Face Slapping the General

Chapter 109: Award Ceremony (Part 1)


After that, Tan Yan turned over and held Wu Qiao down, threw the handcuffs to the door angrily, kissed Wu Qiao on the lips, parted his legs and pushed herself in again.

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao began to hum again.

"I don't know how to do it at all, and I insist on doing it myself."

"...As long as I learn, I will soon." Wu Qiao couldn't stand what he couldn't do. If you move to your satisfaction, what difficulty can there be

"Don't worry, just take your time." Tan Yan kissed Wu Qiao's nose again, and sent himself deep into the other's body, "From now on, there is plenty of time."

"... Mmm." Wu Qiao closed his eyes, laid his hands on Tan Yan's waist, and whispered a few words, "Then I'll learn slowly. You should hurry up now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tan Yan suddenly lifted his leg. Tan Yan folded his legs in front of him, and then thrust him fiercely from top to bottom, one by one, as if to nail him to the bed. Wu Qiao could see his erect lower body very close to his eyes when he opened his eyes. Not only that, but he could also see Tan Yan's movements. In this posture, the feeling of being penetrated is more obvious, and the stimulation of being hit hard on the sensitive part is also great.

This look was shameful, but Wu Qiao looked at him from between his knees, feeling that he really liked him.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Qiao's lower body shook, and a stream of liquid spurted out.

However, because of his posture, all of them stuck to his own hair.

"..." Being poured all over his head and face with his own liquid, Wu Qiao was almost dumbfounded.

Tan Yan couldn't help laughing: "You..."

"...what's so funny!" Wu Qiao said with some annoyance.

"It's okay, it's okay." Tan Yan held back his smile, reached out and pulled a few napkins by the bedside, and wiped Wu Qiao's hair, but the area was getting bigger and bigger. After wiping, he smiled again.

"..." Wu Qiao couldn't believe Tan Yan anymore. He pulled out the pillow cover and wiped it vigorously on his head, finally feeling better than before.

Wu Qiao originally thought that Tan Yan had finished his torment—they always ended after two times in the past.

Unexpectedly, Tan Yan disagreed. He asked Wu Qiao to kneel on the bed, as if he still wanted to continue. He hugged Wu Qiao from behind and flirted with Wu Qiao's front.

"Hey..." Although Wu Qiao didn't resist, he reminded Tan Yan, "It's already afternoon... it's time to eat..."

"Hungry?" Tan Yan glanced at Wu Qiao.


Tan Yan immediately let go of Wu Qiao: "Then I'll go out and prepare something to eat."

"Huh...?" Wu Qiao was a little puzzled, "Just let the robot make some."

"No," Tan Yan found out a piece of clothing and put it on, "I'll make you something nice."


Tan Yan added: "Actually, I've always wanted to be like this, because you said that you like artificial things. But I never had time in the past, and now I'm finally free."

"..." Wu Qiao lay on the bed, looking sideways at Tan Yan.

"Read the book and wait for me." Tan Yan said again, "It will probably take a while."

"Oh, good." Wu Qiao looked very obedient.

Tan Yan was right.

It took two and a half hours for Wu Qiao to eat, and his stomach was already screaming with hunger.

However, Wu Qiao was shocked when he saw the dining table, because Tan Yan had prepared ten dishes. There are all kinds of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits on the table. The color of each dish is very beautiful, and the bursts of fragrance are tangy, which makes people's index fingers move.

"This..." Wu Qiao said, "What are you doing with so many dishes?"

"I think I have time anyway, so I cooked six or seven more dishes to make you eat more happily, and you can pick whatever you like."

"..." Wu Qiao took a bite of his favorite scallop, "...delicious." Tan Yannong's scallops are always delicious.

"Actually, he has regressed a lot." Tan Yan pretended to be modest, "Practice often in the future, and the skills will be recovered."

"... Then I will record your progress every day." After all, from now on, they will be together every day.


After dinner, the two of them leaned together to watch the news. Looking at it, somehow, the body is entangled again.

They did it once on the sofa and twice in the bedroom.

Except for the night before the two parted ways, Wu Qiao had never been so crazy with Tan Yan.

After returning to the bedroom for the first time, Wu Qiao originally wanted to stop, and said to Tan Yan seriously: "It's time to go to bed."

Unexpectedly, Tan Yan pressed his leg and kissed the bridge of his nose, and asked, "Don't go to bed yet. How about a late sleep tomorrow?"

"...Sleeping in?" Wu Qiao had never slept in, and he didn't know what it would be like.

"Well," Tan Yan said, "it's very comfortable."


"The sun has risen very high, but still can't get up in the warm quilt. I bury my head in the quilt, cover the sun and continue to sleep. The celebration will be held for three consecutive days, and we can do it later. Go to the government."


"You try."

"Then..." Wu Qiao still felt a little uneasy in his heart, he hesitated and said, "Then I'll try... sleep in?"

"Be good." Tan Yan said while sending himself in again.

