Face Slapping the General

Chapter 114: Waves rise again (below)


Because of the continuous improvement of the 20-man team tactics, the situation in the alliance finally eased down temporarily.

Some 20-person combinations that are often matched are becoming more and more tacit, and the success rate has increased from less than one-tenth at the beginning to about one-third. There is a one-third chance of winning, which is already a very satisfactory result for Wu Qiao.

"Tan Yan..." Wu Qiao still worriedly said to Tan Yan, "Can this method of relying on the number of people really win the final victory?"

"...I don't know how many people will be killed or injured." Tan Yan sighed, "But it's not a bad thing to have choices."

"... Hmm." Wu Qiao thought for a while, then said to Tan Yan again, "I'm sorry."

"Why say sorry?"

"I canceled the wedding registration." At that time, it was a critical period to study the formation, and Wu Qiao canceled the appointment without thinking. At that time, the other party asked him: "Then when do you want to change to?" Wu Qiao really didn't know when he would have time to do this, and after thinking about it, he replied: "When the time comes, I want to go and make another appointment. After the customer service robot crossed out the appointment, he said regretfully, "Don't be sad, it's better to break up before marriage than to find out that it's not suitable after marriage."

Hearing Wu Qiao's apology, Tan Yan raised his hand to look at the ring on his ring finger, stretched out his hand and pinched Wu Qiao's face, "I've waited for so many years, it doesn't matter if I wait a few more years."


"Now we are at least engaged, and the relationship is better than before."

"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao reached out to grab Tan Yan's hand, "Believe me... we will get married one day."

"Yeah." Tan Yan hugged Wu Qiao closer with his other hand, and kissed him lightly on the forehead, "I believe in you."

There is a saying that what you fear will come.

Wu Qiao had been worried about a slippery slope to the stable situation. He prays that the status quo can be maintained, because only in this way can the alliance have breathing time, gradually perfect tactics, defeat the reincarnated people, and at the same time create new warships to fill the emptiness after 70% of the warships were bombed, and reorganize the army to fight with neutral countries .

In fact, Wu Qiao was like a bird frightened every day. When he saw the emergency report, his heart would tremble slightly, for fear that it would be some kind of hellish news.

In this war, Wu Qiao's mood was completely different from that of dealing with the Empire and the Republic. When dealing with the Empire and the Republic, Wu Qiao probably knew the cards the two sides had, so he could respond calmly. As for the neutral country... Wu Qiao really couldn't guess what other tricks they would have.

—Wu Qiao's worry soon became a reality.

The neutral country sent the second batch of transformed neutral country soldiers.

As the number of reformers landing in the alliance increased, the pilots of the alliance's mechs began to struggle. The mech pilots who make up the 20-man team must be the best with outstanding skills, not even a single one who is slowing down, otherwise the formation will be destroyed in an instant by the modified people. You know, how much water a barrel can hold depends on its shortest plank. When the situation is stable, Wu Qiao estimates that there are about 600 mechas from neutral countries operating in the major cities of the alliance. If the alliance wants to deal with it at the same time, it needs at least 600 squads. According to experience, the number of reserve personnel for each squad At least the same number of regular personnel can guarantee normal operation. That is to say, in order to deal with the opponent's 600 people, the alliance must prepare at least 24,000 top-level mecha operators. This is already the limit that the alliance can afford .

After the second batch of soldiers were released, the number of neutral mechas in the alliance has exceeded 900. Wu Qiao was obviously tired of dealing with it—the number of elites was limited after all, and for those guys, no matter how many ordinary mech operators used to be, they would die.

Wu Qiao once wanted to prevent the second batch of neutral soldiers from landing, but he failed. First of all, the ships transporting these mechs all used stealth materials, and the alliance failed to predict where the opponent would use as a breakthrough point for entry. Second, there are not enough skilled mech pilots. Although the bulky warships have more intense firepower, they cannot move flexibly. The transformed people can easily pass through the defense network woven by warships.

"If you don't cut off the source, you will not be able to bear it sooner or later." Wu Qiao frowned and said to Tan Yan.

"...Yes." Tan Yan also felt very troubled, "The problem is how to cut off the source."


"First, we don't know where those ghost things were made... Second, seven-tenths of our warships have been destroyed, and the number of mechs is also not enough, so we can't afford to attack the neutral country itself— They are more prepared than us. Now, their warships have not been dispatched at all, and they are all staying in the airport, and they just drop the mechs, leaving us in a hurry."

"..." Wu Qiao rubbed his cheeks vigorously with both hands.

He understood what Tan Yan said. Jing Yan thinks that there is no need to use warships to bombard at all, just using mechas is enough.

After a while, Wu Qiao said sullenly again, "No... I still think that if there is no way to end it as soon as possible, we must find a way."


"After forming an alliance with the neutral country, you and I spent so much effort to end the war with the Republic early. In order to prevent us from having a chance to rebuild, the neutral country declared to us This is what Jing Yan said personally. The fact that the second batch of remodeled soldiers were sent in three months after the first batch landed in the alliance can fully explain the problem. They did not expect the Republic to surrender so soon, so they did not Prepare a sufficient number of cyborg soldiers. I guess there is still some time before the completion of the third and fourth batches of cyborg soldiers, and this time is the only opportunity we can take advantage of. The number of our elite pilots is increasing If there are fewer monsters like the opponent, we will definitely not be able to hold on one day."

Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao: "It's still the same problem... how to do it?"


Wu Qiao felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He obviously didn't do anything that required physical exertion, but he really felt exhausted all over his body. The chest seemed to have become a bottomless pit, and the heart sank every day, continuously, with no light or sound.

He has been thinking about the difficulty Tan Yan just mentioned for two weeks, thinking about it all the time, even dreaming at night.

But... no result.

For the first time, he felt that he was too small.