Face Slapping the General

Chapter 35: Return to base


Wu Qiao saw the doctor arrive in a trance. The doctor checked Xia Sheng Zhongguang's vital signs, then shook his head to express his inability to do anything.

He was dead—completely.

Knowing that he had no way to deceive Wu Qiao with a dead person, Aquash stood up with a livid face and was about to turn off the communication.

"You were classmates, bury him properly." Wu Qiao finally said, "I can make your death more comfortable."

"Huh." Aquash was noncommittal, and then the image disappeared.

Wu Qiao was in a daze, not even knowing how he got back to the ground.

He turned off the C-level mecha, sat there for a long time, and finally walked out of the mecha.

The initial sense of unreality gradually dissipated. Just now, he always felt that Sheng Chongguang was still alive, but now, reason is slowly returning to his brain.

There are so many things to think about, but there is only one thought in Wu Qiao's mind at the moment—they have lost him forever.

The singing of birds and fragrance of flowers, morning flowers, moon and evening in this world no longer belong to Sheng Chongguang, and he can't even do the simplest "living in peace". His life should have been long, experienced many things, and seen many scenery, but it suddenly came to an end at such a young age.

However, yesterday was obviously fine.

It was the first time Wu Qiao felt this small and helpless feeling. Although it was summer, Wu Qiao felt very cold and unconsciously hugged his arms tightly.

At the same time, resentment and anger burned in his chest, like a fireball, which might burst at any time. He blamed the heavens for being unkind, and his friend was upright and kind all his life, but he ended up like this; he hated that organization, which was inhumane and inhumane, and killed many people; he also hated himself, unable to stop the tragedy, he could only watch with his eyes open.

Perhaps, after all people experience sudden grief, there will be a question in their mind over and over again: why? Why on earth is this happening? They will come up with many, many reasons, but in the end, they are more and more confused and at a loss. I can't figure it out, and in the end it can only be attributed to "fate".

From the moment Wu Qiao wanted to become a soldier, he knew that he might lose many close friends at any time. Yet even with all his years of preparation, the brutality of what actually happened was no less brutal. In the past, a military officer said, don't be too sad because of the death of your comrade-in-arms, just go back to the state before you met, but that is simply impossible, there are already many stories between the two, and all of them are alive . There is a tree in my heart that has taken root, and if I want to pull it out, I will be dripping with blood. It is said that brothers are like brothers and sisters, and if they are lost, it hurts like a broken limb.

Wu Qiao didn't even know how he got into Darrell's office.

"Wu Qiao." Darrell was stunned when he saw Wu Qiao, and then a smile appeared on the corners of his brows and mouth, "You're back."


"Have you finally figured it out? I'm glad you're no longer crazy."

"No." Wu Qiao didn't know how to conclude, "Rebirth...he... committed suicide."

"Suicide?" Darrell had some doubts on his face, "Suicide in fear of crime?"

"How could it be possible to commit suicide in fear of crime?!" Wu Qiao seemed to be venting his emotions, "What reason does he have to commit suicide in fear of crime?!"

In fact, after saying that sentence, Darrell also felt wrong. He also realized that it was impossible for Sheng Zhongguang to commit suicide in fear of crime-he did not fall into the hands of the imperial army.

Darrell is not stupid, he just has a deep-rooted prejudice against Sheng Chongguang, he instinctively denies him, and uses the most negative thoughts to speculate on the other party's intentions.

"He..." Although he was weak all over, Wu Qiao still needed to explain, "I asked to see Shigemitsu first to ensure that he was intact, and then Aquash suddenly said about the transaction... I think Aquash looked down on him and wanted to Just look at his ugliness, but things have completely exceeded Aquash's expectations, Sheng Zhongguang he... In order not to drag me down, I chose to end his young life."

"…" Darrell was silent.

"...Major General," Wu Qiao actually had a grudge against Darrell, "Major General, at the moment when you learned that Sheng Chongguang was dead, did you finally believe that he did not rebel?"

"...Wu Qiao," Darrell said, "I apologize to you both."