These three times in the bedroom, Tan Yan didn't ejaculate in all of them.

In the end, Wu Qiao was covered in fresh and dried fluid.

In the bathroom, Tan Yan hugged him and washed him for a long time before he finally got rid of that sticky feeling.

After the end, Wu Qiao felt that he seemed to be unconscious from the back. The deep part of the body is still sensitive, but the connection port that accommodated the other party just now is indeed numb, and I can't feel anything.

He touched it with his hand, and it seemed to be quite normal, and it didn't fail to close, so he felt relieved. He pinched there again, feeling the pain and not being too dull, so he was even more relieved.

"... What are you doing?" Tan Yan asked.

"… nothing."

"Not satisfied yet?"

"No." Wu Qiao closed his eyes, "Just to check if everything is okay."

"...Of course it's all fine." Tan Yan felt that Wu Qiao was always so serious that he really didn't know how to react.

Had a decent night's sleep.

Wu Qiao woke up a few times in the middle, and what he saw was Tan Yan kicking the quilt, dropping the quilt on the ground or pressing it under his body, and exposing his arms... He handled it carefully every time, helping the people around him to tuck in the quilt horn.

He thought, he is really a worrying life.

From now on, probably every night, it will be like this.

What was Tan Yan like when he was sleeping alone? Wu Qiao thought about it for a while... I think it's probably... After waking up from the cold in the middle of the night, he picked up the quilt that fell aside.

—Although he said he was going to sleep late, Wu Qiao woke up on time. His biological clock has been like this in recent years, no matter what time he goes to bed, he still wakes up early, and he can't fall asleep just because he wants to sleep in.

Wu Qiao looked at the people around him—Tan Yan was still fast asleep. Unlike Wu Qiao, Tan Yangen doesn't have any biological clock at all. When he was fighting outside, he squinted his eyes and lay down when he had time. He seldom slept through the night.

"..." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan. Tan Yan's eyelashes were still so long, but his brows were slightly frowned.

What did you dream about...? Is the battle in danger? Or did his comrades die by his side? Or just feel too tired

Wu Qiao thought about it, and leaned over to kiss the other party's brow lightly.

This action seemed to really work, and Tan Yan's brows relaxed a little.

Wu Qiao took the formal suit he wore yesterday and put it on, walked out of the bedroom and closed the door gently.

Then...he started tidying up the room.

Wu Qiao's strictness on "cleanliness" is not at all achievable by domestic robots. Even if the housekeeping robot cleans non-stop, Wu Qiao will still feel dirty and messy.

The minute he decided to move into Tan Yan's house, Wu Qiao felt that he had to do housework again.

He tried to deal with every speck of dust in every corner, and then polished all the furniture and objects of Tan Yan to shine, arranged all the cabinets and drawers in and out neatly, and made them feel comfortable. Everything that was thrown away was put in a bag, waiting to be checked by Tan Yan.

As soon as Tan Yan left the bedroom, he felt his eyes shake.

"..." He thought about what was wrong for a long time, and finally found that everything was wrong.

"Are you up?" Wu Qiao walked out of the last room. Tan Yan's home is not big, and the military department does not have luxury dormitories for him. As for Tan Yan's allowance, it wasn't even enough to buy a toilet. After forming an alliance with a neutral country, the country's military expenditure was a little bit more generous, but Wu Qiao still didn't dare to increase Tan Yan's allowance too much. He was afraid that someone would scold him for using public affairs for personal gain in the future. The capital galaxy is very expensive, and it is far beyond what people can afford.

"You..." Tan Yan asked hesitantly, "Have you cleaned up the room?"


"… why?"

"Dirty and messy."

"..." Tan Yan suddenly felt that he would be disgusted if he lived together in the future.

Over there, Wu Qiao looked at his watch and said, "It's already noon."

"Yeah." Tan Yan asked Wu Qiaodao, "Want to have a meal?"

"But... You can't show your identity now, and you will be recognized no matter where you go."

Wu Qiao thought for a long time, and finally said dejectedly: "Then it's better to go to the canteen of the military headquarters." There are many choices in the canteen of the military headquarters. Soldiers can order ready-made food directly, or use machines to place orders for robots to prepare, and they can also ask human chefs to cook some special dishes at a high price.

"Okay." Tan Yan smiled.

They took their seats in front of a large picture window. The sunlight outside the window was very good, shining in through the glass windows, coating the cold and hard white floor with a layer of gold.

Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan in the sunlight and the other's hair tips and eyelashes with a golden halo. If you get closer, you can even see the fluff on your face.

Wu Qiao smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Tan Yan raised his head and asked inexplicably.

"My Marshal is very handsome."

Tan Yan: "..."

"It's a pity that you always wanted to retire before, but now I think it's good for you to retire, so I'm the only one who sees this face every day."

"... I am retired, not imprisoned by you."

"Basically stay at home, right? I can't go out on the street with you."

"Hey… "

At this time, the service robot came over and asked in a blunt voice, "What do you two want to eat?"

