Face Slapping the General

Chapter 100: The turning point of the war (Part 1)


After turning off the communication, Wu Qiao thought about it left and right, but he was still not at ease, and he couldn't feel relieved.

Tan Yan said that he was fine, and he was already very well, could he be lying again? How is he now

"Ji Yao," Wu Qiao connected to Ji Yao's communication again, "Are you sure you won't come back today or tomorrow?"

"I'm on vacation here..." Ji Yao seemed to be sleeping, his voice sounded hoarse, "Please, I haven't had a vacation for six months."

"… Oh."

"Tan Yan was seriously injured, and I was very confused."

"..." Ji Yao sneered ruthlessly, "You haven't messed up so many big things, but you messed up when he was seriously injured?"

"...don't laugh." However, no matter what kind of predicament he was in, he would never feel flustered. Every time he experienced this feeling, it was all because of Tan Yan.

Ji Yao asked Wu Qiao: "Do you want to visit him?"

"I want to leave now, come back at noon tomorrow, leave for an afternoon and add another morning, to make sure his situation will not repeat." In fact, Wu Qiao's time without vacation is even greater, and he can't remember the last time he was in How long ago.

Ji Yao sighed: "Then you go. I'll go back and make arrangements."

"… Thank you."

The deputy head is still there, so there will be no problem. Besides, Ji Yao was also there, and he could contact him anytime if there was anything to do. Wu Qiao was very relieved and gave himself a vacation.

Tan Yan fell asleep when he suddenly felt one side of the bed sink.

Years of wars have turned him into a person who can easily fall asleep and be awakened easily. He wasn't like that when he first joined the army. At that time, because the environment was always changing, it was often difficult for Tan Yan to fall asleep. Once he was tired from tossing and really sleepy, he would sleep hard. The result of this is that when he needs to catch up on sleep during the war, he always can't fall asleep, and he will be woken up just after falling asleep, and then he is in a daze and has no strength in his body. As he spent more and more time on the battlefield, he finally possessed the special skill of "recovering sleep as soon as he closes his eyes", and he can immediately enter the battle in the best state when the situation changes.

Now, he's awake.

Someone was lying on his bed, hugging him gently outside his quilt. Even through the thick quilt, Tan Yan could still feel the hug.

He opened his eyes, but he didn't look aside, he just asked softly, "Are you here?"

"Yeah." Wu Qiao rubbed Tan Yan's cheek with the tip of his hair, "Here we come."

"How could it be so fast?" Tan Yan asked again, "I will tell you in the afternoon."

"He drove the Crow Nine directly, and half of his energy was consumed." Wu Qiao smiled, "The Crow Nine is the fastest, and there is no one jumping in the space." This is quite rare. Under normal circumstances, You have to wait for a while at the space jump point. Just like the airport, it is absolutely impossible for everyone to jump in with one brain.

"What about Crow Nine?"

Wu Qiao replied: "I went to find Long Yuan. It picked up a small strange beast, and I want Long Yuan to take a look at it too. Long Yuan likes animals." The strange beast that Ya Jiu picked up looked like a mouse, but its mouth was bigger than that of a mouse. Generally, mice are even bigger, and they seem to know how to eat, and they don't seem to have any other skills.

"It's like it." Tan Yan smiled, then suddenly changed the subject and said, "Hey..."


"Take off and get in."

"...But I'm afraid I'll touch your wound." Wu Qiao said. Tan Yan had an injury on his body, and Wu Qiao was afraid that rubbing it directly would cause another tear.

"It's really not a problem anymore, the injury I got two weeks ago." Tan Yan was a little helpless, "It's almost healed, and the connecting scabs are almost falling off."

"..." Wu Qiao asked him, "Where is the injury?"


"... Mmm." Wu Qiao stretched out his hand and touched the wound very carefully. His fingers gently stroked the affected area, feeling the touch with his heart—he wanted to personally verify what the situation was like now.

The area from the chest to the lower abdomen is indeed a little uneven, but I can feel that the healing is very good, and it seems that I can really feel relieved.

Wu Qiao himself was often injured. He used to be the VIP of the hospital, and he knew that this was a sign that he was getting well soon.

