Face Slapping the General

Chapter 120: Get married!


On the day of the reunion with Wu Qiao, Tan Yan did not return to the military headquarters. He took Wu Qiao back to his home.

"I'm back home again..." Wu Qiao sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at the home he had just stayed for a few days and left, his mind was full of thoughts. Everything was still the same as before he left, it seemed a little strange, but upon closer inspection, it felt extremely familiar, because everything had appeared countless times in his dreams.

"..." Tan Yan leaned down, put his hands on the back of the sofa, wrapped Wu Qiao in his arms, and looked down at the person in his arms silently.

Wu Qiao stretched his neck, but Tan Yan dodged away, preventing Wu Qiao from kissing him.

"..." Wu Qiao asked, "Why are you hiding?"

Tan Yan said: "I still haven't completely forgiven you for giving up on me." Yes, he is jealous of all human beings.

Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan quietly, and asked, "What exactly do you want?"

"Well, wait a minute." Tan Yan walked into the bedroom, and stayed in the room for a long time, Wu Qiao couldn't figure out what Tan Yan was doing.

When Tan Yan came out again, he was holding a Wu Qiao—a military shirt that Wu Qiao had worn before. Tan Yan threw the clothes to Wu Qiao and said, "Put it on."

"...?" Wu Qiao picked up the shirt and took a look, and found a big hole cut out on the chest, "..."

"Put it on, I'll check it later." Tan Yan said it again.

"..." Tan Yan pretended to go to the kitchen to make water, while Wu Qiao stayed in the living room and began to unbutton his buttons one by one. Since Tan Yan wanted to see it, there was nothing to tweak. Let alone wearing a military uniform with holes, he wouldn't hesitate even if it went too far.

After brewing the water, Tan Yan suppressed his beating heart, imagined Wu Qiao's clothes, pretended to be well-groomed, and walked back into the living room.

On the sofa, Wu Qiao crossed his long legs, put one hand on the armrest of the sofa and tapped lightly with his fingers, while the other hand rested casually on his leg. A large piece of spring light was exposed on the chest, but Wu Qiao didn't seem to care at all.

Tan Yan: "..."

Seeing Tan Yan coming out, Wu Qiao chuckled lightly.

Tan Yan: "..." He felt something was wrong. Surprised? ! shy? ! awkward? ! Secretive? ! What about panic? !

Why on earth is he wearing this kind of clothes and still looks like a great commander

Seeing Tan Yan's appearance, Wu Qiao asked him, "Can't you make it through? What are you trying to figure out?"

I'm tweaking... Tan Yan felt insulted. Who is that person sitting there wearing shame play clothes, and why am I tweaking it

Tan Yan approached, put the quilt on the tea table, and asked, "Are you thirsty?"

Wu Qiao picked up the cup and took a sip, then suddenly stretched out his hand and knocked Tan Yan's head down, kissed the other party's lips passionately, and passed the sip to the other party - Wu Qiao reached out so fast that sometimes Tan Yan was no match for him.

Tan Yan was stunned for a moment, then immediately began to respond to Wu Qiao, and at the same time stretched out his hands to rub his exposed skin.

Wu Qiao hugged Tan Yan's neck and gradually lay back, and soon the two of them rolled on the sofa.

Tan Yan tore the shirt open, and the buttons fell to the ground. He vigorously stroked the once familiar body.

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao started to make a movement, lifting his lower body to rub against Tan Yan.

Tan Yan also took off the other party's trousers, and began to lubricate very carefully. I haven't seen him in sixteen years, but now it seems like it's the first time for Wu Qiao.

But... Tan Yan soon discovered that this was a bit difficult. If you attack a little bit, the opponent will instinctively clamp down.

"... I can't expand like you do."

"... Sorry." Wu Qiao said.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

In the end, Wu Qiao didn't relax much. After Tan Yan was pressed into his body, he felt as if the other party was going to swallow him alive.

The two of them had sex like a beast, and the fluid was all over the couch.

Finally, Wu Qiao hugged Tan Yan and asked, "Are you married?"

"En." Tan Yan touched Wu Qiao's face.

"Do you fully forgive me now?"

"It's still a little bit worse, we'll talk about it later."

Wu Qiao smiled. He took the communication device and put it next to Tan Yan's ear: "Make an appointment to register, immediately, immediately."

"Okay." Tan Yan made a phone call. The robot operator told him that it would be next week at the earliest, and that it was exactly three years since the war ended, which was the time when many post-war couples wanted to get married.

"Next week..." Wu Qiao clearly expressed disappointment on his face, "Then next week."

"...wait a minute first." After Tan Yan finished speaking, he called Ji Yao and explained the whole situation to Ji Yao.

As a result, that night, Ji Yao asked them to register the next day, and he was the first one in the morning—he really knew Wu Qiao very well.

"This kind of thing..." Wu Qiao asked, "Should Ji Yao personally intervene?"

"Yes." Tan Yan said, "Ji Yao directly told the Minister of Public Affairs that the marshal wanted to get married."

