Face Slapping the General

Chapter 38: First command


Two months later, Wu Qiao boarded the ship for the first time as captain.

His battleship is black all over, and the interior is very smooth and clean off-white, with occasional light blue embellishments.

The battleship bridge is located in the middle and front part of the battleship. It is in a perfect circle shape. The buttons on several consoles are neatly arranged, and the monitoring screen is large and bright. All the chairs are very comfortable, and the seats of the communication officer, mechanical officer, technical officer, gunnery commander, etc. are all around, among which the helmsman is at the forefront, and the captain is at the very center of the bridge, raised by several steps , which allows the captain to have an overview of the overall situation in the first place.

For this smallest unit fleet consisting of only one battleship, two frigates, and six mechs, the core battleship captain is the captain and tactical commander of the entire small fleet, and there are no separate positions. If the captain leads the mecha to battle, if the order cannot be issued in time, the deputy captain will take command on his behalf.

On the armrest of the captain's seat, there was a small safety sign. The Ping An card is made of golden nanmu, and Tan Yan hung it here before he left, before the ship was even commissioned.

Thinking of Tan Yan, Wu Qiao's heart was actually quite complicated. Tan Yan's kindness to him was all because he regarded himself as a backup candidate for a spouse. Wu Qiao really couldn't understand why Tan Yan would want to make do with him, he never made do with anything, so he was surprised that Tan Yan, whom he admired, would make do with this issue. However, now that we have talked about it, it should be fine in the future. From this point of view, it's still pretty good. Wu Qiao had realized before that now he was becoming more and more dependent on Tan Yan, especially after Sheng Zhongguang's death in a foreign country, so if Tan Yan didn't suddenly bring up this matter, but he misunderstood something and fell into it... Thinking about it, it's really a little Scared. Just like scratching a lottery in a supermarket, the first word scratched off is a "thank you", naturally there will be no more expectations in my heart, and I can give up the fantasy of winning the lottery early. If the first few words are all the same as winning the lottery, I must scrape to the end To know the result, how disappointed it should be.

Wu Qiao sighed. He used to make fun of Yajiu before, but now it has progressed—the last time he asked about Tan Yan Longyuan, Tan Yan said that Longyuan kept the letter of Yajiu in his pocket, and opened it from time to time Look.


The important task that he participated in as a commander for the first time was to attack a base of Xianglong Wing.

This is the junction zone between the empire and the neutral country, and there are a large number of uninhabited planets. Xianglong Wing once hid in a neutral country, and was later discovered and expelled by the neutral country. Since then, the border has been used as the main stronghold, and it is the main opponent of Darrell and the others. The satellite system of the empire cannot monitor all the planets. In addition, the wing of the dragon has many bases and likes to change them constantly. It is not very easy for the empire to find those bases. It mainly depends on intelligence or speculation based on clues.

This time, Darrell is also relying on messages from people lurking in that organization. According to his information, the four bases of Xianglong Wing have been completely destroyed, but unfortunately, it is not the most important one every time. The leader of the opponent is always in the dark, and the spies sent by the empire have not been able to find out Exactly where is the main base.

"Turn harder." Darrell said before the expedition, "the opponent is already at the end of his battle."

"...Yes." Wu Qiao knew that what Darrell said was true.

"According to the current situation, the final decisive battle with them will come soon, maybe in a few months..." Darrell said again, "However, let's fight this battle first."

"...Yes." Wu Qiao nodded again.

Before, Xianglong Wing took advantage of the empire's exhaustion to deal with the Republic and planned to crush the empire's military bases and military installations in the Oyster Mushroom Star Field in one fell swoop, and "liberate" several nearby star fields, but their cleverness was misunderstood. After losing a huge number of troops, the empire continued to attack in one go. After successfully sending a spy, the effect was even better, and the wings of Xianglong gradually declined. Moreover, since the empire has been carrying out economic strikes against Xianglong's Wing after Wu Qiao came back and the effect is outstanding, Xianglong's Wing has become tight in terms of money, and has been unable to recruit troops to re-strengthen itself. Although there are many high-tech weapons, they cannot Used on a large scale. Wu Qiao knew that through the stock analysis expert Stephanie Rosenberg, Empire found that the "Fanmili" company it often recommended was a company established by Xianglong Wing. Schoenberg's mouth drives up the stock price. After the Empire collapsed the "Fan Rice" company, it captured the "Fan Rice" chief financial officer who was also one of Xianglong Wing's financial planners. After the man was sentenced to death, he revealed hundreds of accounts of Xianglong Wing in one breath, and it only took the empire a week to reduce the amounts in these accounts to zero.

After arriving at the destination, Wu Qiao heard the order and commanded the warships and frigates to line up and sail to the designated place.

Wu Qiao was very nervous, the adrenaline was secreted rapidly, and the blood flow in the whole body was accelerated. He could even hear his own heartbeat.

