Face Slapping the General

Chapter 46: Prepare for the decisive battle (middle)


"That..." Wu Qiao felt the atmosphere was very awkward, "I... I didn't expect you to come over."

"I just want to talk to you." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, "... I just want to see you more."

Soon they will be separated again, so every second of being together is precious, Tan Yan wished that time could stop. Meeting on the communicator is still very different from meeting in front of the real person.

"Sorry..." Wu Qiao lowered his head and clenched his hands into fists, "Su Yiqing just left, and Ji Yao needs me. I want him to know that there are others by his side." Wu Qiao felt that if he couldn't What's the use of being a friend with me

"I understand." Tan Yan sighed, "I give way."

"Admiral." Seeing the other party's lost look, Wu Qiao felt a sudden pain in his heart, as if he had been tightened by something. For the first time, he took the initiative to reach out and hug the other party, and gently sniffed his neckline, "Really the... sorry..."

He has now realized that Tan Yan came here specially for him, and the other party came all the way, but he left the other party here by himself.

"It's okay." Tan Yan lowered his head and kissed Wu Qiao's head lightly, "Go."

"Yes." Wu Qiao was grateful for Tan Yan's thoughtfulness. He couldn't help but wonder why on earth he could get so many and such good feelings.

Wu Qiao raised his head and took a closer look at Tan Yan, then withdrew reluctantly.

"Wait." Tan Yan suddenly stopped him again, and walked over, touched the front of his clothes: "The buttons are off."

"...Huh?" Wu Qiao looked down and found that it was true, "It must have fallen during the training just now."

Tan Yan asked: "I can't find it?"

"Yes." Wu Qiao said, "I don't know where it fell. I'll go to the logistics department and get another one. It's too late now... Ji Yao went to bed at eleven o'clock, and I have to go there before then." Now it is already At 10:20, Wu Qiao finished his extra training at 10:00, that is, the exercise controlled by brainwaves, and Tan Yan came back even later than him.

"No need," just when Wu Qiao was about to leave, Tan Yan stretched out his hand to hold Wu Qiao, "Don't go out."


Tan Yan said: "If you still have a little time... just stay here and talk to me."

"... Hmm." Wu Qiao didn't insist either. He understood Tan Yan's thoughts. Since you're so reluctant, don't waste your time going out to make buttons.

"I have to train tomorrow, so I have to dress neatly." Tan Yan said again.

"Yes." Of course it can't just go like this.

"Any other clothes?"

"The other set has been sent to be washed..." There are clothes-washing robots in the base, and they usually send their clothes there, but it's not too close to the dormitory. Wu Qiao does laundry quite frequently, and basically there is always a set of clothes there. He'll even put on new ones in the locker room before leaving the old ones straight to the machines. If the button suddenly fell off, he immediately went to the logistics to deal with it.

"Then," Tan Yan said, reached out and tore off the buttons on his chest, "Let's nail this."

"..." Wu Qiao stared blankly at the things in Tan Yan's hand.

The buttons on the general's uniform are actually different from his. There is no difference in style, they are all imperial military emblem patterns, but the materials are very different, and you can see the difference if you look closely.

If it is discovered by others, it will definitely feel nondescript.

"This...isn't very good..." Wu Qiao blushed a little, "It's not easy to nail you."

"It's okay." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao with beautiful eyes, "I'm more than that."

"..." Wu Qiao touched the empty space, not knowing what to do.

He looked at the button, imagined what it would look like to wear it, and was a little embarrassed again.

I already took a button of the general as a talisman last time... Do I want to take another one and put it on myself this time

"Is there any needlework?" Tan Yan asked again.


"take it out."

"Huh?" Wu Qiao was a little puzzled, "Do you nail it now...? It's a bit late, I have to go to Ji Yao's room later, I'll come back early tomorrow."

"Fuck you, I'll nail it for you."

"... what?" Wu Qiao almost suspected that he had heard wrong. What is the general talking about

Tan Yan repeated over there: "I'll nail it for you."


"Based on my current status, isn't this normal?" Tan Yan stretched out his hand, pulled Wu Qiao's waist belt, undid the remaining buttons one by one, and finally undid his coat. take it off.

Wu Qiao: "..." He felt his heart was about to jump into his mouth. When Tan Yan's fingers touched him unintentionally, he felt like the place touched was about to burn.

"It's good to practice now." Tan Yan said in a very relaxed tone, "After peace comes, maybe one day I will be tired as an admiral. At that time, I will resign and go home, clean up the house every day and take care of the two. I’m a child, and I’ll make a meal and wait for you to come back from the military headquarters.”


