Face Slapping the General

Chapter 4: Arrive at the base


Wu Qiao was instructed to set the automatic driving mode.

He looked at the person around him, and found that the person was slightly frowning his sword eyebrows. Wu Qiao understood that this was the wound pain again after relaxing.

"Are you okay?" Wu Qiao asked.

The other party glanced over from the end of the eyes: "It's okay. What about you?"

After looking at it carefully, Wu Qiao realized that he was handsome to the point of arrogance, with straight eyebrows and bright eyes. Wu Qiao had never seen anyone with a better appearance than him.

Wu Qiao looked away unnaturally: "I'm fine."

The man seemed to want to make sure, and looked Wu Qiao up and down very carefully, before finally nodding his head: "There is only a big bump on his head."

"Is that so..." Wu Qiao patted his head.

For some reason, Wu Qiao's heart thumped twice when he was looked at like that by the other party just now.

"Let me contact the support fleet." The imperial officer said, and turned on the communication device.

Soon, a figure appeared on the screen, a very tall and straight soldier.

"General Tan Yan!" The man didn't seem to see Wu Qiao at all, "Are you okay?"

Tan Yan thought for a while, then turned his head and asked Wu Qiao: "Not dead but seriously injured, is that good or bad?"

Wu Qiao stared blankly at the other party.

Talk about... Yan...

how is this possible? !

It's not like that on TV at all!

Tan Yan on TV has an ordinary appearance, but his brows are full of determination. When he gives a speech, his words are sonorous and powerful, with a lot of gestures, he keeps talking, and his hands don't stop. For this, Wu Qiao also admired it very much. He felt that the general was worthy of being a general, and even his gestures were so different. This kind of worship was not dispelled until the day he received the reply letter.

Now... Tell him that this is Tan Yan

"What's wrong with you?" Tan Yan asked.

"You... you... General Tan Yan?!"

"Are you dumbfounded with excitement?"

"How is it possible?!" Wu Qiao roared in a low voice, "I've seen real people on TV!"

"That's not real." Tan Yan smiled.

Are some jobs inconvenient to reveal the real appearance... Wu Qiao guessed, lowering his eyes. Now, he kind of understood the reason why his heart beat inexplicably faster when he was stared at just now—the two were genetically compatible. In gene pairing, the sexual fragrance that is usually difficult to detect in the smell, that is, pheromone, is an indicator that cannot be ignored. Two people with a high degree of matching must be attracted to each other in terms of sex, and he and Tan Yan have a very high degree of matching, and their scores are almost full. This kind of thing is really... It's not good to be dissatisfied, and you will be teased in this case.

However, Wu Qiao was also very aware of the situation. He has already read Tan Yan's reply letter, the content is very simple, but the meaning is very clear, which is to tell him to get out. The other party clearly looked down on him, and he, Wu Qiao, was not a masochist, so he should never want to lose everything, because there is no possibility at all.

Wu Qiao sighed and made up his mind that his heart wouldn't flutter anymore.

Over there, Tan Yan has already explained the status quo of the mine star in great detail.

"We must arrive as soon as possible." The person on the screen said, "Please go to the base of the Tanghulu Galaxy to recuperate."

The candied haws galaxy, as the name suggests, is a few planets of the same size arranged in the word "one", and the spheres are red, looking from a distance, they look like candied haws.

Tan Yan nodded.

After arriving at the base, Crow Nine landed on the shelf prepared for it by the base.

"Come down." Tan Yan stepped on the lifting board.

"... Mmm." Wu Qiao looked at Yajiu reluctantly. He knew that as long as he took a step from here, there would be no possibility of coming back. I have only been with this mech for a short time, and I am just a passer-by in its long "life". It will soon accept a new pilot, and I am afraid that I am the only one who will never forget the other party.

Wu Qiao felt that he really got along well with it.

