Face Slapping the General

Chapter 12: Training course (intermediate)


From this day on, Wu Qiao would go to Tan Yana every day after the course to sort out the materials and help Tan Yan find the information he needed.

Wu Qiao borrowed some books from Tan Yan every day and took them back to read. The books were all about tactics. Wu Qiao always read until late, and then asked Tan Yan for advice on what he didn't understand the next day.

At first, Wu Qiao worried that the other party would dislike him because of this. After all, even the instructor thought he was a troublesome person.

However, it didn't.

Tan Yan never rejected him, and Wu Qiao found that every time after Tan Yan finished speaking, as long as he praised him a few times, the other party would be more patient next time.

Occasionally, Wu Qiao would be allowed to look at Crow Nine.

Crow Nine is not much different from before, as long as it is not shut down for maintenance, it always regards itself as a person.

When Wu Qiao went to see Yajiu for the first time after class, Yajiu was washing his face.

It carefully soaked the towel in the water, then took it out and wrung it dry, and carefully wiped it back and forth on the face.

"..." At that moment, Wu Qiao understood those soldiers who were unwilling to accept Yajiu.

"Huh..." Ya Jiu saw a familiar person in the mirror, threw the towel away, turned around and threw himself into Wu Qiao's arms with a "bang", "Wu Qiao! You... have you come to see me?"


"It's really like cheating on us like this."

"..." Wu Qiao didn't ask what strange TV program it was watching, but changed the subject, "Crow Nine, how are you doing?"

"It's okay!" Crow Nine replied, "It's just that I can't get along with other mechas... However, I don't see them often anyway, they want to stay with their masters."

"...um." Wu Qiao looked at Yajiu's shiny face, "Well, Yajiu, do you wash your face every day...?"

"That's right." Ya Jiu asked back, "Of course I have to wash it every day."

"Is it okay to get wet?"

"I asked about this!" Ya Jiu said, "It's waterproof, it's okay!"

"But..." Wu Qiao pondered his words, "You've been washing for a long time..."

"I..." Ya Jiu felt a little embarrassed, "I was thinking, maybe one day I will meet Long Yuan on the road... It would be bad for him to see me in a disheveled state..."

"..." Wu Qiao stared at Ya Jiu for a long time, and finally decided not to ask any more questions.

After Wu Qiao went to Yajiu three or four times, one day at Tan Yan's time, Tan Yan suddenly said: "The mecha manufactured on the basis of Yajiu's design was formally put into training yesterday morning. We hit it. There are twenty-five in total, all of which are the most advanced."

"Great!" Wu Qiao couldn't contain his excitement.

What he did then finally paid off.

The significance of Raven Nine being sent back to the empire is not just a mecha, but various new technologies in it. Crow's Nine and the other three mechas are actually experimental works. People can't judge its performance before undergoing various tests, so it can't be put into mass production. Therefore, if all four mechas were stolen or destroyed before they were activated, the military would have to repeat the previous experiment and manufacturing process, and the repetitive labor would greatly delay the progress. Wu Qiao drove the Crow Nine back to the Empire, so that the Empire could directly test it and decide whether to use new technology to manufacture the next batch of mechas. This was one of the reasons why Tan Yan agreed to format the Crow Nine after Wu Qiao finished the test. one.

"Wu Qiao," Tan Yan looked at the pen in his hand, "There is one thing I want you to know."

"What?" Seeing Tan Yan's serious face, Wu Qiao felt inexplicably nervous.

"About the training course of the military department... Before graduation, there will be a graduation exam."


"The outstanding people who are recognized in the graduation examination—sometimes the first, sometimes the top few, can directly get a higher military rank, and there are many benefits that others can't get, such as a very good aircraft Mecha."


Tan Yan paused for a moment, and then continued: "The first place will definitely be taken seriously, because graduating with the first place means that he is the best among the new recruits this year."

"Is it the best..." Wu Qiao repeated these words.

"You..." Tan Yan asked, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Wu Qiao froze for a moment, then seemed to understand the other party's meaning suddenly, he asked in disbelief, "You mean... Crow Nine?!"

"You're not stupid."

Wu Qiao was too shocked to speak.

As long as he takes the first place... Crow Nine will belong to him? do you mean this

"...Wu Qiao." Tan Yan said again, "Letting Ya Jiu wait for you for another half a year is the limit of what I can do."

"...!" Wu Qiao was a little shocked.

Tan Yan, have you been helping him

When did it start

Also, why

Wu Qiao didn't know why he wanted to help, and in fact, Tan Yan himself didn't know very well either.

He only knew that after seeing Wu Qiao's entrance exam, he had some expectations for Wu Qiao.