"I think that's not bad." Tan Yan looked down at the button. Recently, he has often felt a little lonely. Several times he envied in his heart, envied those family members who accompanied the army, because they could always see their partners.

"...as long as you are willing." Wu Qiao replied in a low voice.

Tan Yan laughed.

After realizing what he said, Wu Qiao felt very embarrassed again.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Wu Qiao had never realized that time passed so quickly, even when he practiced non-stop for the military academy training course, he didn't feel that half an hour passed so easily.

After he finished washing in the bathroom, he looked at his watch and found that he still had to go. Just now, he washed up as fast as he could, trying to grab a minute before spending time with Tan Yan, but it seems that it is not so easy to achieve.

"Admiral..." Wu Qiao lowered his head, "I really... have to leave. If I don't leave, I won't be in time. Ji Yao has to go to bed at eleven o'clock."

"Go." Tan Yan said, "I will stay with you, and you will see me when you come back tomorrow morning."


"That, stop." Just as Wu Qiao was about to open the door to go out, Tan Yan came over a few steps and stopped Wu Qiao, "You can't just go like this."

"..." Wu Qiao asked him, "Then how do we get there?"

Wu Qiao wondered what Tan Yan meant—is this asking him to go reluctantly? Go back and forth one step at a time? Tears are going to come out

Tan Yan added: "Bring your pajamas and pajamas, and they must be long-sleeved trousers."

"... long sleeves and trousers?" Now, the base isn't cold at all. The climate in this base is really good, it will get warm very early, Wu Qiao quite likes it here.

"I tell you to wear it and you wear it."

"But why?" Wu Qiao understood, but he just didn't understand. In a season like this, who would sleep like that? I knew it was uncomfortable when I heard it, and it was strange to be able to sleep soundly.

"Why? Why did you say?" Tan Yan became irritable, and frowned tightly, "You don't want to lie naked on the bed with him, do you?!" Thinking about that scene, Tan Yan felt nauseous. Even he hasn't seen it, so why should others.

"..." Wu Qiao said hesitantly, "but... then there's no need to... wear long sleeves and trousers, right?" Wu Qiao felt a little funny. Ji Yao is just his friend, what Tan Yan is thinking.

This sentence touched Tan Yan's anger again: "Wearing short-sleeved shorts entangled together is not acceptable!"

I also know that the two of them only have one quilt.

Wu Qiao was a little speechless: "... I didn't want to get entangled with him."

"Who knows if you're asleep?" Tan Yan said, "Anyway, it's not allowed."

"...Okay." Wu Qiao walked in front of the cabinet and pulled out a suit of clothes.

"..." Tan Yan took the coat, looked at it carefully, and said, "The top button must be fastened firmly.

"Would it be a little out of breath to sleep like this..." Wu Qiao asked.

"Is it? It can be untied if you can't breathe." Tan Yan said, "It's best not to let people see the collarbone—go now."

Wu Qiao hugged his clothes, and looked at Tan Yan again: "Then... I'm going to accompany Ji Yao."




"I'll be back soon."

"... I see." Tan Yan said, "I'm waiting for you."

Wu Qiao went to Ji Yao's residence.

Ji Yao was just about to go to bed.

"Ji Yao..." Wu Qiao looked at Ji Yao's dark circles and asked, "Did you not sleep well these days?"

"I guess." Ji Yao smiled, "I don't know what's going on, it's quite normal during the day... But every night, I feel that the world is dark, and I'm thinking about the past every second, and I can't smoke come out."

"Ji Yao..."

"You are here tonight, I will try harder."

"… Ok."

However, in the middle of the night, Wu Qiao was awakened by a sound.

—Ji Yao is crying.

Although Ji Yao tried his best to suppress the sobbing, Wu Qiao could still hear it clearly.

"... Ji Yao?" He asked cautiously.

"...It's okay." Ji Yao said in a low voice, "Tonight's food is not to your taste."


"Yeah." Ji Yao replied, "It's all these days. It seems that there are things like bear gall and snake gall in the dishes. Maybe the base wants to give us something good before the decisive battle, but it's really hard."

"Ji Yao..." Wu Qiao said, "Not really."

Wu Qiao didn't feel that the food was bitter.

"..." Ji Yao asked in a daze, "No?"



"That..." Wu Qiao didn't know what to say, "You, you cry out loud."

"No need." However, even though Ji Yao said so, in Wu Qiao's arms, his crying became louder and louder, and even his roommate was woken up from his dream. Ji Yao didn't care about it at all, and cried so presumptuously for the first time in a few days.

