Face Slapping the General

Chapter 10: Entrance Exam (below)


Wu Qiao succeeded in one blow, and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. He drove the mech to dodge left and right to look for new opportunities.

The opponent's mech has only a little life left...

Wu Qiao was quite surprised by the power just now, but at the same time, he felt a burst of joy, because his chances of winning the battle had greatly increased—his mecha had half its life, but the opponent had only one bottom left. , as long as he can seize another opportunity to successfully sneak attack once, he can become the final winner. No matter how powerful the examiner is, he will always be hit, right

Just as he was thinking wildly, Wu Qiao suddenly heard an electronic sound—the examiner hit him again!

Immediately afterwards, Wu Qiao saw a whole field of light beams and shells attacking him, and no matter where he fled with the shield and anti-optical system on, those intertwined beams and shells followed him like a shadow, as if he couldn't get rid of it no matter what. Lose.

Wu Qiao glanced at the screen.

Even with the protection of shields and so on, life is declining a little bit.

At this moment, his advantage is far less obvious than just now.


What's more terrible is that the examiner is still advancing towards himself in the flames of war.

"..." Is the fire suppression...? Wu Qiao understood that the opponent suppressed him with fierce firepower. At this moment, he couldn't make any movements at all. As long as the shield is removed a little bit, the opponent's attack will immediately fall on him. With this wave of suppression, the opponent approached him bit by bit, because the speed at which Wu Qiao's mech retreated was far slower than the speed at which the opponent advanced.

Just as he was thinking about other ways, Wu Qiao suddenly found that his opponent had quickly bullied him!

The examiner suddenly used a full speed boost!

Wu Qiao was horrified and tried to get rid of his opponent.

However, it was too late at this time. Tang Sanjiao had completed the replacement of weapons in an instant. His mecha right hand held the alloy knife tightly, and the tip of the knife stabbed Wu Qiao's mecha's chest with a "pound".

Wu Qiao only felt the mecha shake violently, and it flew backwards for several meters under the reaction force.

His life quickly returned to zero on the screen, and a line of big characters was displayed at the same time: Wu Qiao: Lose.

Did you lose...

It's only natural to think about it.

There is not much life left. If the blow just now happened in a real battle, the extremely hot and extremely sharp energy knife would probably have pierced the D-class mech. How could he still be alive? .

The idea of wanting to win the chief examiner is really... too naive

But just now, Wu Qiao clearly felt that he had a good chance.

"...It's a pity." After the battle, the examiner said this to Tan Yan through the communication system on the mecha.

"… Ok."

"He was too conservative at the end." The examiner laughed. "At that time, my life was running low, so I couldn't give him any chance to make a move. We could only let the attacks keep falling on him. If he didn't choose to defend, Instead, he exchanged blood with me. He would rather be injured and attack. Then he still has a chance. After all, I don’t have many lives. But he decided to defend and wait for the opportunity to counterattack—haha, he didn’t even think about it, where am I? Will he make another mistake and let him take this advantage for nothing?"

"He's not conservative." Tan Yan's voice was still calm, "It's just that his thinking is not that of a candidate."

"Huh? It's not the examinee's thinking? What does this mean?"

"If you always remember that this is an exam, what you said just now is of course the most correct. However, if this battle takes place on the battlefield... the strategy of two people confronting each other has no practical significance. The pilot of the mech would not want to It's a blood change because it's a very dangerous move."

"..." The examiner hesitated, "You mean...he took this as an actual battle against me?"

"I'm afraid so. The attack in the sun was more like an actual battle."

"Why did he do this?"

"I don't know." Tan Yan replied, "I guess it's just his habit—he didn't think of switching his mind at all in the rush. I think maybe he read too much actual combat data so that he didn't notice it. There are actually some opportunistic methods in the exam."

"..." So dumb? Tang Triangle couldn't help thinking, should he be said to be smart, or should he be said to be stupid

Over there, the "serious man" stepped out of the mecha.

