Face Slapping the General

Chapter 119: Finished (below)


five years later.

The war between the alliance and the neutral countries has ended for three years, and the construction is in full swing everywhere, and the destroyed buildings are erected again.

The new trees planted outside the walls of the military headquarters sprouted buds, and the flowers planted in the corners were also budding.

Some people began to complain about small things like hay fever allergies, and some people complained that the streets were muddy and difficult to walk after the rain.

They began to berate the government again—there was a pothole in a certain street, the water in a certain house was constantly running out, a certain building was blocking the sun.

At first, people sighed as they recalled the war, and then, later, on the anniversary of the war, they brightened up. They are triumphant, fulfilled, and recall the war with pride and pride, and only a small number of those who lost someone still mourn each time.

Tan Yan was one of the latter, and that war gave him a hard-working feeling.

In fact, when Wu Qiao had just left, Tan Yan thought it was okay, but the longer Wu Qiao was away, the more he missed him. When I close my eyes at night, it is all about the day Wu Qiao left, and when I am free during the day, I will unconsciously start to recall the past.

No one would chat with him about Wu Qiao, only Long Yuan and Ya Jiu would sometimes come over holding their paws and chatting.

On a fine afternoon, Tan Yan opened his private mailbox and found that he had received a letter: "..."

—It turned out to be a genetic matching company.

It said that another person was matched with Tan Yan, and the matching degree was also about 100%.

Tan Yan just glanced at it, didn't even click on that person's homepage, and deleted the letter directly.

Ten minutes later, Tan Yan received another letter.

This time it was a letter from the guy who matched him, and the letter was very bold and fanatical: "Marshal, shall we get married?"

Tan Yan frowned, did not reply, and deleted it permanently.

Unexpectedly, that person is not finished yet.

Ten minutes later, he sent another letter: "Marshal, shall we get married? I will treat you well."

Tan Yan felt anxious for a while, as if Wu Qiao had been insulted. He hated this guy who didn't know where he came from very much, thinking that you have done something and come to ask for the treatment of a marriage that Wu Qiao has never had.

He clicked "Reply" impatiently, and told the other party bluntly: "I'm already married, don't contact me."

"Liar," the man said again, "The data in the gene bank shows that you are not married at all."

Tan Yan felt that this person was so ungrateful that people wanted to beat him up, so he replied coldly: "In essence, he is already married. I hope you can stop harassing me continuously."

After doing this, Tan Yan dialed the number of the communication device and told the genetic company directly to remove all his information. Tan Yan had never been matched with anyone before, and Tan Yan actually forgot about it—he was waiting for someone else, so what is the use of the genetic matching information

At noon, Tan Yan took a nap on the deck chair outside.

With the sun shining on his body, he felt warm all over his body. He really wanted Wu Qiao to experience this comfortable feeling once again. Wu Qiao has lived for more than thirty years, but he has only had a few days of peace.

During the afternoon nap, several people passed by him, and every time he opened his eyes immediately, they were full of clarity, without a trace of sleepiness. Even after three years, his habit of vigilance remained unchanged. As long as anyone approached, he would definitely wake up.

In the dream, the man returned to his side, gently stroking his own fingers with his slender fingers.

Tan Yan immediately held Wu Qiao's hand firmly, unwilling to let go no matter what. In the dream, he knew that this was just a dream, but he still wanted to experience a moment of reunion in the dream.

It was strange that even though five years had passed, he hadn't forgotten the other person's appearance at all. Every time Wu Qiao appeared in his dream, his face was very clear.

However, after a while, Wu Qiao suddenly said "someone is coming" inexplicably, and forcefully withdrew his hand.

Tan Yan wanted to say: Anyway, it's in a dream, let alone holding hands, it doesn't matter even if it's something more extreme.

In the afternoon, Tan Yan didn't have much business to do, and it was only after three o'clock after finishing.

