Face Slapping the General

Chapter 44: The truth comes out (below)


The next day, as soon as Wu Qiao went out, he heard that two people had died last night.

There is an oppressive atmosphere everywhere.

Many people are talking about it, some of them are really very uncomfortable, some of them are pretending to be very heavy.

It is said that one of them was beaten to death by the other, and that person committed suicide after the murder.

"It's a strange thing," someone said.

"It's not too surprising when you think about it, Imos is crazy." Another person said, "It's really unlucky to be killed by him-who would have thought that such a thing would happen on the way back?"

"Why would you go that way? I think it's a pity that he died."

"Who said no?"

"But... Imos is just a teacher, he is a soldier... How could Imos take the gun away?"

"I think it's okay. The road is dark and dark, who can see someone coming? When you are suddenly blocked by someone, you may have to react. This will be successful. After all, I am in the open. .”

"I still feel that something is wrong..."

"Wait." Wu Qiao stopped the two of them, "Where did it happen?"

"It's over there in the 'forest'."

Wu Qiao felt his head go numb, and he hurriedly asked the other party, "What time did it happen?"

"I heard it was around midnight?"


The forest... zero o'clock... Su Yiqing happened to be at that place...

Wu Qiao had a terrible guess in his mind, but he didn't dare to ask, for fear that if he asked, the guess would become true. Most of the time, what you are afraid of will come. His mood was a bit like watching a ball game when he was a child. Whichever team he liked would lose, so he didn't dare to watch any games later, for fear that if he went to watch the team he liked, he would not win again. In fact, everyone knows that there will be no real relationship between the two.

Wu Qiao told himself to relax.

If you relax and ask casually, you may not hear bad news.

He tried his best to adjust the expression on his face, and finally, he put on a natural look and asked, "What's the other person's name?"

"The other one?" The two thought for a while, "It's new this year, but I don't know each other very well... It seems to be called..."

He couldn't remember. That guy just joined this year. Although he once spoke on stage as a representative, he hasn't been in the limelight since then. This is different from Wu Qiao who likes to show off the most. Everyone knew him not long after Wu Qiao arrived at the base.

"what is it call?"

"...Su Yiqing?"

Wu Qiao stood there as if struck by lightning.

Su Yiqing

Su Yiqing had an accident last night? After they said goodbye to each other, something happened to Su Yiqing

Killed after being driven mad by that Imus? !

He really couldn't believe it!

How is this possible? !

After failing to dial Su Yiqing's communication number, Wu Qiao ran into the woods like crazy.

He ran all the way along the road, the branches scratched his skin, and blood flowed from his arms, but he didn't seem to notice it, and kept running on the road.

He hopes that the road is shorter, so that he can learn the truth quickly, and he hopes that the road is longer, so that he can always maintain hope.

He saw the crowd from a distance.

It was a mess and there were a lot of people busy.

At such a time, Wu Qiao stopped.

His chest rose and fell, and a heart hung in the middle.

Wu Qiao closed his eyes and prayed in his heart, it must not be him, it must not be him... He didn't believe in gods at first, but at this moment he was seeking all the gods he knew. When he was begging, he also said that if his friend was okay this time, he would definitely believe in it devoutly in the future. It seemed that he never thought that even if a certain god played a role, he would not be able to tell which one he should believe.

Wu Qiao promised to do more good deeds. After reading a few times, he took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly and walked over.

Then, he saw the face of his good friend.

Su Yiqing's eyes widened.

Someone next to him was saying that he died with regret.

Wu Qiao felt his heart plunge into the ice cellar.

His head was dizzy for a while, his eyes darkened, his knees softened, and all his consciousness drifted away in an instant. The two people beside him couldn't support him, so he still knelt down on the road.

The moment he fell to his knees, he regained consciousness.

It was really Su Yiqing... But, how could it be him? !

Wu Qiao stared at Imos with hatred.

Go crazy enough to kill innocent people? !

Wu Qiao only felt that Imos's body made him sick to his stomach, so he turned his eyes away and never looked at it again.

After making some mental preparations, Wu Qiao looked at Su Yiqing again.

He had to see his friend one last time, because he would never see him again.

However, at this moment, he discovered a very strange thing!

Su Yiqing's finger looks very strange and unnatural.

Because the distance was a little far, Wu Qiao observed carefully again. That's right... The thumb and index finger of Su Yiqing's right hand formed a circle, which was in the shape of an "O". As for the little finger, it is hidden behind the ring finger.

According to Wu Qiao's understanding of Su Yiqing, this gesture must be meaningful.

Su Yiqing's left hand looked normal.

Yes... Wu Qiao knew that Su Yiqing must be implying something to himself.

So, what exactly does it mean...

