Face Slapping the General

Chapter 26: graduation exam


What Amandin said was right, the red date cakes in that restaurant were indeed delicious.

The diet at Xianglong Wings was very rough, and Wu Qiao hadn't eaten delicious food for a long time.

"Wu Qiao." Tan Yan looked at him and said suddenly, "The course graduation exam is just a few days away. Are you going to take it as an ordinary student? Because of the attack during the field training and two people leaving suddenly, the course will follow. Some adjustments have been made and the end is a few weeks later than usual. I would advise you not to take part - you are just recovering from your injury and it would be better to rest and recover while gradually returning to training and then take the test alone."

"Huh?" Wu Qiao froze for a moment, moved his lower shoulder and right leg, "... I think I'm fine now."

"So, do you want to go?"

"Yeah." Wu Qiao nodded, "I'm really thinking about it."

After all, he added: "I want to graduate with everyone - but I have to ask the doctor."

Tan Yan asked again: "If the doctor thinks it's okay, you will definitely go, right?"

"That's my plan."

Tan Yan sighed: "The difficulty of the graduation exam has always been very high. If you take the exam without doing a lot of practice... I'm afraid you will get hurt again in the exam. Maybe you don't understand, but I really don't want to... Every time I see you, It's all hurt. It's always not a good you, which makes me despise myself. "

"...?" Wu Qiao thought about it carefully, and found that it seemed to be the case. He was attacked during field training, stayed in the military hospital for a month, and then set off for Xianglong's Wing, when he was picked up, his bones were broken again. If you go to take the exam immediately, it is indeed possible to enter the hospital again. But... Wu Qiao still wants to prove himself in the real test—show it to himself, and also show it to people who have scruples about his genes, instead of just asking Tan Yan to customize an extra test for him, although the chance of injury can indeed be lowered that way Some.

"Thank you for your concern." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan, "But I still want to go."

Tan Yan sighed.

He was quite aware of how stubborn Wu Qiao was.

"By the way." Wu Qiao suddenly remembered another matter, and pulled out a chain from his collar, "This ring... It's time to return it to you."


"It seems to be a bit miraculous." Wu Qiao lowered his head, put the ring on the first knuckle of his index finger, looked at the stone on it, "When I was most critical, you suddenly appeared." At that time, unless a miracle happened, Otherwise, there is no doubt about death.

"In that case," Tan Yan also looked at the ring, "take it."

"But I have returned safely."

"There will be a graduation exam after that, right? After the graduation exam, there will be battlefields to go."

"..." Wu Qiao was silent for a moment before hesitatingly said, "In that case, I don't know when I can pay it back."

Tan Yan laughed: "Wait until the end of the war, I will give you a new one."

"The war is over...?"

"Yeah." Tan Yan's father gave his mother a new ring after she retired, and the previous one was given to the child directly.

"But..." The end of the war seemed nowhere in sight.

"Don't say 'but' anymore." Tan Yan interrupted Wu Qiao, "I don't like repeating what I said over and over again."

"Okay." Wu Qiao no longer insisted, but picked up the chain, "I don't need the new one. I borrowed this from you."


In fact, Wu Qiao felt a little weird about Tan Yan, but soon he told himself not to think too much, after all, Tan Yan has always been very disdainful or even contemptuous of his gene. As a general, worrying about and taking care of his subordinates is completely different from appreciating and admiring him. Perhaps the so-called "new" refers to the souvenirs from the end of the war. Wu Qiao felt a little ashamed for thinking so wrongly.

— Before the graduation exam, Wu Qiao returned to class.

Sheng Chongguang was very worried about Wu Qiao, and immediately ran over to ask him how he was doing.

"The injury has completely healed." Wu Qiao told him.

"What happened?" Sheng Zhongguang asked.

Wu Qiao had no choice but to repeat what happened at Xianglong's Wings.

Sheng Chongguang's face was pale and bloodless, especially after hearing the scene of "a few bullets shattered the bones of his calf", his eyelids jumped, and he covered his mouth with his hand, as if he was about to scream stand up.

"You are really brave." Leila interjected. After saying this, she hesitated for a moment, and then asked Wu Qiao, "So, what happened to Akwash in the end?"

Everyone was silent when they heard it. Aquash, after all, had been classmates with them for five months, and they did get along very well at that time. Even if it turned out like this in the end, everyone still wanted to ask about his fate.

"Aquash..." Wu Qiao was silent for a while, and finally said the truth, "He is dead."


"He was not among the living people. Among the remaining people who died on the spot, several people were bombed beyond recognition, and Aquash should be one of them."

"..." Leila asked again, "Did the general defeat it alone? How many people died? How many people are alive?"

"Yes, he was the only one at that time." Wu Qiao replied, "Seventeen people died on the spot, but... the seven people who survived committed suicide immediately after being escorted back to the empire as defeated prisoners. It is said that they would rather die than accept being captured. .”

"Those people are really strange." Leila snorted.


"Forget about him." After finishing speaking, Leila looked at Wu Qiao worriedly, "Graduation exam... are you really good at it? Don't try to be brave. It is said that the content of the exam is difficult, and there will be some real battles."

"I'm fine." Wu Qiao smiled, "The injury on my body has healed."

Sheng Chongguang on the side looked ashen again: "What?! Actual combat?!" The voice was so loud that it didn't look like him.

Leila gave her a contemptuous look: "Do you really want to never fight for the rest of your life?"

Sheng Chongguang stopped talking.

"Nothing will happen." Wu Qiao comforted him, "I've never heard of anyone dying because of it."

"...Oh." Sheng Chongguang didn't seem to be comforted at all.

