Face Slapping the General

Chapter 20: A new beginning (below)


For a while, Wu Qiao still had no serious business to do. José told him to arrange for his new mistress to prepare whatever she needed. The conditions on the asteroid are very bad, and Jose is reluctant to let his new lover do everything by himself. That woman is also a bit crazy, she adores a "capable" person like Jose, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to come. Wu Qiao really had no way to get information, so he had no choice but to try to start with his lover, say some nice words, and let her get close to him.

Wu Qiao felt that there might be "value", but there was only one conversation between three people.

It was the third day that José's lover came, and the more José saw his lover, the more he liked her. In order to get reused, Wu Qiao praised the woman again: "Actually, you and that... Stephanie Rosenberg have a bit of similar appearance, she is the most famous stock analyst, many people follow her, calling her The most intelligent woman in the world. Of course... she is far less beautiful than you."

"Stephanie Rosenberg?" Jose looked at his lover and laughed, "It does seem to be a bit like that, but that woman looks ordinary. But the other one, Elizabeth Miller, is a little bit Energetic."

A very common line of dialogue made Wu Qiao a little concerned.

It hadn't occurred to him that Jose would have heard of her, and knew of her other peers.

The profession of a stock analyst is special, and the names don't appear everywhere like celebrities, so almost everyone who is interested in stocks knows them, while those who are not interested in stocks know nothing about them. Jose is by no means a man who pays more attention to his personal property - because there is no need for it. He is like an emperor, what he wants directly uses the money of the base.

But he paid so much attention to the analysts... The strong sense of disobedience forced Wu Qiao to continue to think deeply.

Could it be that... the stock market is related to Xianglong Wing's source of income? This can best explain why Jose, as the upper echelon, pays attention to analysts. Perhaps, Xianglong Wing invested capital in the stock market, or maybe... Xianglong Wing itself has a listed company, but it is opened under the name of an outsider, and no one knows that there is a connection between the two. When the company makes some moves like mergers and acquisitions, and then asks analysts to help them brag about how bright the future these moves will bring to the company, investors will naturally continue to invest money.

If this is the case, the empire can focus on investigating certain stock accounts and certain companies to uncover funds that may be connected to Xianglong Wing. As long as these funds evaporate from the world, Xianglong's wings will be cut off, and they will no longer have the ability to buy or manufacture ships, weapons, and mechs, nor can they build bases and train members... and become an only A dirt snake rolling in the mud.

In addition to training and "serving" Jose, Wu Qiao also observes the sun and stars every day. This is what he started doing on the first day he landed on this planet, because he needs to deduce where he is based on the positions of the sun and various constellations. Just as he thought, he was on a certain star in the asteroid belt of the solar system. The surface of the planet was covered with impact craters of different sizes, which were uneven. However, there are hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt. It is not easy to determine where they are. At the beginning, Wu Qiao only knew that this asteroid was not small and could not be seen at a glance, so it should be considered a relatively large asteroid. Later, Wu Qiao looked at his watch and calculated the rotation period, and found that it was six hours of galactic time. Later, he deduced the revolution period based on information such as solar changes, seasonal changes, and the length of day and night. He knew that if calculated according to the galactic calendar, the planet is about It goes around the sun every four months. He told Tan Yan these, as well as information such as the color of the planet being gray... Tan Yan quickly locked on the most likely star.

"Great..." Tan Yan said, "If something happens like this, I can go there."

"Yeah." Wu Qiao didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

"Intel matters come slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"it is good."

Having said that, Wu Qiao was very anxious.

Four and a half months... still no progress.

Wu Qiao did not expect that the best opportunity would appear two days after talking with Tan Yan.

That day, Wu Qiao was in Jose's lover's room again, arranging for her what she needed.

Then, Jose came.

José was so fascinated by her that he put his mouth on her lips and took her breasts with both hands as soon as he entered the room.

"Go take a shower first..." she said, "I smell of sweat."

"Just finished training." Jose asked with a smile, "Take a shower together?"

She let out a coquettish laugh.

Jose squeezed her breasts from behind her, rubbed his lower body between her buttocks, and licked her earlobes as he entered the bathroom.

"That..." Wu Qiao pulled Jose, "Don't take the electronic equipment in, right? If it gets wet, it will be very troublesome."

Jose glanced at Wu Qiao impatiently, very impatiently, let go of his lover and took out something from his arms: "Put it in the safe and lock it, and then you can get out." The lover pushed in, and at the same time began to undo the clothes on her shoulders.

