Face Slapping the General

Chapter 34: Reconnaissance mission (below)


In the oppressive atmosphere, both of them were silent.

After a while, Wu Qiao said slowly, "I don't believe it."

"You don't believe it?" Darrell sneered, "It's not surprising if it's Sheng Chongguang."


"He has always been like this, without a single bit of backbone! He is afraid of death and injury, and he is in vain as an imperial soldier!" Darrell was very irritable, "I really shouldn't have invited him in... I thought it would be fine to arrange him in the rear , who knows that he still voted for the enemy camp!"

Darrell himself fought north and south, leading a team to fight relentlessly surrounded by powerful enemies, only regretting that his life was too short. In his heart, there is something heavier than life, and its name is loyalty. As long as you remember this word, weak people can burst into strength, and humble people can maintain dignity. Darrell hates cowards the most. At this moment, his anger and regret have all reached their peak and are on the verge of erupting.

"You can't be so arbitrary!" Wu Qiao was so angry that his blood rushed up, his whole head was a little numb, "Maybe it was the spy from the empire who defected?"

"... what?" Darrell's emotions were like a balloon that was inflated, and Wu Qiao's words burst it like a needle, "Wu Qiao! You have lost your mind! Take it back immediately what you say!"

"I didn't." Wu Qiao said stubbornly, "Maybe you think I'm showing favoritism to my friends, but Shigemitsu, though timid, never really ran away!"

That's right... Sheng Chongguang always turned pale and his lips were purple from fright, but he was never a self-deprecating person. That person, even in fear, wants to complete the task and prove that he can be like a normal person. If he didn't have this bit of self-esteem, he wouldn't want to change himself, and he would join the most feared army.

Seeing Wu Qiao like this, Darrell laughed back angrily, and his words were very unworthy: "Wu Qiao...you know, that spy...in the past few months, he risked danger to send back intelligence, and he was never afraid Shrinking, walking on the blade every day, he is a real warrior. Sheng Zhongguang, who shrinks back when in danger, cannot be compared with him at all. What you just said is really a great insult to him. "

"But, I know Sheng Chongguang, he..."

"You go out." Darrell didn't want to hear any more, "I thought you were a person who could be reused, but I didn't expect you to protect your relatives and friends indiscriminately. Your indiscrimination between right and wrong really makes me... very disappointed .”

Wu Qiao didn't apologize because he didn't think he was wrong.

"You get out," Darrell repeated over there, "I'll reply to Serpentwing: five captives? Don't even think about it! We won't change any of them! Those captives are brutal and bloodthirsty, if Let the tiger go back to the mountain, and we will definitely lose the lives of more imperial soldiers!"

Wu Qiao turned and left.

He couldn't accept Darrell's reason for refusing to exchange. He didn't believe that Sheng Zhongguang would rebel.

He needs to ask someone to help him, he needs to convince Darrell.

Darrell is the one who decides this event. Since six years ago, the government has stopped intervening in the rescue of captured persons, but handed it over to the troops they belong to, because if it is all handled by the government or the military, as long as it is changed once, it will be repeated again and again. into the same predicament. In the past, every time an important figure of the enemy army was captured, the other party would capture one or some people from the empire and ask for an exchange. The empire has been forced to continue the tradition of changing every time before—the image of "not giving up every soldier" has been done, really Sorry to take my word for it. However, just six years ago, the unbearable empire clearly rejected the enemy's unreasonable request of "fifty men for one man". The prisoner of war was executed in public, and the video was posted on the Internet. Why did the empire that once promised "forty people for one person" just disagree this time. A few months later, the Minister of Defense announced that in the future, the government and the military will no longer directly decide, but will hand it over to the troops they belong to.

Wu Qiao thought, as long as... many people apply to Darrell for rescue—whether it is an exchange or a surprise attack, Darrell should reconsider.


To Wu Qiao's surprise, when he asked other people who knew about it to help him, everyone looked at him with weird eyes.

