Face Slapping the General

Chapter 14: Attacked in the wild


Tan Yan really kept his word.

That night, Wu Qiao saw Amandine coming with a gift.

"What you want to eat," she said.

"Thank you." Wu Qiao smiled and asked again, "Did you buy it? Or did you make it?"

"...I did it." Amandine reluctantly said, "We have worked together for two months, and you have helped me a lot. This time you were seriously injured in an accident. I heard that you wanted to eat some of this, so just I made it myself and brought... the stale ones outside." Tan Yan asked her to say that she made it by herself, which made Amandine very reluctant, but if she said she bought it, as long as Wu Qiao asked in detail, it would be easy for her to know was dismantled.

"It's really too much trouble for you." Wu Qiao looked at Amandin and said sincerely, "Thinking about so much."

"… fine."

"It looks delicious."

"...I think it's not bad." Amandine said in a mischievous manner, not wanting to be used as a shield, "The general has some unique skills."

"Haha," Wu Qiao said with a smile, "He has already told you, so what kind of unique skill is it?"

"..." Amandine suddenly felt a little powerless.

Two days later, Wu Qiao received a letter from Aquash.

Wu Qiao knew every word in the letter, but when put together, Wu Qiao didn't understand what the other party was talking about.

Aquash's letter clearly stated:

[Wu Qiao:

I was impressed by your performance in the field training. I wanted to kill you, but now I want to save you. In order to thank you for trying to keep me out in such a crisis, I feel it is necessary to let you know some hidden truths, so that your blood will not be drained without meaning.

Give up the idea of serving the Empire, the Empire is not worth dedicating to. I realized this when I was five years old when the empire destroyed me, even my underage brothers and sisters.

If you want to know more about the hidden ugliness, I'd be happy to share my experience with you, but only if you don't give the letter to the Imperial War Department.]"… "What is this

Aquash... how could such a letter be sent

Did the military find out? Wu Qiao thinks there probably isn't one. Although the military can monitor everyone's letters, it doesn't really open every letter. They will not pay much attention to letters from students who do not have any important information in their hands.

Before he could react from the shock, Tan Yan appeared in Wu Qiao's ward for the second time since Wu Qiao was seriously injured.

His expression was very dignified.

"What's wrong?" Wu Qiao asked, "What happened?"

"The worst prediction has become a reality." Tan Yan's voice was a little tired, "Some of your freshmen have ulterior motives, and as soon as they knew the location, they notified Xiang Longyi."

Wu Qiao froze there. He asked: "... do you know who it is?"

"I know." Tan Yan paused, "It's Aquash."

"...!!!" The feeling after receiving the letter was finally determined to become a reality. Wu Qiao asked again without giving up: "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?!"

Because, Aquash... he doesn't look like it no matter what. The man was always goofy, and he was always very kind, and Aquash tried to help anyone in whatever difficulty he had. His grades have not been very good, only a little better than Sheng Chongguang and Helena.

Wu Qiao thought: Maybe, someone was framing him, and that letter was written by someone else.

"No." Tan Yan replied, "He escaped by himself. We didn't focus on investigating him at first, and our defenses were not strict, but it is still very shocking that he escaped."

"What's the meaning?"

"His lack of strength is all pretending." Tan Yan explained, "Actually... his strength is far beyond your imagination, and he has probably experienced years of devil training."

"...I don't understand." Wu Qiao was a little dazed, "Aquash, why did he join Wings of the Dragon?!"

Everyone knows that organization is extremely cruel, why would a normal person go there

Wu Qiao thought of that letter again. Could it be that the empire really did something? Would he join Serpent Wings just to take on the Empire

"We're investigating. But they're a bunch of people, usually without logic, maybe just bloodthirsty."

"...Actually," Wu Qiao showed Tan Yan the screen, "Just now... I received this."

"...?" Tan Yan leaned over.

"He said that the empire once destroyed his entire family... when he was five years old."

At this time, Tan Yan also finished reading the letter. His eyes became a little erratic, as if he was recalling something: "...is it him?"

Wu Qiao asked: "Can I know who "he" is?"

"I don't know the specific process, it was before I entered the military department." Tan Yan replied, "If what Aquash said is true, then... his father once betrayed the empire."


"Aquash's father was once a move of the empire in the Republic, pretending to be a member of the Republic and sneaking into the Republic Army."

