Face Slapping the General

Chapter 41: Action failed


Wu Qiao had no choice but to bomb the metal mesh according to the order.

Soon, those hot air balloon-like things were shot down to the ground, and the obstacles caused by the metal mesh were completely removed.

A moment later, Darrell sent back the latest instructions: "Operation continues."


"Although it has been discovered by the other party, the opportunity is really rare. If he escapes this time, I don't know when the next time will be. Yutiao and I are very confident. With our strength, even if we fail to make a successful surprise attack, it will be the same Can take the fight."

"...Major General," Wu Qiao persuaded him again, "I always feel that they are prepared..."

"Improbable." Darrell denied Wu Qiao's speculation, "The dragon fruit project is a first-class secret, and everyone must keep it strictly confidential. The target has no evidence that the information has been leaked in advance—we can't do it because of unfounded suspicions." Just give up the action, and being too cautious will only lead to good opportunities being wasted time and time again."

"..." Wu Qiao couldn't refute him.

Darrell has never been cautious in character, he will be very bold in forming troops.

In fact, Wu Qiao has nothing to support his point of view, it is nothing more than intuition, although he does often have a beast-like intuition.

Now, he can only hope that he is thinking too much.

After the metal net was destroyed, the landing force successfully landed in a hail of bullets.

They dropped fake mechas, and the fake mechas were immediately attacked violently.

The base defense system frantically aimed at the foreign intruders. At the same time, there were also a large number of biological weapons attacking. The ugly insects biting violently when they saw any moving things, the whole place was completely chaotic.

Wu Qiao and the others observed everything calmly—observing where those shells and bugs were hidden.

"Okay." After observing for a while, Darrell ordered, "The first formation attacks the towers and forts on the left, the second formation attacks the right, and the third formation eliminates all biological weapons on the ground!"

As soon as his order passed, the various formations began to move.

Wu Qiao was in the third formation.

Looking at those insects, Wu Qiao felt a sudden pain in his heart.

The first time he saw this kind of bug was during the field training.

He could still vaguely remember that the sky was quite blue that day, the clouds were soft, and everything was beautiful. At that time, he, Leila, and other students were very excited, because they could finally leave the classroom and go to the wild forest for training, which was a kind of closeness to nature. Before departure, Helena secretly asked him if he could bring some food. After the evening, everyone warmed up to the fire and sang. At that time, she smiled and said that it should not be possible. The training is just training, and no other activities have been prepared.

When it landed in the forest, Leila saw a small flower and pointed it out for everyone to see. Wu Qiao also looked down, the red one was really cute. He never expected that the blood red reflected in his pupils at that time actually heralded a turning point in his life.

After that day, Aquash and he both went to Shoulong Wing, and he never lived that kind of peaceful life again, like a tight string all the time, and the whole class seemed to be happy and harmonious. Happened in the last century.

The situation now is very different from that then.

The field training was not loaded with live ammunition, but now Yajiu was well-equipped.

Moreover, Wu Qiao is very proficient in operating mechs now.

His five fingers swiped rapidly across the screen, locking onto multiple targets in just a split second.

With the sound of "boom", six shells were fired at the same time, flying towards those monsters at an initial speed of 400 meters per second!

When the cannon was ejected from the chamber, the Crow Nine let out a "roar" twice, dubbing the sound for its weapon.

The shells hit five insects respectively.

The shells of insects are extremely hard, but the cannonballs are even harder. The shells on the insects' backs are instantly cracked and disintegrated. The shells did not penetrate directly, but shattered the shells. At the same time, under the reaction force, the cannonball was also exhausted, unable to continue to enter the flesh and blood.

The insects screamed sharply, and their biological instincts made them terrified, but they had nowhere to escape.

Wu Qiao locked six of them at the same time again.

This time, without the protection of the shell, they instantly turned into balls of meat paste.

very simple...

Wu Qiao thought and continued his operation.

Under the cooperation of the three formations, those insects quickly disappeared.

However, because the quantity is too large, it took a while.

"Major General..." After the task was completed, Wu Qiao contacted Darrell again, "I still feel wrong."

"..." This time, Darrell couldn't be sure.

Because, it is indeed not normal.

There are only the automatic attack system and the insects here, and no one who saw the wings of Xianglong fought back.