Is it

"It's okay." Wu Qiao withdrew his hand, but suddenly touched something as hard as iron.

"You..." Wu Qiao blushed, but he couldn't see clearly in the dark, "You started thinking about this before you were ready?!"

"How do you control this?" Tan Yan was confident, "It's been a long time since I saw you, and you're touching again, can I have no reaction?"

"Okay," Wu Qiao got out of bed, took off his jacket and outer pants, and then got into Tan Yan's bed, "It's useless to think about it, I'm going to bed soon."

"How can I sleep like this?" Tan Yan hugged Wu Qiao, and after thinking for a while, he said, "This time I was seriously injured for the country, can I make a small request?"

"You speak."

"I want the head of state to give me oral sex."

"You..." Wu Qiao was shocked by Tan Yan's shamelessness.

"Is it ok?"

"...Hey," Wu Qiao sighed, turned over and sat up again. He and Tan Yan looked at each other, lifted Tan Yan's quilt, put on a comfortable posture, stretched out his hand to hold the other's lower body, lowered his eyelashes, and then bowed his head. He had no reluctance to do this kind of thing for Tan Yan.

His technique was poor, or he had no technique at all. Wu Qiao imitated what Tan Yan had done before, and pressed it with his tongue, then slid up and down very hard, and at the same time sucked with a little strength. Wu Qiao wanted to retch, but he tried his best to suppress it.

Tan Yan propped up a little bit, stretched out his hand to touch Wu Qiao's face, ears, and hair, his chest began to rise and fall violently, and his strong muscles were full of temptation.

Wu Qiao's black hair was shaking, and when his head was lowered to the lowest point, Tan Yan could see his beautiful shoulders and neck; when his head was raised to the highest point, he could vaguely see two red dots on his chest.

Wu Qiao didn't know whether Tan Yan was satisfied or not, and whether he should change his method, so he had to bite the bullet and repeat the same action over and over again.

"Wu Qiao," Tan Yan said suddenly, "change the direction."

"...?" Wu Qiao paused, expressing that he didn't quite understand. Go the other way? What change direction

"Give me your ass." Tan Yan lay back, stretched out his hand to pinch Wu Qiao's chin, and made Wu Qiao retreat completely. Then he didn't withdraw his hand, and continued to lightly hold Wu Qiao's chin towards him, signaling Wu Qiao to get up. Wu Qiao obediently leaned over. Then, Tan Yan held Wu Qiao's waist, turned his head and feet from facing him to facing away from him, and knelt on both sides of his body with his knees apart.

"..." Wu Qiao felt that this action was too shameful.

"You can continue." Tan Yan said, hooked the edge of Wu Qiao's last layer of trousers with his index finger, took out the things inside, and then opened his lips to wrap them gently.

"Hmm..." It was the first time Wu Qiao did this to each other, and he really couldn't take both sides into account.

Soon, he couldn't care about his own "work", and finally struggled to lick it twice, then completely gave up concentrating, put his face on Tan Yan's leg, closed his eyes and panted unconsciously, The last Jiling released himself.

At the same time, Tan Yan stretched out his hand to his own lower body, rubbed it for a while, and also vented.

So, in fact, Wu Qiao gave up on Tan Yanang's request halfway.

"You..." Tan Yan continued to tease Wu Qiao, "As the head of state, you can't do what you say."


"They said it was to reward me, but in the end, they only cared about their own pleasure."

"Talk about Yan..."


"Shut up."

"… Oh."

"You..." After a while, Wu Qiao asked hesitantly, "Did you drink all that just now?"

"Pretty good. Protein, don't waste it."

Wu Qiao's face was so hot that he hugged Tan Yan lightly, lowered his head and kissed Tan Yan on the other's shoulder, then stuck out his tongue and licked the place where he just kissed.

"I was dreaming before you came." Tan Yan said hoarsely with her eyes closed.

"Huh?" Wu Qiao answered in a nonchalant manner, "What did you dream about?"

"I dreamed that it was a time of peace."

"and then?"

"You are a teacher... you still want to contribute to mankind, so you chose to teach as a profession and feed your students chicken soup all day long."


"I am a gardener in the school. I plant flowers on the campus every day. I watch you go to and from get off work silently, and I like you secretly in my heart."