"Yeah." To steal information... This is quite normal.

"Later his identity was exposed, and the Republic imprisoned him."


"Faced with threats and temptations, he chose to betray the empire, and decided to tell everything he knew, but...another imperial soldier in the army of the Republic learned about this, and decided to kill him with a heart of death. gone."


"After the Empire got the news, it went to his house to find his family as soon as possible, and asked his family to return to the Empire immediately. At that time, the Republic hadn't taken action against his family. We guessed that it was because he didn't want to say anything before he fully agreed with the Republic. Where to go as a monk, of course, he didn't think that the empire would get the information of his betrayal so quickly. However, facing the people of the empire, his wife said... he didn't want to have anything to do with the imperial army. She said that at the beginning He joined the Imperial Army because of his husband, and now that his husband is dead, there is no need for them to continue their missions and live a life of fear and fear all day long, and his mother also agrees."

"... I can understand their thoughts."

"However, this family knows too much about the empire, and the empire has no way to let them go. It is almost impossible to bring this family back to the empire under the eyes of the republic, and send some people to watch them every day and night in the republic It is also very unrealistic, plus... the person handling this matter on the Empire side is Bill, he is a person who does not care about emotions and only seeks results. It was he who... ordered the family to be wiped out to eliminate future troubles forever. Those who died included his wife, two children, mother and younger brother."

"But," Wu Qiao said in a daze, "they are innocent."

"...Yes." Tan Yan said in a low voice, "The person who carried out this order at the time was my friend... Afterwards, he quit the military department.


"There are still people who are alive." Tan Yan continued, "At that time, because he really couldn't do anything, he left the youngest child of the other party and handed him over to a friend to raise him."

"and then?"

"Looking at the replay now, his soft-heartedness at that time caused the empire to suffer a very serious blow. The Republic did not know what method it used to find out where the child was, and forced him to describe where his father usually went and where his friends were. Who."

"..." Wu Qiao didn't know what to say.

"So, if Aquash was that kid, everything would make sense. He hated the Empire, and he didn't like the Republic, so he chose to join Serpentwing and take revenge on the Empire."

"Yeah." Wu Qiao repeatedly recalled what Aquash had said and done in the past, but he couldn't see that Aquash had always had the idea of "revenge on the empire".

"Wu Qiao," Tan Yan said in a soft voice, "Bill has been dead for many years, you... don't doubt the empire just because of a certain person, or because of a very special event."

"...well," Wu Qiao replied, "I won't."

Helping the empire win the war and bring it back to peace has been Wu Qiao's dream since he was a child. Years of wars have filled everyone with uneasiness and fatigue, and Wu Qiao has always wanted to end these. Before Tan Yan asked him why he was so stubborn, not giving up even 0.01%. At that time, Wu Qiao gave the answer that everything depends on how much you want to do that thing—whether you want to do it a little bit or really want to. If longing for something is like a drowning man longing for breath, then nothing can stop you. So now, although what he heard was very shocking, it would not shake his ideals.

"That's good." Tan Yan hesitated, and then said, "Actually, I'm a little worried about you."


"Seeing what he means, he will contact you again. If you don't want to, I'm afraid he will still have murderous intentions, because you will indeed grow into the driver that the empire needs."

"Actually..." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan and said cautiously, "Maybe I can pretend to be interested..."

"No." Tan Yan refused without saying a word, "You want to join Xianglong Wing to get news? Such a fact is too dangerous."

Tan Yan felt that this Wu Qiao simply... didn't know what to say. Even though he was just a student, he was so courageous that he let others go first when he encountered a biological weapon a few days ago, and today he wanted to go to Xianglong's Wing to get information.

"… Oh."

"By the way." Tan Yan changed the subject, "You are responsible for the field training. What do you want?"


"Then I'll just choose something to reward you." Tan Yan smiled, "How about a communication robot?"

"Communication robot?"

"Yes." Tan Yan said again, "Its face is a screen, and you can see the other party's face after connecting."

"Isn't the communication equipment the same?"

"It's different." Tan Yan said, "It's a robot, with a more immersive sense of interaction. For example, the robot can always follow you without delaying your work, and it can also hug and touch you. "

"..." Wu Qiao was silent for a while, and said, "Forget it. I don't know who would want to hug me and touch me."