The battleship stopped after arriving at the designated location, and all mechas were ordered to dispatch to attack the enemy base as quickly as possible, trying to catch the opponent by surprise.

"Crow Nine!" Wu Qiao shouted.

Ya Jiu immediately replied: "The minister is here!"

"..." Wu Qiao knew that Ya Jiu had recently become obsessed with the movies and TV dramas of the ancient court.


"...is dispatched." For some reason, seeing Crow Nine's continued excitement after learning that Long Yuan hadn't thrown away its letter, Wu Qiao couldn't get excited at all.

Ya Jiu said again: "Observe the order!"

Wu Qiao rushed to the very front.

In the past, he would also rush to the front, but after Sheng Chongguang's death, his mood was different.

In the past, he was a little naive, a little childish, relying on some ideals to fight. He has a burning passion for what he loves to do, what he wants to do, and a desire to be great at it.

Sheng Chongguang's death made him understand in an instant what the matter of "ending the war" means to everyone living in this universe. It's not that he didn't understand in the past, but that he didn't really experience it personally. Compared with the dream of changing the world by himself at that time, Wu Qiao now feels more of a responsibility and understands more clearly why he must become strong—not just him, but them.

Wu Qiao is no longer as depressed as he was two months ago, because he has no time to immerse himself in sadness.

Even in pain, do the best you can.

The blitz plan was unsuccessful, Xianglong Wings discovered them immediately, and immediately mobilized the guards to meet them.

The opponent's hundreds of mechas took off in an orderly manner, and quickly formed formations to deal with all situations.

"Hey..." Wu Qiao looked ahead and said to Ya Jiu at the same time, "Well, the situation... seems a bit wrong? There are many more enemies than expected?"

"The emperor is wise!" Ya Jiu replied.

"..." Wu Qiao doesn't have the time to study the matter of Crow Nine right now.

The situation has changed and he is waiting for orders.

They didn't have so many people here at all, most of them were on standby at the base!

"If we retreat, the opponent will abandon this base, and we have to wait for the next opportunity." Finally, Olivier, the commander-in-chief of this operation, gave instructions, "Try to overcome difficulties and land on the opponent's base!"

"..." Wu Qiao was a little puzzled.

Just... rush like this

Just as he was thinking, Wu Qiao suddenly saw a burst of fire coming towards him at high speed. The light pierced through the dark and dim universe, and the space seemed to be ignited, which made people feel shocked.

He quickly dodged the attack with one operation.

There are many enemies on the other side, how to solve it

At present, among all the mechs, his Raven Nine has the greatest attack power, and the most powerful weapon on Raven Nine is the antimatter cannon, or in other words, the positron cannon. This anti-matter cannon was installed in the factory after being injured in the last mission accompanied by Sheng Chongguang. It is said that it was also directly instructed by Tan Yan. In terms of destructive power, the previous electromagnetic cannon is not the same. Tan Yan said at the time that this would definitely save Wu Qiao's life at a critical moment.

However, Yajiu can only carry one cannonball at a time... This cannonball is extremely small and light, because making this kind of cannonball is very difficult and expensive, so this is already the limit. However, even so, its power is still comparable to a nuclear bomb, but there is no radiation and pollution in comparison.

This cannonball is imprisoned in a "trap" composed of many electric and magnetic fields, and this method of imprisoning antimatter has only recently been researched. It can preserve positrons for several months, not before. A few seconds, a few minutes. Because it is new, currently there are only a few in the entire empire equipped with this kind of weapon, and all of them are S-level or above mechs like Longyuan or Yajiu.

But... only one... how on earth can one hit more targets with one antimatter cannon

Wu Qiao carefully observed the opponent's formation and found that the opponent's formation was very scattered.

It's really... quite difficult...

In this case, no matter how powerful it is, it still has no effect.

It seems that this first battle was quite a failure—

Yesterday, before leaving, Tan Yan once told him that if he could win the first battle, he would personally make dumplings for him the next time we meet—because he likes dumplings very much.

It seems that this dumpling is destined not to be eaten...

Wait, Wu Qiao suddenly thought: Making dumplings...

He suddenly thought of a method and immediately put it into practice!

"Crow Nine!" he said, "Use the laser cannon! Attack the enemy's middle team on both sides of the formation!" The opponent has only three teams in total, and they are located in the left, middle and right sides.

Crow Nine: "Cha!"

Wu Qiao "..." He really didn't know what to say.

For Wu Qiao's orders, Yajiu would execute them unconditionally, never asking why.

The 12,000-point laser shot out loudly, and under the strong attack power of Yajiu, the soldiers on both sides of the enemy's middle formation unconsciously moved closer to the middle.

Then Wu Qiao sent a request for assistance to several high-fire mechs, hoping that his companions would also concentrate their firepower on both sides of the unit.

Under the suppression of this wave of firepower, the formation of the opposing team was forced to shrink.

