Face Slapping the General

Chapter 43: The truth is out


This path is quiet, Su Yiqing likes it very much.

He often walks this road alone, because Ji Yao always dislikes it.

Su Yiqing heard that the area of the base on the blueprint was four times larger than it is now. Later, the military department temporarily changed its mind and reduced its size. As a result, all the things planned to be built in the "forest" were not built, only a few buildings The building, where several departments used to be, is now completely abandoned without any important facilities.

Even the monitoring system didn't control the woods.

There was only one man still there, a cryptanalyst named Imus.

That guy is really weird, and he goes crazy from time to time. He is in his forties or fifties, Su Yiqing doesn't know, he always wears traditional clothes from somewhere, his hair is very long, all pushed back, and he has a beard Also long and knotted, both hair and beard are dirty. When I go outside, I always hold a thick book, and I read it when I eat and when I walk. Sometimes I lie on the ground with my legs crossed when I am tired, and I fall asleep as if I have died. He is often dumbfounded, but suddenly he growls and yells, and runs back to the house in a hurry.

He used to be a professor in the Department of Mathematics in the best university in the empire, and later he also worked part-time to decipher codes for the military, but because his madness was getting worse, both the school and the empire asked him to go to the hospital to concentrate on treatment—meaning not Keep him because he will disturb others.

Imos stayed in the hospital for a while, and he still had to decipher the code when he was hospitalized. He wrote all kinds of formulas on the wall, and was forcibly isolated in the ward by the hospital. Later, because his condition did not improve at all, his family took him out again.

Darrell had extended an invitation to Imos when he came home, and the Army had no particular opinion about it. Darrell has always been a maverick, he only cares about his talents, and doesn't care about other things at all. The request to accept Wu Qiao and Sheng Chongguang is the most typical example. The strange thing is that after Imos came, his madness was much better than when he was in the hospital. Most of his waking hours were spent, and only occasionally he went crazy. Considering his illness, as well as his own withdrawn character and willingness to isolate himself from the world, Darrell arranged for him to be separated from others at the other end of the woods, with only a robot caregiver living with him, nursing him. The police will restrain him and send him to the infirmary in case of an accident. So far, however, there has been only one occasion where coercive measures have been required.

Su Yiqing casually walked along the road.

There are no stars around this planet that reflect light like the moon, so the forest is so dark that it is outrageous, no wonder those people in the base will never come here at night. The distant light can shine a little bit, but it is so faint that even fireflies can laugh at it.

There is not much extreme weather on this planet, but the rain is scarce, and the growth of the trees is very poor, with old trunks and branches, and leaves withered.

The "creek" has long since dried up, because no one has taken care of it all year round, and only dead branches have fallen in it, revealing a breath of death.

Su Yiqing sighed.

He said that this place is beautiful, but in fact it is only compared with other places in the base. In fact, no matter how beautiful it is, it is just like this.

The wind blows, and even the sound is only a little bit.

"..." Su Yiqing thought, how could that Ji Yao be so sensitive and caring? Is it true that as long as you have lied to someone once and a half times, that person will never believe you? Now, no matter how much Su Yiqing explained, Ji Yao felt that he was lying.

Sometimes Su Yiqing really wanted to beat Ji Yao up and tell him it was okay so that Ji Yao would never dare to mention it again, but he couldn't do that.

It would be great if Ji Yao was like Wu Qiao, Su Yiqing thought: No matter what Wu Qiao said, he would immediately believe it, very simple.

While walking, Su Yiqing suddenly heard a voice in front of her.


At first, he thought he was hallucinating.

Who would come here in the middle of the night

However, it seemed that there were some faint voices.

Su Yiqing moved a little closer.

The voice also gradually became clearer.

"You...you..." Su Yiqing heard a man's nervous voice.

"Hey, it's so late, why are you going?" It was another man's voice.

"You...you..." The first man gritted his teeth, but didn't say a word.

"Why do you look like this? You seem to be afraid of me?"


"I see." The second man clapped his hands and said, "You are going to inform me, right? You never go out at night, you must have something to do if you are in a hurry."


"That's why you're nervous now when you see your informant. Don't you, Emos?"


Su Yiqing thought: Yes, it's Imos.

He didn't know Imos much, so he didn't recognize the voice just now, but after thinking about it, he was the only one who lived there.

If it was Imus, the conversation would make sense.