Wu Qiao looked at Jose, his breath was suffocated. He told himself that he had to be calm and never let the other party change his mind, because that was a codebook, an electronic codebook. Jose has always been vigilant and always carried the password book close to his body. At this time, his lust was overwhelmed and he asked Wu Qiao to help him lock it.

"Okay." Wu Qiao tried his best to pretend to be calm.

As soon as Jose closed the door, Wu Qiao opened the code book as quickly as possible.

"..." The power-on password has as many as ten digits...!

Just try your luck...

Wu Qiao took out the most advanced deciphering equipment in the empire and inserted it into the code book. This thing can bypass the password input limit, enter hundreds of thousands of passwords per second, and implement brute force cracking.

Wu Qiao's heart was beating violently like a drum, his palms were sweaty, but his fingertips were cold. He pricked up his ears to listen to the movement, opened his mouth wide, sucking in the air soundlessly. Even so, Wu Qiao still felt that the air was sticky, as if there was never enough oxygen.

Suddenly, with a pleasant "click" sound, the codebook is turned on!

Wu Qiao clenched his fists, feeling ecstasy in his heart: he is so lucky!

He flicked through the cipherbook and photographed every page!

The moment the sound of the water stopped, Wu Qiao erased all traces, threw the code book into the safe, and clicked the "lock" button, the safe was automatically locked immediately. In theory, only Jose's fingerprints can open it in the future. .

After that, Wu Qiao fled in despair.

At the same time, I thought in my heart: Have you got the password...

From that time on, Jose and his new lover became more and more exaggerated.

It's not that Wu Qiao can't understand, there is a disease called sex addiction, but he still feels that Jose will die at the hands of a woman one day, maybe this one, maybe the next one, maybe the next one.

Wu Qiao felt that through this woman, he had gained a lot of José's trust.

His biggest advantage is seriousness, and in the base, the quality of "carefulness" is really hard to see. Everything Wu Qiao did was correct, and it was in line with Jose's wishes. His new lover often praised Wu Qiao, so Jose gradually asked Wu Qiao to help him with more work.

Once, Wu Qiao was going to send the woman what she asked for as usual, but he received a call from her on the way, and Jose told Wu Qiao in a hoarse voice after passion on the phone, to meet the people from other bases The courier, and then delivered the letter, as if on a drug that made the body more excited.

"..." In the past, this job was not Wu Qiao's, but Wu Qiao knew that the subordinate who had obtained the letter before would nagged and kindly comforted him every time he sent the letter to his lover. Jose couldn't say anything, he just felt He is very annoying. Wu Qiao guessed that this time Jose saw that he was going there just in time, so he asked himself to pick up and deliver the letter by the way, so as not to disturb his heavenly experience.

Gaining the trust of Jose made Wu Qiao very happy.

After this time, the same thing happened two more times.

For the third time, Wu Qiao saw four letters, one of which had a sign painted on it, which Wu Qiao had never seen before.

Wu Qiao had a very strange feeling.

He illuminated the letter with a special light, and the content on the paper immediately appeared, and it turned out to be all passwords. Wu Qiao found a hidden place, checked it with the codebook he had obtained before, and discovered a piece of important news for the empire.

Currently, Serpent Wings are harassing the frontier. The main battlefield of the empire is on the side of the Republic, and there are not many troops that can be used to deal with Xianglong's Wing. According to the current situation, it will take a few days to defeat Xianglong's Wing or force the opponent to retreat.

Under such circumstances, in the letter, the headquarters' instruction to the Jose Base is: enter from the Oyster Mushroom Star Field, then go south, and quickly "liberate" Oyster Mushroom while the Imperial Border Army is struggling to deal with the main force of Shoulong Wing. For several star fields to the south of the star field, label them with the Wings of the Dragon.

Wu Qiao immediately notified Tan Yan of the information.

"Great!" Tan Yan said, "This is exactly what we need most!"

"… Ok."

"Let us give them a head-on blow in the Oyster Mushroom Starfield."

"Of course we have to do this." Wu Qiao was also very excited.

He waited anxiously, wishing that time would fly by immediately, and it would be best to skip directly to the day of the battle.

That day... Based on his intelligence, the Imperial Army severely defeated the opponent. Before the Wings of Serpent could even gain a foothold, they were bombarded by powerful and violent artillery shells, and they were killed on the spot before they even had time to run away. Some people became captives, some people became dead under the gun, and the conspiracy of Xianglong Wing failed completely.

... Stop, Wu Qiao told himself, it's better not to think so far ahead.