Face Slapping the General

Chapter 17: Pre-departure test


Hearing this, Tan Yan frowned. He asked, "Why can't you accept it?"

"The ring is indeed too precious, and it also has special meaning to you."

Tan Yan didn't speak, he unfolded the chain and hung it around Wu Qiao's neck: "Take it if you tell me."

"But… "

"It's okay." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "It doesn't matter if you lose it, but it's not that important—even if it's just a superstition, I just want you to return safely."

Wu Qiao reached out and touched the ring, then held it up to his eyes for a look.

Tan Yan said: "I hung it on the chain. It seems a little small when I wear it on my hand. If I have to wear it, I have to melt it down and redo it."

Wu Qiao was startled: "No need!"

"Well." Tan Yan said, "Then let's do this for now."

"Well, thank you very much." Wu Qiao threw the chain back into his collar, thought for a while, and said casually, "Actually, I also have a ring that my parents gave me since I was a child."

"...Huh?" Tan Yan's eyes lit up, "You want to give it to me?"

"Ah?" Wu Qiao was taken aback, "That... um... that..." He didn't actually mean that.

"... Forget it." Tan Yan glanced at his watch, "You have to contact them tonight—you will take the test tomorrow."


"Yes." Tan Yan replied, "Finally, we will conduct a test on you to see if the training is very effective, to ensure that you are qualified for this task. We think, if not, it is better not to go."

"I understand." Wu Qiao nodded, "I will complete the test."

In the evening, Wu Qiao contacted Aquash.

After he dialed the number, the other side hung up immediately, and then a number that could not be displayed was dialed.

It's Aquash.

During the call, Wu Qiao was not in a hurry to seek refuge, but just asked about Aquash's recent situation.

Aquash said he was fine and praised his organization.

Wu Qiao pretended to be very casual, and asked about the details of the organization by the way.

There was not a word about joining in the whole process, but Aquash was always explaining why the Wings of the Serpent could really change the status quo of the empire.

"Wu Qiao." Aquash said, "The arrogance of the empire makes it only treat the people as tools, and can abandon some people at any time and anywhere, just like you, like the miners of the mine star. However, the empire in our mind is, there is no Human life can be easily taken away, no one's dream can be easily obliterated, everyone can live the way he wants - they are human, and it is worth living like that."

"...Maybe, I don't know."

About ten minutes later, the other party said to keep in touch and hung up.

"..." Wu Qiao thought, they seemed very sincere in inviting others, knowing that they don't love money, so they kept emphasizing that only there can realize their ideals.

The next day, Wu Qiao went to take the test.

Tan Yan is also there.

The first pass is a test of observation.

He was taken to a room in the guest house, which contained various items. The person who brought him in told him that the temporary resident had just left, and asked Wu Qiao to tell the basic situation of the guest within three minutes and explain the basis for the analysis.

Wu Qiao started wandering around the room.

While observing, he said slowly: "He should be a rare craftsman or craftsman in this era."


After thinking for a while, Wu Qiao began to explain: "There are cigarette butts in the ashtray, but the butts are extremely short and completely soaked in saliva, which shows that his smoking habit is to keep the cigarette in his mouth and never take it out. It’s very uncomfortable, but it’s usually a habit developed out of desperation, I think it’s because he has been holding tools in both hands all year round, and it’s inconvenient to hold cigarettes with his hands.”

"Continue." The name of the person leading Wuqiao is Dou Shabing.

So Wu Qiao started talking again: "He is not independent, lacks self-confidence, weak will, and can't make up his mind - because here is a note that he wrote, the pen pressure is too light, the font is weak, and the writing is slow .”


"At the same time, the font size is different, the mood is not stable, even moody. This can also be seen in his steps-every step is not consistent."

"anything else?"

"According to the footprints, the height is about 6.1 feet, and the age is about thirty years old."

Within three minutes, Wu Qiao talked a lot about the guests he deduced.

Tan Yan picked up the "answer" and glanced at it, and found that almost all of them were right.

Then, Wu Qiao entered the "search" level.

He wanted to search a room within fifteen minutes, find out the information he needed, and restore everything.

This was something that Wu Qiao had focused on in his previous training. I heard that in the past, spies even crossed borders illegally in order to hone their stealth skills.

He rummaged through the materials quickly but carefully, and finally found an envelope, which contained a tongue-in-cheek poem about a woman who was worried about her husband who went to war and looked forward to his return day and night. Wu Qiao had never seen this poem before, so he memorized it by rote, and then sealed his mouth again.

Ten minutes left...

Using all the knowledge he knew, Wu Qiao cracked the computer password and browsed, and found a map and a photo of a person. After firmly remembering it, he deleted all traces of using the computer.

As soon as the time was up, Wu Qiao walked out of the room and closed the door gently. Dou Shabing went up to meet him, chatted with Wu Qiaodong for a full hour, and then gave Wu Qiao a pair of paper and pens, and asked him to write the words he saw just now, and draw the map and photos he saw just now.

Wu Qiao understands that this level is not only about investigating "search", but also the "memory" that often comes along with it.

Wu Qiao hasn't been trained for too long, and his painting skills are really average, but he can barely outline the faces.

Afterwards, Dou Shabing took Wu Qiao to a polygraph test.