"..." After a few times, all Wu Qiao's hopes were completely watered down by buckets of ice water.

No one believed him.

No one believed Sheng Zhongguang.

In the eyes of everyone, Sheng Chongguang's rebellion seemed to be taken for granted, and it seemed strange that he did not do so.

Wu Qiao even had a little doubt whether he was the one who was blinded, so that he didn't see Sheng Chongguang's true face clearly. But soon, Wu Qiao denied this possibility. He has known Sheng Chongguang for many years, and has been with him day and night for more than a year. If he is not familiar with Sheng Chongguang, how can people in other bases know

Holding the communicator, Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan's name and hesitated.

Want to ask Tan Yan for help...

Wu Qiao was unwilling to do this.

First of all, the war on Tan Yan's side has reached a fever pitch. Wu Qiao learned from other people in the base that Tan Yan had been directing the battle for three days and two nights without closing his eyes. The last time Wu Qiao was able to contact Tan Yan was five days ago. At that time, Tan Yan said that the final stage of the battle was about to begin, and he probably didn't have time to check private messages. Naturally, Wu Qiao obediently did not bother him.

Wu Qiao didn't know if his communication device was by his side, presumably he wasn't there, even if he happened to be by his side, Wu Qiao couldn't disturb Tan Yan at this time because of his own affairs, after all, if the other party was distracted, he might It will cause hundreds of thousands of unnecessary casualties on one's own side.

Secondly... Asking Tan Yan for help is not something a soldier should do. When the chief has already made a decision, seeking help from a higher-ranking officer who has a personal relationship, and using a higher-ranking officer to force the chief to withdraw the order is definitely an act of ignoring the regulations.

Again, during the whole process, Sheng Zhongguang was the only one who believed in him. What reason does Tan Yan have to believe in Sheng Chongguang? He didn't have any evidence to prove his friend's innocence, all he relied on was his personal feeling. In this situation, he couldn't open his mouth and say to Tan Yan: Please believe me, if I'm wrong, you will take the blame. Tan Yan was just being nice to him, why would he put the army and himself in danger just because of his words

But... if he doesn't contact, the friend will die...

After staying there for half a year, Wu Qiao knew very well that Xianglong Wings had always "motivated" the soldiers of the empire by killing them.

While hesitating in every possible way, his communication device rang.

—The number actually shows that it belongs to Sheng Chongguang!

Wu Qiao rushed over immediately.

The person on the other side of the screen was not Sheng Chongguang, but someone Wu Qiao never dreamed of.

"... Aquash?!!" Wu Qiao shouted uncontrollably: "Why didn't you die?!!!"

On that asteroid, no one in Xianglong's Wing survived!

"So you want me to die?" Aquash laughed loudly, "I really disappoint you!"


"It's okay to tell you," Aquash said. "The moment we saw Tan Yan appear, we immediately went back to the building, and they asked me to stay inside in case something happened! Oh, by the way, Xiang The hiding place prepared in advance by Dragon Wing is definitely not something the empire can easily detect."


"Don't mention this...you should care about another thing." Aquash said again, "I was really surprised when I found out that they caught an old classmate last night. However, it was even more surprising. To my surprise, the escaped mech was Yajiu... indicating that there is another old classmate nearby."


"Wu Qiao, I just heard that you refused to exchange prisoners, which is really regrettable."

"Aquash," Wu Qiao really didn't want to chat with him, he asked directly, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"In a hurry?" Aquash said with a smile, "Just as an old classmate, I revealed to you, an old classmate, that another old classmate is probably going to die."


"I don't want to be like this either, after all, I'm an old classmate." Akwash sighed, "Besides, he's so timid, like a rabbit, I really can't bear it. If possible, I really want to let him go. So now... I want to discuss with you, what is the best way to do it."


"As for me, I really wanted to let him go. However, I couldn't keep my confession..." Aquash's voice suddenly brightened, "Finally, I figured out a way. If you have killed many people If you are willing to be captured for him, Xianglong Zhiyi will definitely promise me to let him go back. After all, you have a blood debt in your hands. Compared with Sheng Chongguang, what good is it?"

