Face Slapping the General

Chapter 40: First confession


Wu Qiao asked in a daze: "... lying?"


"Say... what lie?"

"Wu Qiao." Tan Yan lowered his eyes, "I... I don't know what to say, but... I always hope that in times of war, I can do everything I can to protect you, and in times of peace, I can protect you every day. You prepare dinner for your leisure."

Having said it—Tan Yan thought it wasn't that difficult.

"..." Wu Qiao's eyes widened. He thought: Admiral... what are you talking about? Does he really know what he's talking about

"I can't tell." Tan Yan looked a little self-defeating, "I just want to tell you that I really want to be with you for the rest of my life, and it's definitely not just a matter of time."

"General...!!!" Wu Qiao never expected to hear these words.

His heart was thumping, his blood flow accelerated, and his head felt a little dizzy. This was the first time in his life that he was confessed, and he didn't know how to deal with it. In the past, 99% of people were annoying him, and it would be better if he joined the army. "Someone just likes his personality" seems far away, let alone that person is still talking about it.

After a while, Wu Qiao asked, "Admiral... this time and last time... which one is the truth?"

"It wasn't true last time."

"But..." Wu Qiao asked softly, "Why do you lie?"

"..." Tan Yan has never looked at Wu Qiao's face, "Because I'm afraid of being rejected, you will think I'm a failure, and I'm afraid you will hide from me, even the current dependence is gone."

"… afraid?"


"..." Wu Qiao felt that the word fear was really difficult to associate with Tan Yan. Wu Qiao remembered that Admiral Tan Yan once participated in a battle when he was twenty-four years old. At that time, the strength of the enemy and us was very different. His chief quickly decided to give up the resistance and evacuate as soon as possible. However, the location of that fortress is important, and the officer was worried that the practice of "retiring without a fight" would cause dissatisfaction among the civilians of the empire, disappointment with the imperial military, and even scold the military, so he left Tan Yan's army to fight alone. It's just for others to see. After that battle, it can be said that Tan Yan's army was completely wiped out. In the end, only Tan Yan survived. After the mech shattered and fell into the sea, he survived a catastrophe. Since then, the name Tan Yan has been known by the people of the empire. Such a talk, what are you afraid of

"Wu Qiao." Tan Yan asked again, "Do you believe what I just said?"

"Huh?" Wu Qiao was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "I believe. I have always believed you absolutely." Last time, he believed it. This time, Tan Yan said that he lied last time, and he still believed it. Even if Tan Yan said next time that he was lying this time, he would still believe it. Logically speaking, since the other party was so capricious, he should have doubts, but Wu Qiao just believed it again.

"So," Tan Yan asked again: "What do you think?"

"What do I think?"

"You... agree to let me stay by your side, grow up with you and mature?"


Tan Yan began to seduce Wu Qiao, "I can listen to you patiently about your ideals, and I can also teach you everything I know."

"..." Well... Wu Qiao thought, it sounds really good. In this way, he can finally share with others those things that no one likes to hear before, and he can also get a lot of valuable experience from the other party that can benefit him for a lifetime.

"Wouldn't it be nice? You don't have to do anything."

"...No need to do anything?" Wu Qiao repeated foolishly.

"Actually, it can't be regarded as... you don't need to do anything." Tan Yan's voice changed a little, "You just call me... that or something... just call me 'husband', that's fine."

Wu Qiao thought for a while, and his face immediately became hot. It is too shameful to call the most respected general "husband" or something.

I didn't say anything at all, just thinking about it made me feel a little at a loss.

He was silent, and Tan Yan was also silent, as if waiting for him, giving him time to think, as if he was afraid that if he urged him a little, he would refuse directly in a hurry.

People always seem to be like this, waiting for the other party to answer, and they always dare not even vent their breath. This is actually quite interesting-what if a good result is urged instead? It's just that no one dared to bet, they were afraid they would regret it.