Seeing that the wind was warm and the sun was warm outside, he wanted to go out for a walk again—Wu Qiao liked the sun, especially the big sun with dazzling golden light. In the past, when people talked about what kind of weather they like, Wu Qiao once said seriously, "I like sunny and hot days", which made everyone feel that he is very unique.

Now Tan Yan realizes that he also likes this kind of weather.

After five years of separation from Wu Qiao, he became more and more like Wu Qiao.

"Hello!" Tan Yan suddenly heard a sudden sound from the wall, "If you continue to harass you, what will you do to me?"

"...!" Tan Yan looked up reflexively, and saw a figure sitting on the wall, with his back to the light, his handsome face was hidden in the shadow, and the mottled trees beside him made his body sway a little. shadow.

Tan Yan raised his head, squinted his eyes, the sun shone on his face, giving him a kind of vitality that he didn't have in the past.

You said to the figure: "Of course I won't talk to you."


"I married that obedient Wu Qiao. You abandoned me for the second time. I don't even want to see you again."

"Is that so..." Wu Qiao thought for a while, and suddenly jumped down.

"Hello!" The fence was so high, Tan Yan was taken aback, and quickly reached out to hug Wu Qiao, wrapping his arms around Wu Qiao's waist before he landed, to help relieve the momentum and prevent him from being injured.

"What?" Wu Qiao asked him with a teasing smile, "Didn't you ignore me?"

"You..." Tan Yan scanned every place on Wu Qiao's face with his eyes, unwilling to let go of any small details: "I lost to you."

Wu Qiao sighed: "The military department is really careless. Such a big security loophole has not been discovered, and people can easily sneak in."

"Not everyone is you." After finishing speaking, Tan Yan remembered what happened in his dream at noon, and asked Wu Qiao, "Are you the one who held my hand just now?"

"Yeah." Wu Qiao laughed again, "You're really strange. You wake up within a few meters of someone approaching you. I touched you, but you still fell into a deep sleep and didn't respond."

"Because I know it's you." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "No matter when...as long as you get close to me, I will know it's you."

"That sounds nice."

"It's not a lie."

"Tan Yan..." Wu Qiao put away his chuckle and stared at the face that he thought about countless times every day, "Tan Yan, it's really... it's you... it's not someone else? It's not like I'm hallucinating again, right?"

"it's me."

Wu Qiao stretched out his hand, pulled Tan Yan's hair, pulled Tan Yan's ear, and pinched Tan Yan's face: "It seems... this time, it's really you."

"It's me."

"Well, it's you..." Wu Qiao put his arms around Tan Yan, hugged Tan Yan's neck tightly, and kept rubbing his cheek against the other's: "It's you. Tan Yan, I'm back."

Tan Yan hugged Wu Qiao tightly, rubbed back and forth, and gently sniffed the tips of his hair: "How did you come back?"

"Well..." Wu Qiao thought about where to start, "I really don't understand what Qiu Yanting did... I can only think of other ways to come back..."


"Because the landing point is in the past era, so... It took me twelve years to successfully ask someone to help me create a fast and strong spaceship... When it flies on the edge of a black hole, time will change Slow down, two days is equivalent to one year on the capital star. I spent four years on the spaceship, and then "traveled" to the "future" of the capital star. So, it only took a total of 16 years to return to you side."

"..." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao carefully. Sure enough, the feeling that Wu Qiao's appearance is much more mature is not his illusion.

Tan Yan knew how much Wu Qiao hated wasting time. As a result, he spent all those long years on the way home.

Wu Qiao smiled again and said, "I'm one year older than you now." In the past, he was ten years younger than Tan Yan, but now he is one year older.

"That doesn't matter, it doesn't matter how old you are."

"I didn't think you would care, I just said it casually."

"Then..." Tan Yan asked again, "Why do you have to wait five years?" Since "time travel", wouldn't it be better to wear the replay and separate

Wu Qiao replied: "I've used it for sixteen years, but I can't make it too easy for you. Five years is about the same?"

