Face Slapping the General

Chapter 1: Interstellar trash


Wu Qiao sat by the lake, looking at the artificial island in the middle of the lake in the distance.

There seems to be another sky in the lake in the distance, and the clouds and shadows wander leisurely in it, and the sun swaying on the water like broken silver, disturbed by the flapping wings of ducks from time to time.

There is a sweet fragrance in the air, everything is so beautiful.

Wu Qiao sighed.

In various biographies, the night falls and the rain falls when the important people of the world meet with misfortune. Wu Qiao had just experienced a sudden and severe blow, and the weather was as warm as early summer. It seemed that he was destined not to leave his name in history.

Wu Qiao recalled the eye-catching sentence in the rejection letter of the military academy: "According to the results of the physical examination, it is decided not to admit."

He never thought that there would be a problem with the genetic scan in the physical examination. Before, his cultural examination scores topped the list, and the rigorous tests such as IQ, calmness, reaction speed, willpower, etc. were not difficult for him. In the physical examination, his physical strength and various physical indicators were all "excellent". I thought he would definitely be able to I successfully entered the military academy, but I didn't expect... to be eliminated in the genetic scan that has always been regarded as "just a formality".

When Wu Qiao saw the numbers on the screen three days ago, he was stunned.

That clearly shows:

[Name: Wu Qiao

Chance of dragging comrades back on the battlefield: 99.5%.

Chance of dying: 99.5%

If not dead, the chance of surrendering to the enemy: 99.5%.

Chance of becoming a battle hero: 0.01%]

The conclusion is based on the statistics and analysis of the genes of countless soldiers in the past, and there is no mistake.

The military academy established a genetic database 200 years ago, entered the genetic data of all students and various performances after graduation and joined the army, and established a laboratory to analyze the relationship between genes and potential. After everything matured, starting 50 years ago, this kind of genetic scanning and potential determination based on big data was listed as one of the medical examination items. However, although this is one of the projects, there were very few students who were not able to enroll because of their genes. After all, this is a civilized age, and schools will not easily deny all the efforts of a person because of genes.

But... Wuqiao's data is too shocking—it can be called the most useless wood in history.

Considering the frightening delay and the chance of surrendering to the enemy, the military academy hesitated for three days before finally not recruiting Wu Qiao. Wu Qiao's previous fluke mentality was completely shattered, along with his only dream—to become a soldier.

The first 18 years of Wu Qiao's life can be said to be smooth sailing. However, just before his 18th birthday, "life" finally tore off its disguise impatiently, revealing its original hideous face.

Human beings have developed for tens of thousands of years, and the matter of "life" does not seem to have become easier at all. From time to time, people are hit by a blow, which makes people feel unsatisfactory, but not completely desperate. Chasing after what one desires, pushing human beings to evolve uninterruptedly in the long river.

Wu Qiao was in a depressed mood when he suddenly noticed someone approaching. He looked back and found that it was Su Yiqing, who was in the same class. The two sit next to each other, and their relationship has always been very close. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are best friends.

"...Hi," Wu Qiao took the initiative to say hello, "Did you skip class again?"

"Haha," Su Yiqing smiled, "I'm just pretending to be sick."

Wu Qiao shook his head.

This Su Yiqing is the film emperor at all, no, I am afraid that the film emperor will feel ashamed in front of him. His acting skills are superb, and every time he pretends to be sick and skips class, he can scare the people in the class and make people extremely worried about his physical condition. Of course, Su Yiqing didn't use the same reason every time. Occasionally, he would lie that he had something to deal with at home. At these times, he didn't even need to ask for leave by himself. He only needed to reveal something to the students around him, and soon a teacher would come over to help him. Su Yiqing gave him a hug, told him to go home immediately, and told him very gently that family matters were far more important than schoolwork.

Su Yiqing sat down next to Wu Qiao, apparently for Wu Qiao's sake: "You also skipped class, I really didn't expect it."

"Well." Wu Qiao lowered his eyes, "I only applied for one volunteer, and the rest are all empty... The military academy rejected me."

Enrollment in military academies has always been relatively early. In another one or two months, the professional examinations of other schools will start one after another. There is only a military academy on Wuqiao's volunteer list, so it really doesn't make much sense to continue attending classes.

Su Yiqing also sighed: "Then you have to make sure you graduate."

"It's just today. Tomorrow I will go to the classroom." Wu Qiao said.

Su Yiqing thought for a while, then suddenly patted Wu Qiao: "Don't be discouraged! Genes don't explain everything!"

"… Oh."

"Let me give you a trick!" Su Yiqing showed a sunny smile, "Help you become the god of war in the universe!"

"...what is it?" Although he didn't quite believe it, Wu Qiao asked.

"It's 'blind fuck'!"

"… what?"

"Yes." Su Yiqing nodded with certainty: "When you meet an opponent, you fight blindly! There are no traces and unpredictable moves, so the opponent can only fight blindly, and then, you use your extremely rich' Use your fucking experience to beat him!"

Wu Qiao: "..."

"In short," Su Yiqing patted him on the shoulder, "human beings have subjective initiative, as long as they think about it, there is always a way, don't believe in any bullshit data."

