Face Slapping the General

Chapter 118: end (top)


Wu Qiao couldn't stand it anymore, he let Ya Jiu walk to the girl, bent over and hugged her, then went straight to the distance, and put her quietly in the corner: "Hey... we Come be your brother, okay?"

"I'm going to find my father, let me find my father..." She tried to stand up weakly, "You are all enemies, I will kill you..."

Wu Qiao sighed and let Ya Jiu knock her out. Even though she was seriously injured, she was still much stronger than ordinary people. Crow Nine knocked three times before she was knocked unconscious.

"..." Wu Qiao only felt that the anger in his chest could not be calmed down.

These children should have been growing up healthily. Born from the sperm and eggs of ordinary people, they should have lived the lives of ordinary people. Although their intelligence and physical strength are mediocre, they really have their parents who love them. However, because of Qiu Yanting's "Human Improvement Plan", they have to live such a life.

Wu Qiao suppressed himself and walked back to the original place: "Crow Nine."

"Yes!" In fact, Ya Jiu was also very angry.

"Smash that cover and blast out the people inside."

"Good!" Crow Nine said.

"Don't." A smile suddenly appeared on Qiu Yanting's face, "I want you to help me test other experimental products."

"...worry about your own life first." Wu Qiao said.

"Oh?" Qiu Yanting said, "I'm not worried."


"I originally wanted to kill you, but now I think it's better to let you discover the flaws of the experimental product. At worst, I can go to another era."

"...another era?" Wu Qiao was a little confused: what is "another era"

"Of course." Qiu Yanting said again, "Don't you think I'm so lucky to be born in this era when traditional energy sources are about to be exhausted? Of course this is the experimental site I carefully selected, because this era is the most suitable for carrying out human improvement plans Ha ha... When I read about this war, I never imagined that I did it."


"As for the future..." Qiu Yanting said again, "Just now you made me realize that my work still has some flaws, so I will first improve my work, and then return to my future world to carry out large-scale promotion and create The ideal human flourishing age, the real flourishing age.”

"Impossible." Wu Qiao retorted, "Going back to the past is simply impossible."

Qiu Yanting sneered: "It can't be done in your era, and it doesn't prove that it will never be possible. Indeed, it is difficult for ordinary people to surpass the speed of light like a 'tachyon', but information can. As long as there is information about the entire consciousness and body of the person Moving faster than the speed of light can lead to the passage of negative time. After reshaping according to the information, people will travel through time. Of course, this is only a theoretical basis, and it is also very troublesome to implement.”

"You are really crazy..."

"Crazy or not, I don't care." Qiu Yanting said, "You, you should deal with the next reformer first!"

While speaking, he pressed another button. Another alloy door was opened, and a thin man walked out from inside.

"You..." Wu Qiao couldn't believe what he saw, "You transformed yourself?! You transformed your own clone?!" The man in front of him looks exactly the same as Qiu Yanting, there is no difference!

"Still smart..." Qiu Yanting smiled again, "Yeah, he is another me. As for me, I first create a clone of myself, then modify the genes, and finally copy my own memory to him ... In this way, he is me, but he is not limited to me. Sure enough, everything depends on myself. Compared with outsiders, such as the one just now, only myself can perfectly execute my own intentions! I know what I want best, and this There will never be a low-level mistake this time..."

Hearing Qiu Yanting say that it was a low-level mistake for the remodeled girl to want "father", Wu Qiao couldn't control it anymore, stretched out his hand to push the engine of Yajiu to the maximum, and rushed towards Qiu Yanting's clone!

"Qiu Yanting" also boarded the mecha, drew out his lightsaber and flew towards Wu Qiao!

Wu Qiao and him fought for several rounds in the air, and soon discovered that the opponent's advantage was simply overwhelming.

After the fierce battle in the last battle, the mechs of Wu Qiao, Tan Yan, and "Nicole" suffered extensive damage. At this time, facing the more powerful "Qiu Yanting", the three of them obviously felt powerless.

They searched for opportunities in vain, trying to use strange tricks again and again to confuse the reformers.

But no.

Because of the implanted memory, Qiu Yanting's reformers are completely different from those children who are only good at calculation. He is well aware of the opponent's exhaustion after the first battle and his crushing strength, and he can calmly deal with strange moves. He knew very well that no matter how weird Wu Qiao's moves were, they were just clowns dying.