"..." In fact, Wu Qiao never directly killed Xianglong Wing. However, Xianglong Wing's failure to send false information led to the defeat of the army, and Tan Yan killed more than 20 people in one go to save him, all of which were indeed related to him.

It turns out... this is the purpose of Aquash's contact.

Tan Yan killed Aquash's good brothers in the base at that time, so Aquash hated himself so much that he gritted his teeth, and wanted to use Sheng Chongguang's friendship with him to let himself take the initiative to hand over his life to Xianglong Wing .

"As long as you come to admit your mistakes and make amends, I will definitely let you down." Aquash called out the nickname he used during the training course again. After all, he raised his hand, "You should know, I will count on what I say, and I hate taking advantage of other people's trust in me."

"..." Wu Qiao looked at his severed finger and recalled the scene at that time. At that time, because he was let down by him, Aquash cut off his own finger.

Wu Qiao wanted to say, if you cut off your own finger again and still say that you have no choice, wouldn't that be the end of the matter? But he didn't speak because his friend was still in the hands of the other party. This conversation is inherently unequal.

"Hehe." Over there, Akwash said again, "We have done what we said in the past few exchanges. If you are still not at ease, I will think of a good exchange method. Of course, it is impossible to be completely fair. After all, you are a very cunning person... Zhongguang will not leave until he has completely controlled you, if you want to cheat, you can only collect his body."


Wu Qiao deliberately rambled on for a while, and at the same time ordered the technical department to analyze the opponent's location, but the technical department still failed to capture it.

After Aquash's figure disappeared from the screen, Wu Qiao immediately stumbled to knock on Darrell's door.

"What kind of bullshit condition is that?" Darrell chuckled contemptuously. "Is he an idiot? One for another? Would anyone agree to such a condition? Should I say he's very creative? Quite inventive." No? Besides, it’s still a lieutenant colonel for a major.”

"..." Wu Qiao didn't speak.

He seemed to have forgotten that Darrell was still talking to him, and stood there in silence like a statue for a long time, and Darrell wondered if time had stood still.

Wu Qiao looked at the scenery outside through the window of Darrell's office, his eyes were out of focus, and he seemed to be concentrating on something, but he didn't seem to be watching at all.

Darrell looked out the window too.

There, some soldiers were practicing, and some people hurried past, and it was no different from usual.

Just when Darrell was about to call Wu Qiao impatiently, Wu Qiao finally turned around as if he had made up his mind, and his eyes no longer hesitated as before.

He said, "Major General, I think . . . I have to go."

"... What did you say?!" Darrell squinted his eyes and looked at Wu Qiao in shock.

"..." Wu Qiao clenched his fists, "I think I have to go."

Wu Qiao was struggling just now.

He thought about it, and how he would not regret it in the future: If he refused to save his good friend in order to save his life, then, from the moment Sheng Zhongguang died, in his own mind, he would never be able to lift him up again. To begin with, he can no longer be upright, let alone make the world a better place - what right does he have to say? If he saves that person... at least he can have a clear conscience.

"Please..." Wu Qiao kept trembling his hands, "give me this wish... Since I have also made some contributions to the military department, just pretend that I have never been here."

Darrell looked at him sullenly: "I can't promise you."

Wu Qiao lowered his head, and begged that he would never be able to utter, "I can't ignore him, I don't believe he will rebel, there must be something wrong."

Darrell's eyes were exactly looking at a rotten log.

"I've been thinking just now," Wu Qiao said again, "If I hadn't let him leave first yesterday, but had let him enter Crow Nine too, such a thing wouldn't have happened. I..."

"You have nothing to blame." Darrell interrupted Wu Qiao, "According to your strategy at the time, the chances of him coming back were far greater than yours."

