Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 90: TV advertisement


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Feng Yu's careful hype made Taihua Selected Oil popular in Bingcheng, but the response in other areas of Longjiang was not so enthusiastic.

After all, the price of Taihua brand selected oil is more than twice as expensive as ordinary bulk soybean oil, and ordinary people are not willing to part with it. Although the soft article had a certain effect, the TV station did a program to refute the rumor. People in the oil pressing plant also eat extracted oil. There is no reason why they should eat this oil if it is harmful.

If there was only Bingcheng as a market, then Taihua Factory could make money, but Taihua Company would not make much money from its sales. At first, he gave away a lot of oil for free. The price of picking up the oil from the Taihua factory was already more expensive than ordinary oil.

Therefore, Feng Yu plans to step up his advertising campaign to make more people remember Taihua Selected Oil. When buying oil, they can't help but think of this oil.

The goods have been distributed throughout the province, and the quantity is not too large. One-third of what is produced these days is kept in Bingcheng, one-third is sent out, and one-third is sent to supply and marketing cooperatives in other areas of Longjiang. [△网WwW.]

Except for the supply and marketing cooperative in Bingcheng, which purchases goods, supply and marketing cooperatives in other regions adopt a consignment sales model. After all, Feng Yu set the price so high that they didn't think they could sell much. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. Although this selected oil is advertised in daily newspapers every day, very few people buy it.

"Taihua brand selected oil, selected high-quality pollution-free soybeans, pressed with top Soviet equipment and technology, without any chemical additives, the first choice for European aristocratic kitchens!"

A twenty-year-old girl, wearing an apron printed with Taihua brand selected oil, was stir-frying prawns in the kitchen, while a magnetic male voice read the advertisement, and finally the girl held up a bottle of Three pounds of oil can lens.

Feng Yu is a little regretful that there is no high-definition camera like that of later generations. If the high-definition lens of "The Tip of the Tongue" is used, the effect will be better. [△网WwW.] But even so, Feng Yu thinks it’s pretty good.

This advertisement also highlights the concept of pollution-free, at least no one understands it now, but it gives people a sense of superiority. In conjunction with this, another advertisement was published in the newspaper to popularize what pollution-free food is.

The ten-second advertisement is broadcast three times a day on the provincial station, once at noon, once in the afternoon and once during prime time in the evening. At this time, TV advertising fees have already increased, but only CCTV is expensive, and provincial channels are not too expensive.

But just like this, three advertisements in one year cost Feng Yu hundreds of thousands. However, Feng Yu also left a backup plan, and the advertising content can be changed. After two days when the soft white sugar is produced and packaged, he will do a promotion for the soft white sugar.

This advertisement of Feng Yu will definitely not be broadcast in future generations. It is the first choice of European aristocratic kitchens. It is obviously untrue. Soybean oil is not used at all there. But how many Chinese people know? Nowadays, it is generally believed that if it can be broadcast on TV, it must be true!

Every sentence in Feng Yu's advertisement highlights the preciousness of selected oils, and coupled with a shot of pouring oil for cooking, it is very impressive.

The cook is her sister Feng Danying, who makes a guest appearance. Feng Yu said that she should experience the feeling of a big star. I hired someone from the TV station to put on make-up, but instead of having my face painted white and my lips red like now, under Feng Yu's guidance, I put on light make-up. Others didn't know it and thought they didn't have any make-up at all.

Feng Danying was young and beautiful to begin with, but after being groomed like this, she was really no worse than a movie star. Li Shiqiang was at the scene that day and his eyes were straight.

The day after the commercial aired, my mother called and asked if the cook was Sister Feng Yu. After getting an affirmative answer, she sounded a little unhappy: If you cook well, you can be on TV. Isn’t my cooking better than your sister’s

Feng Yu hurriedly explained that it was mainly because there was no time and he would definitely invite his mother next time.

The advertisement can be changed after a month. Maybe the effect will be better if middle-aged women cook. But what I want now is to attract attention, and the image of my sister is more suitable.

In Jiacheng in the north, two women in their thirties walked to the supply and marketing cooperative together after get off work.

"What are you going to buy?"

"Taihua brand selected oil, how about you?"

"Me too. This is the Soviet Union's top equipment and technology, it must be delicious."

"Not only is it delicious, it's also a pollution-free food with no chemical additives. My son is only in elementary school, so we can't let him eat soybean oil soaked in gasoline."

"No, even if it's a little more expensive, how much more can we spend per month? European nobles eat this, and we can also enjoy the life of the nobles!"

Similar scenes occurred in many cities in Longjiang. However, these cities are different from Bingcheng in that their recognition is still relatively low. The large barrels are not easy to sell, but the three-pound small bottles are selling very well. It seems that they are all willing to try it. Give it a try attitude.

However, Feng Yu believes that as long as this advertisement continues every day and these people get used to the Taihua brand selected oil, they will definitely continue to buy it. This one does taste better.

Now Taihua Factory has hired many people according to Feng Yu's request. Factories in the city usually work three shifts when they are busy, but at Taihua Factory, Feng Yu requested four shifts.

First of all, these people are farmers themselves. Although it is simple to operate the machine, their concept of safety responsibility is not as good as that of workers who have worked in factories for many years. Another machine is still a bit dangerous, such as the unloading port, fire protection and so on.

These people also have a poor concept of safety. If there is any oversight and danger occurs, the compensation will be small. If the person becomes disabled or even dies, it will be useless no matter how much the compensation is.

Especially when there are more than 20,000 people on the entire farm, once an accident occurs in the factory and word of mouth spreads, the reputation of Taihua Factory on the farm will be completely ruined.

Feng Yu planned to recruit two management talents from the city. Unfortunately, although the salary had been doubled, the people he valued still did not agree. The state-owned enterprises are doing a good job, and the rice bowl is guaranteed despite droughts and floods. You want me to work in a small factory on your farm? Not to mention double the salary, I won’t go even if it’s triple the salary!

Feng Yu felt a little regretful. It seemed that he could only cultivate it himself. He found retired factory masters and went to Taihua Factory to take classes to popularize safe operation knowledge and raise their awareness of vigilance.

During this period, hundreds of tons of soybeans alone were imported and nearly 15 tons of soybean oil was produced. The Taihua Factory has made a profit of more than 15,000 yuan from this alone.

How long has it been since he made so much money? Feng Xingtai was so excited that he couldn't contain himself. According to this calculation, the factory can earn about 40,000 yuan a month from soybean oil alone, which is nearly 500,000 yuan a year!

He now began to believe that his son had turned one thousand yuan into ten thousand yuan in three years. But at the same time, I am a little worried. After producing so much soft sugar, why are they not being sold for takeout? Is it hard to sell? How about selling the sugar-making machine and buying a soybean oil production line? This thing can make money, and it can make a lot of money! ~~~Thank you╰︶ ̄ for the 100 starting point coin reward from the fake house. Today’s update time is messed up. We apologize for mobile phone users, please browse w to read for a better reading experience.