Imos did not go out at night, but studied numbers. Going out now must be something important.

Su Yiqing heard that Imos likes to talk about everything in person. He was doing password cracking himself, so he always had a sense of mistrust in communication, and always felt that he would be monitored by the enemy, so whenever he had something to do, he went to Darrell himself, and even called Darrell out to talk.

He probably has something to report today... Just like what the other party said, is he going to inform someone

But what is the secret

"..." Su Yiqing's heart trembled.

Could it be... the traitor? !

Could it be that Imos is in charge of investigating the traitor

Imos... Has he noticed from a certain call between soldiers and the outside world that those words actually have another meaning? In the name of contacting relatives and friends, and leaking information in the field? Then, who was this person found out? Just when he was going to report to Darrell, he found this person standing outside his door? !

"Hey..." the man talking to Imos sighed, "I wasn't sure that you were investigating me, but you were afraid to be like this after seeing me, and a fool would understand what's wrong."

You are stupid, Imos, Su Yiqing thought: You can't even pretend!

It seemed that the traitor—assuming it was a traitor—wasn't sure that Imos had discovered him, but as soon as Imos saw his legs trembling, the other party knew it all.

What is so difficult about pretending? Su Yiqing really hates her for not fighting...

He thought: This kind of nerd has low EQ. A normal professionally trained person, no, even a very ordinary person, would not be so exposed.

Su Yiqing completely forgot that "pretending" was the easiest thing for him, but it was not the case for others.

After listening to a few more words, Su Yiqing still couldn't remember who the other voice belonged to.

It sounds familiar, but I just can't remember it.

What kind of memory... Su Yiqing became anxious: Who is it? !

This kind of feeling that the more you listen to it, the more familiar it becomes, but you can't remember it at all, it can really make people anxious to death.

At this time, a third person's voice came from the woods: "Yes, who said no? We are just very wary of you, so I came to monitor you. I saw you running out in a hurry, so I asked him to see what happened. Something. I didn't expect... We just said hello to you, and you were completely frozen there. "

After a pause, he said again: "Now... I don't want to kill you, because you have already known about our information leak."

"...!!!" Su Yiqing thought, it really is like this!

But... Is there anyone else

Su Yiqing hesitated a little with the hand holding the gun.

Originally, he planned to save Imos.

Come on a sudden attack, kill that guy, and save Imus.

But now, he suddenly discovered that there was more than one person.

This shows that he needs a one-on-two.

Imos is powerless, so it’s good if he doesn’t help. Of course, the chance of him not helping is very low. Nine times out of ten, he doesn’t even know how to protect himself in the event of a fire. He probably has to take care of himself. with him.

In such a restrained situation, what are the chances of a 1v2 success

I want to know, very low, very low...

Su Yiqing is not someone who is afraid of death, there is nothing wrong with a meaningful death.

However, if he and Imos died here, the matter of the traitor would be completely sealed up, and that traitor would cause more casualties to his own side.

If you don't get ahead... you can leave here successfully, and you can also bring information about who the traitor is. This information can prevent the empire from being hurt. It's a tough choice...

Fighting, it may be useless, but it will cause the opportunity to be lost in vain; walking, it seems cold-blooded and ruthless, giving up the only possibility of saving people...

Su Yiqing was hesitating, when suddenly, he saw someone turning in front of him!


Su Yiqing didn't expect that the other party actually moved his position!

Was it unintentional...? !

Soon, he realized the reason—Imos wanted to run just now, but was immediately caught back.

With such a rush, the obstacle just couldn't be covered!

Just now, Su Yiqing stood still the first second after hearing the voice.

He didn't run to hide himself behind any tree, because he was afraid that he would step on dead branches on the ground when he walked, which would make the other party aware of his existence, so he just stood motionless, the distance between the two sides was not close, There were trees blocking it, and the other party kept saying that he thought he was safe for the time being.

This time, Su Yiqing finally saw the other party clearly.

... Olivier! ! !

It was Olivier! ! !

Su Yiqing almost wanted to scream.

Brigadier General Olivier, one of the three people in this base who are second only to Darrell!

No one will doubt him!

Before, Su Yiqing heard Wu Qiao talk about what Olivier did to Sheng Chongguang—it sounded bad, but he always thought that Olivier liked Sheng Chongguang a little bit, just like primary school boys, bullying whoever he likes , using this method to make the other party pay attention to themselves and value themselves... Su Yiqing never expected that Olivier's nature was really problematic.