"What should we do?" Tan Yan asked Wu Qiaodao, "Will you withdraw?"

"It can't be withdrawn..." Wu Qiao gritted his teeth and said, "Otherwise, what should our two countries do?"

If you go back like this, there will be more and more reformers in the neutral country, the alliance will definitely collapse, and maybe the whole world will collapse. He can only hold on and keep looking for opportunities, even if it is only a one in ten thousand chance. As long as he is not dead, he cannot give up, because after all, there is still a 1 in 10,000 chance to save the people of the two big countries.

"..." In fact, why doesn't Tan Yan know? However, according to the current situation... the odds of winning are too small.

"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao said again, "you understand very well, you must kill him."


"Have you forgotten what you said?" Wu Qiao said again, "You said, I still have allies, and you will protect them."

"Don't worry." There was a reassuring force in Tan Yan's voice, "You still have allies, and I will protect them."

Just as he was speaking, Ya Jiu's half-hanging leg was also broken.

It let out a scream: "Aww~!"

Due to the sudden decrease in the weight of the lower body, the center of gravity of the Crow Nine is completely different from what he was familiar with in the past. Being top-heavy, it began to struggle to maintain its balance, always as if it was about to turn over, which made it impossible for Wu Qiao to dodge every time. Precise control.

Wu Qiao worked hard to adapt to the new body shape, and wanted to figure out how to adjust the controls under the current situation to achieve the various effects he wanted, but it really couldn't be done in a short while.

At this moment, Ya Jiu was in a state of embarrassment, his legs were completely broken, and his head was thrown out as a bomb just now. Only his upper body and two long arms holding weapons were left in the air, which looked extraordinarily weird.

"Oops..." Wu Qiao muttered silently, narrowly avoiding a few blows. He had a premonition that he would soon be hit by the enemy.

Then, just as he was staggering and trying to stabilize himself, another shell from the other side arrived unexpectedly!

"… !!!"That's too late!

Is it really over this time? !

At the critical moment, Wu Qiao realized that Tan Yan stood in front of him again!

This time, Tan Yan no longer had a shield—his shield was shattered by the transformed girl when he was protecting Wu Qiao last time. So he just let Longyuan cross his arms to block his chest, and at the same time curled up into a ball, and took the attack abruptly!

Wu Qiao heard a "boom", and then he felt that Long Yuan had hit Ya Jiu heavily, and all kinds of fragments flew away, drawing golden afterimages one after another.

Wu Qiao watched all this with dumbfounded eyes.

"Tan Yan! Tan Yan!" Wu Qiao called Tan Yan's name, and his vocal cords seemed to be torn.

Tan Yan didn't answer him.

Long Yuan hit the ground hard. Wu Qiao hung in front of Long Yuan, keeping a close eye on his opponent's movements while calling for the marshal. He wanted to pry open the cab to check it out, but it was too time-consuming, and he was afraid that he would be attacked by his opponent again.

He was at a loss and could only yell. Although he knew it was a waste of time, he couldn't figure out what to do at this moment.

Could it be... Is it really possible to know whether Tan Yan is dead or alive only by defeating the opponent first? Maybe that's the only way...

Wu Qiao asked Ya Jiu to pick up Long Yuan, and asked "Nicole" to resist with all his strength, intending to send Long Yuan to a safe place.

However, just as Ya Jiu bent down, Wu Qiao saw the black muzzle of "Qiu Yanting" pointing this way again—"Nicole" couldn't stop him at all.

In an instant, Wu Qiao's body was icy cold, as if all his blood had been drained. If they continue to hug Ryongyeon, the two of them will turn into dust together, because holding Ryongyeon is too cumbersome. If he let go of the opponent and dodges alone, he will definitely lose Tan Yan.

Rationally speaking, he should definitely take defeating the other party as his top priority. However, he just realized at this time that before he set off, he asked both of them to swear, "If I fail, you leave me and go forward alone." How difficult it is to execute this sentence.

He couldn't just watch Tan Yan die and live alone—all he could think about was jumping on Tan Yan's body to block him, and he would never let Tan Yan walk in front of him. He thought, even if he could let the other party live for a minute or a second longer.

The scene of Sheng Chongguang's death kept circling back and forth in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it. He really didn't want to experience a thousand times more hatred and pain than that.