"It must be a lie." Tan Yan pointed it out mercilessly, "Did you miscalculate the return speed and still have time? You won't be willing to let me wait for you."

"...can you save some face for me?"

"Then change the subject." Tan Yan asked, "How is Qiu Yanting?"

"Him?" Wu Qiao's face was flat and expressionless: "Killed, even the information is gone. His genetic research, as well as the starship invisibility material he brought, are all destroyed." Qiu Yan Court did not go crazy before his death, but just said, "If it turns out that you are stronger than me, and natural people are better than modified people, I will be very relieved to see stronger human beings survive."

"Well." Tan Yan said, "I still have a question... Since Qiu Yanting came to the present from the distant future, does that mean that we can successfully solve this energy crisis without dying?"

"Of course." Wu Qiao smiled, "Actually... Before I killed Qiu Yanting, I read the information in his mind about how to obtain energy in his era..."

"You really know how to use him..."

Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan and felt that he loved this person even more.

"What are you thinking?" Tan Yan asked again.

"I was thinking... the words I jotted down in my notebook when I was a teenager turned out to be true—parting is to love what the wind is to fire. It quenches the sparks but fanes the flames."

"Strange words."

Wu Qiao agreed: "It's very strange."

"By the way," Tan Yan reached out and stroked Wu Qiao's hair, "Do you want to meet Ji Yao and the others? They will be very happy."

"Ji Yao already knows it all. He has done me a favor by registering genes with a new identity and sending you a letter." Now, Ji Yao is the head of a country.

Tan Yan didn't ask Wu Qiao why he wanted to play a prank, he just asked again: "Then you are going to the government? It is officially announced that you are back."

"No." Wu Qiao shook his head immediately, "If you want to see someone, I'll go as a private person—I don't want to enter the government as I used to be."

"Oh?" Tan Yan was a little surprised, "Why?" Wu Qiao has always wanted to contribute more to the world, and Tan Yan knows this best.

"Why..." Wu Qiao thought for a while, and put away his bland smile again, "Tan Yan, do you know that the political arena and the battlefield are like a stage. After staying on the stage for a long time, you always Will want to go back to normal life."


Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan, and continued to say word by word: "And my life...is you."

[End of text]

The author has something to say: Well... the end of Sahua!

Xiaoqiao's final character will be reflected again in the episode.

There will be about 5 episodes~! Two of them have raw buns, which will be written in the content summary, if you don't accept it, don't order it...

The next article is back to being silly and sweet. It's "The Dog Actor in the Entertainment Industry", a story about a little shou who always wanted to be a star but couldn't, and finally became popular after turning into a dog...

It is estimated that the article will be published on March 24 a week later~~The article will not be long, it should be more than 200,000.

Write a postscript...

This article is very rare for pandas to talk about personal transformation. In the past, it was from not understanding love to understanding love, and it rarely touched on other aspects.

After reading the full text, everyone should be able to understand why the subject is set as chicken soup. Many readers commented after reading the opening article, asking why the author is so self-willed to let such a KY person be the protagonist, but Su, I think that Xiaoqiao was 17 or 18 years old when he appeared on the stage, and it is unlikely that he can see everything. It's just a naive idea. If he wasn't such a person, if he didn't still maintain his own mind during the changes, he wouldn't be able to give up the person he loves the most twice. After writing the ending chapter, I went to revise the opening chapter, and I was quite moved when I saw the Chicken Soup Beast at that time. It was not easy for him and the general to be together in the end.

The genetic problem at the beginning also explains it, it is a love story that travels through time and space...

The boss of "Autumn God" is so obsessed with improving human beings... But whether the transformed person is considered a human being or not, everyone has their own opinions. In this article, he was wiped out...

Then! It can be seen that I am a peaceful person! Two great powers are at war, the last imperial power collapses, and a country disintegrates, neither of which ends well, so the world should still be full of love! Love!

You can say anything you want to comment! Criticism is okay too! I will accept it!

Finally, goodbye in the episode!


Extra episode