The circle around the thumb and index finger should be "O", there's nothing wrong with it... The middle finger is so long and straight... Is it a lowercase "l"? The ring finger is also straight but not the longest...is it "i"? The little finger is hidden and will not have a hint.

O... l... i...


Wu Qiao frowned.


What did Su Yiqing want to say before he died

It stands to reason that it should be the murderer... but Imoth's spelling is "Immers", which is completely wrong.

Could it be... there is something hidden about his death? Oli is the first three letters of the murderer

Is there such a person in the base

Wu Qiao searched carefully in his mind, but couldn't remember it after thinking for a long time. He felt that the answer was on his lips, and he must know such a person, but at this moment his head turned slowly, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't remember it.

It was not until a few minutes later that a name "swipe the ground" finally flashed through his mind.

Olivier! ! !

"Olivier", not a single word is bad!

Wu Qiao felt a little confused.

Didn't Olivier kill his friend instead of Imos

But why did Olivier do such a thing? Wu Qiao had no idea that Su Yiqing had offended Olivier.

So... there is another possibility... Wu Qiao set his sights on another corpse.

Imus is dead too... maybe... that's the target

The more Wu Qiao thought about it, the more reasonable it became... Su Yiqing was in a bad mood after the quarrel last night, so he just decided to take this road to change his mood. He probably just happened to encounter something.

But why did Olivier kill Imos

Wu Qiao knew that Imos was a cryptanalyst, and was recently under the order of Darrell to thoroughly search the communication records of everyone in the base, looking for documents that might contain another meaning in the conversation.

Could it be that the traitor killed Imos because he was afraid of being found out...Su Yiqing was killed when he saw that scene? Moreover, without leaving fingerprints, the traitor took four bullets from Su Yiqing's pistol and stuffed them into his own gun, pretending that Su Yiqing was killed by his own bullets, and forced Imos to hold Su Yiqing fired the gun and pulled the trigger, creating the illusion of "suicide". Wu Qiao knew that the bullets at the base were not numbered, only batches, and their bullets were likely to be of the same batch. Imos was just a civilian, and he had no strength to resist.

Olivier! ! !

Wu Qiao's heart was burning with raging anger, as if his chest could explode at any moment.

That Olivier was the traitor was a terrible conjecture indeed.

Wu Qiao didn't dare to directly express his doubts to Darrell, and after thinking for a long time, he dialed Ji Yao's communication number.

"That..." Wu Qiao said, "Ji Yao."

"... Wu Qiao."

"Something happened around zero o'clock..." Wu Qiao wasn't sure if Ji Yao already knew about it.

"That's right...it's him." Ji Yao's voice was soft and distant.

"Ji Yao..." Wu Qiao didn't know how to comfort him, because everything seemed irrelevant. This kind of pain will last for a lifetime, and it can only be suffered by oneself. Those who have not experienced it will never understand.

"I'm fine." Ji Yao said to Wu Qiao automatically, "Don't worry about me."

"Ji Yao..."

"Anything else?"

"That..." Wu Qiao hesitated, and finally said, "There is one thing that I think is a little wrong..."

He still thinks he should tell Ji Yao, because if there is an inside story, Ji Yao has the right to know all the truth—the right to know how Su Yiqing died, and the right to decide what he will do to punish the real culprit.

He couldn't hide such a big thing from him for fear of touching the wound.

"You think there's something wrong?" Ji Yao repeated it, and then asked Wu Qiao back, "Do you mean the gesture before he died?"

"...!!!" Wu Qiao felt a little surprised, but soon, he felt very normal, Ji Yao, after all, was Su Yiqing's lover.

"So, what do you want to ask?" Ji Yao asked again.

"I wonder... did that gesture... Olivier mean?"

"I think so."

"..." Wu Qiao asked again, "Do you mind if I report to Major General Darrell?"

Ji Yao said, "It should."


"No... It should be said, please do this, because I really don't have the mood to do what I should do."

"take a good rest."

"If only I could rest."


Wu Qiao went to report to Darrell.

Darrell doesn't believe it.

However, after two incidents, Darrell did not dare to underestimate Wu Qiao's feelings anymore.

Wu Qiao's feeling is really accurate. What Wu Qiao said was correct in Sheng Chongguang's time and the last "general attack".

"... good," Darrell said, "I'll give him a try."

"...Well." Wu Qiao said again, "If it's really him...you can use him first before imprisoning him."

Use Olivier to completely defeat the opponent... For example, let the opponent think that they will send troops on a certain day, but actually suddenly launch a general attack before then. Of course, this requires good deception skills.

"I understand." Darrell nodded.

"Also... the base is still... full-coverage surveillance... Now that it's like this, people will have an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"… I will consider."

"Then... I'm going out."

After going out, Wu Qiao thought about it, and walked to find Ji Yao.