Wu Qiao shook his head, "I should have considered his character at the time. He is a person who will make mistakes when he is nervous. Maybe he shouldn't do that in a comprehensive analysis."

"You're just bullshit knowing the result," Darrell said. "Who would have thought he could even go the wrong way to evacuate?"

"No matter what you say now, I have a chance to stop everything, and I made another choice, which led to Chongguang being captured." Wu Qiao said again, "Chongguang...is one of my closest friends, if I Shrinking in a safe area, watching him being killed in order to protect myself, I will not be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life."

Wu Qiao felt that his chances of surviving were much higher than Sheng Chongguang's.

"However, you can't get him back," Darrell said. "He's never coming back—because he's a traitor, and he doesn't have the guts or ability to spy there."

"I still don't believe it." Wu Qiao said again: "He will come back, and then slowly prove that he has not betrayed, cleared of suspicion."

"..." Darrell stared at Wu Qiao silently for a long time, and finally said, "It's a good thing that you value friendship, but you will kill yourself."


There was deep disappointment in Darrell's eyes: "Since you want to go your own way, I don't want to force you. I won't leave anyone who hates me in my army."

Darrell didn't understand why Wu Qiao was always so idealistic and why he couldn't grow up quickly. It's like in a fairytale world, the clock has passed twelve o'clock, all the magic is gone, the fairies will never appear again, people should change their clothes and go back to the noise, and this guy... has been in the castle forever Ken went out, as if he didn't understand that he was already in reality. However, the war will not wait for him to slowly wake up, it will use a brutal way to pull him out, and after he goes out, he may still be on the flat ground, or it may directly lead to the abyss.

Darrell sighed, and said again: "Don't expect us to save you. Of course, if there is a chance, we will save you, but we can't jump into the obvious trap." In the past, being tempted by the other party There are too many examples of going to rescue the captives, but more people are involved. After all, the battle to rescue the captives is at the opponent's home court.

Wu Qiao got permission, and his eyes shone brightly.

Darrell continued: "Besides, the Crow Nine must stay. You take the initiative to exchange for a mecha. The Crow Nine cannot be given to them. You can choose a C-level mecha."

"...Okay." Wu Qiao's mouth was a little bitter, and the astringent taste permeated the tip of his tongue, "If I really can't come back, and Ya Jiu asks me, please tell it that I am on a secret mission, don't let it... I know the truth. Nicole once said that she likes Yajiu, so let Yajiu...accept her."


"Also," Wu Qiao counted things one by one, "and my parents and sister... just say the same."


Wu Qiao suddenly remembered that Tan Yan once said, let him pay attention to himself, as long as he doesn't have any accidents, there will be no defeat there.

Therefore, Wu Qiao filled in another sentence: "Finally... If Admiral Tan Yan asks me about me before the end of the battle... just say that I have been confined."

"General Tan Yan won't care about you."

"... I hope so." Wu Qiao didn't know what to say, and took one last look at Darrell, and then went out without looking back.

Wu Qiao didn't dare to waste time, worried that Sheng Chongguang would go crazy with fear, and immediately began to choose his mecha.

You can't take the Yajiu with you... Then choose another suitable one.

Just after the test drive, Akwash contacted Wu Qiao again.

He gave the exchange he decided on.

Wu Qiao saw that the plan was rigorous, and he really couldn't bring Sheng Chongguang out without falling into the opponent's hands.

"I'll go there now." Wu Qiao started the mecha as he spoke, and the mecha let out a roar of work and lifted off from the vast land.

Ascending again, Wu Qiao felt a bit like a lifetime ago, however, the last time was obviously only yesterday.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Wu Qiao secretly decided that he must bring Sheng Chongguang back.

"Aquash." After stabilizing for a while, Wu Qiao said to Aquash, "Before I go to the designated place, I have one more request."

"Oh? Talk."

"I'm going to speak to Sheng Chongguang to make sure he's fine now."

Aquash laughed a few times: "Okay, it's not difficult, I'll bring the heavy light."