"Major General..." Wu Qiao asked, "What should we do?"

Quickly, Darrell replied, "Log in as usual and search thoroughly."


Is it up to you to decide...

Wu Qiao can also understand.

When it's impossible to act, as long as the opponent doesn't resist and stays behind and plays an empty city strategy, he will really be scared and retreat-then the enemy will hide if he can't fight in the future.

"Yes." Darrell confirmed again, "Let's turn over the base and have a look."

"… yes."

So the three formations blew up a piece of land, allowing the troops behind to land.

On the uninhabited planet, everyone looked at each other, unable to determine what the opponent was doing.

What exactly is going on…

"Assault troops enter the building to check, and must be careful, and other personnel stay on the ground to search." Youtiao ordered again.

As "other personnel", Wu Qiao is naturally on the ground.

The tacit understanding of the mixed parts was not good. When dividing the scope of the search, there was some confusion for a while, but it was quickly resolved.

Wu Qiao walked within his own range.

Beside them were corpses of bugs, scattered one by one, it looked disgusting.

Wu Qiaoqiang endured his nausea, pushed aside the pieces, and patiently searched for possible entrances on the ground—whether it was the entrance for Tibetans or someone who hid weapons.

Just when Wu Qiao couldn't concentrate because of the strong nausea, Ya Jiu suddenly yelled "Oh my god" and flew into the sky!

"..." Wu Qiao didn't react at all.

Crow Nine's speed was extremely fast, rising to a very high level in an instant.

"... Crow Nine," Wu Qiao asked, "what's wrong with you?"

"Cheat, scam... scam corpse!!!"

"… what?"

"That piece of meat just moved!"

"... You must be dazzled." Wu Qiao was speechless.

Yajiu is too timid, recently watched a lot of dramas like gods, ghosts, and the like, all day long, afraid of ghosts, so scared that every time he was in the dark, he began to shiver, his eyes kept looking back, forth, left, and right.

"No!" Ya Jiu seemed to have been greatly insulted, "No! It's really a fraud!"

"But..." Wu Qiao was just about to say that it was impossible, when he was interrupted by a sudden deafening explosion.

He looked down—

The flames below were one after another, and the sound of explosions came and went one after another, just like the fireworks that were lit during the Chinese New Year in ancient times.

Wu Qiao looked at all this in surprise, but didn't react for a while.

What happened

After calming down for a while, Wu Qiao finally realized that it was not his side who fired, but was calculated.

Those insects have bombs in their bodies. When their lives are still alive, the bombs will not be triggered. Once their lives are over, the bombs will explode automatically after a period of time. Wu Qiao speculated that the suppression of bombs may be accomplished by sensing body temperature, blood flow, or nerve conduction.

This strategy works extremely well.

Although the bombs were powerful, they were small in size, and they were hidden in places that were not easy to be attacked. Wu Qiao did not find any bombs rolled out, and even if they rolled out, it would be difficult to detect if they were hidden in the flesh and blood.

After the worms became corpses, the appearance of death was extremely disgusting, and the smell was even more unpleasant. No one would have thought of looking carefully. Instead, they would instinctively move their eyes away, unable to concentrate, and it was difficult to find those extremely small bombs.

Moreover, for normal people, even if they see the body parts move, their first reaction is to think that maybe it is just their own eyesight, and they want to take a closer look.

To some extent, he was saved by Crow Nine.

Ya Jiu was afraid of ghosts, and the moment he saw the "deceitful corpse", he immediately ran away at full speed, and finally escaped the catastrophe.

There are so many insects everywhere, the bombs hidden in the bodies of the huge insects are astonishingly powerful, and many mechas around them are affected, and they are instantly blown to pieces or even shattered, and the flying fragments flicker. , and was quickly swallowed by the raging fire, and was never seen again, as if it had never existed. Everywhere is burning, even into a sea of flames. Many mechas that had not received any damage or suffered less damage rushed out of the sea of flames and returned to the air. The wings were spread out on both sides of the body, and there was a patch of bright light behind them. Due to the strong backlight, Wu Qiao couldn't see the appearance of those mechas clearly. I just feel like a phoenix after Nirvana. These mechas were either far away from the bombs, or encountered bombs that were dumb, or the bombs were also destroyed when the insects were killed.

