Face Slapping the General

Chapter 123: Fanwai 4 Entrepreneurship Failed


Wu Qiao's character is actually one that can't be idle.

He resigned from his job in the government as well as his job in the military department. After a long time, he inevitably felt that life could be more meaningful again.

Before exposing Qiu Yanting's face, Wu Qiao always felt that the purpose of life is to contribute to society. Later, he separated from Tan Yan for sixteen years. He was tired and tired. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Tan Yan. It was a compensation for the past and an expectation for a new life.

However, because the military department still needed Tan Yan, Tan Yan was not at home during the day. In the first few years when he brought his two children home, Wu Qiao was still busy with many things, but as the children grew up and started going to school during the day, Wu Qiao gradually began to feel bored, and wanted to "contribute to all mankind" "Are.

What should I do... Wu Qiao went to ask Ji Yao, and Ji Yao asked him to think for himself.

Ji Yao, in fact, only sat in the position of leader for five years. When Wu Qiao expressed that he did not want to return to the government, Ji Yao immediately expressed that he would resign. Ji Yao said that he took over the position temporarily only because he was waiting for Wu Qiao. In fact, he himself has no interest in power. He said that he was in the government only to help Wu Qiao, and since Wu Qiao was not around, he did not intend to be re-elected as the leader.

After resigning, Ji Yao has been living alone next to the old school, looking very lonely, and Wu Qiao sometimes asked him to go out, but he would not go. Every time Wu Qiao saw him again, he would feel that Ji Yao had changed a little bit. In the past, Ji Yao had a very beautiful face, but now his brilliance has gradually faded, and he is becoming more and more like an ordinary person of his age. Wu Qiao once told the two and a half children that Ji Yao used to be the most beautiful person in their school, but the two and a half children didn't believe it.

Ji Yao didn't care about him, so Wu Qiao had to think for himself.

In the end, he suddenly felt that he could start a consulting column to answer questions and solve doubts for the people of the alliance, help them deal with troublesome things and eliminate worries. He thought, although he is not very old, he has already experienced a lot, and he has experienced many storms and waves. There is nothing he can't solve. He should be the most qualified person to give advice.

This is also making a contribution to the people, and it is also very meaningful.

Wu Qiao's actions were always quick. In less than ten days, he found a sponsor and started a consulting column.

There were a lot of people who came to him at the beginning, but... after a few days... almost no one came again.

Because, in this peaceful age, everyone's troubles are mainly about emotional problems-marital discord, love conflicts, and so on.

The parties thought that Wu Qiao could make a good move, but who knew... Wu Qiao was simply adding salt to their wounds.

For example, someone asks in distress: "I... I seem to fall in love with two people at the same time... I love my boyfriend very much. We have been together for five years, but recently, I always think of another person, and I can't see that person. People feel uncomfortable... But I can't do without a boyfriend. In short, when I'm with a, I think about b, and when I'm with b, I think about a. What should I do? How can I forget one of them?"

"...?" Wu Qiao said, "I don't understand. How can it be possible to fall in love with two people at the same time?" After falling in love with a person, all eyes are on him, and it is too late to hold each other every day. How can I have the time to look at others? It doesn't hurt enough to hold it, I can't help but be grateful to the other party, and don't want to hurt him.

"It's true." The girl cried, "You have to believe this kind of thing, I really love both of them."

"It is recommended that you don't want both." Wu Qiao said firmly, "You must not have met someone you really like."

"No!" The girl was anxious, "It's really not like that!"

"Well..." Wu Qiao said, "I think so."

For another example, someone said sadly: "I... I feel like my husband is a different person... In the past, he was obedient to me. He satisfied me with everything I wanted and never made me feel unhappy... However, after getting along for a long time, he became a bit self-centered, and even if there was a conflict in the TV programs he wanted to watch, he insisted on watching what he wanted to watch... How can I make him care about me? Like before? "

"...?" Wu Qiao said, "It is recommended not to let him go."

"… what?"

"A suitable couple is not like that. You should leave and find another one." Thinking about that kind of atmosphere, Wu Qiao felt terrible. After spending dozens or hundreds of years with such a person, what interest is there in life

The other party said again: "..."

For another example, someone hesitated and said: "Hey... my boyfriend is good at everything, really good at everything, but I always hope he can be more perfect... His eyes are single eyelids, I like double eyelids, look His eyes are always awkward, am I sick? How should I adjust my mentality?"

"Well," Wu Qiao said the same thing, "I suggest not to let him go."

"… what?"

"If you really love someone, you won't dislike him."

In short, after a few days, Wu Qiao saw that no one could want him, and his advice to almost everyone was "don't want him".

Basically, as long as there is a conflict between the two parties, Wu Qiao will think oh my god, how can their relationship be so terrible. If you put yourself in the situation and think about it, you will feel that life is simply impossible.

The column doesn't solve the problem at all that the asker wants to solve. They called for advice, and they didn't want to hear that kind of advice at all, but Wu Qiao couldn't tell what they wanted to hear.

People in the league called the column the dog abuse column, because Wu Qiao seemed to be there to show his affection.

As a result, Wu Qiao's new business died soon, and the investors cried a few times angrily.

"..." Wu Qiao felt very frustrated.

"Okay, okay," Tan Yan next to him stretched out his arms and hugged Wu Qiao, "You should be a consultant to the military department."


"How is it? I'm asking you all military questions, and you will definitely know this."


"Also," Tan Yan said again, "I asked some friends in the media, you can open a column and publish your thoughts on current affairs on it."

"...Okay," Wu Qiao finally conceded defeat, sadly accepting the fact that his first venture failed miserably. He hated losing the most in his life, but in this matter he was defeated at the speed of light, and he lost a lot of the reputation he had accumulated in the past.

As a result, sure enough, he can only do military and political things...