Face Slapping the General

Chapter 11: Training Courses


From this day on, Wu Qiao never saw Tan Yan again, but he always paid attention to the situation ahead.

The fighting power of the Republic is getting stronger and stronger, and the empire no longer has the disdain at the beginning of the war. Moreover, a very active terrorist force is also a headache for the empire.

This terrorist force, calling itself "Shoulong Wings", was originally an exile organization on the border of the empire. Because of his hatred of the Empire, he once joined forces with the Republic. For some reason, they believed that the empire was the source of the world's unrest. They once proposed to "assassinate all members of the imperial family of the empire" and other suggestions. The Republic felt that they were too scary to be trusted. The two sides announced a breakup within half a year of cooperation. However, Xianglong Wings did not turn their finger on the Republic because of this, but decided to go it alone, vowing not to give up until the empire was brought down, and launched a series of terrorist activities in the following year.

The empire was beset by enemies from both sides, and life was not easy.

This time, Tan Yan was going to support a fortress. The fortress is in an important position, and the Republic failed to take it in several previous attacks. This time, a large number of troops are gathered to fight to the death. The fortress received information and urgently called for help, and sent 28 requests within one day. Tan Yan felt that the situation was serious, so he personally led the fleet to the expedition.

Through the news and flash news, Wu Qiao knew that the situation in the empire was superior.

Apart from paying attention to the battle situation, Wu Qiao usually attends classes and training. The training course has officially started three weeks after the exam. The lectures are rich in content, ranging from strategy to mecha driving. Wu Qiao is very excited every time he takes a class, and the excitement never fades.

Wu Qiao knew that his basic knowledge was weak, so the only thing he could do was to work harder.

He goes to bed at ten o'clock every day and wakes up at four o'clock in the morning to start training.

In less than a week, everyone heard that Wu Qiao got up at four o'clock every day. Some students asked him in the past, and Wu Qiao always said it was like this frankly.

Wu Qiao's closest friend is Sheng Chongguang.

Sheng Chongguang is still afraid of death and injury. There is a large medical kit and an exaggerated earthquake bag in his room.

Sometimes, when Sheng Chongguang saw Wu Qiao, he said tearfully: "Wu Qiao... I fell today..." Then he sobbed and told the whole process of his fall during training.

The most exaggerated thing is that once, when all the people lined up to go back to bed, Sheng Chongguang suddenly fell on the ground, and then unconsciously shouted: "... Wu Qiao!... I am in so much pain!" looked at the two of them.

If Sheng Chongguang felt uncomfortable, even if it was very, very slight, he would immediately turn pale with fright, and immediately ran to see a doctor. After confirming that he was all right, he lay straight on the bed, not going downstairs for fear that his symptoms would become serious.

Wu Qiao has the best relationship with him, but he is actually very tired.

—In addition to normal classes and training, the "school" also has some spare time activities.

One day, the instructor organized a speech contest.

For these singing competitions and dancing competitions, everyone has long been used to coping with the past.

Soldiers have always relied on strength to speak, honing combat skills is a serious matter, and amateur activities always seem very deserted.

There is only Wu Qiao, who prepares seriously every time.

He revised the manuscript over and over again, then recited it, and then spent a few days rehearsing it.

Until the morning of the event, he still went out to practice with the manuscript.

The roommate looked at his watch: "=口=, it's only half past three, why are you going?"

"Woke you up? I'm sorry..." Wu Qiao said, "I want to practice the manuscript two or three times."

"...you are so annoying." The roommate covered his head with a quilt, "It's just a bad speech contest, who do you think takes it seriously?"

Wu Qiao was silent for a while: "If you don't take it seriously, I will feel bad."

"...I convinced you." The roommate rolled over, "In the singing competition last time, you were so loud even though you were tone deaf, so many people secretly laughed at you..."

"..." Wu Qiao said, "I have to go."

After finishing speaking, the "serious man" walked out of the room.

He is now living in a designated dormitory with roommates. As for the Raven Nine, it has been taken back by the military, but it has not been formatted. Tan Yan was in a hurry when he left for the expedition, and he didn't have time to deal with this matter. Yajiu is currently eating and sleeping well, and understands that Wu Qiao needs to go to class, so she doesn't insist on following her.

Unlike singing, Wu Qiao won the first place in this speech contest.

However, taking the first place is just taking the first place, there is no reward, and there is no real use.

When the event is over, there is nothing to do, it is completely over.

No one thought that Wu Qiao would get a chance a month later.

The opportunity is that Tan Yan came back from the expedition and wanted to know about the course situation.

Tan Yan himself is the person in charge of this course, and there are some newcomers with potential this year. It seems normal for him to want to hear how it is going.

Tan Yan asked the instructor to assign a student to give a report, describing various situations from the student's perspective.

The instructor looked at the ten students, thought for a while, and asked, "What about the one who won the first prize in the speech contest last time? You can go and report."

Just like that, three months later, Wu Qiao saw Tan Yan again.

Tan Yan seemed to have lost weight, and it seemed that the war was more difficult than expected.

Wu Qiao told in great detail everything Tan Yan wanted to know. He has a good memory, and with some video materials, he smoothly reported what happened in the course during this period of time.

After finishing speaking, Tan Yan nodded to the instructor: "Sure enough, there are some good people."

Hearing this, the instructor smiled: "This year is really good."

"Continue to cultivate, and they will be the talents needed by the empire in the future."

