Face Slapping the General

Chapter 101: The turning point of the war (middle)


The army of the Republic was blocked in the territory of the Republic, which dealt a great blow to the Republic. Eighty-tenths of the external passages are blocked, and the combat route will become extremely single. The coalition forces can easily predict the route, guarding the passage and bombarding them indiscriminately to force them to retreat.

This shows that if the newly independent country is not forced into the newly independent country to open the way by force, it will be difficult for the Republic to fight again.

Moreover, regarding the change of territory, the Republic's original logistics supply system was completely changed, almost collapsed, and the Republic needed to immediately plan a new supply route, which made them in a hurry.

Ji Yao was constantly dealing with the 17 small countries, persuading them to stop providing traditional energy to the Republic. Among the 17 small countries, three have exported a large amount of ore to the Republic in the past, and they have made outstanding contributions to the Republic's military.

After weighing the situation, the three small countries fell to the side of the coalition forces. The coalition forces also dispatched consultants to help them form an army, which in fact means controlling their combat power.

After a desperate fight for the Republic, it was met with the expected stern rejection.

Next, they can only rely on a smaller amount of energy to maintain operations.

With less and less energy, and being trapped in the territory and unable to find new supplements, the clock on the time bomb began to tick, and a devastating explosion seemed to be coming.

At the same time, after the disintegration of the Republic, domestic social conflicts further deepened.

The monopoly class made a fortune in the war, but the people suffered an unprecedented crisis. Due to a large number of conscription, the number of employees in other positions has plummeted, coupled with the shortage of resources in the Republic itself, all resources have been used for front-line wars, companies have closed down, and domestic anti-war sentiments continue to breed, and it is no longer like the past few years. support the government.

Playing outside is one thing, playing at home is another.

After two consecutive years of defeat, there were basically no wins that could be achieved. Now that the situation is so bad, it is normal for the voice of stop loss to appear.

All the people in the republic are thinking: have you got such a result after spending so much manpower and material resources

Even within the army, there are complaints.

In response to this situation, the Republic organized a massive offensive.

This attack is to use the excuse of chasing the allied forces of the alliance and the neutral countries, and to bring down the Guo country—that is, the Guo family before the split. As long as you control the pot country, you can use its ore resources.

This counter-offensive plan included all the troops with the most serious complaints.

The idea of the upper echelons of the army is: if this battle is won, the frustration and discouragement within the army can be changed; if this battle is lost, those troops can also be honorably sacrificed, and they will not come back to affect others.

However, those troops saw through the evil intention of the army, and understood that this was actually to let them go to the front line to die.

Originally, they were just complaining, but this time it really turned into an actual action—they locked up the battleship and the mechs, and refused to go out. No matter what the commander promised, they just remained unmoved, and the contradictions in the army were resolved for the first time. Come to the table.

In order to make an example to others, the army arrested the soldiers who took the lead in disobedience, but they met with fierce resistance. Although people were arrested, the impact of the conflict was very large, and the army took a lot of effort to succeed.

In the end, the army dropped the plan and it looked like everything was back to normal.

However, careful people can definitely find that after this incident, many soldiers in the army have doubts in their hearts.

Once such an atmosphere is created, it will be very unfavorable to the war.

Not surprisingly, the Republic's reorganized attack to force back the coalition forces and control the Guoguo failed.

The war was completely one-sided, and there was nothing worthy of war history to record.

The only special thing is that on New Year's Day, the two sides agreed to a two-day truce to celebrate the agreement.

The reason is: on this day of welcoming new life, let us not embrace death any longer.

During those two days, the two sides not only ceased fighting, but also had friendly interactions between soldiers on both sides.

During the countdown to the new year, the fleets on both sides were counting down. When the count reached zero, the warships of both sides fired lasers and live ammunition into the sky at the same time, simulating the romance of fireworks all over the sky.

There were also soldiers from the alliance who drove to the border between the two armies and sent flowers and beer to the soldiers of the Republic, and the people of the Republic also gave gifts in return. People from the two countries got together, each took out their own food to explain, and then gave it to the other to taste. The republicans hugged and shook hands with Confederate soldiers, and even sang New Year's songs together.

Then, both sides allowed the other side to go to the battlefield to search for the remains, and both sides took back the bodies of their own people they found.

On this day, they don't have to worry about death, they can welcome the new year with peace of mind, and pray that everything will change for the better in the new year.

However, it is a pity that such a scene only lasted for two days.

During the two days of the truce, Tan Yan was not in the army.

He returned to Capital Star very rarely.

Wu Qiao delivered a New Year's speech, and then only attended half of the New Year's Eve dinner, and then dragged Tan Yan back to his office.