Wu Qiao kept hugging him tightly from behind, and could feel the body in his arms trembling violently.

Last time, although Wu Qiao saw Ji Yao's tears, they were really just a few tears, and it was the first time I saw such a loss of control today. No, it shouldn't be just in front of me, I'm afraid I haven't cried bitterly before.

Ji Yao is a proud person and hates being vulnerable.

Wu Qiao was amazed that a person could have so much water in his body.

After about an hour, Ji Yao's crying gradually stopped.

Wu Qiao felt that the other party's movements were already slow, and occasionally he would suddenly cry twice, but he generally calmed down.

"Ji Yao?" Wu Qiao asked.

He didn't hear back.

About half a minute later, he heard the breathing of the other party in his sleep. Sometimes the breathing would suddenly sound like crying, but he should indeed be asleep.

It seems that Ji Yao was tired from crying and finally fell asleep.

Wu Qiao reckoned that this was the first time Ji Yao had truly fallen asleep in a few days. Probably, it's really... slowly getting better.

In the morning, Wu Qiao returned to his place immediately.

Tan Yan is still sleeping.

Wu Qiao felt a little sleepy.

Ji Yao cried a lot last night, and he hardly slept.

He climbed gently onto the bed.

Seeing Tan Yan lying there, Wu Qiao felt that he seemed to have returned to a very warm place from such a nightmare.

He moved closer to Tan Yan, and reached out to grab his clothes.

In this way... you can stay in this place forever.

When it was time to wake up, Wu Qiao found himself being held in his arms again.

"..." Wu Qiao took a closer look at Tan Yan, and felt that his nose bridge was really straight and his eyelashes were really long.

God is so kind to this person... However, it seems that, as such a darling, he has borne far more than others. Now, in his sleep, his brows are also frowning...

Watching and watching, Wu Qiao couldn't help but reached out his hand, touched his brow lightly, and then tugged at his eyelashes.

Tan Yan's eyelashes moved.

so interesting...

Wu Qiao thought to himself, and then pulled again.

This time, Tan Yan opened his eyes in a blink of an eye.

"..." was found.

Tan Yan said: "No one dares to do such a thing."

"..." Wu Qiao said truthfully, "Your eyelashes are really long."

"… Is it."


"..." Tan Yan looked at Wu Qiao, and then said suddenly, "Close your eyes."


"Close your eyes."

"... Oh." Wu Qiao thought that Tan Yan was going to come back for revenge, so he closed his eyes obediently without any resistance.

Then, he felt the hand on his waist tighten, and then he felt itchy on his eyelids, but it was very comfortable when it was brushed—Tan Yan put his eyes close to his eyes, and gently slapped his eyelids a few times lower lashes.

"..." Wu Qiao couldn't help laughing.

It really is quite long.

"Open your eyes."

"..." Wu Qiao opened his eyes, and then he saw the other party's eyes very close.

Tan Yan's eyes were deep, and his pupils were very dark. Wu Qiao saw his own shadow reflected in it. The shadow was very small and distorted.

It was the first time for Wu Qiao to observe Tan Yan from such a close distance.

He confirmed many things from the eyes of the other party, including what he had never believed in.

The other party's breath stayed on his face, warm and hot, which made Wu Qiao a little restless.

"... Admiral."


"...It's okay." Wu Qiao didn't know what to say.

The two looked at each other for a while, Tan Yan lowered his head.

Before he kissed Wu Qiao's lips, he paused for a while, seeing that Wu Qiao didn't respond, he really touched it.

"..." Wu Qiao's heart beat so fast that it burst out of his chest.

This time, I was really kissed...

"I..." Wu Qiao got up from the bed, "I... I'm going to train."

"… Ok."

Wu Qiao looked at Tan Yan.

Tan Yan was facing Wu Qiao sideways at this moment, with his head propped on one hand, and his body was half supported. His face was so beautiful that he couldn't find any flaws. The same is true on the body, with clear muscle lines, and because of years of exercise, it appears to have broad shoulders and a broad chest.

"..." Wu Qiao suddenly felt that Tan Yan was like the goblin who seduced Tang Seng in his favorite Journey to the West.

In the past, he despised those goblins the most, thinking how could Tang Seng be tempted, but now he finally understands that it is really not easy to resist this kind of thing.

"By the way," Tan Yan pointed at the shelf, "the buttons are already nailed on."

"… thanks."

"Then you go first."

"… it is good."

Before leaving, Wu Qiao took a closer look and felt that he couldn't find anything unless he looked closely.

However, the fact that "his military uniform was nailed with a button that would only be used by an admiral" made him a little frightened.