— Three days later, the graduation exam begins.

The examiner is still Tang Triangle.

After not seeing him for half a year, Wu Qiao felt that his bald head had become brighter, and he could be seen in a mirror.

"The first level," Tang Sanjiao said, "has a little to do with luck."

"Huh?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Tang Sanjiao chuckled: "The task is familiar to all of you, shoot the target while dodging."


"However, for the difficulty of the task, you need to draw lots yourself."

Everyone: "..."

"Wait a while, you all enter the examination room one by one. After entering, draw the lottery of difficulty first, then wait for the system to adjust the difficulty itself, and operate after hearing the start command. You can advance by hitting the specified number of targets."


"Let me explain a few difficulty levels. There are nine of you in total, and there are twenty-four cards signed. Among them, twelve are D-level difficulties. Based on my understanding of your strength, it should not be a problem to draw people with this difficulty to advance." The other six are C-level difficulty, which is not as easy as D-level, but if you try your best and work hard, you can probably complete it. There are three B-level difficulty lots. It is really not easy to pass, and the results are later Half of the people are very dangerous. There are two tickets for A-level difficulty. Hehe, even the first half, such as Leila, the possibility of passing the level is very slim, and it requires extraordinary performance. As for the remaining one-yes S-level. S-level and A-level are not the same concept at all. It’s not that I think people are inferior. With your group of people, it is absolutely impossible to pass it. Not to mention you, even I, it is impossible. Even in the future, Maybe you have to lie down."

"..." These words made the atmosphere tense.

"Haha," Tang Sanjiao laughed again, "However, you don't have to worry too much, I believe you are not so unlucky, please believe this too. There are only a quarter of the lottery of S, A, and B difficulty, of which The B-level difficulty is actually not bad. Then, for the remaining S and A-level difficulties, the probability of being selected is only one-eighth. The only pervert is S, the probability is 1 in 24! If there is someone who is so unlucky at a critical moment, the military department really dare not entrust him with a heavy responsibility. S-level exists to find this person ,Ha ha."

"..." No one else could laugh.

"How should I put it...?" Tang Sanjiao continued, "In the past, in the military department, there were always people who were very powerful but unlucky, and they would encounter all kinds of unimaginable situations at critical moments. Worse than the worst situation you can think of. And, strangely, there are always certain people who have problems. It's not good for people not to believe in evil. Although it's not fair... But we think that for the really evil, It would be better to identify it. However, I don't think anyone will take it seriously."

This pretended to be easy, but it didn't have any effect.

"Oh, and let me say it again, although those who have not advanced can not graduate, they can still enlist in the army, just like they have not taken this course. However, I believe that what you have learned this year is also a valuable asset."

"..." For those who are too unlucky, can't they be officers? This is really... people don't know how to evaluate. Should the military be cautious or willful

Only Wu Qiao, because he was rejected once before, is quite calm at this moment.

Wu Qiao was the last one to go in to take the exam, because he was absent for half a year, so Wu Qiao's ranking is currently the last one.

He walked to the box, took a deep breath, picked out a piece of paper, and unfolded it again: "..."

There is only one letter above:


Sure enough... has this situation happened again...

What Wu Qiao and all the other students didn't know was that all the notes had "S" on them.

For soldiers, they may encounter any situation at any time, suffer any blow at any time, receive any mission at any time, and be selected to execute a certain death order at any time.

In these situations, people who always think "why am I so unlucky" and "why am I the unlucky person" are doomed to embarrass themselves.

In many cases, it is psychology, not technology, that determines whether a thing can be done.

This test actually does not test luck, but psychology—to see if all the students immediately panicked after getting an S, complained, gave up on themselves, or... dealt with everything more attentively.

The actual test content is indeed worthy of the "S" grade. Candidates need to dodge many attacks while hitting at least 300 targets in five minutes - an impossible task indeed.

However, the final pass or not depends not on whether the examinee has hit more than 300 targets.

In this test, those who are not obviously shaken will advance.

After watching the whole process of Tang Triangle, I was actually a little disappointed.

Almost all the students, including Layla, who is always very good, were affected when they saw that they had actually drawn S.

Normally, they would definitely not just have this result.

I don't know how the last one, the one named Wu Qiao, will behave—

At this moment, what Wu Qiao was thinking in his heart was indeed a little different.

He was already prepared to draw S.

Wu Qiao discovered that he always seemed to encounter very desperate situations, such as being rejected by the military academy, being attacked while mining, or almost dying on an asteroid. This seems to be a test given to him in the dark. As long as he can survive from desperation again and again, he can become a very special person in history.

This time, he got the only S again... The odds are only 1/24.

Wu Qiao thought: Sure enough, he is different from others.

With the idea of "surely creating a miracle again", Wu Qiao started the movement in his hand.

His hands were shaking constantly, and he was operating at an extremely fast frequency, while omitting all unnecessary movements, saving time and energy.

His skills were excellent before, but during the half a year in Xianglong Wings, the devil training made him improve a lot.

However, soon, Wu Qiao's fingers began to tremble, and gradually changed from pain to numbness, as if he had lost all feeling.

He knew it was because he moved too frequently. The attack buttons of the mecha are never too loose, and each operation requires a little effort.

Wu Qiao clenched his teeth and continued to attack the target.

He felt that as long as he held on, it would be good to hold on for five minutes. With will, he must be able to control the body, can control the body to overcome fatigue and break through the limit.

Unlike the other candidates, if he didn't graduate, he couldn't enlist—because he didn't go to military school.

At the same time, it was even more impossible to keep Ya Jiu.

He has to win.

He must not be eliminated here!