Then, Wu Qiao met Sheng Chongguang again.

When Sheng Chongguang was brought into the room, his whole body couldn't help shaking.

"This kid." Aquash smiled contemptuously, "I was so scared that I vomited several times, and I still have some sour smell on my body-I really haven't heard of it."

Sheng Chongguang cried again when he saw Wu Qiao.

"Wu Qiao... Wu Qiao..." Sheng Chongguang sobbed out of breath, "What to do... what to do..."

"Don't worry." Wu Qiao comforted him softly, "It will be fine."

"Something will happen... definitely something will happen..."

"Don't cry." Aquash seemed to find Sheng Zhongguang very annoying, "You are fine, he will replace you."

"... Scared?"

"Are you relieved this time?"

In Aquash's eyes, it's okay to tell him, anyway, he can't make any waves, and will just obediently wait for Wu Qiao to come to rescue him.

"... Aquash!" Wu Qiao had no intention of telling Sheng Chongguang about it.

"... Aquash." After calming down for a while, Wu Qiao looked at Aquash and said, "Can you stay a little farther away? He is in a very bad mood now, let me comfort him a little bit."

"...huh." Akwash snorted, and didn't deliberately object, he turned around and walked to the sofa in the corner of the room to sit down.

"Wu Qiao...Wu Qiao..." Sheng Chongguang continued to cry, "Is what he said true?"

"Well." Wu Qiao added, "Don't worry, I'm fine, you know I can always escape death."

"It's impossible this time...it's really impossible..." Sheng Chongguang's face was full of tears, he would be a little out of breath when he said two words, the sentence would always be interrupted suddenly, and he breathed heavily instinctively, dozens of words To be divided into many paragraphs, "You don't know... how much they... hate you... you will be... killed... and you will die... a terrible death."

"I'm really fine."

"Why...why the exchange? Didn't General Darrell think of a way?"

"General Darrell..." Wu Qiao hesitated for a long time, but still didn't say anything.

Although Sheng Chongguang was timid, he was extremely clever. Looking at Wu Qiao's appearance, he immediately guessed: "Does he think I've betrayed him?"


"I didn't... I didn't..." Sheng Zhongguang became more emotional.

Seeing Sheng Chongguang like this, Wu Qiao also knew that he did not betray. Sheng Chongguang is not Su Yiqing, and his acting skills are not so perfect.

So, why did that imperial spy say that

His mind was spinning quickly:

According to the time provided by Aquash, at the beginning, he didn't know who was captured, so it was not Aquash who made the request at that time.

After Aquash found out that it was Sheng Chongguang, he persuaded the decision-makers to change their strategy. It seems that the decision-makers believed him very much.

Now, what is certain is that Aquash wants his own life more than exchanging prisoners, and even said that he doesn't care about the five prisoners at all. In the eyes of Aquash and many Shoulongwing members, being captured is bloodless and there is no need to rescue them. People with true faith should commit suicide—just like the few Shoulongwing members captured on the asteroid . And using Sheng Zhongguang to lure himself to cast the net is what Aquash strongly advocated, because the brothers and sisters he got along with day and night in the asteroid base died because of him.

In order to attract himself, he chose to release the false news that Sheng Chongguang had betrayed.

Perhaps, he wanted Darrell to voluntarily give up the exchange. Although I don't want to exchange prisoners of war at all, it's not good to say it clearly, and it will chill the hearts of other members. As long as the news of Sheng Chongguang's mutiny is revealed, Darrell will definitely refuse the exchange.

Or maybe it's because, if Sheng Chongguang is still a soldier of the empire, Darrell, who appreciates Wu Qiao, will never let Wu Qiao go to Xianglong's Wing alone, but will choose other ways to save him, such as a raid, even if the chance of success of the raid is extremely low, 80% of the time the captive will die. Now, thinking that Sheng Chongguang has betrayed, Darrell is unwilling to take this risk again. In this way, the only way left for Wu Qiao who wants to save Sheng Chongguang is to come in person.

