Face Slapping the General

Chapter 3: Escape from the mine star


"What's wrong with you?" Wu Qiao asked.

"Your name is Wu Qiao? The legendary Wu Qiao?"

"... which one?"

"The one with a 99.5% chance of dragging comrades back on the battlefield."

"...It's really me." So it's so widely spread...? The soldiers are really good...

After saying this, he found that the person on the opposite side put on the expression of "I'm dead this time!" again.

"Don't worry..." Wu Qiao said, "I'm just an executor. You command me to manipulate, don't you? I'll just do what you say."


Wu Qiao turned his head and stared at the people around him: "If you have another way, I am willing to cooperate with you. If there is no other way, I hope you can trust me."

If the two don't trust each other, what cooperation are they talking about

"I see." The other party looked at the screen again, "... Let's continue, I will direct you. However, I don't believe in you, I believe in myself."

"..." What kind of person is this...

"The energy of the mecha is limited." Wu Qiao heard the other party say again, "It needs to be set."

"How to set it?" Wu Qiao looked at the graph on the screen, feeling a little dazed.

"The operation is very simple. Just allocate the points to each attribute according to your needs, and the mecha will automatically sort out and supply energy according to the numbers you fill in."

Wu Qiao took a look and felt as if he was playing a game.

After browsing through the attribute list, Wu Qiao asked the other party's opinion again: "How should the points be allocated?"

"The main acceleration and attack, after confirmation, more energy will be input into the engine and weapons. These two are what we need most at the moment. First kill a few opponents by surprise, and then escape with the fastest speed. Defense , Persistence, etc. are almost enough, and it has no effect on the purpose at this stage.”

"Okay..." Wu Qiao looked at each item, "Then, the last item, is IQ important?"

"not at all."

Wu Qiao conveniently filled in a "0".

"Are you crazy, no IQ?!"

When Wu Qiao heard about this life, he immediately felt puzzled: "It doesn't matter what you say..."

"The IQ is 0, which means it can't even understand your orders!"

"Then, just to be able to understand the order, how many points do you need to allocate at least?"

"Why do you want 10?"

"Okay." Wu Qiao filled in "10", subtracted 10 from the other item, and clicked "OK".

The person next to him frowned again: "I haven't finished talking yet!"

Wu Qiao was silent for a while: "I thought you had finished."

"Your claws are really fast!"

"... how about that?"

"It's retarded!"


"I've never seen such a stupid mech! It will only obey your orders. If your reaction is a bit slow, its machine brain can't even make the most basic responses automatically!"

Wu Qiao looked at the interface: "...Then reset it?"

"There is no way to reset it. After clicking OK, the mech's ability and personality will be formed, and it will begin to accumulate combat experience, growing and maturing just like humans. In order to give them a sense of security and establish a bond between the mecha and the driver, It needs to be reset under certain circumstances, and it is absolutely impossible to "kill" the robot anytime and anywhere."

Wu Qiao was stunned when he heard this: "So... it will be stupid forever?"


Wu Qiao asked again: "Then what should I do?"

"What else can I do? Let's make do with it first, the other three mechas are far inferior to it."

"The other three can only be destroyed?"

"Yes... Spicy Pork Shredded, Beijing Sauce Pork Shredded, Yuxiang Pork Shredded... can only be destroyed."

Wu Qiao sighed: "Then teach me how to drive it now."

In the next few hours, Wu Qiao learned how to operate in a very limited space—from walking, running, jumping, lifting, moving in the air, to calling out various weapons, accumulating energy, aiming, launching, to dodging, changing speed...

Crow Nine has a high degree of automation, and Wu Qiao mainly practiced voice control, because without enough practice, the manual operation will definitely become messy.

The operation was scheduled for midnight, when the enemy forces were at their lowest.

After setting the automatic detonation of the other three mechas, the Crow Nine attacked outrageously. It was ejected from the special orbit, and the silver flash pierced the sky of Mineral Star.

As soon as Wu Qiao went out, he saw several Republic mechs searching nearby.

He aimed quickly, and the electromagnetic cannon that had already been charged with energy was launched with a bang. Under the acceleration of the magnetic force, the shell hit the opponent unexpectedly at an initial speed of 6,000 meters per second. The sound of the explosion broke the silence of the night. The attack power penetrated the target's defense and knocked down the two nearest mechas to the land of the mine star.

"Run away, don't stop!"

Hearing this voice, Wu Qiao continued to manipulate.

He landed on a very high cliff, which was the place he had planned before coming out. It was the first time he came into contact with mechs, and the accuracy of attacking in the air was limited, so it was best to find a foothold to defeat nearby air targets.

As soon as it landed, two mechas flew over at an extremely fast speed.

Wu Qiao's fingertips trembled slightly, and he tried his best to find a new target.

60 kilowatts of laser energy beams are emitted, and the high-density laser beam burns the material on the surface of the enemy's mecha. The material melts rapidly, and then vaporizes. The shock wave formed by the vaporized material and violent jet penetrates the target. material.

Wu Qiao continued his attack. Just the surface perforation is not enough... Only after the target atoms absorbed by the laser energy are ionized, the stress wave formed by the expansion of the isolated cloud can break the material of the mecha and completely destroy those metal monsters.

However, Wu Qiao failed to do so.

The opponent who has already prepared has deployed the anti-optical system. Special molecules absorb the laser beam, and the energy decays rapidly in a short distance. At the same time, the artificially created high temperature of the air and the artificially simulated atmospheric turbulence change the density of the air. The thermal halo and turbulent effects make the laser beam violently Scattering, under the superposition of various effects, the effectiveness of laser weapons is reduced by dozens of times.