Wu Qiao: "..."

"The other party stuffed us in."

"..." It really was Ji Yao... Wu Qiao thought: If it was me, no special case would be made anyway.

That night, instead of being crazy, the two of them carefully selected the clothes they would wear the next day.

The next day, when filling out the form at the city hall, Wu Qiao became serious again.

He entered his name, ID number, date of birth and other information very slowly, as if it was the most important thing in the world, and nothing could be wrong, messy or vague.

"Okay." The service robot looked at all the information and said, "When the wedding is over, you will officially be partners~"

"... what?" Wu Qiao looked at it in surprise, "Do you still have to wait until the wedding ceremony is over?"

"That's right~" the service robot said, "Union law stipulates that a judge needs to testify for your wedding~ He has to submit a form~"

Wu Qiao: "..."

The other party asked again: "So you haven't even set a date~"

"No, it's settled." Wu Qiao replied.

"Then when is it~"

Wu Qiao gritted his teeth and said, "Tomorrow." He wanted to talk about today, but it was definitely too late.

"Hello!" Tan Yan next to him was surprised at Wu Qiao's anxiety.

"I can't wait." Wu Qiao said, "I don't want to wait for a minute, and a second is not equal. I met you yesterday and came to register today. I have been waiting for two days, and I really can't wait."

Tan Yan sighed, and said to the robot, "Just tomorrow."

When the military and government officials suddenly received the news that they were going to attend the marshal's wedding, they were extremely astonished. Everyone was muttering in their hearts: Attending the marshal's wedding tomorrow? What the hell does this mean

They repeatedly confirmed, and finally got all the information: Yes, the Marshal is getting married tomorrow.

The most shocking one was the Supreme Justice of the Confederacy. He was also caught suddenly while wandering around, and someone told him: "Tomorrow will preside over Marshal's wedding." At that time, he asked, "Marry? Marry with whom?" The other party's answer was "Not sure."

— The wedding happened to be on a day off.

After the military and government officials rushed to the venue with blank faces, they suddenly felt that the style of the venue was extremely familiar—yes, extremely familiar.

Inside the venue, the tables, chairs and benches are neat, every tablecloth is the same red, every ribbon is the same length, every cake is the same size, and every rose on the table faces the same direction.

Like that... Mr. Wu Qiao...

They seem to be able to imagine how Wu Qiao arranged all the uneven tables and chairs, how he removed all the inconsistent tablecloths, how he cut all the ribbons of different lengths to the same length, and how he arranged the uncoordinated cakes. It was all reworked and how to put together all the roses with different orientations.

Could it be that Wu Qiao... is back

When the tune sounded, everyone looked out the door nervously.

Then, they saw a very familiar figure.

—The most important person in the history of the league appeared again.

However, his expression at the moment was indifferent, as if he didn't notice the surprised and pleasant eyes of the people on both sides, because he only had eyes on the person waiting for him in front of the stage.

"Okay." The justice said, "Now exchange oaths. Wu Qiao, you read after me first."

"No need." Wu Qiao interrupted him with a smile.

"Uh..." the justice was embarrassed.

Wu Qiao said again, "Let me make the oath myself."

"Uh..." The judge, who has always been extremely sharp, was a little confused, "That... that's fine."

"Yeah." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan, and said word by word, "I, Wu Qiao, am willing to become a partner with Tan Yan. From today on, no matter what happens, even if the world falls apart, I will never leave."

This is what he promised sixteen years ago.

From now on, no matter what happens, I will never leave.

Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao tenderly.

"Then..." the judge looked at Tan Yan and said, "You have to make it up yourself... No, it's not a make-up, you write your own oath?"

"Yes." Tan Yan nodded, "I, Tan Yan, am willing to be a partner with Wu Qiao. Love him forever and respect his wishes until the end of my life."

"Tan Yan..." Wu Qiao almost cried.

What Tan Yan meant was that he forgave himself for choosing to give up on him, and... From now on, no matter what choices he makes, even if he can't do what he promised today, he will always love and respect himself.

Then the two exchanged wedding rings - Tan Yan had kept this pair of wedding rings for five years.

"Give me a kiss," said the Chancellor.

"Yeah." Wu Qiao leaned over, held Tan Yan's face with both hands, pressed his lips to the other's lips, and then began to lick them carefully.

"..." After a few seconds, Tan Yan pushed Wu Qiao away and said, "There is no need to perform a deep kiss."

"...?" Wu Qiao was a little at a loss.

"Okay!" the judge said again, "Then I announce here that Tan Yan and Wu Qiao are officially married."

"Is it okay this time?" Wu Qiao confirmed again.

"Yes," the justice said, "I will submit the form immediately after it is over, and the two of you will be officially married."


Wu Qiao let out a long breath.

He and Tan Yan are finally a family.

The two of them, from the first day they were together, wanted to marry each other. However, this step took so long - it took Tan Yan fifteen years, but it took him twenty-six years.

Twenty-six years later, he finally... got his wish.