At such a time, he still has to accompany Ji Yao.

After arriving at the hospital, Wu Qiao found that Ji Yao was not there, so he went to the "forest" to look for it.

It's been cleared up there, and the two bodies are gone.

"..." Where will Ji Yao be

By the way... Wu Qiao suddenly thought, Su Yiqing's room...

He rushed into Su Yiqing's room.

Sure enough, Ji Yao sat on Su Yiqing's bed, staring blankly into the distance.

Wu Qiao called Ji Yao.

"Wu Qiao." Ji Yao moved his eyes to Wu Qiao, "I'm really fine."

"How could it be okay..."

"Okay," Ji Yao said again, "It's very sad."

Wu Qiao looked at the person opposite, really didn't know what to say.

The two of them have been together for so many years, and each other has long been like air, but now, when the air is suddenly pulled away, it must be a feeling of suffocation, as painful as if it is impossible to breathe.

"It's my fault..." Ji Yao said again, "I shouldn't have quarreled with him. If I didn't quarrel with him, he wouldn't have left at that time."

"You... don't blame yourself too much, who would have thought that such a thing would happen?"

"I can't apologize to him anymore." Ji Yao lowered his eyes, his eyelashes were long and thick, "The cold war was frozen forever, and he had regrets when he left. I, too, will regret it because of him." An uneasy life."

"Ji Yao!"

"Do you know Wu Qiao," Ji Yao said again, "Because of my appearance, from before to now, everyone around me thinks that I will be very happy in the future... I will find a very, very good and the best partner, Spend your life together, others can only envy you."


"They talked about it, and I took it seriously."


"So..." Ji Yao lowered his head, and Wu Qiao saw tears falling on the bed, "I... really didn't expect this ending..."

Ji Yao is a proud person, at the moment he is trying to endure his emotions.

"Ji Yao." Wu Qiao put his arms around his shoulders, "Don't be like this... he... will be fine in another world, and you will be together in the future. This life is just a temporary separation. He is going to explore the way first. gone."

"Yeah." Ji Yao seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, he lowered his head and said to Wu Qiao, "Wu Qiao, can you go out first?"

"Okay." Wu Qiao looked at him worriedly again, "You... will you be fine?"

"Are you afraid that I will do something stupid? Don't worry, I won't seek death."

"… Oh."

"I still need to help you."

Hearing this, Wu Qiao couldn't help asking, "Help me?"

"Yes." Ji Yao raised his hand and wiped his face, not to let tears stay on it, then looked up at Wu Qiao, "I must help you."

"What... do you mean?"

Ji Yao smiled again: "Wu Qiao, you know, if you want to realize that dream of yours... most of the time it is absolutely impossible to rely on you."

"… why?"

"Why?" Ji Yao said, "Because you are too idealistic."


"At that time, when I was graduating from the military academy, I asked Su Yiqing where we should go. He thought about it and said, let's go to Wuqiao. Anyway, it's the same wherever we go. Why don't we go and help that guy Wuqiao, Wuqiao probably won't be able to do it on his own. .”

"I..." Wu Qiao didn't feel insulted, he was only very moved.

He couldn't help but think, how could he have made such good friends? He is an annoying person, why should his friends treat him like this? He felt that he was not good enough for them.

Ji Yao said again: "Help you, I know... The only wish I can fulfill Su Yiqing's wish, so I will definitely fulfill it for him. However, I don't know how far I will do it... I didn't plan before Seriously, but it's all different now, although maybe sometimes you don't like the way I am."

"Hey..." Wu Qiao didn't want to entangle the other party about his own affairs for too long, "Then, don't be too sad, pay attention to your own body, and call me anytime."

"Will do."

The next day, Wu Qiao went to Su Yiqing's room again, but this time he didn't see Ji Yao.

I heard that Ji Yao has been sitting blankly by Su Yiqing, neither eating nor sleeping, but if someone talks to him, he is quite gentle.

Later, when Su Yiqing's roommate came back and saw Ji Yao sitting there, he didn't intend to chase him away, but Ji Yao apologized and left on his own initiative.

Then in the middle of the night, Ji Yao passed by again, but this time he didn't just sit still, but took all of Su Yiqing's things back.


Wu Qiao went to Ji Yao's again.

Ji Yao is deleting something from the computer.

He lost control in front of Wu Qiao before, but now he put on a completely calm look.

"What are you doing?" Wu Qiao asked.

Ji Yao paused in his hands, but soon resumed his movements, "Retire all artistic groups."


"They are all study groups for art appreciation." Ji Yao said with an authentic expression, "When Su Yiqing was by my side, in order to discuss with him what he likes, I joined many such groups. But now... it is no longer It's useless."

During the conversation, Ji Yao withdrew several times.

About a minute later, Ji Yao looked at the empty group list on the communicator and exhaled, "It's finally quiet this time."