He gave a military salute to the examiner, although he will be discharged soon. After the mine star was attacked, a large number of soldiers were sent back to the capital star, waiting to be dispatched elsewhere. However, the fact that the mine star was a secret military base spread like wildfire, and many "miners" were very angry at the military's concealment. , have asked to be discharged from the army. In order not to escalate the situation, the military department approved these applications in desperation.

"You..." The examiner looked at Wu Qiao and said, "You're not bad."

"Thank you." After a pause, Wu Qiao asked again, "When will I know the results of the preliminary test?"

"The list will be announced tonight, and an interview will be held tomorrow."

"...?" Wu Qiao asked, "In such a hurry?"

"Yes. Some of these newcomers are very good, and Admiral Tan Yan plans to interview them in person."

"Huh?" Tan Yan interviewed himself? However, why is Tan Yan interviewing in such a hurry

"There is some stalemate in the battle with the Republic, and the general will leave here to go to the battlefield the day after tomorrow."

"I see." Wu Qiao felt that going to the battlefield...is really enviable.

"Okay." Tang Sanjiao said very gently, "Go back and wait for the news."

"Well, thank you."

After bidding farewell to the examiner, Wu Qiao walked out the door.

As soon as he left the examination room, Ya Jiu pounced on him: "Wu Qiao!"

"...Hi." The machine armor came to welcome him. This kind of treatment is not available to others.

"You, you, you..." Ya Jiu looked at Wu Qiao nervously, "Did you win?"

"No." Wu Qiao replied in a low voice, "I lost..."

"Huh... lost..." Ya Jiu looked at Wu Qiao firmly, "I heard outside just now that several people won the battle."

"..." Wu Qiao opened his eyes wide and looked at Ya Jiu in shock.

There are some people who won the examiner? !

Wu Qiao recalled that the chief examiner had just said that some of these newcomers were very good. Was this what he was referring to

Hearing this news, Wu Qiao suddenly felt a ball of cotton wool stuck between his chest and lungs. My heart, which was still relaxed just now, was suddenly wrapped in a thin thread, and my breathing became less smooth. The surprise, disappointment, bewilderment, and sense of loss when I was rejected by the military academy all of a sudden returned, and all kinds of emotions were reversed. The scar is still as clear as yesterday.

Wu Qiao couldn't stop panicking.

Will he... be eliminated

Crow Nine couldn't hide its sadness, but after a while, it suddenly grabbed Wu Qiao's hand with its small iron claws: "Well... Wu Qiao, don't be sad."


"Next year... next year we will retake the exam!"


"Isn't it just a year? Actually, it's very fast... These four months with you, I feel that the time is very fast."

"Crow Nine..." Wu Qiao looked at Crow Nine, clenched his hands into fists, his nails almost sank into his flesh, and after a long while, he finally said, "I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Crow Nine bowed his head and rubbed his feet on the ground, "Don't be sorry, just wait another year—"

"That's not the case." Wu Qiao shook his head, "It's all my fault."

"… Well?"

"Let's wait and see."


Wu Qiao couldn't calm down all night.

He kept staring at the phone.

Ya Jiu didn't know what to say, so he just kept repeating "We will take the exam again next year."

It had no idea that if Wu Qiao hadn't passed the test, it would have been passed.

Then, waiting until ten o'clock in the evening, the phone rang suddenly.

The voice inside is the most pleasing to the ear: "Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, come over for an interview."


Wu Qiao waved his fist excitedly, and hugged Yajiu tightly.

The blood in his body rushed straight up, his head was numb, and he felt like he was going to be dizzy.

"Hey...?" Ya Jiu tugged Wu Qiao with his small iron claws, "Are you in for an interview?"


"Great..." Ya Jiu also looked forward to it, "If you pass, you don't have to wait another year, and I can start serving earlier."

"… Ok."

In fact, even if you pass the test, the fate of Crow Nine is still not guaranteed, but it is better than being sure that you will be formatted.

—The next day, Wu Qiao got up before dawn.