Wu Qiao immediately swooped down and told Ya Jiu to fly closer.

He circled above searching, trying to save those who were alive but whose mechs were damaged and unable to get off the ground.

However, in the fire and smoke, nothing can be seen clearly...

Under such circumstances, even if he was not killed at the time, it would have been more ominous... Either he was burned to death outside the mecha, choked to death, or he was roasted to death inside the mecha.

He had never imagined this kind of scene before he came here—on the burning wasteland, among the rubble-filled ruins, watching his comrades-in-arms die in pieces.

Not one by one, but piece by piece.

Although Wu Qiao knew that the sound below was loud, it was very small in his ears, because his ears had already been numb from the shock.


This sense of powerlessness again...

Counting the escaped people, Wu Qiao's heart became colder and colder.

He expected more and more people to be around him, but that never happened, and he knew all too well how much sacrifice would be made.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Qiao heard another loud explosion in the distance.


Be commando!

The commando team that had gone deep into the underground building just now also encountered a change! ! !

And those people don't even have mechas!

Wu Qiao immediately connected Darrell.

"Are you okay?!"

"...I'm fine," Darrell said.

Wu Qiao said anxiously, "The same happened to the commando!"

"… I feel it now."

"I..." Wu Qiao said, "I just want to report to you that Yajiu and I are unharmed. If rescue is needed, we can act immediately."

"...Okay, I see." Darrelton paused, "You Tiao is counting the casualties, I believe there will be a mission soon."


Wu Qiao tried to contact his team again.

As if God prayed for favor, the other five people were still alive.

His two friends did not encounter bad luck either—probably because they were damaged when they were attacked, the insect next to Su Yiqing did not explode, and Ji Yao was seriously injured. A bomb exploded, but did not receive continuous damage.

Soon, Wu Qiao received an order - he was sent to find the commandos who were still alive.

Wu Qiao's formation has nothing to do with the commando. But... the commandos form a team by themselves, and they are all in the underground building at present, so they will inevitably be drawn from other formations.

As for the situation on the ground, other personnel are responsible. At present, the explosion has ended, and thick smoke is everywhere. Many team members are still in the mechs, and it is unknown how many have died.

Wu Qiao took the shrunken Yajiu into the underground building.

There are ruins inside, and there are collapsed bricks all around, and there is a faint smell of blood.

Wu Qiao and the others dug for a long time before finally finding three living people.

Those three people were covered in blood, their skin in some places had become scorched black or even carbonized, their eyes were all red, their tongues stretched out unconsciously, and some were still spitting out things, showing that the pain had penetrated into the bone marrow.

Wu Qiao and the others also found some corpses. Some boys have thick eyebrows and big eyes, some girls have fair skin, and they are all at the same age as flowers.

— A day later, a more professional rescue team arrived. Wu Qiao and the others withdrew from the building and were sent back to their respective bases to recuperate.

Wu Qiao heard that this operation suffered heavy losses, and the number of casualties far exceeded expectations.

Wu Qiao told Darrell that there were traces of people living in the underground building, and it could be seen that the evacuation was in a hurry. The other party definitely knew their actions in advance.

"...well," Darrell said, "the bomb in the building... a ticking time bomb."


"It is not realistic to remotely control the bomb from another planet, and it is easy to be tracked by people, so they chose to use a more accurate time bomb."


"The enemy's use of a ticking time bomb shows that... there are indeed traitors among us."

"..." Wu Qiao didn't want to believe that such a person existed among them, but the facts forced him to believe it.

He finds it very difficult to understand: How can someone be willing to put tens of millions of compatriots into misery and leave others homeless and ruined for their own self-interest? ! How can such a person deserve to be called an individual

Darrell added: "There are not many people who know the detailed plan. We already have a few suspects. I will provide different false information so that the traitors will show their feet."

"… yes."

To Darrel's surprise, the Betrayers were cunning, and their experiment was a complete failure.

The enemy is completely indifferent to disinformation.

Moreover, not only remained indifferent to the false information, but also succeeded in two sneak attacks based on the true information, causing the empire to suffer heavy losses.

Wu Qiao can clearly feel that Darrell's base is now much empty compared to before that failed general attack.

Those people are no longer there.

And it was only a few weeks before and after.

Wu Qiao can't do anything, he can only continue to train and train others, and occasionally go to see Ji Yao.