"Yes." Wu Qiao turned to look at Su Yiqing, "Thank you."

"It's okay." Su Yiqing stood up, "Then I'll go back first. I just said I was sick, if someone finds me chatting here, it will damage my positive image."

"Okay, I'm much better." Wu Qiao's eyes were dark, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

After some guidance from Su Yiqing, Wu Qiao felt that he was indeed more energetic.

Su Yiqing was right in one thing at least. When one road is blocked, there are always other roads to go. Who said there is no other way to reach the destination

There is still a 0.01% chance of becoming a battle hero, isn't it? Why give up now

Even if you go to the Yellow River, your heart may not die, let alone try

Becoming a soldier has always been Wu Qiao's hope. When he was ten years old, he saw an article in a magazine called "Interstellar Reader", which had a profound influence on him. This is what an imperial general who has fought east and west for decades said: "I will not choose to be an ordinary person. I refuse to trade my strength for the peace of my life. I don't need to tremble in front of anyone, I countries need not panic in front of any country."

Since then, Wu Qiao has longed to fight in the starry sky. Although, Wu Qiao found out later that the articles on "Interstellar Reader" were all edited, the general never made any similar remarks.

Then, after thinking about it for a while, Wu Qiao decided to join the army directly, starting from the lowest level of work. In this way, slowly, he may also have the opportunity to get in touch with battleships and mechs.

Wu Qiao's mood improved a lot.

There was still hope for him—the hope that he could get his hands on the end war.

As soon as Wu Qiao returned home, he felt that the atmosphere was very wrong.

"Father, mother, sister." Wu Qiao called out one by one.

"You unlucky bastard." My sister shook her head.

"..." Wu Qiao was just about to talk about wanting to join the army when he heard his parents sigh, "What are you going to do in the future? I asked you to make more proposals, but you just won't listen."

One of the other volunteers did not apply, which means that he has nothing to do... In this era, there is almost no physical labor.

"We thought that since we can't start a business, we should start a family first," the sister continued, "so we just did a subgene pairing for you."

"… what?"

Genetic matching refers to finding a suitable partner based on genes. Citizens of the empire who have reached the age of 18 can submit genetic data, and the system will search the database and lock all objects with a matching score of more than 90 points, and send the information to both parties. Generally speaking, a person will have multiple "suitable objects". As for who to choose as a partner, it is the right of citizens themselves, although the system will strongly recommend the person with the highest score. This method has become a common way for citizens of the empire to find a partner. However, it is not mandatory. To this day, many people still refuse to submit personal information, but choose people who are like-minded around them, although several large-scale surveys show that , the divorce rate of people who are combined by gene pairing is significantly lower, and the gene level of their offspring is also higher.

"You," my sister continued, "you are only worthy of one person."

"...Oh." Wu Qiao was not very interested in this.

"I sent a letter to the other party in your name."

"... Hey!" Wu Qiao didn't mean that at all, even though he could understand his family's thoughts. In this era, there are quite a lot of people who get married early. They concentrate on raising their children at home and assist their partners to work hard outside, just like the people on the ancient earth did. Career" to appease these men and women, of course, there are families where both are living at home on welfare.

"I was in a hurry, so I sent a letter." My sister explained, "It was accompanied by Tan Yan! The youngest five-star general in the empire!"

"... There are only two five-star generals in the empire, okay? The other one is 120 years old."

Wu Qiao was a little surprised that the system found this person.

Tan Yan, since he entered the military, his position has skyrocketed like a rocket. A year ago, he became a five-star general because of his military exploits. He is only 28 years old this year. Today, when the average life expectancy has exceeded 180 years, his life has just begun.

The two five-star generals of the empire are completely opposite in almost every point. Among them, the most talked about is that Tan Yan's genetic matching results are "0" every year, while Xiao En, 18 years old More than 600 were found in the first pairing that year, and more and more have been found since then. People jokingly called it the "Master-Key". If you want to say that the only thing they have in common is their military talent, Tan Yan and Xiao En have always been Wu Qiao's idols.

Now, all of a sudden, it just feels unreal to be associated with marriage.

"On the one hand, it's because the other party is this person..." My sister said again, "On the other hand, the system only finds one person for you... I'm afraid that if you don't hurry, he will be snatched away... Although it feels unlikely, just in case Always good...”

"Did he see the letter?" Wu Qiao asked.

If you don't see it, take it back.

"It's all back."

"So fast? What to write?"

"... Read it for yourself." My sister called up the screen, "This is the one."

Wu Qiao glanced over and found that there were only eight words on it:

[That trash? Get the fuck out—]

"..." The story of the first useless firewood in history has already been reported to the military... It seems that in Tan Yan's eyes, he is just the first person in history who wants to get married and have children on the first day after being rejected by the military academy. It's just a waste of firewood.

"I'm so angry!" My sister said angrily, "Your gene has just been put into storage today, and he was finally matched with someone, yet he talks to you in such a tone!"


"I'll send him another letter to make him change his mind."

"No need." Wu Qiao looked up at his sister and parents, "There's no need... because I want to join the army."

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