Face Slapping the General

Chapter 104: Spring of Hope (middle)


It is said that during the period of organizing the big counter-offensive, the commander-in-chief of the Republic who loves to play table tennis often sat on a chair in his office with a numb expression, ping-pong-pong against the wall and returned the ball regularly. No one knew if he was really serious about playing, or just thinking about something while unconsciously looking for something to do. Is he remembering the past? Still planning for the future? Feeling sad? hi? Nothing is apparent on the surface. He almost never makes mistakes. As a person who once aspired to become a professional player, even if he failed to achieve his wish, his technology is far superior to that of amateurs.

In the few years after he became the commander-in-chief, he still likes to invite some professionals to compete in his spare time, but no matter who he looks for, the other party will always deliberately lose to him because they are afraid that he will be in a bad mood. I made an appointment with someone else, and instead hit the wall in the office, my figure looked very lonely, and this habit intensified again at this time.

The Republic's big counter-offensive came as scheduled, and the investment in it far exceeded Tan Yan's expectations.

In order to save manpower, the commander-in-chief adopted a flexible defense in depth method. They first slowed down the attack of the coalition forces as much as possible with the meager forces on the strongholds in front, and then attacked the coalition forces fiercely on the strong strongholds in the rear, gradually changing from defense to offense.

Tan Yan is no stranger to this style of play, but he underestimated the opponent's hunger for this victory—the Republic's troops on the Western Front had already been transferred back, and the Western Front, the original Eastern Front, and the domestic The troops attacked in unison, mobilizing almost all resources, as if vowing to stop the coalition forces here.

Under such a gap, the coalition forces became unable to move an inch. Tan Yan even lost three games in a row, and even failed to defend the fortress that he had fought before, although the opponent also worked hard to win those three games.

Then Wu Qiao felt... Tan Yan seemed to be avoiding him a little bit.

... Do you feel ashamed? This must be the case, Tan Yan is a very face-saving person in front of him.

Therefore, after a routine meeting was over, Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan and said, "Tan Yan, the frustration... don't take it to heart."

"I'm fine." Tan Yan was a little irritable, "I'm fine, don't force me to comfort me."

Wu Qiao smiled: "Others comfort you is forced comfort. It is understandable that you feel uncomfortable, but it is different when your lover comforts you. He is connected with you, can feel what you feel, and has the same mood as you, so it is not It's not forced comfort."

"..." Tan Yan felt that Wu Qiao was more mature when he felt like a child sometimes.

"Really, there will be no accidents." Wu Qiao said to Tan Yan, "The Republic has consumed too much in this battle, and its resources will be exhausted soon, and then it will be the day of our victory."

"I know." Tan Yan sighed, "But I still feel a little irritated when I see their counterattack with my own eyes, and it is very effective."

"You really don't have to worry." Wu Qiao said seriously, "We are just."

Tan Yan took a look at Wu Qiao, and finally there was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Even now, do you still believe that justice will prevail?" As the head of a country, Wu Qiao would definitely say this when he gave a speech, but if he really thought so It's a bit strange, there is an irrational innocence, full of childishness.

Wu Qiao thought for a while: "How should I put it... It's not the same as the belief that justice must prevail at the beginning. Now I think that war is not so much caused by the evil of human nature as it is also caused by human nature." Weakness. The party that launched the war is not strong enough and is weak, so it is easier to lose. But we have a steady stream of power, and these powers can help us resolve the most serious crisis in history."

"I really don't know whether I should agree with your remarks." Tan Yan is a pragmatic person, not as idealistic as Wu Qiao.

Wu Qiao asked, "Don't you believe me?"

"Of course I believe you."

"That's good, I won't lie to you." Wu Qiao smiled, "Just believe me, the advantage will come back soon."

Wu Qiao was right.

That was indeed the last madness of the opponent.

The Republic wasted too much on the counteroffensive. War is like a hillside, and attack is like a boulder rolling down from the top. As the boulder continues to roll downward, it acquires faster and faster speeds and possesses greater and greater kinetic energy, so it becomes more and more difficult to block it, and it is inevitable to pay a huge price to stop its momentum forcibly. The Republic is like this, forcibly stopping the coalition forces when their momentum was just right, paying more than imagined. This is like a table tennis game. When his physical strength is exhausted, although he tried his best to score the point in the stalemate, what awaits him afterwards is likely to be a faster defeat. The commander-in-chief didn't expect that it would be so tiring to score that point.

To the despair of the Republic, the reserve forces of the coalition forces are too strong, and no matter whether it is personnel or money, they are constantly pouring in like a tide.

Nothing can stop this monster from stumbling towards the abyss, but before it falls into the abyss, it must drag many people to be buried with it.