Ji Yao was injured by an insect bomb and has been recuperating in the medical room.

As for Su Yiqing, she will go there to accompany her when she is free.

Wu Qiao looked at the two of them, and sometimes thought of Tan Yan.

If he... If he and Tan Yan were together, would he be so affectionate

If he gets hurt, will Tan Yan be like Su Yiqing, thinking of ways to make him happy every day

Su Yiqing and Ji Yao are really friendly.

Therefore, when Wu Qiao saw them quarreling one day, he was so surprised that he almost suspected that he was wrong.

"Su Yiqing." Wu Qiao heard Ji Yao's sigh at the door of the ward, "You... you still don't have a sense of identity as a soldier."

Wu Qiao: "...?"

"That's right..." Over there, Ji Yao said again: "At the beginning, you chose to enter the military academy because you had no choice. What you want to learn is your art, which has no borders, something wider...of course more I'm afraid it's for me, because I want to join the army."

"No." Wu Qiao heard Su Yiqing argue for himself, "As for becoming a soldier... Well, I was really reluctant at the beginning, but I have already admitted it now."

"I can't see it." Ji Yao smiled wryly, "Is there an event today? You pretended to be sick and didn't go."

"...I'm a bit lazy."

Ji Yao shook his head: "It's not a matter of laziness. You are always wandering outside... You don't think you are a member of the army, don't you think you are a member of the army... You are an artist, yearning for freedom, and you are incompatible with this, stay Serving in the army is really a torture for you... You don’t like mechanical comrades, do you? They seem to only obey the orders of the commander.”

"...you are still hurt, I don't want to quarrel with you." After Su Yiqing finished speaking, she stood up with a livid face, walked to the door and found Wu Qiao stunned for a moment, then pulled Wu Qiao out, and "bang "The door slammed shut with a bang.

The author has something to say:


Tan Yan's gene matching results are "0" every year.

Every year.

In fact, it's not that there is no one who likes him around him, it's not that there are none, they are like carp in the river.

But Tan Yan was not tempted.

He is always waiting.

Wait for the person appointed by God to appear.

He wanted to see what kind of person he was matched with—the person he was compatible with from the moment he was born, no, it should be said, from the moment he became a fertilized egg.

It's really a very romantic thing.

Especially when... always doesn't deserve it.

In fact, Tan Yan didn't want to be a master key like Sean.

That would be so boring.

Preferably, only one.

Therefore, even if the results of each year are all zero, Tan Yan is still very persistently waiting for the person who never comes, but he believes that he will eventually come.

In his opinion, the harder it is, the more precious it is.

One afternoon, when he saw that the matching number was "1", he was breathless.

… coming

Tan Yan's heart beat faster in an instant.

He didn't rush to open it, but went out to drink a few mouthfuls of hot water to make himself more relaxed before sitting down again.

Tan Yan still didn't click this time, and thought about what else to do.


Tan Yan took a screenshot and kept it as a souvenir for later.

At this moment, he received a letter from the other party.


After taking a few deep breaths, Tan Yan opened the other party's profile.

He first glanced at the name—Wu Qiao.

Feel a bit familiar...

After reminiscing for a long time, Tan Yan suddenly remembered that that genetic waste wood seemed to be called Wu Qiao——

He hurriedly compared the age, school...

Found out, it's really the same person! ! !

The disappointment in Tan Yan's heart is simply indescribable.

I don't want to read the rest of the data at all.

After looking forward to it for so many years, I look forward to a good-for-nothing.

It is the most wasteful, most wasteful and most wasteful waste wood in the hundreds of years since the establishment of the military academy.

Moreover, on the first day of being rejected, he was thinking about finding someone to support him. That letter... From the content to the wording, Tan Yan found it annoying.

Is this really written by the only person who matched him...

Tan Yan felt mocked for a moment.

The person I am matched with, from talent to character, is something I don't like.

In a very bad mood, Tan Yan clicked "Reply" fiercely, and quickly entered eight large characters: "That trash? Get out!"

From then on, although he didn't want to, he firmly remembered the name "Wu Qiao".

So much so that, two years later, when he heard the name from himself on Mine Star for the first time, he immediately realized who was sitting next to him.

Put a picture drawn by a panda... shy...