Face Slapping the General

Chapter 112: Waves rise again (Part 1)


After the quarrel finally passed, everyone crowded to the front of the stage and began to take photos together.

In the pushing and shoving, Wu Qiao was rather undisciplined. He was held by Tan Yan's right hand, and he moved with Tan Yan. He didn't pay attention, like a mascot, and he didn't notice that many people were staring at the tightly clenched hands of the two of them.

The shutter keeps clicking and clicking, and everyone wants to record this special moment.

Wu Qiao thought absently: I don't know if Ji Yao took pictures of the proposal scene just now... But if even Ji Yao failed the commission, it would be even worse if other people came over.

—The accident happened at this moment.

There seems to be no warning before every major change.

Wu Qiao heard an extremely violent bang in the distance, followed by a series of explosions one after another. At the same time, the energy released by the source of the sound made the ground tremble. Wu Qiao only felt that the platform under his feet was shaking like an earthquake, and the chandelier in the center of the dome was also swinging irregularly, and the hanging tassels collided with each other, making a crisp but abrupt sound.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qiao glanced at Tan Yan beside him. He knew very well in his heart that Tan Yan would not know more than himself, but he still instinctively wanted to get strength from the other party.

Then, suddenly there was another huge earthquake that was close at hand!

A bomb blasted the dome, and the central chandelier fell to the ground with a crash. The second bomb fell directly from the hole just opened, and the debris of tables and chairs and human flesh and blood collapsed and flew away. outflowing corpses. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Tan Yan immediately protected the people around him. He hugged Wu Qiao in his arms, covered the opponent's head with his arms, dragged Wu Qiao forcefully to the podium on the only side of the stage and stuffed him in.

"Under attack." Tan Yan squatted outside the desk and pressed Wu Qiao, "Hide here." The material of the desk is hard, which can block flying debris and the impact of bombs for Wu Qiao.

Wu Qiao climbed out without thinking, "Where are the others?"

Tan Yan glanced at the place where everyone took pictures just now: "I'm afraid the people in the audience are all dead, and the people on the stage are looking for places to hide."

"Where's Leila?" Wu Qiao asked again. Layla has limited mobility, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to hide.

"Someone is holding her, so don't worry about it."

"Is it the Republic?" The Republic still has the guts

Tan Yan said, "I'm not sure."

What Tan Yan didn't expect was that after a while, with a few weird noises, a few ugly insects were thrown down from the hole! At the same time, many missiles were still fired from the hole, interspersed with countless firearms. The insect shell is very hard, even if it is accidentally injured by strafing, it will not be damaged at all.

"...!" Tan Yan, who was secretly observing the situation, suddenly narrowed his pupils, frowned unconsciously, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a while.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qiao asked.

"..." Tan Yan calmed down his emotions: "The insects used by Xianglong's Wings are here."

"Wings of the Flying Dragon?!" Wu Qiao was also stunned, "How is that possible?!" That organization has long been defeated, and has never flourished in these years. It is absolutely impossible to organize an attack of this scale.

"I can't figure it out either." Tan Yan said, "But... the insects are here."


"You must leave here." Tan Yan stretched out his hand to grab Wu Qiao's hand, "They are not satisfied with bombing, they even throw insects down to make up for the leaks. They want to kill everyone here, and if they continue to hide here, they will be discovered sooner or later." National Army All the elites in the village are here at this time, even including Wu Qiao and Tan Yan, the two most important people.

After finishing speaking, Tan Yan pulled Wu Qiao out forcefully with his hands: "Lie on the ground and go out through the exit over there."

"En." Wu Qiao crawled on the platform, crawling forward step by step with standard movements. Here the missiles fly horizontally, and the shrapnel and debris will bounce upwards after landing. Only by lying down can the possibility of being hit be minimized. Moreover, there are insects in the auditorium. If the target is too big for people to stand up, they will definitely be discovered by insects. The best way is to move out without anyone noticing.

After climbing a couple of times, Wu Qiao suddenly felt his upper body sink.

Wu Qiao could feel the scorching breath being sprayed on the back of his neck, and the warm chest was so familiar.

— Tan Yanhu is on his body.

Tan Yan supported the weight of his own body with his hands, readjusted, and covered Wu Qiao's whole body tightly.

Wu Qiao stopped moving: "You... what are you doing lying on top of me?"

"What are you doing in a daze? Continue to climb forward, and I will speed up with you."


"Be obedient, Wu Qiao." Even at this time, Tan Yan's voice is still very gentle, "I will definitely protect you. Don't make trouble here, I won't go down, if you want to be nice to me, hurry up go out."

"You..." Wu Qiao stopped talking and continued to move forward.

Indeed, Tan Yan was extremely stubborn about this matter. It is a waste of time to entangle who protects whom, it is better to act immediately to get out of this place as soon as possible.

After climbing a few more steps, Wu Qiao suddenly heard a muffled groan behind him. Immediately afterwards, Tan Yan's breathing was obviously short of breath.

"What's wrong with you?" Wu Qiao was anxious, "Are you injured?"

"It's okay, continue." However, immediately after that, he groaned again.


During the short distance, Wu Qiao noticed several times that the "shield" behind him had been hit by bullets.

Tan Yan's elbows used to move forward gradually lost so much strength.

Wu Qiao felt that the exit in front of him was a little blurred. The water in front of my eyes was foggy, and the exit kept shaking in the water, leaving afterimages one after another. The last time he cried was the night he bid farewell to Tan Yan after joining the revolutionary army.

— Fortunately, the insects did not find them.

As soon as he rolled out of the auditorium, Wu Qiao hurriedly turned over, wanting to check Tan Yan's injuries.

As soon as he moved, he felt his neckline tighten and his throat was strangled.


