Face Slapping the General

Chapter 18: New beginning


The relationship between Wu Qiao and Aquash is getting closer and closer. He told Aquash that he wanted to get more of the "truth" that the empire was hiding from him.

Finally one day, Wu Qiao said to Aquash: "I want to leave the imperial army now."

"I've got to make sure," Aquash said, "you're not joking."

"of course not."

"I really want to congratulate you, Wu Qiao, that place is not suitable for you." Aquash said cheerfully, "We should drink to this!"

"I'm really relieved."

"However, there is one more question." Aquash changed his subject, "You said, you want to do something meaningful and help the innocent people of the empire. Have you thought about what to do?"

"This..." Wu Qiao made a very mechanical voice.

"Tell me, if you come to Xianglong's Wings to defeat that decaying empire, is it meaningful?"

"No, I didn't want to join you." Wu Qiao said firmly.

"... Wu Qiao," Aquash sighed, "you still don't understand the empire."

"What's the meaning?"

"Wu Qiao, are we friends?"


"So, may I discuss this with you as a friend, not as a member of Serpent's Wing?"

"That would be the best." Wu Qiao replied.

"What will happen to you when you leave? Have you ever thought about it?"

"What will happen?"

Aquash's voice was cold: "As a deserter, you will never see the light, you can only hide for life, and live in chaos every day-is this what you want? If you don't protect yourself, you will even He was captured and executed. Oh, yes, and your family will also suffer because of it.”

"Wings of the Xianglong...won't it protect me?"

"Does it have any responsibility to you?" Aquash asked rhetorically.


"But of course it's a different story if you're part of it."


"Wu Qiao, I don't intend to force you to do anything. I just analyze the situation for you. As I said before, my organization respects individual choices."

"But you caused civilian casualties..."

"No, they all deserved to die!" Akwash said, "We killed politicians, soldiers, policemen, journalists, bankers, judges, lawyers... Don't misunderstand us, these are all for jihad .”

"..." Wu Qiao clenched his fists tightly, and the nails pierced the skin with burning pain. But he knew that at this time, he couldn't show anger.

Wu Qiao just said: "Let's think about it... To me, leaving the imperial army and joining Xianglong's Wings are completely irrelevant and even diametrically opposed."

"Why don't you think about it this way, you are using us. Haven't you always been very confident? When you lead the troops independently, you can order them. You can't build a fleet by yourself."

"I... I'd better think about it."

"Okay, we'll give you time to think."

A few days later, Wu Qiao said that he was terrified of leaving the imperial army. He didn't think about it that much before, but now he felt that he really needed an organization to protect him.

"I...can I go over and take a look first? See if it's what you said...then I'll decide whether to join or not."

"Of course." Aquash said.

"I also hope that... you can narrow down your attack targets in the future."

"I can introduce you to someone who has the right to speak."

In the end, the two decided to act during the time when Wu Qiao applied to go out on the weekend.

They would try their best to give Wu Qiao a way out, that is to say, pretend that Wu Qiao was forcibly taken away.

Students can apply to go out every weekend, but the general instructors will only approve one-third of the applications. Wu Qiao's situation is different. He has been living in the hospital and used the hospital as a cover to conduct various trainings. Therefore, Wu Qiao needs double approval from the hospital and the instructor if he wants to go out.

On the morning of the operation, Wu Qiao went to the military headquarters to take some photos.

He likes to take pictures, especially likes to take pictures that feel majestic.

His computer desktop is himself. In the picture, he is on the top of a high mountain, posing in his own usual style, in full bloom and high spirits.

Wu Qiao likes to put photos in his weblog, and looks through them from time to time, recalling the ups and downs of each experience.

Only this time, he didn't play it or save it in the computer, but handed it over to Tan Yan for safekeeping.

After that, Wu Qiao went to apply to go out, and of course it was approved quickly.

He walked to the downtown area of Capital Star, waiting for the appointed time to arrive.

Shouts came from the surrounding vendors, but Wu Qiao only felt a little dizzy and suffocated.

The time finally came to ten o'clock.

Accompanied by screams, Wu Qiao saw a black hover car rushing towards him, and the deafening music came from the car, drowning all the screams and calls for help.

Then the car door opened, and a man wearing a hat rushed down. Wu Qiao backed away immediately, but it was too late. Dump into the car!


The car drove away at a high speed, and went away without a trace.

"How?" In the car, Aquash said with a smile, "It's all according to your wishes."

"... Aquash." Wu Qiao asked, "How did you pass the border of the empire?"

"Believe me, as long as you master the skills, it's not difficult at all. The frontier fleet is not as omnipotent as you think."


"Wu Qiao, my friend, you are finally here." Akwash sighed, "The spaceship is actually very close here, we will definitely make it in time, and we won't be caught up by the imperial police."


"However, please cover your eyes."

"… it is good."

Wu Qiao knew that Xianglong Wing had many bases, and the addresses were constantly changing, each of which was a secret.

Wu Qiao didn't know how long he stayed on the spaceship.

When the blindfold was taken off, he felt intense discomfort, and the light was very dazzling, as if it was about to burn his pupils.