Wu Qiao carefully thought about how he felt about the general.

Should...or is it not love. However, he doesn't know whether love looks round or square.

Because of his inexperience, Wu Qiao was not sure, so he clicked on the webpage and began to search for knowledge.

Soon, he found a love scale built by a certain scholar. He could test whether he likes or loves himself. He began to answer the questions one by one as if he had found a treasure.

The first question... When he (she) is depressed, I think the most important duty is to make him happy.

Yes... Wu Qiao chose "conform" and scored a point on the paper. He hoped that Tan Yan would be more relaxed and not always carry heavy things.

The second question, I can trust him (her) in everything.

It was... a feeling of complete peace of mind at that time. Wu Qiao wrote down another score on the paper.

The seventh question, if I am lonely, the first thing I think of is to find him (her).

Yes... Wu Qiao found that he was really attached to him, and the other party could always restore his calm—

Question 11, if I can make him (her) 100% trustworthy, I feel very happy.

yes. Wu Qiao really wanted to be a reliable person and share some responsibilities for the other party—Tan Yan was really tired, people seemed to have forgotten that Tan Yan was only in his early thirties.

The twelfth question, when I am with him (her), I will always look at him with my eyes.

Yes... But that should be because the other party is beautiful...

The thirteenth question, without him (her), I find it difficult to live well.

Hmm... Wu Qiao thought about it for a long time. If Tan Yan draws a clear line with him... it's not impossible that he can't live, but it seems to be... a bit boring, a big piece is peeled off, nothing can fill it, and his leisure time becomes tasteless, even though his leisure time was originally Not many. Wu Qiao felt this way for the first time recently. In the past, even the best friends, such as Su Yiqing, didn't feel anything if they didn't contact each other for a long time, because they knew that the relationship was always there, and they wouldn't lose a point because of lack of contact, but occasionally they missed each other very much. But now... if the object is replaced by Tan Yan, it's the time we look forward to being together every day, whether it's face-to-face conversation or remote communication. There are too many words to talk, and the mood will get better every time we chat, and the meaning is always unfinished after the end. No matter what new things happened, Wu Qiao would keep them in his heart and planned to tell the other party at night. He had never known that he could be very happy just talking.

If this kind of expectation is gone, maybe it can't be said to be very good - he has high requirements for "very good", and even if it is not good at all, it will not be "very good".

So, let's just choose "conform"...

A few minutes later, Wu Qiao finished all 26 questions.

The first 13 questions in the "Love" part focus more on intimacy, attachment and caring, while the last 13 questions in the "Like" part focus more on respect and admiration, such as thinking that he is smart, always wanting to learn from him, wanting to To be like him... the relationship is more like infatuation.

According to the test instructions, which part of the score is higher, indicating where the relationship is more biased.

However, his two parts have the same score... Wu Qiao was at a loss again, explaining what to do if there was no equal score written on it.

In the part of "Love", Wu Qiao chose "No" in two ways: one is that no matter what he (she) does, I am willing to forgive him or her; It's an easy job.

No matter who the opponent is, Wu Qiao doesn't think he can do this. If you are wrong, you are wrong, and you will not become normal just because you are someone.

In the "Like" part, choose "No" or two: "I think that anyone who gets along with him (she) has a good impression of him (her)" and "I think he (she) is in all the people I know. A very likable one.”

Tan Yan's personality is too strong. According to Wu Qiao's knowledge, it is definitely not the case. You can only choose "No" for these two questions.

Both parts scored very high.

Wu Qiao looked at the two scores.

As a result, after the test, I still can't tell whether I prefer liking or love...

Is it possible to have both

Wu Qiao read the instructions over and over again, and found that it didn't say whether it is possible to be infatuated with and love someone at all.

While Wu Qiao was doing the test seriously, Tan Yan felt that he was going crazy.

After confessing his confession, he finally realized what it was like to wait for someone's answer today.

