Face Slapping the General

Chapter 106: The end of the war (part one)


From a very close distance, you can even discover how amazing the muzzle of the "Red Lotus Banquet" is. The muzzle with a diameter of six kilometers lies across a wide open space, surrounded by tens of thousands of mirrors, tens of thousands of windmills, and tens of thousands of special pumps to collect natural energy such as light, wind, and geothermal energy. It seems that the Republic realized its energy shortage problem at the beginning of building the defense system. With the "Red Lotus Banquet", even if it can only retain the energy of nature, it can still ensure that the capital is easy to lose.

"..." Wu Qiao knew that the next move was the key to the whole battle situation.

If it were him before, he would definitely be very excited, his chest would rise and fall violently, and even his fingertips would be numb from the hot blood. However, at this moment, his heart is quite calm, as if to him, this is just a common thing among the many things that need to be dealt with urgently.

Wu Qiao called out the most powerful weapon of Yajiu - the anti-matter weapon, and his brain waves locked on the most vulnerable part of the muzzle that Ji Yao had analyzed before. He confirmed the target again, and issued a high-level order to Yajiu: "Yaojiu, blast it!"

"Okay!" Ya Jiu said, "You annoying little fairy!"

"..." Wu Qiao asked, "What have you been watching recently?!" Now Wu Qiao basically doesn't play games, so Crow Nine is much freer than before, and he watches many more movies, with dozens of episodes every day.

"Ang," Crow Nine temporarily switched back to its original appearance, and answered honestly, "Costume drama..."

"… what is that?"

"It's a costume drama... A drama from around 2000 A.D...."

"..." Wu Qiao sighed, left Yajiu alone, and concentrated again.

The antimatter weapon blatantly launched an attack. The container containing the antimatter exploded when it hit the muzzle of the "Red Lotus Feast". It is getting bigger and bigger, which seems to be ironically proving that all the proud civilizations of human beings are vulnerable to the power of the universe. Afterwards, as the antimatter was finally exhausted, the increase in destruction gradually stopped, and the "Red Lotus Banquet" still stood tall in place, but the ugly scars had already made it lose its original power to overwhelm everything.

After confirming the hit, Wu Qiao switched weapons in an instant, ready to blow up several mechas rushing over one by one!

Just now, in order to ensure the defeat of the "Red Lotus Banquet", he ignored the mechas who spotted him, but used dodge to avoid the attack from the opponent, and at the same time let the crow nine use its strongest weapon in the interval. This place is close to the "Red Lotus Banquet", so Wu Qiao encountered more enemies than before.

He used the Z-shape shake, so that the two mechas rushing forward were on the same shooting path, and brazenly fired a live round. The mecha flying in front was hit by the impact and flew backwards for several meters, just hitting the teammate behind it. Wu Qiao ordered Yajiu to draw out the laser sword, and stabbed directly with the sword, piercing the two mechas into a string! Then Wu Qiao strengthened the energy, the laser brightness soared, and the light instantly enveloped the two mechs! After confirming that the mecha target had been destroyed, Wu Qiao took back the laser sword. The light beam disappeared in an instant, and the two mechs fell to the ground with a "boom", stirring up smoke and dust all over the place. Then, Wu Qiao jumped out of the smoke and dust unexpectedly, and with the sound of two cannons, the charged electromagnetic gun shattered the third and fourth mechs in the blink of an eye. In the end, Wu Qiao soared into the sky, and when he passed by the last mech, he changed out the alloy knife, swiped it twice, and cut the last mecha into three pieces!

The whole process only took fifteen seconds. Yajiu didn't even finish saying "Don't move, I can't guarantee what will happen if you move again", and the five pilots fell under Yajiu's attack before they could do anything.

Wu Qiao then turned around and got into the pipe again!

The way back is not the same as the way back.

The abandoned underground pipelines are intricate, and Ji Yao designed a very concealed return route for him. After the "Red Lotus Banquet" is blown up, the Republic will definitely increase its vigilance, and it is very likely that it will be realized that Wu Qiao used the channel. Therefore, Ji Yao avoided all the easy-to-think escape routes, but used some complicated combinations to help Wu Qiao avoid possible pursuit.

Even at this time, the speed of Raven Nine is still the top in the galaxy.

Over the past few years, Raven Nine has also undergone several upgrades. Wu Qiao has been used to the advantage of speed, so every time he upgrades, Wu Qiao mainly accelerates.

On the way back, Crow Nine still passed all the pipes at high speed, although it was afraid of ghosts so much that its mouth clicked.

"Crow Nine..." Wu Qiao said, "What can ghosts do to you?"

"No, I don't know... But, the self-control I am so proud of has become vulnerable!"

"...Then you go out quickly."

Finally, when Crow Nine rushed out of the last pipe, it was so excited that it couldn't help but let out a roar, "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

As soon as Wu Qiao returned to the warship that picked him up, he received a timely call request from Tan Yan.