How the hell... how... how the hell

On the other side, Tan Yan's vision in Longyuan was not very clear. He blinked hard and found that his eyelashes were covered with blood.

The Yongyeon system malfunctioned, and the inside of the mech was pitch black.

"..." No... He has to stand up again, he needs to fight again... He is still alive, and he has to protect the people he wants to protect. If he withdraws from the battle, Wu Qiao will be killed soon...

However, at this moment, his whole body is exhausted, and his arms seem to be heavy. Just now, he himself used his arms to cover his stomach, so both hands seemed to be completely broken. The blood kept dripping down the skin, and soon formed a pool between his fingers, soaking his wedding ring into blood red.

Move quickly... Under the pain, Tan Yan thought vaguely: Move quickly...

—At this time, something incredible happened suddenly!

The attack of the "Qiu Yanting" reformed person suddenly became much slower, and the manipulation was also anxious, and the movements were not in place. Not to mention top-notch reformers, even top-notch ordinary people such as Leila can't keep up!

This change made "Nicole" even stunned for a moment, constantly thinking about what kind of trick it was.

However, Wu Qiao, who had no choice, attacked without hesitation when he saw the opening! He thought: So what if it is a trick, he has no way to retreat!

Hearing a "boom", the reformed man was actually hit by Wu Qiao!

Wu Qiao couldn't believe that he hit it so easily, wondering if this is some kind of amazing new method. Crow Nine's muzzle shot at the opponent non-stop, even when the opponent's mecha was broken into pieces, Wu Qiao had to admit that "Qiu Yanting" made a mysterious mistake until the pieces were also smashed into pieces fact.

Wu Qiao couldn't care about the transformation of people anymore, he jumped out of Yajiu, landed next to Tan Yan's mech, and asked Yajiu to cut open Longyuan's cab.

"Woooooo..." Ya Jiu said, "I hurt Longyuan..."

But Wu Qiao didn't care about it. He nervously looked at the scene in the mecha, he didn't dare to look but had to face it, praying in his heart that Tan Yan would be safe and sound.

The cab was cut open.

Tan Yan, who was covered in blood, sat there in an awkward posture. Seeing the bright light and Wu Qiao's eyes in the bright light, he tried his best to smile.

"Talk about Yan..."

"Why do you look like you're about to cry..."

"Talk about Yan..."


"Talk about Yan..."

"here I am."

Wu Qiao helped Tan Yan out of the mech.

He looked at Qiu Yanting, and said to Ya Jiu: "Smash that cover, blast out the people inside."

"Okay!" Crow Nine replied. It's all that villain who caused Long Yuan to become like this.

Behind the rain cover, Qiu Yanting stared at Wu Qiao's face closely. After a while, he suddenly let out a sudden laugh: "Hahahaha, no wonder... it's you... it's you... that's it!"

"... What are you crazy about?" Wu Qiao really hated him.

"I thought you had died in the gap of time!"

"what are you talking about… ?"

"I finally understand why you are a genetic waste! I couldn't figure it out in the past... How can you be a genetic waste when you are so strong? I thought genes would also convey wrong information!"

"...Why?" Wu Qiao also wanted to know the answer to this question. The fact that he was a waste of genes almost made him unable to become a mech pilot. If it wasn't for saving Tan Yan, he might spend his whole life digging green sand.

"Well..." Qiu Yanting didn't intend to hide it from Wu Qiao, "Because... you, like me, are not from this era."

"...!!!" Wu Qiao's voice seemed to have changed, "...what did you say?!"

"When I was doing research in the original era... there was a couple who opposed me and followed me through time travel. I didn't see them after that, and I thought they were all dead... It turns out that their child survived. They just There is a strange thing that can interfere with my modified people. You really look like them...I overlooked it. If it weren’t for something familiar, I’m afraid I still wouldn’t have thought of it! Your genes are originally the same as the people you are now Not the same, of course the test results can’t explain the problem!”

"..." Wu Qiao was dumbfounded, too shocked to speak. He felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what it was. After a while, he finally knew where the disobedience came from. He said to Qiu Yanting: "No... No... If my genes are different now, why can the genetic pairing be matched with Tan Yan...?"

"Huh?" Qiu Yanting was puzzled for a moment, then smiled again, and said, "I don't really understand either. Maybe, in the evolution of human beings, all abilities will change, but love is eternal."