Su Yiqing started to feel sick for her friend.

It's really not a good thing to be liked by this kind of person.

As for the person next to Olivier... he was a very heartfelt subordinate.

"..." Su Yiqing knew that the other party must have seen her.

How can I do…

With his thoughts turned, Su Yiqing continued to walk forward along the road, with his usual carefree look.

"..." Olivier watched Su Yiqing walk in front of him, he pursed his lips tightly, and said to Su Yiqing after a while, "Hi."

"Hi." Su Yiqing also replied.

Olivier asked again: "You... what are you doing here so late?"

"Oh," Su Yiqing said, "I like this path very much, it is the most beautiful in the base."

"Well, it's really beautiful." Olivier stared at Su Yiqing closely.

"...What about you?" Su Yiqing stared at Olivier and asked.

"Let's chat casually." After finishing speaking, Olivier looked directly into Su Yiqing's eyes and asked, "You...didn't hear anything just now, did you?"


"That." Before Su Yiqing could answer, Olivier suddenly smiled: "It's not an important matter, and it doesn't matter if you hear it. However, it involves some personal privacy, so I still want to ask."

His smile broke all the tension just now.

It seems that this smile is clean and sunny, harmless to humans and animals, as if it is really just a chat among friends.

In Su Yiqing's eyes, this question is very important.

It seemed that Olivier really wanted to know if he heard anything... The other party probably didn't want to kill too many people.

Su Yiqing naturally pretended not to hear, otherwise she would be killed immediately.

Pretending is precisely what he is best at.

He has been pretending since he was a child, and after so many years of honing his acting skills, he is finally about to come in handy.

So, Su Yiqing also burst into a smile: "Did you hear anything? I didn't pay attention at first, but if you put it this way, I really want to know."

"..." Olivier remained silent, as if thinking about something.

At that moment, Su Yiqing suddenly drew his gun and shot!

His movements were extremely fast, but Olivier seemed to have been prepared. With a few bangs, the pistol in Olivier's hand instantly fired four bullets, all of which hit his target.

However, the one shot by Su Yiqing missed Olivier's neck because the gunman missed his aim.

Su Yiqing shook her head.

He tried hard not to let himself fall to the ground, and wanted to raise his arm tremblingly, but he knew very well in his heart that it was impossible for him to hit the person opposite him.

His uniform was ripped apart, blood gushing from the bullet holes.

The impact just now was like a sledgehammer hitting his chest. His breathing was very difficult, and his ribs were in constant severe pain. There was no pain at first, but soon it was as if thousands of needles were pricking him, and it seemed that thousands of bees were stinging him.

Olivier snorted disdainfully, raised his leg and kicked Su Yiqing to the ground.

"You..." Su Yiqing opened his eyes wide to prevent himself from losing consciousness, "Why..."

"Why?" Olivier sneered, "Su Yiqing, I know, you are also Sheng Chongguang's friend."


"Do you know how he died? If you don't know, let me tell you... He was killed because no one believed him! The base collectively decided not to rescue him, so he died there tragically!"

Su Yiqing did not speak, panting heavily.

Olivier continued: "Except for Wu Qiao, none of the officers in the entire base believed in him or advocated saving him. When Darrell decided to give up, no one questioned him, and everyone supported him. During those few days, I also heard many ordinary soldiers The discussion, the content is the same...all think that Shigemitsu's rebellion is logical."


"After that, you're going to win and everybody's happy... all happy."


"Why?" Olivier said, "Why did such a soft person like him have that kind of ending, and the person who killed him pretending to be innocent is about to be honored? Why... only Sheng Zhongguang wants They died, but they lived to receive cheers? Does anyone know what they have done? Even they themselves, they have completely forgotten, and they don’t care about their blood accounts at all. They obviously did this kind of thing, but they were not punished. Any retribution will be called a hero! An Anxin is happy!"

"..." Su Yiqing didn't expect this to be the reason.

Olivier calmed down a little: "Obviously a comrade-in-arms in a base, but there is such a big difference here. You can say, my heart is dark, I can't see them well, I don't want them to have a good time, I hope they die , are right. I just can’t accept that the culprit will be praised while the bones of the truly innocent are still alive.”

"You..." Su Yiqing said with difficulty, "Didn't you... didn't believe it at the time?"