"Major General." Wu Qiao didn't want to dwell on this anymore, he said, "In my opinion... Chongguang deserves a medal of courage."

The Medal of Courage is used by the Imperial Army to honor brave soldiers, and those who receive it regard it as a great honor.

In the past, Sheng Zhongguang didn't even dare to think about it, but secretly envied the person who got it. He once said to Wu Qiao: "Wu Qiao, I think you can get it in the future...can you show me when you get it?"

Now, Sheng Zhongguang can afford it by himself. He washed away the shame with his death, and became who he wanted to be at the moment of death, but the price was too high.

Darrell said, "I'll have to look into that first, and if that's the case... I'll try to apply for him."

"… thanks."

Wu Qiao had a very strange feeling.

He is obviously so sad, as if he is about to collapse, but he still has to think about realistic things calmly, for example, to win a medal for Sheng Chongguang, and how to tell the other family the bad news.

After a few days of "suddenly feeling that my friend might not be dead", "imagining the scene where he narrowly escaped death", "bargaining with God to pray that he is still alive", and finally accepting the fact, Wu Qiao applied to resume normal training.

People are actually much stronger than they think. Many thresholds that they thought were absolutely impossible to pass can only be passed when they are brought to the present. No matter what happens, life must go on.

However, the past is pervasive, no matter what Wu Qiao sees, he will think of his friends—when in the training ground, he will think of the past to train together, in the cafeteria, he will think of the past to eat together, in the dormitory, he will think of the past and chat with him...

Because he felt that this state was not good enough, Wu Qiao decided to simply think hard, exhausted everything he could think of, and there was not so much to think about.

But that doesn't help either—there's no end to the emotions anyway.

The worst of these is remorse. Wu Qiao always feels that if I did this...if I did that...will the result change? Although, he also knew that these thoughts were meaningless.

Every day he dreams that the other party is not dead and has returned to this base.

After waking up from the dream, there is only sadness.

After a few times, he would ask Sheng Chongguang in his dream, "Is it a dream again?"

Sheng Chongguang will tell him: "This time it's not a dream, I'm really back."

He was so happy in the dream.

In the morning, he was almost suffocated again, as if someone knocked over a glass bottle in his heart, and all the fragments stuck into the flesh one by one, and he didn't know how to pull them all out.

Wu Qiao also checked many articles written by others after losing relatives and friends, hoping to get some advice, but the life and death between the lines made him even more depressed.

Some comrades-in-arms comforted him and said, "Everything will be fine."

He wanted to say that he didn't know how to get better, and it didn't look like anything was going to get better.

He didn't dare to let it go, for fear that if he let it go, he would never be able to pick it up again.

Wu Qiao's diary contains a lot of trifles, such as what happened to A and what happened to B today.

He thought that he should read carefully before he died, and tell Sheng Chongguang everything after he died.

On the twelfth day after Sheng Chongguang's death, Wu Qiao heard that the war on Tan Yan's side was finally over.

He won, but it was a miserable victory.

The imperial army suffered heavy losses and did not back down to keep the territory.

Over the years, the Republic has become stronger and stronger, and the empire no longer has the arrogance of being confident in the early days of the war and not taking the other side seriously. The empire has long since shut down its resource company in the Republic, no longer transporting any green sand, and ended the days of "missiles and rescue flying together". The life of the people in the Republic is extremely inconvenient. However, under the circumstances that the Republic has strictly restricted the use of civilian resources, there are still many people who spontaneously save money, saying that they will save all the money and save it for the army to defeat the empire.

Wu Qiao soon received a message from Tan Yan.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"..." Wu Qiao didn't reply.

After a while, another message came: "I haven't contacted you for so long, do you think of me?"


During this time, Wu Qiao often thought of Tan Yan.

He wanted to know if that powerful man had ever encountered such a thing, if he had ever had a night of wailing. At the same time, I want to know how Tan Yan came out and how to prevent myself from being defeated by it.

In the past, every time he encountered difficulties, Tan Yan could calm him down.

The words spoken by the other party always have a magical effect that can heal everything.

Wu Qiao typed a few words: "Chongguang is gone. I really want to see you."