"Tan Yan?" Wu Qiao smiled, "How do you count the time so well?"

"I don't know you yet?"

Wu Qiao thought for a while, but still didn't believe it: "Impossible... I can't figure out when I will arrive..."

Tan Yan smiled awkwardly: "You don't know, but I can figure it out too often. For example, every time you don't know when you will ejaculate, but I can probably guess when you will arrive." Where is it?"

"… Shut up."

"… Oh."

"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao breathed out, "I have finally cleared the way for you. Finally, you don't have to tie your hands and feet."


"Is there anything else I need to do?"

"No, just wait until I come back." Tan Yan replied.

"Then... I'll leave it to you."

"As ordered."

Tan Yan really never made Wu Qiao feel uneasy.

In the past, the Republic had the "Red Lotus Banquet" with the longest range and the greatest power, and the coalition forces dared not advance far from its capital. Now that the "Red Lotus Banquet" has been destroyed, the coalition fleet finally got a chance to approach the capital of the Republic.

Tan Yan first ordered the fleet to destroy many satellite cannons.

In this way, three-quarters of the Republic's defense system collapsed.

The commander-in-chief was in a coma, the defense system was broken, and the army of the Republic was in panic.

"It's okay." The president seemed to be still full of confidence, "Even if the defense system is only a quarter left, it is still difficult for the coalition forces to break through."

He was right. Apart from the "Red Lotus Banquet", many weapons in the Republic's defense system are still there. The battle net of light and fire intertwined by those weapons is still not easy to break open. If it is forced, it is like swarms of flying insects trying to tear apart the spider web. Although it may succeed in the end, the price to be paid must be extremely painful.

However, regarding the result, he was wrong again.

Tan Yan was not aggressive at all.

He chose to utilize the pipeline again.

Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, Tan Yan ordered the mechas to enter from a place with weaker outer defenses, then followed the pipeline to the ground, and suddenly appeared on the streets and alleys of the capital, employing a long-forgotten ground warfare. The mechs flew and even walked at low altitudes, advancing street by street. This is slow, but it is an effective way to reduce casualties. And every time they advance, the pilots will try to destroy the anti-aircraft weapons installed there.

By the time the Republic began to respond to this method, the land of the Republic was already full of coalition soldiers.

Half a month later, the weapons other than the "Red Lotus Banquet" were also destroyed in sevens and eighties.

In fact, this was a bit beyond Tan Yan's expectation—he thought it would take several months anyway.

In fact, even on the ground, the Republic Army still has an advantage. No matter how many coalition forces have been dispersed after passing through the pipeline, it is only a little bit compared with the Republic. However, the attack on the commander-in-chief and the destruction of the "Red Lotus Wings" dealt such a blow to the soldiers of the Republic that they lost their positions for a while. In addition, the mecha light cavalry in ground combat originally belonged to Leila's soldiers. Leila's life or death was uncertain after being captured. This incident aroused great fighting spirit among the light cavalry, and everyone vowed to rescue their "goddess".

Defense systems exist in name only.

Someone once again suggested that the president move the capital.

As before, the president declined.

He knew very well in his heart that what the commander-in-chief said before, "We have exhausted our country" and "We have no more young people", are both correct. It is meaningless to move the capital and fight again. All the victories and defeats will be done in one fell swoop again.

When the Tanyan section began to press down on the border, the President of the Republic went out in person.

The defense system had collapsed, and they had no choice but to fight to the death and block the coalition forces from the door with flesh and blood.

In fact, the president doesn't know much about war. He just played a role of encouraging the soldiers on the last battleship. The person who essentially replaces the commander-in-chief is not the president.

This battle was lost as a matter of course.

The newly-appointed commander is a little savvy about the dispatch and control of his subordinates, and there is a weak link in the defense chain. Tan Yan had quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately concentrated his troops to attack that weakness, and quickly opened up the situation.

—A chain is always as strong as its weakest part.

However, until the end, the last warship of the Republic, the main ship, did not leave the battlefield.

"..." Tan Yan was not polite.

Many phantoms appeared in Longyuan. When the main ship hesitated, his real body shot at the opponent's battleship, and the battleship immediately fell apart and fell into pieces. Like Yajiu, Longyuan also has an extremely powerful weapon, but due to objective factors, it can only be used once in each battle.

"..." Tan Yan looked at the fragments and said lightly, "I don't know how to fight, so why court death."

—What he doesn't know is that this place is the burial place chosen by the President of the Republic for himself.

