Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 99: The development direction of Taihua Factory


Then he followed the script set by Feng Yu. As expected, Li Mingde was eager to sell his shares and did not dare to let Fu Guangzheng take a detailed look at the company's finances.

Fu Guangzheng has already understood it and discussed it with his father. They can afford this loss for the time being. As long as this machinery company can develop, the investment can be recovered in less than two years, and there will be a steady stream of profits in the future, at least for ten years. worry.

What's more, they can get closer to Feng Yu, which both Fu Rongjin and Fu Guangzheng value very much. So with Fu Guangzheng deliberately pretending to be confused and Li Mingde carefully concealing it, Fu Guangzheng invested RMB 20 million in exchange for about 16% of the shares of the machinery company and became the company's second largest shareholder.

This was beyond Feng Yu's expectation. He didn't expect Fu Guangzheng to be brave enough to invest so much, and he didn't expect the city to be so generous and willing to sell so many shares.

But thinking about it carefully, the city still made money. Whether it was Fu Guangzheng's investment or Feng Yu's technology investment, the original asset evaluation of the machinery factory had lowered its shareholding ratio. The city basically received advanced technology and sufficient funds of 20 million RMB without spending a penny more.

According to the evaluation of city experts, even if it only holds about 74% of the shares, the profitability is more than double that before the restructuring, and the city has made a lot of money. Besides, it is still controlled by the city, and it still pays taxes to the city. The factory will expand and provide more jobs, so the city takes a big advantage!

Fu Guangzheng also used up all his working capital this time. His father gave him more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and his mother chipped in some money for him. Otherwise, he would not have the money to take away these second-hand luxury cars.

The company's current capital on the books has exceeded 30 million, and Feng Yu is beaming. In the next two years, Feng Yu plans to continue the business of reselling Soviet advanced equipment and technology. He has already revealed a little bit about it to the Electric Machinery Factory and the Ice Flying Factory, and is waiting for them to come to order.

Once he determines what the other party is purchasing, he can make a fortune by partnering with Brother Ji again, and can also improve the country's industrial technology and leave an excellent impression in front of the leaders. Why not

As for this period of time, Feng Yu wants to help his father run the family's grain processing factory. Now Taihua brand selected oil has become very popular in Longjiang, and people from Lin Province have even come to inquire about it.

Sales have stabilized, and temporarily the production capacity is still slightly higher than the sales capacity. There is no rush to buy new production equipment. After the New Year, the price of Soviet equipment will still drop! This kind of civilian equipment with low technical content is still very easy to buy.

Some time ago, soybean oil was selling well, and the profit made Dad smile from ear to ear. This was something that Dad had never considered at all. Although the gross profit was astonishingly high, the cost of buying land to build a factory and purchasing equipment was very high. If sugar and feed are not profitable yet, then Feng Yu's investment should be considered a failure.

Sugar is just a topping that Feng Yu buys for feed, and he has no plans to make a lot of money from it. Feng Yu believes that the most profitable thing is not even the popular soybean oil, but feed, pig feed.

At present, the domestic population is growing rapidly and income is rising rapidly, but the supply of daily necessities, especially the supply of agricultural and sideline products, is far from enough, because in the past few years, the country has vigorously developed industry.

Although they did not spend everything like the Soviet Union, in the past few years, local governments have paid more attention to industry, and agriculture has inevitably been despised.

Now traditional agriculture is beginning to grow, but agricultural and sideline products are still not well developed. Just talking about the supply of pork, it is far from insufficient. Many people have money, but they can’t buy pork to eat! The pork sold in the market is often not fresh.

Feng Yu and his family have always had chicken and pig farms on their farm, but unfortunately they are all half-dead. The chicken farms went bankrupt last year. Farms are similar to rural areas. The only difference may be that the farm has more land than the rural area and the degree of mechanization is slightly higher. However, most families who live in the company, even in the farm bungalow, will do some sideline farming.

Almost every household raises chickens and ducks, and quite a few raise pigs, cattle and sheep, which are kept and killed for the New Year. Therefore, many people say that in this era, the life happiness index of farm people even exceeds that of city people!

Every household raises these, so the chicken farms and pig farms on the farm naturally have no sales. They have also thought about transporting them to the city, but opening up sales is not that easy.

Feng Yu once remembered that in his last life, when he looked at the domestic rich list, there was one rich man on the list who made pig feed. In the 1990s, his company's feed was sold all over the country, earning him a lot of cash.

Feng Yu doesn't want his father's small factory to grow into the number one in the country, but being number one in Longjiang isn't too much, right? Even if we think more broadly, it is not impossible to be number one in Northeast China.

Of course, the primary goal now is to sell this backlog of sugar!

At the moment, Feng Yu is sitting with the leaders of Bingcheng Grain Bureau, talking about the products from Taihua Grain Factory entering Bingcheng Grain and Oil Store.

"Jue Zhou, you have also seen the sales volume of our Taihua brand selected oil. It occupies at least more than 10% of Bingcheng's market share, and it is still increasing rapidly. By next year, it will reach at least 30%. I am also confident that in Do some operations and reach more than 50%."

Feng Yu was bragging that with the production capacity of the Taihua factory and the need to distribute goods throughout the province, he could barely occupy 10% of Bingcheng's market share. Sales in other regions were also growing, but he couldn't be out of stock, which would affect the current situation. Sales, this is a critical period to increase brand value!

However, the coming of Taihua brand selected oil has already given the Grain Bureau a warning. They did not expect that soybean oil produced by a small local factory could occupy such a high market share. More importantly, the Grain Bureau is now living It’s very uncomfortable. Many people, including leaders, are asking whether it is really harmless to eat soybean oil soaked in gasoline.

But now is a market economy, which allows private factories to sell these products, but he cannot force them not to sell them, and it is even less possible for grain and oil factories to replace the pressing technology with a lower oil yield and abandon the leaching oil technology with a higher oil yield. So he thought of a way to ask the supply and marketing cooperative to stop selling the oil and sell it in grain and oil stores, and the city supported his approach.

But he didn't expect that the person who came to talk to him turned out to be a young man. At this age, he should still be in middle school, right? And the young man he thought was easy to deal with turned out to be so difficult to deal with. Not only is the grain and oil factory required to sell the white sugar from their Taihua factory, but they also help to promote the white sugar from the Taihua factory. The grain and oil store does not promote the products of the grain and oil factory, but promotes the products of a small private factory. How can this make sense!

But the other party said, if you don't agree, then our oil will not be sold to you. The supply and marketing cooperative will not allow the sale, so we will directly sell it to those canteens. Anyway, canteens are springing up everywhere now, comparable to grain and oil stores. The coverage is much denser.

Zhou Kehua is now in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wants the right to sell Taihua brand selected oil, but on the other hand, he does not want to agree to Feng Yu's harsh conditions. The conversation has reached a stalemate. PS: The so-called controlling shareholder requires that the shares held account for two-thirds of the total share capital, not 51%. Don’t get confused on this point. Also, thank you book friends for your criticisms and corrections. Lao Si is revising it. If you have any questions, please continue to leave messages in the book review area. Finally, please vote for Lao Si. Thank you.