"Ji Yao..." For some reason, Wu Qiao felt that Ji Yao was about to cry when he was doing these things.

After thinking for a while, Wu Qiao picked up something on Ji Yao's desk, changed the subject and asked, "What is this?"

"..." Ji Yao said, "Su Yiqing... is going to give me the painting."


"You held it upside down. There is a painting on the other side of the board."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao turned it over, and found that it was a portrait, very abstract, and it should be Ji Yao.

"You know the content of our quarrel, right?" Ji Yao asked.

"Yeah. I know."

"This is... the birthday present he prepared for me when he skipped the group activity yesterday... My birthday is today. He wanted to draw a picture for me."

"… Sorry."

"Wu Qiao," Ji Yao said suddenly, "you really don't have to worry about me anymore. Although I'm still young, I dare to say that in my life, there will never be a worse day than yesterday. I have already experienced the most painful, in the future, everything will be fine, you see, today is better than yesterday."

"Ji Yao..."

"I've also figured it out... How do you say that sentence? People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. It has been like this since ancient times."

Hearing what Ji Yao said, Wu Qiao could only sigh again.

— After returning from Ji Yao, Wu Qiao felt very uncomfortable, and his body was cold, and he felt uncomfortable everywhere, as if he was going to be seriously ill.

Just now, when he said that Ji Yao's eyes were swollen badly, Ji Yao asked him if he knew that tears seemed to be sticky, which could stick to the eyelashes and make the eyes unable to open.

Wu Qiao couldn't help but want to scold, this fucking life.

The blow he received this time was not as good as the last time, and he didn't know if it was because he had experienced it once before, or because he didn't see that scene with his own eyes this time, but he felt very scared, fearing that such a thing would never happen. stop.

He has an urge to destroy his current life. He has been struggling between persistence and escape for two days. He rationally tells himself to persist, but emotionally he really wants to be a deserter, escape from the army, and even , to escape from the world.

He talked about this idea with Tan Yan - because Tan Yan can always untie the knot in his heart.

Tan Yan didn't say much, just said: "This is an exploitation of life, don't bury yourself in it, your friends don't want this either."

Then, just a day later, Tan Yan came over.

"You..." Wu Qiao didn't mean to ask him to come here at all, and he didn't know what to say, "Why are you here?"

Tan Yan stared at Wu Qiao for a long time, then turned his head and said two words: "Passing by."

"... Oh." If you pass by... that's okay.

"Just passing by... so I came to see you."

"I'm fine."

Tan Yan frowned: "Don't you want to see me at all?"


"Not what?"

"It's not... I don't want to see you." Wu Qiao said with difficulty. In fact, quite the opposite.

"I don't know the friend you lost this time, do you?"

"Yes," Wu Qiao replied, "You don't know him."

Tan Yan was silent for a while, and said, "In the future, you can tell me about this person."

"...OK." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan, and asked hesitantly, "General, you... seem a little tired."

"... Some." Tan Yan replied, "The recent situation... is really not good."

Wu Qiao looked at the person in front of him.

He suddenly thought of Sheng Chongguang and Su Yiqing. These friends were so lively when they got along. At that time, I thought those happy days could last forever, but suddenly one day, the world turned upside down.

Will something like this... happen again

Wu Qiao wondered if he had the fate to lose his friends.

"What are you thinking?" Tan Yan asked.

"...Admiral." Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan's face and asked, "You will... live until the end of the war, right?"


"Please... please..." The emotions that have been pent up in my heart for three days but have not been vented suddenly start to turmoil at this moment, tears poured out inexplicably, Wu Qiao is so fragile at this time, he let out a sob begging, "Please... please... must not... also disappeared..."

Be sure not to lose track of this world too...

Tan Yan reached out to wipe away the tears on Wu Qiao's face.

But the tears grew more and more, and the more Tan Yan wiped Wu Qiao's face, the more smeared it became. In the end, he could only sigh, and pulled him into his arms, letting him rub against his clothes.

"..." As soon as he touched the opponent's shoulder, Wu Qiao couldn't stop.

Tan Yan tilted his head and kissed Wu Qiao, but Wu Qiao didn't respond.

"I promise you." Tan Yan hugged the person in his arms tightly, "I won't leave."

"Really… "

"Really." Tan Yan said again, "I will always be by your side."

"What if you lie..."

"If I lie..." Tan Yan paused, and then said, "If I lie, you will never fall in love with me, okay?"


"You know how much I like you, isn't this oath poisonous enough? If I don't do it, I'll let you fall in love with someone else and be happy with that person."


In Tan Yan's eyes, this is the best.

If he lied and died in the war, please punish him, punish him never to be loved by the one he loves, never to let that person experience the pain of losing his beloved.