He touched Yajiu's cold driver's platform with his fingertips, felt the touch of each button, and wanted to imprint that feeling in his heart forever. Finally, Wu Qiao lowered his head and kissed the console.

"Eh... eh..." After being kissed, Yajiu said coyly, "Suddenly, suddenly it's a little hot... the circuit is going to explode..."

Wu Qiao smiled: "Goodbye... Crow Nine."

"... Huh? Goodbye Wu Qiao!"

"..." Wu Qiao took one last look, turned around and stepped on the lifting board.

During this process, Tan Yan watched silently.

After entering the base, Tan Yan suddenly asked: "Do you really want to go to the battlefield?"


"But you are not suitable at all."

Wu Qiao was silent for a while: "How do you know if you don't try it?"

"The genetic scan still doesn't explain the problem?"

"But," Wu Qiao said, "struggling with reason," "The genetic scan says that I have a 0.01% chance of becoming a combat hero."

Tan Yan was so choked that he couldn't speak, and after a while he said in an incredible tone: "How did you interpret that watch everywhere?"

"That's right, I have a 0.01% chance of becoming a battle hero."

"0.01%! Do you know the concept of 0.01%?"

"I know..." Wu Qiao replied, "But it's still possible."

Tan Yan had a headache: "So, you joined the army and became a miner?"

"Well, the military academy rejected me, there is no other way."

"..." Tan Yan didn't want to argue, so he changed the subject, "You have made a contribution this time, what do you want? You can just ask."

"Can you raise any expectations?"


"I..." Wu Qiao stood still, looked at Tan Yan and said, "I want to go to a military academy."

"..." Tan Yan frowned. Why are you here again? What's the matter with this kid

Wu Qiao repeated again: "I want to go to a military academy."

"You change one."

"... That's gone, forget it."

"I'll let you change one!"

"It's really gone," Wu Qiao said.

Tan Yan felt that he really wanted to strangle the other party. "I don't like to owe people favors," he said.

"..." Wu Qiao didn't know what to do, "You can't do what I want, and I don't want anything else, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Bullshit." Tan Yan couldn't bear this insult, "Who said I couldn't do it?"

Wu Qiao's eyes lit up: "You can do it?"

Tan Yan hesitated for a moment: "Currently, the imperial education system is independent. The military academy has already rejected you. I can't force the military academy to accept you. However, the military department has its own training courses, which usually last about one year. Graduates often participate, which is a shortcut to becoming an officer, and I can say a few words about it."

"Please let me go there!"

"It's useless to you." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "First, even if you have completed all the courses, based on your genetic level, it is impossible to be accepted by the front line. Don't think that the military doesn't look at genes. "

"We'll talk about it at that time." Wu Qiao bit his lip, "This training course must be useful."

That's right, it must be useful for his dream, at least more useful than mining.

Tan Yan over there continued: "Secondly, not everyone can participate. To participate in this course, one needs to be recommended by someone, and the other needs to pass the exam. Because most of the participants are graduates of military schools, there is no further For the step of setting up the genetic scan, as long as the military school teachers believe that they are reliable characters and have proved their strength in the exam, it will be fine. If you... I can recommend you, but you can't pass the exam. "

Wu Qiao said again: "How do you know if you don't try it?"

"Okay, yes." Tan Yan seemed to feel that Wu Qiao was very sick, "Actually... I suggest you ask for something else, such as a monetary reward, or a job, which will play a substantial role in your life. Opportunities are very rare. Are you sure you want to waste like this?"

"Yes." Wu Qiao hadn't recovered from the excitement yet, "Please recommend me."

"..." Tan Yan replied, "The exam is just four months away. Let me emphasize again, with your genetic results and your mecha knowledge, it is impossible to pass."

After speaking, Tan Yan left.

Wu Qiao didn't care either, and went back to rest in the room arranged for him by the base.