"Wu Qiao," several comrades said during the day, "you are so strange today."


"The movements are particularly unnatural."


"Why do you always cover your chest with your hands?"

"I..." He really couldn't say the specific reason.

However, for some reason, Wu Qiao would feel a burst of warmth when he thought that the button was torn from Tan Yan's body, and it was the thing closest to that person's heart all the year round, and now he was staying in the same position as him. As if the closer proximity of this man who could bring two people apart by billions of light-years could represent something immutable in his insatiable and never-ending wanderings.

Wu Qiao knew that Tan Yan would leave the next day.

Therefore, he was looking forward to the end of the training all day long, and even the routine extra training every night was cancelled.

After hearing the news, Ya Jiu was so happy that she couldn't help herself, she kept boasting about Yan, and then hurriedly ran to watch TV.

Wu Qiao knew that the TV series he was obsessed with recently was about two robots falling in love. Ya Jiu felt that this was the same as himself and Long Yuan. Since robots can talk, so can mechas. He hastily recommended this TV series to Long Yuan, but Long Yuan said it was boring.

Looking at Ya Jiu's dislike of training, Wu Qiao actually felt a little sad.

His mecha is so unpretentious...

Wu Qiao pondered in his heart, or, tell Yajiu tomorrow, because Longyuan likes to slash people, that's why he became so strong, and will become stronger and stronger in the future, if... Yajiu is always like this, The gap will become wider and wider, and Long Yuan will look down on it.

Do you want to say that... Wu Qiao felt that finding a trick would be a bit of a loss...

Forget it, let's go to Tan Yan first.

However... to Wu Qiao's surprise, there was no one in the room.

… still with Darrell

He clearly said he would come back soon...

However, Darrell said that he wanted to discuss the decisive battle, so it's normal that he hasn't come back yet. The undercover agent still doesn't know where the main base of Xianglong Wing is, but he has successfully penetrated into the upper echelons, and it will only be a matter of time before he knows this information. Darrell hopes that they can make a more thorough preparation plan as soon as possible.

Wu Qiao thought: read here first, and wait for him at the same time...

Wu Qiao sat down at the table, but saw something.

He picked up that thing.

"...?" After careful identification, he found that it was a small bag of seeds.

what is this… ? Why are there seeds

Afterwards, Wu Qiao discovered that there was a small note under the seed.

- It's written in Tan Yan's handwriting.

Tan Yan's handwriting is very characteristic, as free and easy as himself.

Wu Qiao read it word by word, and immediately felt a sense of loss.

There are only two lines in the message:

[The military department has some important matters and must rush back as soon as possible. You are still training, I don't want to disturb you.

The flower species is pansy.]

The inscription is:

[Forever yours,

Tan Yan]

"..." Wu Qiao felt very sad for a moment, and even had the urge to cry.

The last day we get along, is it just gone

Deprived of sudden time

What he was looking forward to very much suddenly turned into nothing. He felt like a child, feeling that the world owed him.

How come... just left... Obviously there should be another day.

But what is a pansy

Wu Qiao entered these three words on the computer, and it immediately popped up.

It is a very beautiful flower.

Wu Qiao read the text carefully again.

Its flower language is—

Miss each other.

"..." Wu Qiao looked at the bag of seeds and thought, I'll find a container tomorrow, get some soil, and grow it well.

I hope that when they bloom, I can meet Tan Yan again—

Wu Qiao was depressed for a while, and immediately started to practice Crow Nine, telling it to practice more as usual.

"...What?!" Crow Nine's reaction was extremely loud, "I don't want it!!!"

Wu Qiao said mercilessly, if it always behaves like this, Long Yuan will despise it.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Crow Nine immediately said that it loves training the most.

Wu Qiao: "..."

Wu Qiao hoped that before the decisive battle, he could master the skills of brain wave manipulation.

That way... more people can be protected and victory can be achieved as soon as possible.

Wu Qiao knows that at present, Darrell is drawing the whole base map of Xianglong Wing, which not only includes the general base, but also the distribution of other bases. This time, Darrell wants to do a more careful deployment. In addition to attacking the general base, they will also try to cut off all the opponent's rescue routes, and choose a place to ambush on the rescue route, so that the general base will not receive any supplies. Darrell is even looking for a transfer station for the opponent's communication signal, planning to bomb a week before the decisive battle.

Wu Qiao wanted to become stronger more and more.

Now, this matter is not just one of his ideals.

He wants to protect those around him, those not around him, those he knows, and those he doesn't know.

And... he wants to end this war.

Only in this way can he... no longer have to be separated from that person.