Last night, he was sleepless.

He also wants to sleep to keep in good shape, but his brain is always very excited, always thinking about what will happen tomorrow, tossing and turning, no matter what, he can't fall asleep.

Wu Qiao arrived at the examination room early, waited outside for three hours, made various assumptions about the questions that might be asked, and then answered them all by himself.

As the time gradually approached ten o'clock, the candidates for the re-examination came one after another.

Wu Qiao found that Sheng Chongguang was also on the retest list.

Wuqiao's re-examination order is simply the last one.

He thought he would test some knowledge, but he didn't.

All questions asked by Tang Triangle are about behavior.

For example, what would you do if you disagreed with the decision made by your superior on the battlefield

Wu Qiao's answer was: "I will tell him my point of view. If he still insists on the original strategy, I will obey his orders unconditionally."

Another example: If someone tries to overthrow the legitimate government, what do you do

Wu Qiao replied: "As long as I am a soldier, I must obey orders."

The last question is, why do you want to be a soldier

Wu Qiao took a breath, and said the answer again solemnly: "Because I want to change the world, pacify the war, and glorify the empire."

"...it's not that easy."

"Of course." Wu Qiao said again, "But what you want to do has nothing to do with its difficulty."


During the whole process, Tan Yan didn't say a word.

However, Wu Qiao noticed that Tan Yan had changed into a new military uniform, and the well-fitting uniform perfectly set off his tall and straight figure.

The interview lasted about half an hour.

After the interview, Wu Qiao did not leave directly, but stood in the corridor and waited, because he wanted to say thank you to Tan Yan.

However, Tan Yan did not appear as soon as expected.

Several examiners had a long discussion in the room. Wu Qiao waited for an hour and a half before the door of the room was finally opened.

Tan Yan was obviously taken aback when he saw Wu Qiao.

However, he soon said with his normal expression, "Congratulations."

Wu Qiao's heart trembled, and his breathing immediately became short of breath.

That's how... he passed? ! Can he go to the military training course? ! He can justifiably pilot the mech? !

On the other hand, Tan Yan asked calmly, "Is that all you want to know?"

"Actually not." Wu Qiao shook his head, trying to calm himself down, "I want to thank you."

Tan Yan looked at the others, and those people left immediately with interest.

"I want to say, thank you." Wu Qiao stared at the other party, "I agree with Yajiu to take a walk."

"It's not a big deal."

In fact, the Minister of Defense did say a few words to him because of this incident. After all, he let the unqualified Wu Qiao board the mecha, and also let Wu Qiao train with Crow Nine. The Minister of Defense told him not to mess around in the future, and punished him to think in the office for a few days, but Tan Yan didn't care at all, and went out to wander around.

"Also," Wu Qiao said again, "thank you for your lucky item. During the first test, I couldn't figure out what to do a few times, so I touched the button and thought about what I would do if it was you. In the end, I really did. A solution was found."

"It's not a big deal."

"I heard that you are going to fight tomorrow? And the battle situation over there is not optimistic?"


"That..." Wu Qiao scratched his head, "I also want to give you something, I hope it can bring you good luck too."


Wu Qiao took out a piece of ore from his pocket: "This is... green sand. I dug it when the mine star was attacked. Later, when something happened, I just put it in my pocket and brought it out."


"Others say that green sand is the lucky stone of the imperial people."


"I think there might be some truth to it? The day I held it, I drove the Crow Nine out of Mines without any driving experience."


"Otherwise, take it."

"... Oh?" Tan Yan took the stone, held it in front of his eyes and took a closer look, "This is, when you met me...the stone next to me?"

Wu Qiao felt that this question was a bit strange.

However, he still replied very seriously: "Yes, I just discovered that you just dug it out before."

Tan Yan looked at it for a while, then finally nodded and picked it up.

"Then, I wish you good luck." Wu Qiao said again.

"Will do."

Wu Qiao recalled that in all kinds of rumors, this general had always been very lucky, and the closer to the critical moment, the better his luck.