"..." Olivier froze for a moment, and then quickly looked normal, "Yes, I am also guilty, and I am also one of the targets of my revenge."

"..." Su Yiqing felt that Olivier had been completely distorted. He hit a dead end, but convinced it was the right one, he headbutted desperately.

"I will not betray the empire." Olivier said again, "I only hate the people in this base, and their self-righteous appearance. After these people pay the price, I will also let Xiang Longwing come Pay the bill."

Su Yiqing shook her head, feeling that compared to the person in front of her, Imos is not crazy at all.

He said: "You are just using 'revenge' to show... that you have done something for him, it is just a tool for you to alleviate... your own guilt. It is ridiculous, when you are alive, you don't love... You fell in love after death."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Yiqing was kicked violently.

Su Yiqing groaned, and more blood flowed out.

"Let's talk about you..." Olivier squatted down, "Are you stupid?"

Looking at Su Yiqing, Olivier asked again, "What were you thinking just now, why did you suddenly draw your gun?"

"I..." Su Yiqing looked into the sky, "If I said... didn't hear... you...will... let me go..."

"Well..." Olivier tilted his head and thought for a while, "Not necessarily, maybe he will kill you, but he may also let you go, who knows?"

"Look..." Su Yiqing said, "I don't dare to bet... This may be my only chance... the only chance to kill you... If I don't do it... there will be no more..."

Then, the opponent will continue to inflict fatal damage on the empire.

"But, you will die." Olivier said, "Even if you kill me, my companion will kill you too. Only by pretending not to hear you can you live."

Su Yiqing didn't speak anymore.

Of course he knew he was going to die.

However, even though he knew he would die, he still had to try.

This opportunity is worth dying for. God is the best at clearly marking the price, such a good opportunity that can save tens of millions of people, it is impossible to get it easily, one life can be exchanged is kindness.

"Okay, okay." Olivier raised his hand, "I understand that you are planning to kill me with your mortal determination. But... tsk, your pretending is too fake."

After a second, he laughed again: "You laugh like you're crying. It's even more inexplicable than crying. If I'm still unprepared, I can jump off a cliff. Su Yiqing, how did I hear that you are especially good at acting?" ? Didn’t they all call you ‘The Best Film King’? That’s the level of a Best Film King? Isn’t it too funny?”

"I..." This time, Su Yiqing actually answered, he said, "I can't laugh..."

Before he put on that smile, Su Yiqing thought that he would be able to fool the other party.

After all, this is what he is best at.

He had no doubts about it.

However, he found that he was wrong.

"I can't laugh..." Su Yiqing opened his big and empty eyes, as if he was looking at the sky, but he didn't seem to be looking at anything. He murmured, "When a murderer stands in front of me... when I think of thousands of The dead souls of comrades in arms... I can't laugh..."

He couldn't help but smile and say he didn't hear.

He couldn't do it.

His proud acting skills fell apart at that moment.

Olivier stood up, sneered, raised his leg and kicked Su Yiqing again: "So you are stupid, you will lose the chain at a critical moment."

Su Yiqing felt that her consciousness was gradually drifting away.

He reached out and grabbed the lock-shaped pendant Ji Yao gave him.

Gradually, he felt that he was so light and light, it was a very comfortable feeling, which he had never felt before.

He heard singing, but he didn't know what it was, but it was very nice.

It was dark all around, and like a feather, he looked at his body from above, returning to the physical body for a while, and going out again for a while.

He seemed cut off from the world, with no clear connection anymore.

At the same time, time seems to stand still.

Scenes from his past life appeared in sequence, time, like a dream, when many feelings reappeared.

He and Ji Yao met for the first time... the day he confessed to Ji Yao... he was slapped in the face... they were together again... they came to the base together to find Wu Qiao... until the quarrel just now...

Ji Yao...

There seemed to be a light ahead.

Inside the bright light is Ji Yao's shadow.

Something is preventing him from passing.

It's like a door.

The door separated him.

Su Yiqing felt herself touching it slowly.

— He opened the door.

The clock struck twelve.

Wu Qiao bid farewell to Crow Nine and walked out of the training ground.

He discovered that a small flower bloomed on the ground beside the training field.

Red, pink, yellow, very cute.

That's great... Wu Qiao thought of the good friend who loves beauty and flowers the most, and thought, tomorrow, let's show them to Su Yiqing.