"Okay." The instructor nodded, "Then let Wu Qiao go back first, he still has to hurry up for training."

Tan Yan was taken aback, and looked up at Wu Qiao: "I've only been here for half an hour, are you going back?"


"… Oh."

Tan Yan didn't understand why such a question was asked.

In the past three months, he occasionally thought of Wu Qiao. Seems like it'd be fun to guess where the guy is now—whether he's getting more flamboyant or just becoming mediocre.

Tan Yan didn't expect to see Wu Qiao again as soon as he came back. When he asked the instructor to assign a student to give a report, he never considered the name Wu Qiao.

As a result, Wu Qiao...stands out again

Seeing that it was Wu Qiao who came to give a report, Tan Yan was actually quite complicated.

It is undeniable that the other party gave a wonderful speech. Every place was clearly explained, and Tan Yan felt that the irritability of communicating with his subordinates had dissipated a little bit.

Just put it back like this, it seems... a little empty.

On the second day after giving the report, Wu Qiao received a notice asking him to go to Tan Yana every night to sort out the materials.

"The general's second secretary has asked for a wedding leave, and the first secretary is a bit overwhelmed. The general thinks that you have a clear mind and organized the materials in a clear and orderly manner, so I ask you to go over and help."

"Yes." Wu Qiao replied, "It's a great honor."

So, after the evening class, Wu Qiao went to Tan Yan's place again.

Tan Yan is not there.

His secretary gave Wu Qiao some work and led Wu Qiao to an empty desk in the glass room outside Tan Yan's office.

Wu Qiao took a look and saw that the work was all routine, such as reclassifying the casualty data from previous wars and the damage of starships and mechs, which was not too different from the work content of interns. Sure enough, there was nothing very confidential. s things.

Wu Qiao flipped through it and felt that it could be finished, so he made a plan for himself, that is, to finish tidying up before dawn.

But... things backfired, Wu Qiao fell asleep while writing.

In order to prepare for that report, Wu Qiao didn't sleep well for several days.

—When Tan Yan returned to his office, this was what he saw.

The room was brightly lit, Wu Qiao fell asleep lying on the table, his black hair fell gently on the table, making people want to try how soft it is.

"..." Tan Yan stood at the door and watched for a few seconds, then walked into the room and reached out to turn off the light.

The whole room was dark immediately, and the atmosphere became very quiet, Tan Yanfang walked out lightly.

After standing in the corridor and thinking for a while, Tan Yan turned back and closed the window behind Wu Qiao.

Really... Tan Yan thought, it would be very troublesome for Wu Qiao to be sick here, so he would have to find someone to sort out the materials again.

The next day, when Wu Qiao opened his eyes, he felt something was wrong.

A piece of clothing was approved on him.

It's a military uniform.

However, instead of being wrapped gently, it was taken off roughly, even covering the head.

"..." Wu Qiao stared fixedly at the row of stars on the epaulettes.

Uh... five, that's right.

While in a daze, the phone rang.

Tan Yan's voice came over: "Come to my office."

"… yes."

The first thing Tan Yan said when he saw Wu Qiao was: "Don't spend the night here."

"...Sorry." Wu Qiao handed over the dress, "Is this your military uniform?"

"..." Tan Yan averted his eyes and asked, "Where did you take it?"

"I didn't take it."

"... That might have been taken by Amandine."

"… Oh."

"Go back, class is about to begin."

"En." Wu Qiao hesitated for a while, and then said again, "Admiral... has the fortress stabilized?"

"Yes, the Republic has withdrawn its troops."

"Yes." Wu Qiao nodded, "Then, I'm going back."

"'Huh'?" Tan Yan frowned, "Just the word 'huh'? Is this your reaction?"

Wu Qiao raised his head.

He looked at Tan Yan for a while, and finally understood the "why don't you praise me?" expression on the other party's face.

Wu Qiao didn't know what to say, but he still searched his brains and said: "I read the news... Your command was not wrong at all. If it weren't for you, the fortress might have been captured."

"... Hmm." Tan Yan narrowed his eyes, as if it was very useful.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Wu Qiao asked again.

"No." Tan Yan asked casually, "Have you been doing well these past few months?"

"Very good." Wu Qiao replied, "Classes and training are very fulfilling."

"Are there any dissatisfaction?"

"Not satisfied?" Wu Qiao froze for a moment, "No."

"How could there be none at all?"

"..." Wu Qiao thought for a while, "If I have to say it, many students reported that the food is relatively average."

"Meals are cooked by cooking machines."


"The machine is more conventional, and the real delicacy still depends on manual work."

"...Yes." Wu Qiao said, "I have eaten machine-made dishes for more than two months, and sometimes I really miss manual craftsmanship, especially those favorite foods."

"What do you like to eat?"

Wu Qiao thought for a while: "For example, baked scallops in cream. I've never seen them here. It seems that there is no recipe for it in the machine."

Tan Yan hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "...do you like this very much?"

"Well... it's okay..."

"Will you do it?"

"Actually not..." Wu Qiao was a little ashamed, "Usually my sister made it at home."

Tan Yan stopped talking.

He stiffened his neck and remained silent for a long time before finally uttering two hard words: "I will."

"Uh..." Wu Qiao was dumbfounded.

He didn't understand what the general meant at all.

After staying there for a while, Wu Qiao said in a daze, "You will... you will..."

What are you showing off...

Over there, Tan Yan stared at Wu Qiao for a full ten seconds, and finally said a little grumpily, "... Forget it."