We must buy it too. If the elderly and children eat those chemical products, their health will definitely collapse!

What? Why is this oil so expensive? Three kilograms actually costs one yuan! Hum, the oil that leaders eat is expensive, but we can afford it too! Oh, there is also a ten-pound package, which costs three yuan, so let’s get a ten-pound package. Oh, this oil pot is free. Hey, it’s not bad. It’s such a big pot for free!

At this time, Wu Zhigang and the others were distributing money to the young men in the electrical machinery factory who did not work or go to school.

"Here, everyone has collected their money, and the oil has been given to you. Take it home. This oil definitely tastes better than the oil your family usually buys."

Since the morning, these boys have been divided into several groups and queued up at the entrance of various supply and marketing cooperatives to buy oil. Each person bought a pot in a large bucket, and the money was given by Wu Zhigang. Not only that, everyone was given five dollars for free! More than thirty people came at once. Why not take advantage of them

It is because of their queues that they convince the hesitant people that this oil is better. Now everyone eats this oil. In the past, it must have been reserved for leaders! ~~This is the second update, the third update is at 8pm.