The attack was not successful...

"Change to an electromagnetic gun, the energy is full!" The person next to him gave an instruction.

Wu Qiao immediately switched weapons.

Just when Wu Qiao was concentrating on aiming at the two enemies, he suddenly felt a huge shock coming from under the seat, and at the same time, there was an ominous loud noise in his ears.

The moment he was hit, Wu Qiao was almost thrown out. Fortunately, the seat belt on his seat locked him firmly. However, even so, Wu Qiao's head was still thrown to the side quickly, hitting something with a "bang".

"Why is your broken head so hard!"

When Wu Qiao and Rentou met, they were knocked so that there were stars in front of their eyes. It took a while to recover their vision, and they only had time to reply: "... each other."

At this time, Ya Jiu was caught off guard and fell to the left.

It turned out that it was one of its legs that was hit just now.

Almost only one of the legs that originally supported it was left. The right knee was almost broken, and the metal joint was so broken that only a little bit remained, and the lower half of the leg hung there precariously.

Crow Nine was attacked...

The raiders are not far behind.

Wu Qiao fired two electromagnetic missiles at the moment before his body fell down, and the two mechas in front deployed shield defenses, and flew upside down hundreds of meters under the powerful impact.

about to fall...

"Raise into the air to attack." An instruction came from a cold voice.

"I won't attack in the air..." Operation in the air is far more difficult than standing on the ground.

"You can't attack even if you lie on the ground!"

Why doesn't Wu Qiao know this

Can't lift off, can't get down, can't keep standing...

The two electromagnetic missiles have been launched. According to his level, the moment from standing up to falling down is not even enough to complete the replacement of weapons, let alone directly blow up the opponent behind him.

Damn...if only the mecha could stand on one leg...how come no one thought about that? Well, it is indeed unexpected that some people who dare not take off can still participate in the war.


one leg

At the critical moment, Wu Qiao carried out his intention.

He kept pressing the turning button, making Crow Nine spin around on the spot with its still intact leg as the axis, and then kicked the broken leg towards the opponent behind him. Under the pull of the centrifugal force, the broken leg broke completely with a "click", and the heavy lower limbs flew out and hit the opponent. The opponent was obviously unprepared for this move. fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of the rear mecha falling to the ground, and the shields deployed by the two front mechas to defend against the electromagnetic guns have not been fully retracted, Wu Qiao pushed the speed to the maximum, and the rockets of Crow Nine lifted off the ground and fled towards the outside of the mine star. The airflow during the lift-off made the vegetation sway from side to side, like ghosts in the dark night.

Wu Qiao's hands were cold, and he was afraid of being overtaken. However, Crow Nine's advantage in speed was fully utilized at this time. After all, nearly half of the energy was sent here.

It's so uncomfortable... Wu Qiao thought to himself: Flying straight into the sky at this speed, it will be very uncomfortable physically.

"what happened to you?"

"Not very comfortable..."

"Are you injured? Didn't you hurt any vital parts? Is the chest and abdomen okay? What's wrong?"

"My ears are uncomfortable."

"..." The imperial general held back and didn't say "scroll". He said: "Now open your mouth and take a deep breath, and turn on the internal pressure regulating device of the mecha."

Wu Qiao followed suit one by one.

With the help of the pressure regulating device, the atmospheric pressure inside and outside the eardrum tended to be consistent, and Wu Qiao finally returned to normal.

3000 meters from the ground, 5000 meters, 8000 meters, 10000 meters...

"Escaped!" After ensuring safety, Wu Qiao couldn't help shouting excitedly, "I can do it! I did it!"

"..." The imperial general stared at Wu Qiao in silence for a long time before snorting, "What is there to be proud of? My command will not be wrong."

"...but I didn't follow your orders in the end." Wu Qiao felt that it was not suitable for him.

The Imperial General thought about it for a while, and finally came to a conclusion: "I think it's just because of your luck."

After a pause, as if wanting to confirm something, he added: "Well, there will definitely not be such a good thing next time."

"No." Wu Qiao touched the console, "I want to participate in many wars and keep winning."

"..." means not believing at all.

"Crow Nine," Wu Qiao heard the people around him ask after a few seconds, "Tell me about your situation."

Crow Nine's robot brain immediately replied: "It hurts!"

"Nonsense, you have no nerves, you know what pain is?"

"Otherwise... except for the loss of a leg, everything else is fine."

"Go back and get a new one for you."


"The last movement of circling and breaking the leg must be very funny..." The imperial general relaxed a little, "Crow Nine, don't you feel embarrassed that he asked you to do such a thing?"

"… what?"

"I asked, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Crow Nine is still the same: "...Huh?"

The person who asked the question finally gave up: "... Forget it, your IQ is only 10." Obviously, an IQ of 10 will not understand what embarrassment is.

Crow Nine: "...?"

Over there, Wu Qiao no longer paid any attention to the conversation between the person and the mech.

He carefully recalled and savored the experience just now, completely immersed in the feeling of manipulating the mecha, unable to get out.

What is it like to give orders one by one, what is it like for mechs to act one after another... In the past, I have never had these experiences.

During the year and a half of mining, Wu Qiao heard about several miners who later became mecha makers. Wu Qiao felt that becoming a mecha maker is also very good, and it seems that he does not necessarily have to drive mechas.

Now, the mentality has all changed.

You may not want to do things that you have never done once, but once you do many things once, you will never forget the feeling at that time.

He was like a little villager in a primitive village who accidentally walked out of the village and saw a brightly lit train whizzing by in the dark night. The shock and longing could never be erased from his heart.