"Now shoot the front row with maximum firepower!" Wu Qiao shouted to his companions again.

In an instant, all kinds of electromagnetic artillery shells and so on were fired at the same time, and many mechas in the front row of that team were shattered in an instant.

And because of this sudden change, the mechas in the back row of Xianglong Wing's middle unit were blocked, and they were blocked together for a while.

"It's now! Crow Nine!" Before the opponent had time to rearrange the formation, Wu Qiao raised his hand and fired his only antimatter shell!

The scene of the explosion seemed to be a superplanet in the universe, the center was extremely bright, and the surrounding blue halo spread outwards, and all the substances placed in it were completely wiped out, not even a single molecule was left behind!

Antimatter, composed of positively charged electrons and negatively charged atomic nuclei, is completely opposite to everything in the universe that has negatively charged electrons and positively charged atomic nuclei, and is the opposite of matter. When matter and antimatter come into contact, there will be a terrible annihilation effect, just like the combination of particles and antiparticles, releasing huge energy, all matter disappears, and after everything is gone, there is nothingness, only gamma rays continue to radiate outward.

"Oh my God..." Seeing Wu Qiao destroying a team by himself, these two words were the only words left in everyone's mind.

"Attack!" Taking advantage of the fact that all the opponents were afraid and did not dare to step forward, Olivier ordered to go all out to win!

Because of its extremely fast speed, Raven Nine was assigned to destroy the base defense system so that the battleship could enter. It is difficult for warships to evade the defense system, so a large number of mechas, which are more flexible and more numerous, are needed to destroy them first.

"Leave this to your comrades..." Wu Qiao said to Ya Jiu after receiving the order. He didn't love to fight, but directly passed through the destroyed formation!

The entire unit in the middle of the enemy army disappeared in the explosion just now, and the other two units were entangled and could not fill the gap immediately. Wu Qiao and other companions who were tasked with destroying the base defense system broke through the barrier without much effort.

Because the mechas are all sent out to fight, there are only a handful of mechas that can be used to protect the defense system at this time.

Wu Qiao and the others used all kinds of weapons to bombard the target indiscriminately. Sometimes they couldn't even see the target clearly in the light beams and smoke.

Not long after, the base defense system was declared paralyzed.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the relatively simple layout of the temporary base.

Wu Qiao asked about the battle situation on the mecha side, and learned that the progress there was also going well.

After the team in the middle was broken, the imperial army quickly occupied the middle, and outflanked the left and right teams of Xianglong Wing respectively. The empire formed two circles and fired at the middle. The firepower was very concentrated, and they quickly gained the advantage. Xianglong's wings were like a trapped beast, and they tried to break out of the encirclement several times but failed.

It didn't take too long, and the mechas of the two teams almost disappeared.

Soon, Wu Qiao saw several main warships of his side approaching.

When the defense system has been destroyed, they have nothing to worry about. The particle beams are accelerated to sub-light speed and concentrated before being launched. The energy and secondary magnetic field generated by the high-speed impact of the particle clusters instantly razed the base to the ground!

The friction between the particle beam and the atmospheric molecules will produce colorful and beautiful light and shadows. From Wu Qiao's perspective, it is like gorgeous fireworks, celebrating this feast for them.

"Squadrons 1, 2, and 3 follow me to check, and the other squadrons go back to the base first." Olivier said.

"Yes!" Wu Qiao responded immediately.

A few seconds later, he smiled and said to Yajiu: "Yaojiu, the whole team. Also, you did a great job today... I will report to the general when I get back."

"Huh?!" Crow Nine said, "Thank you Lord Long En!"

Wu Qiao: "..."

... a complete victory!

Wu Qiao only had these two words in his mind.

This is really a complete victory!

The opponent has another base that has disappeared!

—Wu Qiao was very excited, and the time that made him even more excited was when the specific statistics of the annihilation of the enemy after the victory were calculated.

The screen clearly stated: The number of enemies wiped out by Wuqiao: 328.

He killed 328 opponents by himself! ! !

At the celebration ceremony, Darrell asked Wu Qiao to talk about his method.

"Well..." Wu Qiao said, "the method is... like making dumplings, first fold the skins on both sides to the middle, that is... storm the sides of the opponent's formation and let them shrink to the middle. Then, fold the skins on the front and back, That is, focus on attacking the front row, delay the front row, and the rear row will collide. At this time, when all the traps are gathered together, you can put the dumplings into the pot, use the heaviest firepower and Solve them as quickly as possible."

In just one morning, everyone at the Darrell base knew about the "making dumplings" operation.

In the following four months, Wu Qiao used this strategy several times, and some people in the base began to jokingly call Wu Qiao "the god of war who makes dumplings."

As for Wu Qiao, because of these battles, he was promoted to colonel after joining the base for a full year.

The Promotion Ceremony will be held in conjunction with the Welcome Ceremony.