"Military school admissions use big data to compare genes. For example, the data shows that brave people have certain genes, but you have relatively few genes, so it is considered that your escape rate is relatively high, but maybe it is no longer needed after evolution. So many numbers... As for gene pairing... I don't know, I guess many genes are as different as possible?"

"..." Wu Qiao silently read that sentence.

—Perhaps, in human evolution, all abilities will change, only love is eternal.

Qiu Yanting said again: "Since you have that thing, I'm afraid I'll lose if I stay here... I'll wait in another era and look for opportunities to improve my work. But, can you tell me first, the one that leads to the transformation of people?" What is the abnormal thing?"

Wu Qiao gritted his teeth and said, "Dream. Yajiu, cut him off."

In fact, Wu Qiao kind of knew what was going on. The only thing he had from childhood was a ring, which he melted into Tan Yan's wedding ring. It seems that that thing is sensitive to blood, and when it is soaked in blood, it will trigger its organs. For some reason, Wu Qiao understood Qiu Yanting's puzzle almost instantly—that thing should be able to make a sound that humans can't hear, but the superhuman hearing can hear. The sound nearly broke them and they could no longer move normally. Wu Qiao was annoyed that he had never thought of this method. But having said that, if he also used his voice to attack, Qiu Yanting might not be unable to react all the time.

Crow Nine began to attack the defensive cover with a bang.

Qiu Yanting shook her head, and walked into a cylinder at the back of the room leisurely.

He knew that the defensive cover was enough for him to last for a while, and it was for this reason that he was willing to say so much just now.

"Come back!" Wu Qiao roared, ordering Yajiu to attack more violently.

"No," Qiu Yanting said, "I'm going to time travel again."

When the defensive cover finally shattered, Qiu Yanting had already disappeared.

—The machine is still there, beeping, and seems to be preparing to explode.

"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao said to the people around him, "he must die."


"I'm going after him."


Wu Qiao took a deep breath, and finally gave the command: "After I leave, you destroy all the instruments and reagents, and then take 'Nicole' and the three mechas out to gather all the remaining people." Return to the alliance, reorganize the army, defeat the mechas and starships of the neutral countries in one fell swoop, let the neutral countries completely surrender to us, and lead the people of the alliance to peace again."

"En." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao and said only one word.

"Anyway, I'm in charge of Qiu Yanting, you go and get rid of Jing Yan."

"Wu Qiao..." Until then, Tan Yan finally asked a complete sentence, "I'll go with you, okay?"

"How is it possible to go together..." Wu Qiao looked into Tan Yan's eyes with nostalgia, "There are so many reformers in the alliance, and Jing Yan's starship is still eyeing the neutral country. I'm gone, and you are gone. Who will come?" Lead the army to repel the invaders."


Wu Qiao gritted his teeth: "Then I'll go."


"Tan Yan," Wu Qiao said suddenly, "If... I said if, if I don't come back within two years... you can find someone else to love."

"En." Tan Yan said "En" again, agreeing to Wu Qiao's request.

Wu Qiao turned and walked towards the machine.

At this moment, the machine was like an entrance to a nightmare, as if it wanted to destroy all the beautiful sweet dreams in Wuqiao during the day.

Just after taking a few steps, Wu Qiao heard a soft sigh from behind: "Wu Qiao, my dear...you gave up on me for the second time."

The first time was when he decided to go to the revolution.

Wu Qiao's eyes suddenly blurred.

He paused, turned his head and took one last look at the person he liked: "Tan Yan, I promise you, if there is a next time... I will definitely choose you."

Tan Yan shook his head: "If there was a next time, you still wouldn't choose me."

"Yes." Wu Qiao felt his heart throbbing. "Next time, I don't care about the alliance or the people. I'll just be with you."

Tan Yan, I love you so much, I love you more than myself, and I am willing to use everything I have to make you happy. If there is no other way, how can I be willing to give up on you

—Finally, looking at the red flames when the time machine exploded, Tan Yan suddenly remembered the extremely childish words he had said to himself on that brilliant afternoon when Wu Qiao just graduated from the military course. At that time, he said: "I belong to all mankind."

The author has something to say: God unfolds Level 3!

Don't discuss physics issues... It's just a YY article.

The setting is: 1. Faster-than-light speed can lead to negative time lapse, just like the "tachyon phone" hypothesis. 2. Going back in time can do something, not just be a bystander.