Face Slapping the General

Chapter 121: Fanwai Eryang Baozi (Part 1)


After being together for more than a year, one day, Wu Qiao suddenly said to Tan Yan, "Tan Yan, I want to continue my genes."

"...Huh?" Tan Yan was taken aback for a moment.

Wu Qiao said calmly again: "I kind of want to continue my excellent genes."

"Okay." Tan Yan smiled deliberately and said to Wu Qiao, "Then you go clone one too."

"You know I don't mean that..." Wu Qiao said, "I want to continue yours at the same time."

Tan Yan listened quietly.

Wu Qiao said again: "The bones and flesh of the two of us are merged into one. I can't think of what it is like, but it must be very pleasing. Tan Yan, I want to have a child with you, like you Like mine again."

Tan Yan smiled: "Okay, we will consult tomorrow."

Wu Qiao agreed.

"Then I'm going to the military department."


Tan Yan slapped Wu Qiao's ass as if to be teasing, and as a result... Wu Qiao raised his hand and grabbed his balls.

Tan Yan: "..." He felt that he couldn't handle Wu Qiao at all now. Every time he tried to tease the other party, he must have failed to the extreme, but Wu Qiao always made him angry when he teased him.

The next day, the two went to a professional institution to inquire about gene fusion.

At present, the gene fusion technology between the same sex is well developed, and it is the technology of choice for same-sex couples who want to raise children in several countries. Professionals can extract somatic cells from one person and transform them into egg cells, and then fuse another person's sperm into it to cultivate fertilized eggs.

Wu Qiao just took a look when he went in, and then said to the professionals: "Get my somatic cells later."

"Now?" Tan Yan asked Wu Qiao, "Is it so soon? Didn't you just come here for consultation today?"

"There is nothing to hesitate." Wu Qiao replied to Tan Yan, "You can do it once you know the process. What's the point of delaying for a few days for something that has already been decided?" It is difficult to change the habit of making judgments in an instant in actual situations, so that even now it is still a matter of resoluteness and firmness. He can buy the house he likes once he sees it; he doesn’t even try on the clothes he likes; he will definitely go wherever he decides to go during the holiday; Can order well.

So Wu Qiao's somatic cells were taken immediately.

"All right," the professional told him, "the whole process will take about ten and a half months."

"Okay." Wu Qiao said, "It's easy to wait ten and a half months."

However, even though he said that, Wu Qiao always went to the institution to check.

Pointing to the fetus in the artificial womb, the expert said to Wu Qiao, "Look, this is the child of you and your partner."

"This?" Wu Qiao always frowned, "Could you make a mistake?"

"Uh..." the other party said dumbfounded, "This is absolutely impossible..."

"I think I made a mistake." Wu Qiao said firmly, "This one looks similar to the others, there is no difference. How could it be the child of the Marshal and me?"

"This..." The expert replied with a cold sweat, "No matter how amazing a child is, it is similar in the fetal period."

Wu Qiao looked at it, but still didn't believe it.

"Okay, okay." Tan Yan didn't want to embarrass the poor expert any more, he pulled Wu Qiao and said, "Indeed, he's just a fetus, what else can he do? Doesn't his whole body glow with gold?"

"..." Wu Qiao couldn't answer, but he was still a little confused. In his heart, the child of him and the marshal, even if it is just a fertilized egg, should exude a special temperament. But when he looked left and right, he felt that it seemed a little ordinary.

—After ten and a half months, the child was finally "born".

That day, Wu Qiao, Tan Yan, Wu Qiao's parents and sister went to pick up their children and go home together. Although Wu Qiao has confirmed that he is not his own, they are still the same as before.