Wu Qiao leaned on Tan Yan: "You really like planting flowers and plants." Of course, you also like the overwater villas that are too expensive to afford in Seafood Starfield. This is not the first time he has mentioned these two matters.

"Actually, I don't know if I really like it." Tan Yan was silent for a while, and then said, "I don't like wars. I always want to plant flowers and plants after the war is over because I think I will definitely like flowers and plants, but in fact I don't like wars. I never planted those at all, and entered the military academy after graduating from middle school, so maybe everything is taken for granted by myself.”

Wu Qiao also tried to think about the situation in Yanmeng, "I didn't think about being a teacher in the past, I always wanted to be a soldier. However, if peace really comes, it seems to be a good idea to be a teacher."

Wu Qiao felt a little distressed when he heard it. This dispute has shattered the dreams of too many people.

He really couldn't help thinking: Has the destructiveness of war far exceeded the imagination of the initiator of the war? Will he regret it, will he pray to stop, will he be afraid that he has ruined this beautiful world

He has no way of knowing these things.

All he can do at this moment is touch the wound on his lover's body and secretly make up his mind to work harder to end the war as soon as possible.

Wu Qiao thought of what Tanyan said in the afternoon about the self-government of the people in the Republic.

Perhaps, as the head of the alliance, he should push forward and speed up the process.

The longer you wait, the more coalition forces will die.

Afterwards, just as Tan Yan, Wu Qiao, and Ji Yao thought, because of the non-resistance and non-cooperation of the people of the four ethnic groups in pots, pans, and pans, the army of the Republic was very slow to assemble. The coalition forces advanced smoothly on the border. Although it can't be said that it is like entering an uninhabited territory, it is indeed much easier than expected.

When the republic seemed to have no other way, it made a very rash decision and agreed to give the four ethnic groups the right to partial self-government.

The original intention of the government of the republic is to resolve the long-standing conflicts between the government and these ethnic groups, allowing them to safeguard the common interests of the republic while having more power.

However, the government of the Republic, which has no experience in decentralization, oversimplifies the problem.

— Once the national independence is opened, it is likely to be followed by an irreparable split.

Not long after the four clans of pots and pans in the republic gained partial autonomy, other peoples also demanded the same treatment as theirs. For a long time, these ethnic groups have been unwilling to reconcile local resources being used for endless wars, dissatisfied with the Republic setting up various bases in the borders to pollute the environment, and unwilling to have their independent values under the impact of foreign populations. The people's sense of identity with the Republic is very low, and they even think that they are being squeezed. Taking control of politics, economics, and social affairs like the Pots and Pans is exactly what they need.

Of course, it is the spiritual leaders of all ethnic groups who most want to govern themselves. In the past, as a small part of the republic, their power was under the government, but as long as they can obtain some ethnic autonomy, they can get more benefits, and if they can be completely independent, they can even do whatever they want.

And the Republic has no reason to refuse. Now that autonomy has been pioneered, all ethnic groups should be treated equally, otherwise there will be endless protests in the future. Within two months of the partial self-government of the four ethnic groups, another 18 ethnic groups formed a new government and formulated their own laws for each region.

That same year, the 22 nations demanded that the Republic be formally more federal. They proposed a new power-sharing plan and planned to redefine the powers of local governments. The implication was that they wanted to force the country to transfer power to a greater extent. Up to this time, the government of the Republic had not realized the danger coming. The government has launched negotiations with 22 autonomous star domains. It does not agree with the power-sharing plan put on the table by the other party, but it cannot come up with an alternative plan that will satisfy the other party.

Just when the negotiations reached an impasse, the Autonomous Starfield suddenly felt impatient. On the fifteenth day of the negotiations, the Guo clan took the lead in announcing their secession from the Republic. Then, the three nationalities of the Wan, Piao, and Pen also issued the "Declaration of Independence" one after another, declaring that their country is a sovereign state, and their laws are higher than the laws of the Republic. The laws of the Republic can only be accepted if they do not violate the laws of their own country. .