There is a fierce battle for the mine star. Wu Qiao hopes that the empire can take back the mine star. After all, he is also a soldier there, although he will not go back to mine again. It will probably take a long time for Mine Star to resume production, and it will be time for him to apply for discharge by then.

Wu Qiao couldn't see the battle, so he dug out the biographies of famous people.

Wu Qiao loves to read biographies of famous people, and he will also record sentences he thinks are very good on the Excel sheet (yes, Microsoft is not closed yet), such as emotion for the country, emotion for family, emotion for friendship, emotion for The emotion of the dream... wait, review it from time to time, and then feel very reasonable again.

While reading happily, Wu Qiao suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

He opened the door and saw that it was the base affairs officer, and there was Tan Yan, and... Yajiu. At this time, Yajiu already had a temporary right leg, which looked a bit awkward, but it was better than nothing.

At this moment, Ya Jiu has become the size of a human. Because molecules can be reorganized and the density of materials can be changed, mechs in this era do not have to be carried by starships. Since the mass of the mechs will not change, when they become human-sized, they will turn on a floating setting to balance most of the gravity, so they will not appear so heavy.

"... What's wrong?" Wu Qiao asked.

Tan Yan said irritably: "It insists on being with you."

"… what?"

Tan Yan explained casually: "Its IQ is only 10, and it is a stubborn one."

"..." Wu Qiao asked, "Then what should we do?"

"What else can I do? It is crying and making a fuss." Tan Yan said, "It is in the same room as you first, and we are discussing countermeasures."

"… Oh."

Over there, Ya Jiu happily squeezed in.

"Since this is the arrangement..." The affairs officer handed Tan Yan a document, "General, please sign here."

After thinking about it, Wu Qiao understood. The latest type of mecha needs to be carefully guarded, and this kind of change needs to be signed by someone.

Over there, Tan Yan took the document and wrote the word "Tan Yan" on it, flamboyantly, and finally drew a big cat behind the word "Tan Yan".

"..." Wu Qiao couldn't help asking, "What is this big cat?"

"Why are you asking so many questions!" Tan Yan didn't intend to answer at all. After saying that, he threw away the pen and walked quickly to the direction he came from. It should be to observe the battle situation of the mine star.

Seeing Tan Yan leave, the affairs officer looked down at Tan Yan's signature: "Actually... I know the reason."

"Oh?" Wu Qiao couldn't help gossiping, "What is it?"

"That's right..." the affairs officer said, "That's right, the day the general is promoted to general, he will go to the military headquarters to record his signature, which will be used as a comparison for his signature in the future."


"Then... because he was just promoted... the general was so happy. When he entered his signature, he drew a big cat behind his name. Unexpectedly... the person who collected the signature was also recorded. Later, he signed for the first time At that time, the system prompted that the signature was incorrect, the general tried many times, and finally found that the big cat had to be added... From now on, the big cat must be included in the general's signature."

Wu Qiao: "..."

Sending off the affairs officer, Wu Qiao closed the door.

He looked at Yajiu and felt extremely happy. Just a minute ago, he thought he would never see Yajiu again.

"Well, Yajiu." Wu Qiao said, "I'm too tired... I want to sleep."

"Oh!" Ya Jiu replied, "Then, I want to sleep too."

"..." Does the mecha need to sleep too

Not quite sure about this question, Wu Qiao had no choice but to reply vaguely, "Well, good."

After all, he lay down on the bed against the wall.

As soon as he lay down against the wall, he felt his back poked.

Wu Qiao turned around.

Ya Jiu looked at him and asked, "Where's my pillow?"

"… Pillow?"


Wu Qiao gave it a pillow in a daze.

Mecha... why do you want this

Ya Jiu arranged the pillows neatly, and asked Wu Qiao, "Where's my quilt?"

"..." Wu Qiao found another bed and gave it to him.

Then, after staring at Ya Jiu curled up on the pillow for a long time, Wu Qiao finally realized a problem.

—Crow Nine thinks it is a person...