Until now, because of an oolong, Tan Yan was still a little awkward seeing Wu Qiao's family. On the day Wu Qiao came back five years ago, Father Wu was so excited when he learned that Wu Qiao had returned. After Wu Qiao told him that he did not have a communication number and that he could call Tanyan’s number if he wanted to find him, Father Wu wanted to ask "Son "When did I go home and dialed Tan Yan's communication number. At that time, Tan Yan was making out with Wu Qiao, and he felt a little annoyed when he received a call from an unfamiliar person. He asked "Who?" Wu's father knew that the other party was Tan Yan, and also knew that the two would get married the next day, so he was very happy. Said "I'm your dad!" Tan Yan couldn't get angry when he heard this, thinking that you bastard must choose to make harassing calls at this time, and if you let me know who you are, I must beat you up , the anger reached its peak and he said: "Just because you want to be my dad? Don't buy a mirror to look at yourself!" Then hung up the phone. Wu Qiao's father froze on the spot when he heard it. At that time, Wu Qiao, who still had something in his body, thought for a while, then suddenly got up and patted Tan Yan to see the record just now, and took a breath in Tan Yan's incomprehensible eyes, and said, "It seems to be my father just now. "Although Tan Yan also apologized, but since that time, every time Tan Yan sees Wu Qiao's parents, he will be a little embarrassed.

After the child returned home, Wu Qiao's sister helped to tidy up the swaddling baby and drink the animal's milk.

"Hey," Wu Qiao said to the child, "That man, Tan Yan, is your father, you know it?"

The child's reaction was no response.

Wu Qiao said again: "I am also your father."

The child's response was still unresponsive.

Wu Qiao frowned again, and asked his parents and elder sister, "How does he know how to eat, drink, and drink?"

The elder sister gave Wu Qiao a blank look: "You also knew how to eat, drink and scatter at that time."

"Impossible?" Wu Qiao thought for a while, "I am like that?" He felt that he would want to think even if he was just born. Spending the day and night on eating, drinking and drinking... Wu Qiao thought it was very scary.

"Of course!" My sister gave Wu Qiao a fierce look, "It's not easy for parents to take you!"

"… Oh."

However, probably with the thoughts of "Even if he doesn't understand, I understand", "No matter what, don't waste it", "It's good to just subtly influence", Wu Qiao started to do "early education" in addition to taking care of children's lives. ".

"I'll tell you a story, and there's a truth in the story." Wu Qiao said, "Once upon a time, two hungry people got gifts: a fishing rod and a basket of big fish. Those who got the fish set up a bonfire and cooked them." The fish devoured the fish, but soon starved to death beside the empty basket. Another man walked with difficulty with a fishing rod, but when he saw the ocean not far away, he watched the ocean die with all his strength Later, there were two hungry people who also got fishing rods and fish, but they did not go their separate ways. Instead, they cooperated and trudged while eating fish. From then on, the two lived a happy life.”

Tan Yan: "..."

Wu Qiao said again: "Do you understand? This story tells two truths. One should not be short-sighted. He will be unlucky in the future without long-term planning. If he can't solve the immediate problem by himself, then seek cooperation with others. That's the only way." to achieve ultimate success.”

Such stories can be told as many as Wu Qiao needs. He read books such as "Interstellar Reader" since he was a child, and he is familiar with many articles in it. Later, after the victory of the war with the Republic, he once wrote an article, which recalled the sadness and looked forward to the future, and then gave it to Ji Yao to ask Ji Yao if it could be published on "Interstellar Reader". As a result, Ji Yao completely ignored Wu Qiao's request and directly posted it on the government website for him.

Tan Yan said again: "..."

Wu Qiao asked, "What's wrong?"

Tan Yan said: "Do you want him to start drinking chicken soup so early?"

"..." Wu Qiao said with some dissatisfaction, "Let him have a little impression, so that he can learn faster when teaching him in the future."

Tan Yan again: "..."

Wu Qiao looked at his first child: "He... should be an accomplished person."

He wanted to get Tan Yan's approval, but unexpectedly, the other party was silent for a while: "Actually... I don't want him to be like you."


Tan Yan sighed: "I think, if you are healthy and ordinary, if you meet someone you like, you will be together for the rest of your life."

Wu Qiao: "..."

Tan Yan added: "I was worried about losing you every day for the first fifteen years... I don't want to worry about losing him in the days to come."

Wu Qiao remained silent.

The elder sister on the side was a little curious, wondering what kind of child such two people would teach.