It was only at this time that the Republic woke up like a dream, and finally realized that the four clans of pots, pans and pans never wanted to mobilize the local people to fight against the coalition forces. It was just a reason they fabricated for the first step of splitting. All they think about is how not to be involved in the war and how to protect themselves. The coalition forces have already invaded the mainland of the Republic, and the flames of war will soon spread to the entire territory. As long as they leave the Republic, they will not be affected in any way—the bond between them and the Republic is always fragile.

Subsequently, another 13 autonomous regions in the territory followed the example of the four ethnic groups of pots, pans and pans, saying that they would no longer have contact with other ethnic groups in the Republic. These 17 ethnic groups even formed a coalition, intending to jointly deal with the next actions of the Republic.

After the incident, the Republic regretted that it did not introduce any laws that could be used to stop the secession before the development of the situation, so that it could not immediately contain it institutionally when there were signs of secession. If it can urgently hold a referendum before the Guo nationality declares independence, then as long as the result of the vote rejects the independence of the star region, those ethnic groups will have no legitimate reason. This idea is correct, but unfortunately it is too late.

At this time, the parliament quickly passed a new law, refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the independent region. However, the split has occurred, and the 17 independent star fields have all lightly stated that they already have sovereignty and no longer need to obey the laws of the Republic.

The Republic suddenly fell into internal and external troubles.

The coalition forces led by Tan Yan are quickly sweeping across the land, and the Republic really has no energy to deal with those independent nations. Although the doctrine advocates nature and peace, in fact the people of those peoples are very brave.

It is extremely unrealistic to deal with foreign countries while dealing with domestic affairs.

— In 2269 of the Galactic Calendar, the Republic officially disintegrated.

After the disintegration, the republic was divided into one big country and 17 small countries.

Embarrassed on all sides, the president announced his resignation. On the day he resigned, the music played by the band was extremely sad, and the dim lighting made the hall look gloomy. In his final speech, he said: "I am very disturbed by such an outcome, I am afraid that it will lead to a more serious incident, and that incident will even involve everyone. I hope that there will be no such thing, even if I do not live anymore In the same country, all people can be happy and happy." After expressing his blessing, he handed over various powers to the new republic, the flag of the former republic was lowered, and the flag of the new republic was hoisted.

Then, the former Republic Assembly organized the last meeting, completed the handover by legal means, and officially terminated its duties. After it was over, Parliament was declared dissolved and the dissolution of the Republic was finalized. As for those congressmen, they directly formed the Provisional Parliament of the New Republic.

In this turmoil, there is no evidence to fully show what role the alliance led by Wu Qiao and the neutral country led by Jing Yan played.

In terms of rational analysis, it is certain that these two countries are contributing to the flames, but no one can say whether this is the case, what kind of activities they have carried out, and the extent to which they have affected this historic event. Be clear.

Only one ambiguous sentence of Wu Qiao remains in history. He said: "Is there no way for the Republic to prevent the independence of the nation? No, it has. We all know that at that time, the Republic could not take care of both sides at the same time. It had to make a choice-whether to continue the war between us, or Keep its territory intact. In fact, if it surrenders to us, if it is willing to end its unjust war against another country, it can devote itself to its own internal affairs, but it does not. It chooses not to Surrender is what it chooses to divide the country. Regarding its choice, I don’t know what else to say except regret.”

In addition, only one adjutant in Wuqiao said: "This is not correct, but it is necessary. Many times you have to do things that are not correct, because everything is to end the war. The coalition forces have a large number of More people sacrificed their lives for justice, and all we think about is how to save more innocent people. If this did not happen, the war would probably continue for a long time." This passage is more clear than Wu Qiao's meaning, but, It's hard to say how much this adjutant knew. There is no evidence that he was also involved in this matter, so what he said is not very credible.

For the coalition forces, the benefits of the disintegration of the Republic went beyond weakening the enemy's strength. More importantly, after these border nations became independent, 80% of the passage for the army of the Republic to advance from the interior to the outer universe was blocked, and it was almost blocked in the Republic. If you want to come out, you must get the consent of the newly independent small country, otherwise, you must declare war on it.

So far, the situation has turned, and the Republic has fallen into a very unfavorable situation.

The Republic never expected that the conflicts between ethnic groups that had been neglected because of the war would turn out to be gangrene and would be fully exploited by the enemy.