He found that at this moment he was on a planet he had never seen before. The land was a large area of gray, and many volcanoes stood majestically as far as he could see. It seemed that the gray land was what was left after the eruptions of those volcanoes all year round. down product. Seems to be... an uninhabited planet...

Wu Qiao could see the sun when he looked up, so he speculated that he was in the asteroid belt of the solar system.

"Are you okay?" Aquash asked.

"...not very comfortable." Wu Qiao replied.

This kind of voyage is always uncomfortable, and his eyes are always covered.

A middle-aged man came up to him.

"Wu Qiao," Aquash introduced, "this is Jose, my boss, the leader of this base. I told him you are excellent, and he came to pick you up in person."

"… thanks."

Aquash continued: "Jose came here from a neutral country."

"Neutral country?" Wu Qiao was puzzled. Neutral countries have never participated in politics. Why did he hate the empire so much

"Do you know the government-in-exile of a neutral country?"


It is said that it is a "government in exile", but it is actually a matter of hundreds of years ago. The current group of people who used to live in the neutral country was not the current group. A thousand years ago, because of the severe natural disaster, all the members of the royal family moved. Return to that devastated place, but stay in the Empire for now. Ten years later, a group of interstellar pirates who were chased with nowhere to escape landed on the land of the neutral country in desperation, and chose to thrive there regardless of the harsh environment. Later, as the number of people increased, they also established a new government, and the development became better and better for hundreds of years. However, decades ago, the descendants of those royal family members suddenly claimed sovereignty over the neutral country, and did not recognize that the government established in the neutral country after he left was a legitimate government.

Aquash smiled strangely: "José's parents were both soldiers of the neutral country, and they died in the battle between the neutral country and the government-in-exile."


"Jose has always wondered why such a large neutral country can't handle a small so-called "government in exile"."


"Until he finally figured out that the empire was behind it! The empire supported the government-in-exile! It was only because the imperial concubine had a bit of royal blood in exile! The empire didn't want to go too deep, and it didn't want to get out, so it supported the government-in-exile from time to time. Or sell them the obsolete weapons, causing the dispute to this day!"

"..." Actually, on this matter, Wu Qiao also felt that the emperor's choice had something to do with selfishness.

"Don't mention this." Jose laughed, "Everyone is very happy, why mention this matter?"

"Sorry," said Aquash, "I'm full of hatred when I speak of the Empire."

"It's a good thing." Jose comforted Aquash, then turned to Wu Qiao and said, "You haven't decided to join yet, have you?"

"Actually," Wu Qiao hesitated, "I suddenly realized that since I have come here, I must join."

Wu Qiao knew that if he really wanted to go back, he could only go back lying down.

Jose laughed loudly over there: "It's nothing, you can just look at it and make a decision."

Wu Qiao was arranged to share the same room with Aquash.

Walking all the way from the spaceship to the camp, Wu Qiao felt secretly terrified, because Xianglong Wing's wealth was far beyond his imagination.

Where did all this money come from

Wu Qiao suddenly felt that it might be more useful to find out where their money came from than to get the usual information about the base location and activity plan. Because even if the base is bombed and the activities are blocked, there is no way to shake the foundation of this organization. However, once the empire starts from the economy and cuts off their capital chain, they will definitely weaken rapidly.

But... figuring this out is too difficult, and probably can only rely on bugs.

Before Wu Qiao left the empire, the military department gave him the latest bug. The bug does not show any abnormalities from the outside, it is just a pair of ordinary glasses, but it uses the most advanced technology, which can emit a wave that cannot be detected by the naked eye and detection instruments, and collect the reflections from glass or other objects The wave band is directly sent back to the Imperial Army, and the Imperial Army can use the slight vibrations emitted by glass or other objects to get the conversation content of the people in the room. Its advantage is that the bug does not need to be placed very close to the speaker, or even in the room, and its shell is hard, it is difficult to find the mystery without melting it, and the melting point of the device inside is lower. Usually it will turn into a puddle of molten iron before the lens shell is melted.

Wu Qiao pricked the switch of the bug with a needle, put on his glasses, and planned to go out to try his luck, to see if he could "hear" something outside Jose's office.

He has just arrived here, he is not familiar with anything, and he is allowed to look around casually, and he will not be suspected if he walks around. After a few days... sneaking around will seem very strange.

But no... The people at the base were very curious about him, and several people came up to chat with him just after he left.

"Yo~! I heard that you are the number one in the entrance examination for the military training course?"

"… Ok."

"It seems that Tan Yan likes you very much."

"… I have no idea."

"I also heard that the one on TV is not really talking about Yan Yan."

"Hmm." The other party was referring to the fake general, who made a lot of hand gestures every time he gave a speech.

"It seems that Tan Yan is really handsome?"

"..." Tan Yan is indeed very beautiful. Wu Qiao has never seen a better-looking person in his life. However, it is definitely not a good thing for people in Xianglong Wing to recognize the general of the empire based on this.

It's better to interfere...

Aesthetics is a very personal thing...

After making up his mind, Wu Qiao replied, "I think he's pretty ugly."

Over there, Tan Yan, who was paying close attention to Wu Qiao's movements because he was an undercover agent for the first day, had doubts about his own face for the first time after "hearing" those words.