"..." Tan Yan let go of the collar of Wuqiao's military uniform that he had been biting tightly in his mouth. Every time he was hit just now, he groaned in pain. Every time Wu Qiao panicked, and afterward, Wu Qiao cried. He didn't want Wu Qiao to worry, so he bit the collar in front of him to prevent himself from making a sound.

Wu Qiao looked at the seven or eight wounds on Tan Yan's body, and his eyes became more distracted.

He picked up Tan Yan on his back and ran to the hospital of the military headquarters.

At the same time, through the communication equipment, he learned that his troops had rushed to the auditorium.

—In the next quarter of an hour, Wu Qiao received countless reports.

First of all, the new warships purchased from neutral countries docked at various airports suddenly all blew up. The main system of warships manufactured in neutral countries is closed, that is to say, the buyer can only use but cannot view or modify the source code of the warship. This is also a normal situation and is a military secret. No one has ever suspected ghosts before. According to the report, the explosion intensity of these warships was very strong, and even affected the warships produced by the surrounding alliance. The fires in multiple airports spread rapidly, and the explosions continued one after another. The sound was endless, and it was impossible to control them. According to estimates, six to seven out of ten of the warships owned by the alliance have been destroyed.

Secondly, at the same time, new types of mechas from neutral countries appeared in multiple star fields of the alliance. After the mechs landed, they wreak havoc, and countless cities have been razed to the ground by them. The opponent chose to carry out this operation while the alliance was celebrating the victory and the defense was lax, and also used invisible warships to carry mechs that could not be detected.

Wu Qiao felt that the boat used to carry the group of people who attacked the auditorium should also be made of this material, so it was too late when the security personnel found out. Because of celebrating the victory, most of the soldiers were still on vacation, and the military department allowed them to watch the award ceremony. This timing was carefully chosen by the other party.

"..." At this moment, Wu Qiao already knew that this matter had something to do with the neutral country.

He immediately contacted Jing Yan.

Jing Yan's appearance appeared on the communication device: "Yo~Wu Qiao~"

"What on earth do you want to do?!" Wu Qiao tried his best to suppress his anger.

"Hmm..." Jing Yan drew a long tone, "Is it not pleasing to your eyes?"


"Wu Qiao..." Jing Yan seemed to change the subject suddenly, "Do you know what the neutral country said when it announced its neutrality a hundred years ago?"


"The declaration of the neutral country stated that the empire and the republic are 'all friendly countries', so the neutral country will 'not help each other'. These eight words are really embarrassing to the bone."

"..." Wu Qiao knew that Jing Yan had always been sensitive and hated being looked down upon.

"The weak neutral country has always been underestimated. Whether it is an empire or a republic, whoever is unhappy can teach the neutral country a lesson. All the neutral country can do is endure. Every time there is a conflict between your two countries, the neutral country will We can only pin our hopes on 'neutrality' and pray in our hearts not to offend anyone."

Wu Qiao laughed back angrily: "It turns out that you were just a country with evil intentions but no courage."

"It's okay to say that. But now, the neutral country has really had enough. We will unify the galaxy and no longer survive in the cracks."

"... Then, what is the relationship between you and 'Xianglong Wing'?" Wu Qiao knew that the two must be related. Making insects, using genetic technology to "cultivate" new pilots, and stealth warships are all tricks used by Xianglong Wing. Among all the stealth warships, only the Xianglong Wing ship that he and Sheng Zhongguang saw had not been captured by the military from beginning to end.

Over there, Jing Yan replied: "The Wings of the Xianglong? We fostered them."


"At that time, the empire was a little bit about to win... But we were not ready yet, and the two great powers were not exhausted, and it was not the time to unify the Milky Way, so at that time, we chose to support a flying dragon wing, which provided technology for Money, let them make trouble from within the empire. Insects, new pilots, stealth warships... are all technologies of our neutral nation."

Wu Qiao remembered that the female analyst they captured, Stephanie Rosenberg, and some other people who participated in the acquisition of funds for Dragon Wings were all born in neutral countries.

"Later, the flying dragon's wings were not working well...but the time was almost ripe, and we didn't want to help anymore. Later, when everything was ready and your two countries showed signs of decline in the war, I agreed to your request to form an alliance , beat the Republic to the last gasp, and at the same time made some tricks within the alliance that still has two breaths, waiting to clean up the two of you at the same time!" Jing Yan looked vicious at this time, as if saying that he would never Give you time to recover.

"..." Wu Qiao didn't answer—it was absolutely unnecessary.

"However," Jing Yan said again, "The Republic collapsed faster than I thought... The final plan was brought forward... I can do better with a little more time. Also, unexpectedly... that kid Ji Yao, To make Ji take away so much money from a neutral country... that's all, I also agreed to it so as not to be suspected."

"We still owe you money. If you start a war rashly, do you have any objections in the neutral country?"

"Who can control so much?"

"One last question." Wu Qiao stared at the screen tightly, and asked another thing he wanted to know after asking the question of Xianglong Wing, "This idea can't be yours—in the end... who is behind you?"

"It was my idea—" Jing Yan sneered.

Wu Qiao reached out and darkened the communication.

There seemed to be a flame burning in his chest, unable to vent, and finally hammered the wall beside him fiercely.

Wu Qiao used great force, but he didn't feel any pain when he went.

"Who the hell..." Wu Qiao couldn't figure it out. This kind of plan is definitely not something that Jing Yan can formulate. Jing Yan is a very weak person, and he can't even pretend that he wants to.

However, the neutral country has waited for more than ten years and still has to implement it, but it can only be described as "deliberate and deliberate". Wu Qiao felt that before today, he didn't know that "deliberately thinking" was written like this.

never mind…

Wu Qiao thought: The most urgent task is to formulate a plan to expel the neutral mechas in the city.