Or maybe, the release of false news is simply to test whether there are spies from the empire inside Xianglong Wing... They imprisoned Sheng Chongguang, and then announced that he had rebelled.

It may also be like what he said, Xianglong Wing has never broken the contract...

Wu Qiao felt that he really knew Aquash very well now. If he hadn't come, he would definitely announce the news that Sheng Chongguang's defection was false, and let himself be in regret all his life. In short, Aquash must take this opportunity to destroy himself.

Wu Qiao really wanted to tell Darrell this analysis, but he knew that Darrell still wouldn't believe it, or wouldn't take the risk, because even now, all his evidence was only Sheng Chongguang's denial.

Wu Qiao didn't think about those things anymore.

He said, "It doesn't matter what Major General Darrell chooses to do, I can get you out just the same."

"How can it be the same? You will die when you come."

"I will not."

"Most definitely… "

"I will not."

"Most definitely."

"... Chongguang," Wu Qiao said, "after you go back, just wait for me."

Sheng Zhongguang huddled on the chair, his upper and lower teeth collided violently, and seemed to have exhausted all the courage he had accumulated all his life before he could say, "Wu Qiao... still can't do it. Really... don't come... please, don't come..."


"I can't implicate you..." Sheng Chongguang's face was full of tears, his nose kept flowing into his mouth, and his appearance could be said to be ugly. He kept wiping with the back of his hand, but his face became more and more smudged: "I really can't trouble you."

"Hey… "

"I made a mistake last night. I saw the wrong target. Instead, I flew far away and was caught here."

"… Ok."

"How can you trade your life for me?"

"Similarly, I can't leave you alone. Anyway, wait for me, and I'll go over and replace you soon." Wu Qiao said.

"Don't come..."

Sheng Zhongguang kept repeating two sentences like a robot.

One sentence is: don't come.

One sentence is: I can't hurt you.

"Chongguang..." Seeing that the other party insisted on letting him go back, Wu Qiao threatened Sheng Chongguang, "If I don't save you, you will die."

"...dead?" Hearing this word, Sheng Chongguang trembled, his face pale. He also knows what will be waiting for him if he stays in Xianglong's Wings.

There's no way he's going to survive—Serpentwing isn't going to suddenly say he didn't rebel and go grind the Empire for captives.

"If you don't want to die, stop talking." Wu Qiao coaxed again.

"Yes... yes," Sheng Chongguang murmured, "If you stay here, you will die." Moreover, they will still be tortured and killed to "motivate" members.

"So, it's good to be alive... I'll go for you."

"..." Sheng Chongguang stopped talking.

Wu Qiao saw out of the corner of his eye that Akwash, who was sitting in the angle, had been looking at Sheng Chongguang with mocking eyes.

Sheng Chongguang sat there blankly and did not speak again.

After a long while, he stretched out his hand and tightly grasped the cross on his chest. After a few seconds, he let go, and then he tightly grasped it again. Just like those nuns in the past, he crossed his fingers and raised them reverently to his chin. It seemed that he was praying, but his trembling hands showed the uneasiness in his heart.

His complexion was radiant and fair, and his long eyelashes cast very thin shadows under his eyelids.

Wu Qiao remembered that Sheng Chongguang once said that it was given to him by a very gentle pastor when he decided to join the army to train himself.

The pastor said that God would bless him and be with him forever.

"..." Is he praying for himself

He promised to let himself go

Wu Qiao felt a little relieved, at least he didn't have to try to persuade him anymore, Sheng Chongguang finally gave up struggling.

At the same time, he was also a little lost. Although he convinced the other party, when the other party really agreed, he was still a little sad. However, he soon comforted himself that Sheng Chongguang is such a person who is afraid of death, and the desire to survive is completely a physiological instinct, no matter how unwilling he is, he will not be able to resist it in the end.

"Then let it be like this." Wu Qiao said, "Get ready and wait to go back to the base."