Tan Yan felt that his heart was beating all the time, and he was running around but couldn't find the exit. The surrounding air seemed to have frozen, and even breathing was no longer easy.

But, in this atmosphere, what the hell is that guy across from him doing? !

That guy... resting his chin lightly in one hand, sketching casually on the paper with the other—

Is he torturing himself on purpose? Let yourself do this and wait

"...Admiral." Wu Qiao counted for a long time, but he was still not sure, "I'm sorry... I can't promise you."

"..." Tan Yan couldn't help thinking why.

"I..." Wu Qiao took the initiative to explain to the other party, "I'm not sure I have love for you."

Tan Yan: "..."

She really didn't love him.

He didn't know how to react. Before, he imagined this kind of situation, and decided to say "I understand" calmly at that time, but when it came to this day, he couldn't lighten up, he couldn't lighten up, he wanted to smile, his face But there is no expression on it. This kind of result was expected by him a long time ago, and he just wanted to express his heart without leaving any regrets, but even if he had made sufficient preparations, the deep disappointment when he really heard this sentence was still higher than the wave. .

It turns out that there is such a big gap between "having a little bit of hope" and "a little bit of hope that doesn't come true". Obviously, in reality, there is not much difference between a little hope and no hope. There are too many, and it can be ignored completely. So, can it have such a big impact on people

"That's right." On the other side of the screen, Wu Qiao repeated as if he was confirming something, "I'm not sure that I have love for you... so I can't promise anything now."

But for Wu Qiao's personality, if he is not 100% sure, he will not try in a daze.

Tan Yan pretended to be calm, but actually took a deep breath, and finally said "I understand".


"There's nothing I'm sorry about." Tan Yan was always thinking about it, so he asked, "What were you thinking about just now?"

"… Ok?"

"I haven't spoken for a long time."

"Oh," Wu Qiao suddenly realized, "I was doing a test just now."

"What test?"

"Test how you feel."

Tan Yan: "..."

Wu Qiao said again: "The result is, probably, it's not love, right?" He didn't say that the two parts of "like" and "love" have the same score, and both are almost full.

Tan Yan: "..."

Wu Qiao said again: "Because..."

Tan Yan interrupted him: "Needless to say."


"Needless to say." Tan Yan smiled wryly, "You will find the problem to solve it, and that will explain the problem."

At most, there is a little love, in short, definitely not a lot.

"..." Wu Qiao said nothing. He had no way to refute.

Tan Yan added: "If you like him like I do, you will definitely know that you want to be with him."


"So," Tan Yan said, "Forget it now, I don't want to do that either." Tan Yan also didn't want to fool people here. He hopes that two people will truly love each other and spend the rest of their lives hand in hand. His identity determines that his life cannot be peaceful and smooth. If his lover doesn't love him that much, it may be difficult to go with him for a long time. It's easy to be together, but it's hard to go through the wind and waves together. Only a deep relationship can guarantee a good result after going through the disaster. Involving Wu Qiao recklessly can satisfy himself but will hurt Wu Qiao. What Tan Yan wants to give the other party is the best future—even if he experiences hardships at the beginning, the final flower always blooms undefeated.

"... Thank you." Wu Qiao said sincerely. He wants to sort out his own feelings, and it will take time for that.

After coming out of the room, Wu Qiao saw Su Yiqing.

"Why did you go?" Wu Qiao asked him.

"Ah," Su Yiqing smiled, "it's a routine every day, take a walk with Ji Yao."

"… Oh."

"He will be on duty at night, and I will go back to the dormitory by myself."

"Su Yiqing." Wu Qiao looked at his friend and suddenly asked, "How did you find out that you fell in love with Ji Yao?"

"Huh?" Su Yiqing was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and thought for a while, "This matter is too far away... It all happened in middle school... Why did you suddenly ask this?"

"… never mind."

