Face Slapping the General

Chapter 113: Waves rise again (middle)


In order to truly probe into the strength of the so-called "unprecedented level" new pilot, Wu Qiao took a trip in person.

Before leaving, he held Tan Yan's hand who was leaning on the head of the hospital bed, and said word by word: "Leave it all to me, you take good care of your wounds."

"I should have gone there."

"Don't think about those things." Wu Qiao leaned over and kissed Tan Yan, "It's the same when I go."


Wu Qiao took a look at Tan Yan, then stretched out his head and kissed Tan Yan again.

Tan Yan: "..."

"..." Wu Qiao kissed again.

The doctors at the nearby hospital no longer want to see it anymore.

Wu Qiao brought hundreds of the best mechas and the best pilots, and flew to strangle the people who were wreaking havoc on the streets of the capital.

In the distance, about five steel monsters were skimming over the city. With light movements, all kinds of destructive bombs fell from the sky. The light and dust made Wu Qiao unable to see the buildings and streets below them clearly, but he could imagine, All bombing targets have been accurately hit.

After a few years, Wu Qiao once again saw the control of a mecha that didn't look like a human at all. Last time I saw him, he was a member of the Revolutionary Army, facing off against two young kids in Imperial mechs.

The mechs in front of them were flying so fast that they seemed to be able to destroy a large number of targets in an instant without aiming.

Wu Qiao found it difficult to imagine how the people who were attacked by the air felt. Just yesterday they were enjoying their holidays, celebrating peace, and looking forward to the peaceful days ahead.

Now Jing Yan said that he would continue to destroy the city until Wu Qiao surrendered.

"A group of 20 people." Wu Qiao calmly gave the order, "Use numbers to win." This trick was used when Xianglong Wings fought against "Nicole". So Wu Qiao thought his idea was correct. "The people on the inside deploy their shields, and the people on the outside attack," he said.

However... after just trying it, Wu Qiao knew it wouldn't work!

Those who have been transformed into army weapons... seem to be stronger again!

They have really reached the level of terror, as if they can see all the artillery fire from all directions in an instant, and make reasonable responses. The mods cleverly avoided or blocked the bullets, and even found time to cut down a few opponents during the interval! After only a few seconds, the formation was all broken up!

In the eyes of the reformers, the opponent is just a piece of loose sand, and they will not be afraid at all in front of absolute strength. Just like an elephant fighting against a group of ants, no matter how many ants there are, they will not pose any threat in the eyes of the elephant.

As for Wu Qiao, he found it scary to fight against an overly powerful enemy, because the opponent will not only let you lose, but also swung his sickle to make you understand what crushing is when you are complacent about a little "achievement" strength gap.

In the first round, Wu Qiao and the others could be said to have fled in despair.

And he knew very well that if it wasn't because he brought the best mecha and driver, they wouldn't even be able to escape. Even so, the Confederate Army suffered a quarter loss.

One-on-one can never win.

Wu Qiao began to study multiplayer formations all night. He and Tan Yan continued to study mutual protection and assistance among the twenty people. Every time I feel that the clothes are perfect, I attack immediately, and then... the result is always defeated.

Every time, bad news came.

Just like the first round, against this kind of enemy, there is no way to know whether you will win or lose without actually trying it. It is absolutely impossible to know the real level of the other party simply by teasing. When the opponent is weak, the reformer will not take it seriously. Only when the opponent is strong, the reformer will perform to its due level-Wu Qiao and the others must directly use the best configuration available at that time.

Day by day, more and more cities were destroyed by the opponents, and the losses were not counted one by one, and even the government moved away.

Wu Qiao wanted to cherish the time and figured out how to complete the formation of 20 people as soon as possible. However, he didn't know how to cherish it at all. Time slipped through his fingers like sand, every minute and every second flew by, and he couldn't grasp anything.

Wu Qiao was no longer as angry as he was at the beginning. Anger is the most powerless emotion, and it is powerless to reverse the situation.

After each failure, Wu Qiao and Tan Yan analyzed the reasons together. They watched all the videos repeatedly, found the shortcomings in the formation that they hadn't noticed before but were discovered by the opponent, racked their brains to find a way to improve the formation, and simulated and practiced it over and over again, hoping to get closer to it little by little. Perfect.

Fortunately in misfortune, since the completion of the fifth improvement, the battle time between the 20-man team and the reformed people has gradually been extended.

In the first four times, the Allied forces always collapsed quickly, but in the fifth time they lasted for a full minute!

This minute made Wu Qiao and Tan Yan very happy.

Sixth time, two minutes...

Seventh time, four minutes...

Eighth time, eight minutes...

Ninth time, fourteen minutes...

There are fewer and fewer loopholes that can be exploited, and the 20-man formation is becoming more and more mature.

Finally, after the twelfth improvement, a twelve-member team of the alliance finally got the chance to use the ultimate move!

Twenty of them used the most powerful weapons from different angles at the same time, enveloping the opponent in a dense battle net!

This was a killer move carefully calculated by Wu Qiao and Tan Yan. As long as this trick is used, no matter where the opponent is, they will not be able to avoid the attacks of all twenty people! This move has no dead ends!

In the past, reformers would never push themselves to that point. Their brains are like computers, they can calculate the most reasonable next step in an instant. They can analyze whether they can resolve all possible moves of the opponent after reaching a certain position, and once they find a weakness, they will give up that position. Before each step, they will analyze the several orientation options they have, and the possible countermeasures of twenty opponents under each option... This is a lot of calculations, and if it is not impossible, they will not be forced to show their flaws.

However, this time, the team of twenty people had a strict plan. Because there were twenty of them, and by supporting each other, they succeeded in oppressing their opponents. They pressed on step by step, and finally let the reformer fall into the trap before he realized it.

By the time the reformer realizes that there will be problems no matter how he proceeds next, it is already too late.

This bombardment allowed the alliance to shoot down its opponent for the first time.

"Great!" Wu Qiao couldn't help shouting excitedly as he watched the mecha of the neutral country crashing to the ground on the screen.