There was a balcony outside the office, and Tan Yan was stunned when he saw it.

—Wu Qiao prepared candlelight and red wine. The light of the candle flickered, and the color of the red wine was as clear as a gemstone.

"You..." Tan Yan smiled, "You still made these?"

"Yes." Wu Qiao opened the sliding door and walked out, "This is the first time we celebrate the New Year together." In the past, the two of them were busy separately.


"New Year's truce... very interesting." After thinking for a while, Wu Qiao smiled, "This is what Ji Yao meant."

"I heard." Some people in the republic thought that the alliance was engaging in psychological warfare, trying to break down the republic's will to fight, but the members of the alliance categorically denied it.

"Speaking of which," Wu Qiao said again, "this is the first time that the two sides in the war have reached an agreement. The first time there was an agreement was the New Year's Truce."

Tan Yan replied: "There are still times in the empire."

"Oh, yes, there was during the Empire, sit down."

"Okay." Tan Yan sat down, opened the bottle of red wine, poured himself some, then looked up at Wu Qiao, and asked, "What about you? Would you like something to drink?" He knew very well that apart from being forced to stay up late sometimes Well, Wu Qiao doesn't have any bad habits. For wine, he can drink it on important occasions at most, and drink bitter gourd juice the rest of the time. Not only does he like to drink, but he also forces Tan Yan to drink. Tan Yan also gets used to drinking, and sometimes feels a little gluttonous after not drinking for too long—habit is a terrible thing.

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao tilted his head to look at the bottle of wine, "Is it good?"

Tan Yan raised his hand and handed over his cup: "I don't know. How about you try mine first?"

"One mouthful is too much." Wu Qiao put one arm on the table, supported his chin with his hand, looked at Tan Yan's thin lips, and said, "Take a sip, and I'll lick your lips."

"..." Tan Yan raised his eyes and glanced at Wu Qiao, "You pervert." Then, he didn't say anything else, just took a sip from the cup, and then pulled Wu Qiao onto his lap.

Wu Qiao stretched out his tongue to lick the other's lips, and just as expected, he got a few drops of water. The familiar taste and the taste of red wine are mixed together, which seems to be sweeter than usual.

The two of them were chatting and "drinking" like this, and soon it was the countdown to the New Year.

There was a sudden sound in the distance, and the fireworks celebrating the New Year began to rise into the sky one by one. Comets jumped into the sky, stars danced in the dark night, and then fell down like a meteor shower.

It is colorful and radiant, and has various shapes, some are characters, some are flowers, and some are animals.

"Tan Yan..." Wu Qiao leaned back in his chair and said, "Wait a while... at 12 o'clock, you have to watch the last fireworks carefully."

"Huh?" Tan Yan asked, "What?"

"You can see for yourself."

"Is it blooming specially for me?"


Government buildings don't have clocks. Someone downstairs watched his watch counting down loudly, Wu Qiao pulled Tan Yan up, walked to the edge of the balcony, and quietly watched the fireworks in the distance.

As the last few numbers sounded, Tan Yan saw several red fireworks rushing straight into the sky, and with a "bang", two huge heart shapes bloomed, reflecting the entire sky brightly up. When the two hearts reached their maximum, they seemed to be able to beat.

"..." When the clock passed twelve o'clock, Tan Yan held Wu Qiao in his arms and bowed his head to kiss. The background was two red hearts in the distant sky. Be careful."

"Yeah." Wu Qiao admitted generously, and buried his face in Tan Yan's collar, "Tan Yan... I like you, I like you, I like you so much."

"I know."

"Before I met you, I didn't know that a person could like another person so much."

Tan Yan smiled lowly: "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." Wu Qiao went to kiss Tan Yan again, "The two of us walked into the new year together again."

"There will be countless new years to come."

"Yes. But... are you going back tomorrow?"


Wu Qiao stretched out his hands to tidy up Tan Yan's collar, which was completely messed up by himself: "Sometimes I really want to announce that you are missing, lock you up in my house, and let you just wait for me to come home every day." Come and go, Tan Yan's military uniform is not very neat, and he will go out later, it is definitely not good to look like this.

Tan Yan couldn't help laughing again: "Okay."

"...but that's just thinking about it. All I can do is support you as best I can."

"It's almost over, Wu Qiao, it's almost over." Tan Yan straightened Wu Qiao's hair, "The current republic is a bit like the old empire. Both the army and the people are very irritable."


"So, bear with it a little longer."

"... Mmm." Wu Qiao knew that the two of them met because of the war, and this was their fate. They are destined to be happy after others, and everything about themselves has to be pushed back.