No… Exactly, the anticipation was formed before then. Originally, Tan Yan didn't think that Wu Qiao could pass the exam. He just wanted to see how far he could do it out of curiosity. I have a little different view on the combination of waste wood and waste wood. The two of them trusted each other, and seemed to have a more tacit understanding than the pilot and mecha who had been partners for a year or two, although that cooperation was far from perfect. Moreover, Wu Qiao would make some unexpected operations from time to time, Ya Jiu had a low IQ, and acted 100% according to the instructions without any hesitation, and also created many eye-catching scenes.

After that, Tan Yan was really surprised by Wuqiao's performance in the examination room. Tan Yan thinks, maybe... that guy can make Yajiu present more possibilities; probably, Yajiu can exert its power without going through the loss of formatting and energy system reset.

The gene shows that Wu Qiao is a good-for-nothing, who can do nothing but defeat the battle and delay his legs, but in fact Wu Qiao ruthlessly despises probability. Just like gambling, every time someone actually plays a card that only has a 0.01% chance of appearing, it will appear earth-shattering.

For this reason, the talk about Yajiu has been delayed for a long time.

It dragged on until the new mecha was released, and Yajiu was no longer so outstanding. Tan Yancai finally announced his decision: "Wuqiao's entrance examination scores are first, and all kinds of tests after admission are always at the top of the list, so let Yajiu wait Wait for him, if he can graduate as an outstanding graduate, give him Yajiu directly. Anyway, he and Yajiu have always recognized each other."

This decision was opposed by everyone. Everyone felt that Ya Jiu should set off immediately.

Tan Yan asked Amandin to play a few videos, mainly when Wu Qiao was driving the Crow Nine for training, and asked, "Who can guarantee that the Crow Nine can be used better than him? The Crow Nine can play its role without compromising its lifespan, right? Better yet?"

This question doesn't work very well. Regarding the matter of delaying the mecha for another half a year, everyone still felt that something was wrong. What's more, even if Wu Qiao really got the Crow Nine, according to his genes, probably no officer would be willing to take him, and maybe the Crow Nine would be abolished from then on.

Tan Yan added: "The Crow Nine was brought back by Wu Qiao. Without Wu Qiao, there would be no Crow Nine. His contributions to Mining Star deserve to win him more. The Empire can show more sincerity."

Seeing that the admiral is determined to go his own way, there is no one to say anything.

When he came back to his thoughts, Tan Yan also found it incredible that he was so persistent in this matter.

However, he really... didn't want to see Wu Qiao disappointed.

Yes, it's not simply because of Yajiu.

Tan Yan raised his head, looked at Wu Qiao who was still very happy, and said slowly, "I hope you can prove me right."

Tan Yan has done a lot of self-willed things, but every time, Tan Yan has the confidence to prove to others that he is right, except this time.

"Yes... Admiral."

"Get on with your business."

"Yes." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan and finally summoned up his courage, "Thank you."


After Wu Qiao left, Tan Yan felt annoyed, so he clicked on the genetic matching website to find a partner and tried again.

— There is still only one, Wu Qiao.

It has been more than two years since I was assigned to Wuqiao for the first time, but nothing has changed.

However, now, seeing this result, Tan Yan no longer feels irritable, but strangely does not want other content to appear.

"..." Looking at the name on the webpage, Tan Yan suddenly became curious about one thing.

He concentrated on pondering for a long time without thinking at all, and he didn't even know that Wu Qiao was around again.

"Wu Qiao," Tan Yan said casually after finishing the business, "Before I went to military school, the results of the genetic scan were surprisingly good."

"... I've heard about your story." Wu Qiao replied.

Tan Yan, the chance of being a battle hero is 99.5%.

Wu Qiao really couldn't clearly talk about why Admiral Yan suddenly wanted to show this to himself.

Over there, Tan Yan asked again: "Do you know how same-sex marriage reproduces offspring?"

"… Know."

Two people of the same sex reproduce offspring, this technology has long been mature. If both parties are male, the doctor will transform the somatic cells of one of them into egg cells through technical means, use the sperm of the other party to artificially inseminate the egg cells, and then cultivate the fertilized eggs into embryos in a scientific environment.

However, Wu Qiao didn't understand, the general said what it was for.

Talking to Tan Yan, he said: "My genes are extremely good, and your genes are extremely poor. I am a little curious... If our two genes are fused, what will happen to the offspring?"

Hearing this, Wu Qiao's face turned dark.

"General," he said, "The empire prohibits the abuse of technology, and only marriage or common-law relationships can apply for this kind of thing."


"So," Wu Qiao stared at Tan Yan, "Please, stop making such jokes."