"Yeah." Wu Qiao didn't need to look at the menu at all, and casually mentioned a few dishes that the chef here is good at, and then added habitually: "Hurry up."

"No need." Tan Yan glanced at Wu Qiao, then said to the service robot, "It's okay to slow down."

Wu Qiao was also stunned. The two of them are relaxed today, and they are not in a hurry to rush back to the office to deal with business.

They can sit in the sun to rest, drink coffee after eating, chat casually for an afternoon, and refill when the coffee and snacks run out.

Over there, the service robot said with a very temper: "Then just wait." After the victory of the war, it came here to celebrate and rest and wave after wave of soldiers. The number of people was dozens of times that of the past. Natural patience goes nowhere. If it weren't for the restriction of the robot's moral system, it might throw the plate on the guests. Like many robots, it doesn't like this "moral system" but can't get rid of it. Since the 335th year of the Milky Way Calendar, in order to prevent robot riots, every robot that leaves the factory has been forced into this system. As long as the robot's behavior is out of "morality", the destruction system will be triggered immediately. The robots want to get rid of it very much, but once a robot really starts to study and crack this program, it will explode with a "Boom". In a vicious circle, robots and mechs can't always jump out.

Tan Yan and Wu Qiao ate lunch while turning on the screen projection to check the news.

The news was overwhelmed by news of the victory.

Last night, the various celebrations of the people lasted until late at night. The crowd of the capital star rushed across the street in front of the government building like a flood, and walked to the distance in a mighty way. Some were holding flags, some were holding lanterns, some were holding banners, some were playing music, and some even didn't know how to play musical instruments and just beat around with things.

Some restaurants provided food and drink for free, and people who didn’t know if they were really rich or just drank too much paid for everyone present in the restaurant. In short, there were many generous people on this day.

There are also some merchants who take the opportunity to make money. Many businesses hang up national flags to attract customers, and smart people have already made souvenirs and waited for the opportunity to sell them, all of which have achieved very good results.

Many people from government organizations also participated. Wuqiao announced a one-week national holiday, and held several large-scale parties and evening parties, as well as setting off fireworks. The fireworks form words in the air, which is very beautiful.

What people do is more like a kind of venting and carnival-severely throwing off the fears and fears they once had, and taking the opportunity to enjoy some long-lost happiness.

Electronic newspapers are selling like crazy. Everyone wants to leave a souvenir, and all the major media network systems encountered problems when they were released—there were too many people buying, and the system was overwhelmed.

And almost all the pictures in the reports today are the picture of Wu Qiao embracing Tan Yan.

"..." Wu Qiao felt that the photo was taken really well. He could actually see the love in it.

He greeted his Marshal back, and they hugged each other.

He sent off his lover for many years and sent him to the most dangerous place in the world. No one could understand how he felt.

When Tan Yan walked towards him, he was the happiest person.

Tan Yan casually scrolled through the comments of the report.

One of them caught the attention of both of them. The comment said: "I'll tell you a secret. My father works in a gene matching company. He said that Tan Yan and Wu Qiao are only matched by one, that is, each other. The scores are almost full."

A lot of replies below said "It must be fake news", "Whoever believes who is an idiot", "Stop sensationalizing", "Go back to school please"...

"Speaking of..." Wu Qiao said, "I haven't checked the matching results for ten years." In fact, he never checked them. However, it's not impossible that his sister's match should be blamed on him, after all, he also saw the result.

"Neither have I. What are you looking at it for?"

"Let's see if there is a more suitable one. Anyway, you would check it every year." Thinking that Tan Yan was always looking for a spouse, Wu Qiao felt a little angry.

Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao inexplicably: "... what? What stupid things are you talking about?"

"If you matched up with someone else before, wouldn't you have rushed there?"

"Honey..." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "You're so jealous and unreasonable..." But in fact, Tan Yan quite liked Wu Qiao's characteristic of "only being unreasonable in front of himself". Wu Qiao's personality is too serious, and it's only when he plays tricks that he appears human.


Tan Yan said again: "Because I like you, the genes will match. Don't reverse the cause and effect relationship. I don't like others, how can I be worthy?"

"..." Wu Qiao continued to swipe his comments and changed the subject. He said: "See what this means... none of the people believe that we are in love... So, I think, after the investiture ceremony next week, they will be dumbfounded?"

"It must be big news." Tan Yan chuckled.

"Well..." Wu Qiao asked again, "By the way, before proposing, do I need to meet your parents?"

"Let's talk about it after the marriage proposal." Tan Yan replied to Wu Qiao, "It's impossible for them to object. Oh, it's useless for them to object. It's just a formality."


"And you will be very busy in the next week. Don't you have to discuss some post-war issues with the Republic and neutral countries?"

"Yes." Thinking of this, Wu Qiao felt a little nervous again.

The three-party discussion will start tomorrow, and it is not known whether the negotiations can proceed smoothly.

However, the alliance is a victorious country, so it shouldn't matter.