"Wait, wait." Su Yiqing stopped him, "Who said I don't remember?"

"… you remember?"

"Of course." Su Yiqing said, "How could I forget that ambiguous and tentative stage? Even if I forget everything, I won't forget it."

"You didn't lie to me this time?"

"Are you worthy of my lying?" He actually lied to Wu Qiao a lot, but the number of times has not been much recently. Wu Qiao believed in him very much, and would be fooled every time, and Su Yiqing felt bored after too many times. And even though Wu Qiao wasn't doing well, Su Yiqing felt a little guilty.

Wu Qiao asked: "Then...?"

"That's right." Mentioning Ji Yao, Su Yiqing became a lot more serious, "Pay close attention to his every move, I will be very happy when I see him, and I will miss him very much when I don't see him, and I want to be with him for the rest of my life. "

"... Is that so?" It doesn't seem to be a very mysterious thing...

"Otherwise, what else do you want?"

"… I have no idea."

He really doesn't know.

According to these indicators, he seems to be a little tempted by Tan Yan... He paid attention to Tan Yan before he met him, and paid more attention to him after he met him, and wished that he could meet all of them 24 hours a day.

But, maybe as Tan Yan said, it's actually just one point. And if this is the case, it still won't work, there is no way to guarantee that you won't hurt others or yourself.

After a while, Wu Qiao was always thinking about this matter.

What Tan Yan said suddenly felt very unrealistic.


If I promise, I will share the bed with the general...

As long as I think about it for a while, it's another heartbeat.

He really wanted to know how much his "little" love was.

This incident even affected his training a bit.

Fortunately, one day, Darrell announced that the intelligence agency had analyzed the location of the leader of Xianglongwing based on clues.

This news finally made him nervous, and he stopped thinking about it all day long.

"To prevent accidents, we bombed over there immediately," Darrell said.


"We will cooperate with the other two troops, because the opponent is still the Wing of the Dragon, and we must not take it lightly."

"… yes."

Just one day later, the action was approved.

The code name of the operation is "Dragon Fruit", and the supreme commander is Lieutenant General Tiao.

The elite fighters in the three units were transferred by the article, and reorganized into three task forces, and there were multiple formations under each task force.

The number of people was adjusted several times, and finally it was finally finalized.

For the assault team, choose carefully by the strip. He also temporarily borrowed several newest mechas and commandos from the empire, and was responsible for finally breaking into the underground building of the base, vowing to take the leader's head and witness the death of the other party with his own eyes.

They also prepared a device for preserving body parts, so that after the leader of the organization was bombed beyond recognition, he could also be brought back to the empire for DNA testing. It is not uncommon for bombing targets to evade tracking with other people's bodies, so DNA testing is necessary.

Because of its extremely fast speed, Crow Nine was divided into several formations that needed to land first.

Their task is to land at any cost, destroy the opponent's ground defenses, and blow up a large piece of land selected in advance, so as to create the best conditions for the subsequent ground combat formation and landing formation.

When it came to the day of the official action, everyone was very excited.

After today, they won the war.

That leader has always been the spiritual pillar of the organization. Although his death cannot declare that the organization has completely disintegrated, at least it officially declares that their era of prosperity is over.

In the past few years, they have carried out uninterrupted activities, causing at least tens of thousands of civilian deaths, and from time to time they sneak attack on the ships of the imperial army stationed in various places. Wu Qiao actually doesn't quite understand their definition of "victory". It seems that even if 5,000 members of the organization were killed to cause the death of 1,000 imperial soldiers, they also consider themselves victorious. If they are lucky enough to blow up an imperial army military base, it would be as happy as having ruled the empire.

The casualties caused by this annoying organization to the empire are naturally far less than the invasion of the Republic, but if it cannot be destroyed, it will really make people doubt the strength of the empire.