Polygraphs have been around for a long time. In the past, the principle of judgment was based on the subject's pulse, blood pressure, breathing, and sweating, etc., but now it is based on brain waves, and the accuracy rate is much higher. Almost no one can fool the lie detector. I say "almost" because there are individual liars who can still pass the test, and the trick to pass the test is to absolutely believe what you want to say, even to the point of brainwashing yourself.

Before being tested, Dou Shabing gave him a piece of paper with a lot of false information, all of which were fabricated identities and experiences.

Wu Qiao saw that many things were ridiculous.

Dou Shabing said: "After Xianglong Wing, as the situation gradually develops, you will need to make up a lot of lies to deal with the other party, but currently no one can predict what those lies will be... So, the general wrote you a few An exaggerated lie, if you tell such a lie and the lie detector does not respond, you should be able to complete the task of keeping secrets in the future."

"I understand." Wu Qiao nodded, remembering all the information on the paper in his heart.

After the prediction was over, Wu Qiao was tied up on his head and body, and the instrument was placed behind Wu Qiao.

"Let's get started," said the operator.

"Okay." Wu Qiao responded.

"What's your name?"

"Wu Qiao."


"Thirty-two." It's all false from the beginning——

"Are you married yet?"


"What's your spouse's name?"

"Talk about Yan."

When saying these two words, Wu Qiao was actually a little uncomfortable.

I hope the machine doesn't find it...

Sure enough, telling such an outrageous lie still requires a lot of psychological quality...

Dou Shabing said that in the test, the more ridiculous the information he answered in a serious manner, the more he could see his true ability.

The other party asked again: "How many years have you been married?"

"ten years."

"How's the relationship?"

"...very loving."

"Do you have children?"

"Yes." Wu Qiao kept calm as much as possible, "Two children, a boy and a girl."

There are many things behind.

During the lie detection process, each question should be asked three or four times, so that the psychological changes of the person being tested can be seen.

During the entire process of being "interrogated", Wu Qiao was also subjected to artificial pressure from time to time. For example, when there was no sign of lying, the tester told him that he had serious problems. When lying, my heart is more wavering.

In addition, Wu Qiao has to hide from artificial detection and restrain the natural reaction of all normal people when lying.

When asked to describe an event, he looks more intently into the other person's eyes rather than away, pays attention to the rapid emergence and slow disappearance of smiles when fake smiles, and makes himself have other people's names more Appears in descriptions—because research shows that people who tell lies often omit the word "I" and rarely mention the names of people involved in the lie.

While doing all this, keep calm.

After the equipment was removed, Wu Qiao asked Dou Shabing, "How am I doing?"

Dou Shabing was noncommittal, and just said: "Next will be a willpower test."


The other party did not explain in detail, but just took Wu Qiao to a very dark small room.

Not allowed to sit, Wu Qiao could only stand there, under the strong light, and the harsh noise kept coming into his mind. On the table lay a vial of the medicine, the powder was white.

This is a common method used when interrogating a person. Fatigue, bright light, noise, and drugs can make people confused and tell the truth, and the interrogated must force himself to stay awake.

The "interrogator" repeatedly asked Wu Qiao, "How old are you this year?"


"Are you married yet?"

"yes… "


"Ten years ago..." Wu Qiao said in a trance, drowsily.

"with who?"

"Talk about Yan..."

As he talked, Wu Qiao seemed to believe it himself.

After being tortured for several hours, Wu Qiao heard Tan Yan seem to say: "Enough."

After a pause, he said, "Let him out, now, immediately."

"But… "

"Enough is enough." Tan Yan's expression was very bad.

Wu Qiao stumbled out and Tan Yan reached out to support him.

"Are you okay?" Tan Yan asked.

"Hmm..." Wu Qiao thought for a while, and then asked Tan Yan: "Is there any test that you haven't done?"

"No more. This is the last one, it will put a burden on the body, so it is arranged at the end."

"That's right." Wu Qiao thought, closing his eyes.

I thought there would be more…

During this time, he received a lot of training, such as fighting, hiding weapons, making weapons, finding ways to escape, laying mines, arson and blasting, various languages, computer technology, password codes, unpacking and unpacking, drawing paintings, Stalking, getting rid of tracking, makeup...even including forging documents, making official seals...

I thought it was going to be tested one by one...

Wu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

He is really tired.

"Wu Qiao." While he was recovering, Tan Yan began to teach Wu Qiao tirelessly again: "After you go over there, don't let people know that you know many languages, let them talk in front of you in a language they think you don't understand .”

"I understand."

"Never show an interest in intelligence, don't fixate on what you're getting."


"You have to pretend to be frank and frank, and don't be mysterious."


"Disguise what you're getting with journal accounts, etc."


"Try to choose a residence with multiple exits, and consider all escape methods."


"...Also, it is very important for you to restrain the desire to show off."


"Your catchphrases—"I want to be the strongest in the world," "The thing I fear the most is not making progress" and so on—should be said less."

"These two sentences are not mantras." Wu Qiao defended himself.

"It's pretty much the same anyway."


"Also," Tan Yan finally threatened, "Take care of your body."

"… what?"

"Don't have any contact with indecent opposite sex or same sex. You are very dangerous at your age. If you dare to mess around, I will break your leg."

"… I will not."

"It's good to know." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao who was nestled in another sofa in the lounge, "Anyway, be careful in everything."

"I will."

"Don't make me..."


"I mean, don't let the Empire lose you."