Face Slapping the General

Chapter 24: Crack the crisis (below)


Just as Wu Qiao was about to say something, he saw something approaching them, approaching from a distance very fast, like a flock of migratory birds flying south.

He immediately tensed up.

When those ships and mechas approached, Wu Qiao realized that they were not Xianglong Wings, but the support troops from the Empire. It's all packed.

"Pick and pull one by one," Tan Yan pointed to the ground and ordered, "Take back any alive ones you see."


"Be careful yourself, their people are crazy."


Hearing the word "very crazy", Wu Qiao thought of Akwash again.

He kind of wondered if Aquash was still alive.

For this person... Wu Qiao felt a little complicated, and really couldn't think of how to describe him.

However, he still didn't ask after all.

"Okay." Tan Yan said to Wu Qiao, "Let's go back to the ship."

"it is good."

"I'll carry you."

"...No need!" Wu Qiao was taken aback by him, "I can go there by myself!"

Tan Yan frowned: "Why do you go by yourself like this?"

"..." Wu Qiao softened a little, "then... please someone... help me, for example, that, Helo."

"Heelo?" Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "Why call on Heelo? What's good about him?"

"... I said it casually."

Tan Yan sighed: "Let me help you."

"… thanks."

For some reason, when Tan Yan hugged her waist, Wu Qiao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated again.

Damn... Wu Qiao thought, could it be because of the important indicator in the pairing—pheromone

Before, when Mine Star met Tan Yan for the first time, he thought he was used to it for such a long time, but when he got close today, his throat became tight again and his mouth was dry.

Calm down, calm down... Wu Qiao thought to himself: After being explicitly rejected, he still fantasizes. If Tan Yan finds out, maybe he will be laughed at...

— After stepping on the ship, Tan Yan stared at Wu Qiao's face.

Only then did he have a chance to take a closer look at the person in front of him.

After not seeing each other for nearly half a year, Wu Qiao has changed a little.

After tempering at the base, Wu Qiao appeared to be a little more mature, different from the fashionable and immature face of each other... As for the difference, Tan Yan couldn't point it out, he thought it was probably the eyes, which were more stable .

Tan Yan looked at the opponent's whole body again.

Except for the right leg...all good.

Just now, according to the precise calculation of the treatment equipment, Wu Qiao's right leg will not leave any sequelae.

Everything is fine... Tan Yan thought: I'm back, after such a long time, I'm finally back, and I'm standing here again, even though I almost lost him. Yes, almost lost him. As long as he was a little late, he might have died at the gunpoint of Xianglong Wing.

Tan Yan imagined the scene—when he arrived, Wu Qiao had already died at the opponent's feet, the warm blood soaked the cold ground, and the bright red liquid flowed into the gray rock crevices... Beautiful and lively eyes opened reluctantly As he grew older, his slightly fair skin lost its vitality little by little and turned pale... From then on, that person whose thinking was always inexplicable only existed in people's memory, and he could no longer see the other person's appearance or hear the other person's voice.

Tan Yan felt flustered.

The situation was critical just now, and he shot instinctively, without having time to think about it seriously, but the moment he saw the muzzle of the gun, he felt like his whole body was being drained, and he wished that time would stop immediately.

Now, Wu Qiao's slightly excited expression because he survived the catastrophe made Tan Yan feel as if he had regained his lost.

He reached out and stroked Wu Qiao's hair.


Afterwards, Tan Yan's hand slid down and touched his cheek carefully.


Tan Yan grabbed Wu Qiao's shoulder, and with the other hand, he grabbed Wu Qiao's left arm, and gently pulled him towards his arms.

Wu Qiao's legs and feet are not good at the moment, and he couldn't stand steadily, so he bumped into Tan Yan's chest: "...Admiral?"

Tan Yan didn't speak, just hugged Wu Qiao tightly, and then rubbed Wu Qiao's soft hair.

His chest was against the other's chest, and his hair was against the other's hair.

His body temperature can feel the other person's body temperature, and his heartbeat can feel the other person's heartbeat.

That's right... This is the feeling Tan Yan needs most at the moment.

Only this feeling can make him feel at ease, instead of confirming over and over again that the person in front of him is not an illusion, not... an illusion like the many dragons he created just now.

At this moment, Tan Yan clearly realized that Wu Qiao was indeed different from others to him.

Before, the attention he paid to Wu Qiao was not without reason.

At first, it seemed that Wu Qiao was different from other people, it was very strange, it could be said to be very strange, but it was able to attract his attention and made him want to see what kind of person the other party was.

Later... his gaze stayed on Wu Qiao longer and longer, and he couldn't help thinking, that Wu Qiao... what would the other side be like, what about the other side, and the other side

Then there is... wanting to protect the other party, and not wanting the other party to go through too many difficulties and twists and turns. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is simply impossible. In order for Wu Qiao to be happy, he endured a lot of uneasiness, worry, anger, and heartache.

During Wu Qiao's absence for half a year, even he was a little lacking in interest, and when we saw each other again, he was so full of emotions that it was impossible for him to deliberately ignore him.

Now, he... hoped that Wu Qiao would always be by his side.

Best of all, wake up every morning and see the other person's face.

In that case, maybe, probably... the whole day will be full of energy.

"Admiral?" Wu Qiao struggled, raised his neck and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"...It's okay." Tan Yan replied, "I'll give you a hug, just to welcome you back on behalf of the military department."

"... Oh." Could this kind of welcome be too warm

"By the way." Tan Yan changed the subject, "Just now I received news that the branch of Xianglong Wing Jose really entered from the Flammulina velutipes starfield."


"They thought that the empire would listen to the false information you sent out, and transferred some of their troops to the Oyster Mushroom Starfield to wait, and let them pinch the imperial soldiers who stayed there."


"However, the empire did not. The imperial army waited in full swing, waiting for work, and hit Jose and the others head-on. They must not understand why the empire was not fooled."

"It's really... great."

Wu Qiao felt a little emotional. He stayed in that place for nearly half a year, and finally helped the empire win a hearty victory.

"One more thing." Tan Yan said again, "Stephanie Rosenberg...does have something to do with Xianglong Wing."


"Have you heard of the company 'Fanmili'?"

"Yeah." Wu Qiao replied, "It's a big trading company that controls the trade of neutral countries. It controls the export of various resources in neutral countries. Wait... Could it be... ?!"

"Yes." Tan Yan nodded, "We checked many companies, and finally found some flaws. The company 'Fan Mi Li' is one of the many companies of Xianglong Wing. It has acquired many companies. Every time, Stephanie Rosenberg would give it a 'buy' rating, and it's made a lot of money in both the trade market and the stock market."

"..." Wu Qiao felt a little confused.

"The empire has formally negotiated this matter with the neutral country. The neutral country stated that in order to introduce funds and restore the economy, it approved all the documents for the establishment of the 'Fanmili' company. There are thousands of connections, and the process of expelling 'Fan Mili' from the neutral country has been officially launched. As for Stephanie Rosenberg... She is a republican, although she was born in a neutral country... It is not easy to ask questions, but we found , Several other companies that she recommended also seem to have problems, and the empire is currently investigating further, and once something is found, even without diplomatic intervention, the empire has a way to make the numbers in the accounts of those companies all zero."

Wu Qiao nodded.

In fact, Wu Qiao didn't quite understand such things as financial strikes.

All he knew was that he was helping.

"Okay." Tan Yan said again, "You have been standing on one leg, don't you feel tired?"


"Go to the medical room immediately."

"… Oh."

"One more thing."


"Crow Nine... is also on this ship."

Wu Qiao's eyes lit up immediately: "Crow Nine...?!"