When the enemy army was clearly unable to continue, Tan Yan began to re-approach the capital star from three sides.

He sits in the middle of the road by himself. On the left and right is a general from the former Eastern Front, and the other is an officer from a neutral country. Both of them are very capable, and Tan Yan also approves of them.

Among them, the raid in the middle achieved the greatest victory.

Tan Yan's first method of deceiving the enemy was inspired by a story told by Wu Qiao. When desperately defending, Tan Yan was stressed and irritable, and Wu Qiao didn't know what to do. He asked Tan Yan what he could do to make him feel better, and Tan Yan asked Wu Qiao to sing a song. Wu Qiao really couldn't sing, so he proposed to tell a story, and Tan Yan agreed. Wu Qiao thought about it for a long time, and finally remembered that Tan Yan had deceived the soldiers of the Republic into thinking that the food and water of the coalition army were of high quality. He insinuated and said "Wolf is coming"—the sheep-herding child lied to people that the wolf was coming for fun. The third time the wolf really came, but no one believed it. The sheep herding children's sheep were bitten badly by wolves. Then, Wu Qiao told Tan Yan that if he deceived himself, he would suffer the consequences. Tan Yan was silent for a while after listening. Just when Wu Qiao thought he was introspecting, Tan Yan asked suspiciously what a "sheep-herding child" was.

Knowing that the enemy's consumption was too high, Tan Yan, who had decided to attack and make a surprise attack, didn't know what happened, so he remembered the story Wu Qiao told.

He released fake news five times, and every time it came to the time agreed in the news, the entire battlefield was silent.

Waiting for five times but nothing happened, the soldiers of the Republic doubted the intelligence capabilities.

By the sixth time, the soldiers took it for granted that the news must be wrong again.

Unexpectedly, Tan Yan really carried out a surprise attack this time, and the reaction of the Republic, which had obtained information in advance, was even worse than usual.

Then, Tan Yan forced the opponent's army into a fortress of the Republic. This fortress was once talked about and won, but it was not defended later, and it was returned in the three failed battles.

"Strange..." Seeing this scene, Ji Yao asked Wu Qiaodao, "Why do you have to fight over there? All the people of the Republic have entered the fortress, and it is very easy to defend... The marshal should change his way." Hearing Ji Yao's words, Wu Qiao shook his head. Shaking his head, he didn't say anything.

Ji Yao did not expect that after an hour of this conversation, the entire fortress disappeared in an instant! It turned out that Tan Yan had tampered with the fortress and hid the antimatter weapon in the depths. Once the antimatter weapon is triggered and the container is broken, it will cancel each other out with positive matter, annihilate, explode and release huge energy! This is the bomb that Tan Yan planted after he knew he couldn't keep it, and it will come in handy when he has a chance in the future.

A fortress and the people inside disappeared instantly, and the soldiers of the Republic trembled in their hearts, because they all felt that the defeat was just ahead. Some even took up weapons and shot themselves in the right hand, just so they wouldn't have to go to war.

The Republic is simply afraid of Tanyan.

Tan Yan actually left some moths every time he lost. Last time he left food and water to make the soldiers greedy. This time he simply left a huge bomb.

They didn't even know whether they should want to win or lose.

Tan Yan is too treacherous.

The day the armies were annihilated at the fortress is Black Friday in the Republic.

The fact that it didn't cost a single soldier a blow to the Republic was a serious blow.

The commander-in-chief who loves to play table tennis said a word after this time. He said: "I thought the war should be over here... I'm not saying that I lost hope, I can continue to fight and win, but we have exhausted our country, the most important thing is that our young people are almost gone. Yes. All the young people died on the battlefield. This result is more terrible than surrender, because it will affect at least a hundred years. Yes, at this stage, continuing the war... I don’t think it’s worth it.”

Before he said these words, he shut himself up and played the ball all night, as if he knew that he would never touch the ball again. Maybe he was regretting, regretting that he shouldn't have given up his dream of going into the military and doing something he didn't like, or maybe he wasn't, who knows.

And after he finished speaking, he was deprived of real power. The president of the republic said that he would not consider moving the capital. Moving the capital was of little significance. The capital had the strongest defense, and he would fight in person.

- In 2270 of the Galactic Calendar, the coalition forces of the Alliance and Neutral Nations surrounded the capital of the Republic.

However, although the Republic has no hope, the defense of the planet as the capital is still very strong.

The dense light beams covered up the brilliance of the stars in the sky, and the whole sky was as bright as day. The powerful firepower made it impossible for the coalition forces to get closer.

The people who were hit could not even leave their bodies behind. The flames directly turned into shrouds and brought people into the underworld.

"Sure enough, it's Capital Star..." Tan Yan frowned.

Even if it is surrounded, it is still difficult to take it down.