"Wu Qiao." Sheng Chongguang raised his eyes.

"Huh?" I don't know if it was an illusion, Wu Qiao felt that Sheng Chongguang's voice was not so confused.

"About your question just now... Actually, I can answer you." Sheng Chongguang said, "I suddenly feel that death is not such a terrible thing—close your eyes, grit your teeth, and you can get rid of the pain in a minute or two , I will never feel any hopelessness anymore. Soon... really soon. What's so scary about it?"

"...Huh?" Wu Qiao was obviously taken aback.

But then, he said, "I'll go and save you. Don't say you're dead or not."

"Wu Qiao... I want to say, thank you for believing in me... You still chose to believe in me when everyone thought I was a traitor. I was really touched and touched just now. You have been alone all this time. Encourage me, thinking that I will be able to overcome all fears and become a very qualified soldier. Without you, maybe I would have really rebelled... Isn't there an old saying called 'a soldier dies for his confidant'." Sheng Zhongguang I know that Wu Qiao has always painted for him the beautiful scenery on the other side, but for him, the sea is too wide, and his wings are too weak, so after so long, he still has not been able to fly across the ocean, and he is still standing still.

"... What's wrong with you?" Wu Qiao asked.

"Actually..." Sheng Chongguang began to say to himself, "Think about it, you and I have no similarities. You are very brave, and I am cowardly. You are very firm, but I am always wavering. The two of us became friends, just Because there was a competition training where the seats were next to each other. The teacher must not know that she can make many good friends for life... even... life-and-death acquaintances."

"...!!!" Wu Qiao felt a great anxiety in his heart, "Hey, Sheng Chongguang, what do you want to do? Don't do stupid things!"

The conversation stopped here.

Because, with Sheng Chongguang's refusal to answer, Wu Qiao's eyes were forced to widen, and the pupils of his eyes were full of blood.

Blood gushed out between the fingers of Sheng Chongguang's hands holding the cross tightly, and slid down his wrist and forearm into the cuff, or dripped to the ground halfway through.

The base below the cross was pointed, and the entire lower half was now in his throat.

How could he use so much strength? !

"Wu Qiao..." Sheng Chongguang closed his eyes and didn't dare to look, panting instinctively, his broken trachea hissed, and his voice was no longer clear as before, "Although... I'm afraid of death... But I... as expected, I still... can't trade you for... "

If you don't change it, you are doomed to die.

The blood spurting from the artery was choked into his lungs, causing him to start coughing violently.

Soon his front was covered with blood, and his body could no longer support him and fell to the ground.

After the initial shock, Aquash quickly ran over.

He tried to press Sheng Chongguang's neck, but it was useless, the blood overflowed like a fountain, so he immediately called the doctor to come.

Sheng Chongguang has lost consciousness.

Wu Qiao watched as his friend's body twitched instinctively on the ground, the area around his body was getting bigger and bigger, and bright red flowers bloomed on the ground, each one was in flowering period, big and colorful.

After just a few tens of seconds, the convulsions stopped, his fair skin turned dark red, and his intestines and bladder began to empty.

He is dead.

"Ah!!!" Wu Qiao shouted hysterically, "Ah!!!"

Can't! ! !

The coward who is laughed at, the person who is so afraid of death that he would go into convulsions when he hears the word, is suicide his final destination

Looking at the blood red in front of him, scenes flashed through Wu Qiao's mind.

When we first met each other in the competition class, when we graduated and heard that he was going to join the army, when we met him before the course exam, when we were assigned to a group in the graduation exam, when we met him again at the base, when we performed the mission together last night...every In the scene, he is alive, not like this.

It is midsummer at the base.

The summer wind was warm and slightly blowing, but it made Wu Qiao's heart torn apart.

A moment later, he leaned over the C-rank mech and let out a whimper.

Dragon Wings…

If it was said that before, he wanted to defeat the Wings of Soaring Sky only because of an ideal, but at this moment, he truly understood what kind of career he was going to do.