Therefore, taking advantage of this period of time, Xianglong Wing's funding chain was somewhat broken, and the empire began to frantically suppress it, preventing the opponent from being brought back to life. The three troops including Darrell searched for bombing targets day and night, and as soon as they found them, they would immediately drop bombs as dense as raindrops.

Now, finally, the time to declare victory—

At 20 o'clock in the evening, Wu Qiao and his formation started to move according to the order, and Darrell himself was in command.

"Go!" After Darrell ordered the attack, he repeated the battle plan for the last time, "After reaching the sky, drop the fake mecha! After causing interference, land quickly!"

"Yes." Wu Qiao expressed his understanding.

Those fake mechas can automatically simulate the sound of gunfire, gunfire, communication dialogue, beams, shells and various smoke and dust after landing, creating the effect that they have already landed.

When the opponent is disturbed and takes a "counterattack" action, the real landing troops will observe the enemy's firepower, and then destroy the base defense system on purpose.

It would have been a great idea, but...

Just when the mecha group was very close to the base, an accident happened suddenly!

Wu Qiao only saw the mechas in front of him lose control in an instant, and they definitely didn't deviate from the track artificially!

The mecha fell apart, and some pieces of the mecha flew in front of his eyes without warning, and one of them even hit Yajiu, making a "boom"!

"..." By the way, this is no longer a state close to a vacuum in the universe, and some sounds can be heard.

But what happened? !

"Crow Nine!" Without knowing what happened, Wu Qiao immediately issued an order, "Slow down and stop! Take back your wings! Shrink into a ball!"

"Oh!" Ya Jiu obeyed immediately with a low IQ, retracted the six wings with a "swish", rolled them into a ball, no matter how funny the posture was, and then, Wu Qiao noticed that they were flying from two wings. The dark thin line passed through the middle, and the thin line almost passed them by!

"Metal net!" Wu Qiao roared, "There is actually a metal net!"

Damn, what material is it? ! Or, what material is coated on the outside of the metal wire? ! Why is there no response from various detection devices? !

By the way... Wu Qiao remembered that before, the day before Sheng Chongguang's death, the warship they saw could also escape detection.

So, is it the same new material as that time...

After decelerating and stagnating, Wu Qiao took a closer look—the thin, long but extremely hard metal wires were suspended by something like a hot air balloon, spreading from the ground into the sky, like sharp knives , the pitch-black color is almost completely invisible in the dark night.

And when the thin wings of the mechs flying at high speed scratched these metal wires, they were cut off abruptly!

Out of control is of course!

"Darrell!" Wu Qiao immediately contacted everyone he had authority to contact at the same time—his five subordinates and the commander of the formation, "Tell everyone behind to stop! There is a piece of metal mesh here!"

"... what?!" Darrell was also taken aback.

Darrell orders everyone to stand by.

"Darrell." Wu Qiao suggested, "Do you want to ask You Tiao for instructions? After the scene just now, the other party must have noticed."

"I'll ask for instructions," Darrell said. "You guys don't stop and blow up the wire mesh, just be careful."

"Blowing up the metal mesh...the action...do you want to continue?" This is obviously to open the way for the people behind.

"I think You Tiaozhong will choose to continue." Darrell said: "The opportunity is too rare. If you miss this time and ask him to change the base, I don't know how long it will take to find it again."

Wu Qiao knew that he wanted to persuade You Tiao to continue to act.

"But..." Wu Qiao said, "I always feel...the other party already knew about our actions in advance."

A temporary base is so carefully arranged, is it really just in case? Wu Qiao could tell that the installation of thin wires would take a lot of time.

Wu Qiao has no convincing reasons, but his intuition has always been very accurate. Just like when he was an undercover agent in Xianglong Wing, he instinctively felt that Jose, who only loves killing and sex, would be interested in stock analysts, and it turned out that Jose, as the upper management of the organization, would know that The name was actually because the other party was making a lot of money for them.

This time, Wu Qiao felt that their actions had been known in advance by the other party.