Below the battlefield is the sea, which is a resort named after the seafood star of the alliance. His home is on an island in the sea, and his second child, his youngest daughter, is full moon tonight. His daughter loved sounds and bright colors, and he had told his daughter before that when she was full moon she would hear the loudest guns and see the brightest lights. He thought, this place is very close to home, and he can see it when he looks up, and his daughter will be very happy. She would never know that her father died amidst the sound and light of the guns. Moreover, if he falls into the sea, he can always save his whole body, which is better than the treatment after being captured by the coalition forces. His body was eaten by fish, and bigger fish ate those fish, and in the end, maybe one of them would swim up to the house and bring back a bit of his soul to see it again—or maybe both. Eye - his wife and two daughters.

He has no regrets.

He did not initiate the war, but he has always been a staunch supporter of it. In his opinion, the green sand discovered by Qiu Yanting only exists in neighboring countries, which is too dangerous. If they can only rely on other countries for resources in the future, the republicans will gradually lose their independence and freedom. He thought the stakes were high enough to be worth the gamble, only to lose in the end.

After this battle, the outcome of the Hundred Years' War is already clear.

The Republic is really powerless.

Wu Qiao and Jing Ran issued a joint declaration urging the Republic to surrender unconditionally as soon as possible.

Regarding this declaration, the Congress of the Republic adopted a noncommittal attitude.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs urgently contacted the minister of the country that "lend" the space jumping point to the coalition forces before, hoping that he would reconcile from the fact that the two countries used to be one country, persuade the alliance and neutral countries to relax the conditions and agree to the republic Some conditions are put forward. In his opinion, that country has a good relationship with the alliance and neutral countries, and it also played a very important role in the war. By providing a space jump point not far from the capital of the republic, it saves the coalition forces from having to travel long distances, as long as it is willing to speak , may not be able to obtain the desired effect. Although he hated the other party's previous "betrayal" and gritted his teeth, but anyway, the situation will not get worse, so it doesn't matter to give it a try, what if that country agrees

No one objected to the foreign minister's approach - everyone in Congress thought it would be a day if it could be delayed.

As a result, that country seemed to be very afraid that Wu Qiao would mistakenly think that he and the Republic were in the same group, so he said very coldly that he and the Republic were in a state of war, and would not go beyond the other two countries to agree to any request made by the Republic.

This knife in the back stunned the foreign minister.

"A traitor is a traitor!" He was so angry that he even spat out a mouthful of blood, "It's better to have a dog!"

On January 15, 2272 in the Milky Way calendar, Wu Qiao and Jing Ran issued an ultimatum, which clearly stated that if the Republic did not agree to surrender, the coalition forces would violently occupy the government.

The Congress of the Republic ushered in a lengthy discussion.

Members of Congress started at nine o'clock in the morning and did not leave until four o'clock in the morning, arguing for nineteen hours. However, for the participants, time seemed to fly by.

The people present were divided into two distinct factions: the main surrender and the main battle. One faction couldn't bear to see the country suffer greater casualties and more serious damage, and advocated immediate surrender. The other faction, on the other hand, hoped to find another unborn genius, lead all the remaining troops to fight to the death, and negotiate with the other party with a more capitalized position than they have now after a big victory. Their mood is easy to understand, because once they agree to unconditional surrender, they themselves will face trial. Although they did not initiate the war, during the years they were members of parliament, they also passed countless documents that made the swamp laid by demons bigger and deeper, some of which were inhumane or even inhumane . Being able to negotiate conditions with the other party means that they can write the clause of lenient sentence into the agreement. This is actually their last life-saving straw, the last gold medal for avoiding death.

A total of five rounds of voting were held in the middle of the meeting, all of which were invalidated. The law of the Republic stipulates that for such a major decision, more than two-thirds of the members must agree to take effect. In five rounds of voting, the two sides were evenly matched, and the votes were always roughly 50-50.

Nineteen hours of discussion had yielded no progress.

The next day, January 16, 2272 in the Galactic Calendar, the Congress continued for a whole morning, but there was still no result.

However, in the afternoon, the plot suddenly accelerated.

There is intelligence that if the Republic wants to fight again, the coalition forces will use new weapons that can destroy the entire Capital Star. Most people think that the news must not be true, but there are some people who believe this statement.

In the afternoon of the same day, in the sixth ballot, the number of votes of the descendant faction finally exceeded two-thirds of the total number of people.

This decision shows that Congress has officially passed the resolution of unconditional surrender. As long as the acting president signs it, it will be announced to the world. The acting president will never veto the decisions of Congress.

Immediately after the voting results were displayed on the screen, people in the meeting room burst into tears. They knew that the green "Pass" symbol meant that the day of judgment was coming soon. And they, as "sinners" who bear countless lives, are bound to die.

Gradually, more and more people cried, and some people communicated with family members or friends, hoping to gain some strength from them.

Instead of tears, most comforted colleagues who were out of control. They patted each other's back lightly, and kept saying: "It's okay, it's okay, you are not alone, we will be with you."

On this day, the goodness of human nature, the evil of human nature, the strength of human nature, and the weakness of human nature are vividly reflected in this conference room of less than 30 square meters.